InfoPath: SharePoint Leave Request Forms: Jan 9, 2014 Webinar

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well welcome everyone to the Cadabra weekly webinar my name is Jennifer and I am an InfoPath developer and project manager here at Cadabra let me know if you're not able to hear me or if you guys can hear me good and for today's webinar I'm going to be talking about how to build a fairly basic leave request system that has integration with Outlook to send email notifications to users and managers to alert them that leave requests have been submitted I and also using a SharePoint to automate some workflows for approval or rejection of these leave requests for those of you who are new to Cadabra I'll tell you a little bit about our company we focus on a building forms InfoPath and SharePoint solutions for our customers we have a very active community called InfoPath dev it's a forum where you can find weekly blogs downloads free and also free support if you have some very simple questions post to the community and one of our employees will I get back to you with some answers or ideas that you can try out to solve your problem if you need a little more help we do have a pay-as-you-go support options that you can purchase a support package and get several hours of support from one of our forum developers or even on one of our MVPs and if you have a large project and you're really not sure where to start you need some help developing requirements putting together the entire solution package we also do consulting work for hire we have three InfoPath MVPs on staff the most of any company in the world for InfoPath MVPs and we also offer some very competitive pricing there to build those solutions okay let's jump into the what of the webinar so we're going to be talking about building a leave request system that at its heart automates the leave request process so employees can submit leave requests their managers can approve or reject these leave requests it also will allow for automated management of vacation time balances so if you start out with a certain number of vacation hours at the beginning of the year the system will automatically update that depending on which leave requests are approved and so it can automatically detect when you're you know out of leave or if you're getting low on leave and it'll let the employee know how much leave they have left when they go to submit a new leave request the leave request form itself calculate the number of workdays and it will automatically exclude weekends so if you're trying to calculate based on a start date and a return date how many hours of leave there are that calculation using queue rules actually will exclude weekends from the calculation when you're opening up the form in admin mode or in manager mode it will show overlapping vacation requests and essentially it shows all of the approved vacation requests in the systems you can scan that and you know see which employees are requesting vacation very often how much vacation they've requested recently and we're also going to dive into some SharePoint workflows that are used to handle the approval and rejection of the requests and also the email notifications that go to the employees and to the managers and lastly we're going to look at how to create a SharePoint calendar view on the the library that contains the form so that you can see all of the approved leave requests in a just a nice neat calendar format instead of just a list of forms that are submitted to the library so a little bit about that that just sort of the general techniques that are used to design this leave request demo the leave request form itself is of course designed in InfoPath and it's designed for dual use for both employees and managers so both of these the employees that are submitting the requests and the managers that are approving the requests are using the exact same form there's logic in the form that determines the current user and the role they are if their employee or a manager or an admin rather and it will display the appropriate interface in order to exclude the weekends for via leave calculations we're using the date diff command that's part of queue rules and as I mentioned before this is really handy because it automatically excludes weekends all you have to do is take a start date and a return date plug it into the date diff command and it automatically calculates the number of days off excluding whatever weekends happen to be within that time range that's really very nifty so if without the date diff command you have to do some really tricky XPath logic stuff behind the scenes which is not fun at all in order to do the workflows we use a SharePoint designer and SharePoint designer has some built in of several built-in workflow templates you don't have to create anything custom I've used this to send email notifications to the managers when a new leaf request is submitted and also email notification to the employee when that leave request is either approved or rejected and I'm using the promoted properties feature of the SharePoint forum libraries in order to access only the portion of the the form data that we need in order to send these workflows and update various things and lastly I will be going through creating a specific calendar view on the leave request form library itself and filter it to show only those particular requests that are approved and again we're using the promoted properties data in the library to build this calendar view and do that filtering okay so I'm going to launch into the demo right now I just want to give you an overview of all the different components that are involved so we have a leave request form and we also have a list that keeps track of the PTO balances and we also have a list of admins and admins are the people who can approve the form you can also use Active Directory or SharePoint User Profile services for this same thing for the list of employees and managers that I have on the reason why my demo doesn't use active directories because then I'd be stuck sending these email notifications to my actual manager and I wouldn't actually be able to bring them up on my computer and show them to you so I've created these lists behind the scenes listing myself as employee manager and admin so that I can show you the whole system but you can very easily use SharePoint profile services or Active Directory if you have that already at your organization and that's that's going to be an easy way to get a list of all of the employees and usually an Active Directory your at your your IT staff have setup set it up so that there's a manager field or an HR admin field or something like that and you can use those fields instead of building your own lists to manage behind the scenes and then we're also going to take a little bit of a look at this SharePoint workflow that I've built ok enough talking let's launch into the demo and let me first make sure that I am NOT an admin in the system I'm going to be switching back and forth between non admin and admin roles so I am NOT an admin right now and so if I were an employee I would open up a leave request form normally we'd have a fancier interface where they wouldn't actually be going into the form library to open up the form and this is just a demo so it's a little bit bare-bones so here I am employee gin Lindsay I have the coolest manager in the universe and at the top here you see a summary of my PTO hours it tells me that at the beginning of this year I was allocated 80 hours of PTO and that right now I have 72 hours remaining so this is good information if I wanted to take three weeks off I could see very clearly that I did not have enough leave to take three weeks off so in order to enter my leave request I simply enter the start date I'll just choose today it really doesn't matter and you can also add logic to this if you want to prevent people from selecting past states as well although sometimes you don't want to do that because sometimes people may need to take emergency leave and they don't have time to fill out the leave request form so maybe when they come back from the leave you allow them to enter those past dates so it's really it's really a judgment up to you and what your organization does okay I'm gonna select the return date I'll return tomorrow and down here you notice the PTO hours field just automatically update to 8 so it's showing that I'm basically taking off today the 9th and coming back on the 10th and that counts for one day or eight hours worth of leave now let's see what happens if I decide to come back on the 16th which is 7 days from now but only 5 work days from now so it should give me a 40 hour 40 hours of PTO for that and you see it does so it's correctly excluding Saturday and Sunday from that calculation now like I said before if I decide to take three weeks off even though I only have nine days of leave left the forum will give me a warning message so it's keeping track of it it's comparing to this remaining PTO number up here and it's directly noting that 120 is greater than 72 my requests exceeds my remaining PTO balance now again you may decide to completely deactivate the forum in the case and just allow them to not submit a request in the case where the requested leave is greater than the amount of leave they actually have remaining in their balance so I'm gonna be good and actually only come back on Friday I'll only take that one day of leave and so I've entered my start date and my return date everything on the forum looks fine I'm going to submit my request okay so my form is submitted you'll see there now four forms in this particular library and very soon so here you'll see this leave requests actions and it says in progress this is the SharePoint designer workflow that I built that will kick off an email message to my manager who in this system right now is me just so that the emails all come to me and I can show them to you so when that shows completed very soon now I should be getting an email message and I will show you that when it pops up in the meantime I'm going to switch over to admin mode so this is the list of admins right now it's just me because I'm the only person using this demo system I am going to switch this back to my actual user name so in reality obviously your employees and managers would be different and let me check my email and see if that has popped up yet not yet I might be running a little slowly today okay we'll wait a little while for that email to come in hopefully it'll pop up soon in the meantime it looks like we have a question sorry let me pop this question section out so I can see the questions okay Gus asks does the system support half days or other fractions of a day yes and that support for half days and fractions of a day has to do with the date diff command from queue rules that I mentioned on the slides earlier and you can set update diff to calculate half days as well I you may recall on the forum that I just submitted there the date fields that I had were only dates if you set them up as date/time fields and you allow people to enter times ah then you can do it that way and so it will actually calculate the number of hours that you want so you can select to take leave from noon on Thursday to the end of Friday and it will correctly calculate that that's a day and a half so that would be 12 hours so it really depends on the parameters that you put into the date diff command in queue rules so when the leave Tommy asks when the leave requests action is completed does that mean an email was sent yes that does mean an email was sent and for reason my email is not being sent I just tested this last night and of course it would decide to stop working now occasionally our our mail server is a bit slow and things don't quite come in let me actually drill down into this completed workflow and see if there are any error messages there shouldn't be nope no error messages it actually completed so I think we're just dealing with a sluggish mail server that hasn't had its coffee this morning at any rate so let me show you a an old one that I have from yesterday so this would be the email that I would get letting you know that a leave request has been submitted there's a link here to open up the form this is actually not gonna work because it's an old form that no longer exists in the system unfortunately but you would click this link and it would open up the form that was just submitted so as an admin I'm actually gonna go into the library and open up this form that I just submitted and you'll notice that the interface is slightly different so you still see the pto balances the employee manager names the start and end dates but down here we have some interesting interfaces the button has changed into an approve or reject button and we've also included a list of existing approved requests and this this shows only the approved requests so you may remember there there were four forums in that library that I just opened up this one from only two of them were actually marked approve the third one was marked rejected and the fourth one is the one that we're looking at right now and it's on its March submitted because it hasn't been reviewed yet so I can see down here that I have also requested leave on the 13th and also on the sixth and that another employee Mel has requested leave on the sixty so this will show all of the approved leave requests in the system and that's just for the admin to review it additional information that they can see while they are while they are deciding to approve or reject a particular leave request okay we've got another question is there a profile sections that you can use to set your time we use 7.5 hours instead of 8 and I would like days to be viewed instead of hours yes so this is all customizable inside the the form and let me actually show you the the form template if I can there we go so I'm doing everything in calculation fields behind the scenes and what's going on is I'm pulling in this information from a secondary list called the PTO hours list that I have here and the idea is that at the beginning of the year you would populate this list maybe you create it from an Excel spreadsheet and it would have whatever you're starting PTO hours are and then as forms are submitted it updates the amount of PTO that's been used up and then remaining PTO is just calculated from that so that's where those numbers are coming from now as far as using 7.5 hours instead of 8 I am actually doing a a calculation in here so this is the PTO hours field and let me just open this calculated value okay that's not where I did it hold on guys I wasn't entirely awake when I designed this form so I have to remember exactly how I'm setting this okay I am setting this there we go so I'm setting this I am setting the PTO hours field I have a rule that runs on the date fields so it's keeping track of whether or not both date fields are filled in and when the user has finally entered both dates it then calculates the PTO hours field and Greg here's how I'm doing that so I'm actually calculating I'm using the date diff command to calculate things in days and those days get populated in this result field here it's how Q rules works and then I'm multiplying it by eight so if you wanted to modify this to use 7.5 hours you just use the 7.5 multiplier here instead okay um how did I pull in historical approved requests let me let me get to that how did I do that sorry guys I haven't had my coffee this morning uh pulling in historically approved requests that is done down here so I'm doing that what I've done so you may notice in the leave requests let me open up the leave request library again let me see if I can find it give me one second to pull that up there it is again so you'll notice I have all of these promoted properties that are here and I've essentially promoted all the information that I need for my workflows to run and to pull in the historical request so what I've done is create a data connection to the leave requests library and it pulls in bits of information corresponding to those promoted properties and all I've done is on my forum I've added a repeating section here corresponding to the repeating information from the leave requests and I just simply dragged over these four fields because that's the information that I want to show and so that's that's how it's working in when the form loads it detects whether or not the user is an admin and if so it shows this section goes off queries this data connection and then the information is simply displayed on the form so Michelle that's that's how we're pulling in the historical approved requests and I have a filter set on this this query so that it's only querying approved requests so it's setting status equal to approved in the query fields here it's making sure that it's setting status here here's its status field status equal to approved then it runs the query so the information that appears on the data down below is only the approved ones and you can set that to what if you want to see all of the submitted ones you can set it to submit it as well um you have a option for customizing that okay Tom asks can the results the employee lists pulled from Active Directory be filtered in the form by Department or supervisor to make it more org friendly in other words to avoid avoid multiple templates for different departments sure Tom we can definitely filter things by Department or supervisor as long as the filtering information is there the easiest way to do that I think is to make sure that you add another field to your form to keep track of what department the employee is in we already have manager here which is basically supervisor so I could have just as easily for example I could have just as easily added that manager field to my data connection here I've only added it a couple of the fields that are available in the promoted properties you can see there's way more couple of emails and everything manager so I'm only added the fields that I wanted to display on this form if I added the manager field here I could have filtered my query based on manager and then the information displayed below would be filtered only for that particular employees manager or the manager corresponding to the admin so you can do it really depends on what fields are available in the promoted properties anything in the promoted properties you can filter on so as long as you're including that information there then you can filter on it in the form so that your admin only sees whatever you've decided to filter on Tommy asks can we get the template when we're done yes definitely the template will be sent out with the webinar webinar files hopefully by the end of today I want to include some instructions in them and Misty asks do you know how companies deal with archiving these requests how long are they to keep them in the library or what do they do with them after a certain period this really is up to the company itself we do have an archiving technique that we've shown in previous webinars that converts forms to PDFs and that way you could just delete the forum I mean after a while you don't really need the forum information you can simply convert the forms to PDFs and download the PDFs and zip them up and archive them somewhere and delete the forms from the library but I archiving really depends on the policy of the particular organization how far back they need to maintain these individual leave request forms but but yeah certainly I wouldn't think that you would need them in there for more than a year especially since PTO balances are going to reset at the end of here in Matthews asks do you have to have Q rules to run the template that I have today yes and no you don't actually have to download humans yourself Q rules gets injected or added to a particular form template so it's on a template by template basis and the template that I give you will already have Q bowls injected so you won't need to download it in order to use it if you wanted to create your own template based on the example one that you're seeing today then you would need to get Q rules and inject it yourself okay let me actually get on with the demo because we've only seen about half of it and I'm still not seeing that email message I'm not sure what to say about that guys sorry about that so I believe I had the leaf request for him open so as the manager or the admin I would simply view this and decide whether or not I wanted to approve or reject I'm gonna go ahead and approve this and that's going to do three things one of which seems to not be working it's going to send an email message oh okay so I just got the the leave approved email message I'm not sure where the other email message went it decided not to send that one but I just got an email message that says let me show it to you guys here's the email message that I just received and you can customize this however you want I'll show the SharePoint designer interface as soon as I'm finished with with the demo so it just says that your leave request has been approved you could like I said you can add whatever additional information in here you want this is just a simple demo so now the employee knows that their leave request has been approved behind the scenes you'll see that status has now changed from submitted to approved and if I go to the list where I'm maintaining the pto balances if i refresh this list you should see this eight go up to 16 because just had another I just had another leave request approved and there you go 16 so my PTO balance has now gone down to 64 so if I go back in as an employee now let me take myself out of admin mode okay so I am now an employee in the system again if I go in and open up a new form I should see my new leave balance now says 64 so I still start out with 80 at the beginning of the year that numbers never gonna change I now know that I only have 64 hours left okay so the last thing is creating a calendar view which I've already done here this is actually the same leave request form library that you just saw over here all I did was go into the library settings and create a new view and instead of choosing standard view which is the standard list view I just chose calendar view I gave it a name I just named it calendar and you have to specify the time intervals that correspond to the the actual calendar entries so we conveniently have a start date and a return date because I promoted those two fields as promoted properties in the library and you you can the rest of these fields are really up to you the most important thing is the start date and the return date are listed as the time interval and down here under filter I simply selected let's see there we go status is equal to approved so I'm filtering to show only approved leave requests and I've correctly set the start and return dates for each one of them I'm not actually going to go through and create another calendar view since I already have one here so here's a calendar view as it was before we started the webinar were the two approved requests that were in the system if i refresh this you should see the third one pop up on the calendar and there it is the one that I just approved running through this demo for you today so that is that is the full demo let me I want to actually open up the SharePoint designer after I take care of these two questions and okay so Tommy says what happens to the balance when you decide to cancel your request I I think you mean if the if the admin or the manager rejects the request in the case of rejection the user we get an email that says your leave request has been rejected Oh after approval um so cancelling the request after approval would require building and additional workflow in for the users to reopen their form and and cancel that actually didn't get built into this demo this is just an introductory basic leave request system but all you need to do there is just create a cancellation button and add that with the logic to change the status so all you'd really need to do to cancel is create a new status just call it cancel and then when you click that button call it the cancel button on the form it would change status to cancel and that would pull it off the calendar because the calendar is only filtered to show approved requests and you could also set up another SharePoint workflow behind the scenes to send an email to the manager to say you know your employee has cancelled this particular leave request so that's just more of the same let's get to mark says at the bottom of the approved email it said rejected did it say rejected it does I don't know why it's oh is this the thing that that gives you I think this is oh yes this is this is actually telling me all of the different email messages that I've received in the past few hours and I was testing this earlier and I was testing one of the rejection email so that's all that saying let me actually pull that up so you can see what a rejection emails so this is all the rejection email says it again shows the the start and end dates this is for some test I did yesterday and I just included extra information say contact your manager for more information you can include a reason in there if you want there are a lot of different customizations you can do for that but yeah that that rejected thing at the bottom has nothing to do with this particular email it's talking about other emails in my inbox can you create an ICS file from the forum on submission in order to update the Outlook calendar that's a good question yeah this calendar is automatically updating based on the information for the line items in here so I'm the ICS file I think would would be useful if you wanted to add it to your own calendar we've done that before there are actually two ways we can do that those are sort of advanced techniques one is actually to create and I think this is this has to happen in office 365 you can create a an actual calendar list there so not a calendar view on top of the form library but a separate calendar list you can use queue rules submit to SharePoint list to submit all of this information that's in the promoted properties to the list instead and you can sync that calendar list with your own Outlook calendar and we we actually have done that on behind the scenes for our own Cadabra for our own Kadabra calendar as well I don't know that I actually have that to to demo I'm thinking based on your questions it might be useful to do a more advanced leave request system that involves cancellation workflows and syncing to Outlook calendars as well but yeah Tommy it is possible to do that so that's one way is creating a calendar that can be shared and added you know in Outlook so for example here's the calendar that we at Kadabra used to manage our own leave requests what is it somewhere in here one of these here we go so this is that our team calendar that we use and this is actually mapped to a SharePoint list and I'm not finding it right now I'm not sure why see if open and went there we go so you'll see this is this is on our internal Cadabra site it's a list it's a calendar list and these are all automatically generated and mapped to this particular list using the queue will submit to SharePoint list command and then we can add this calendar into our own Outlook application so that we then have it there the other way if you wanted it to actually be on your actual calendar instead of being on a separate calendar that you add to your Outlook account wait for that you would actually have to generate that the ICS file and that is possible to generate a custom Outlook ICS file that's a rather advanced technique it involves looking at the outlook API and custom building a custom SharePoint workflow action but and that's something that we at Cadabra have done for some of our customers is created that and actually one of the customers we have that's going through user testing this week okay um so the last thing I wanted to do is open up SharePoint designer and give you an idea of how these work and these emails are being sent so this is SharePoint designer if I can actually pull it over here there we go so this is the SharePoint designer interface if you haven't used this before it's a free tool that you can download from Microsoft and it allows you to build workflows behind the scenes that are a little more complicated than the sort of stock workflows that you would insert directly from the SharePoint browser interface so right now I have a this workflow here all the workflows in the system the one I've built is called leave request actions and I've set this workflow to start automatically when an item is created so it runs when an item is created which which is basically when the user first submits the form so they've submitted a leave request and it also runs when an item has changed and the change takes care of when the admin opens up an existing form and either approves or rejects that changes that status column which will then kick off the same workflow so inside this workflow I have three actions to take care of the three cases a first one keeps track of where a status is equal to submitted and in that particular one I have used the email template work email workflow template that comes with SharePoint designer and in here the SharePoint designer is connected to your site it sees everything that's on the particular site that you've decided to connect to so in here I have actually connected to the manager email field that is in the leave request we close this get back to the list view so I've connected to the manager email field that's in this list in this particular workflow so I'm going to send the email to the manager and I have customized the subject line as well so I have leave requests submitted by and here I've added the variable that pulls the employee name from the promoted property so it's pulling this information here the employee name from the employee column and then finally I've typed in information into the body of the email again I've included the employee field and I've also included a link to the actual form and I really wish that email had popped up in my system I'm really not sure where it went so I'm sorry about that and I here I've actually customized a link and all I can send the information for how I customized this link that when clicked would actually open up the form in browser mode so that way the the admin who gets this email doesn't have to you know find their way to the library and then scroll through the list and figure out okay which form is the one that actually got submitted and then approve it or reject it so they can simply clink click that link and go straight to the form itself I have two other actions down here in this workflow the other one keeps track of when the status is equal to approved this is where I'm updating the PTO hours so I'm doing that in here I'm updating the used PTO field with the value that was calculated in the form so that's what's going there and it's looking up the particular entry in that list based on user name so it goes to this list it finds the gen Lin user name and then it knows to update this particular entry in that list item and it also sends an email to the employee lets them know excuse me that the leave request has been approved and gives them the start and return dates and like I said you could add additional text down here you can add additional fields you can let them know who their manager is again or who approve the request so anything that's available in these promo properties is accessible through SharePoint designer and can be included in the workflows and the final item is when status is rejected you'll notice we're not updating the PTO hours here we're just leaving them the same because they it's been rejected and we simply have another email that goes to the employee letting them know that the leave request has been rejected and again you can customize this as well so that is the entire system are there any additional questions on what you've seen here today I almost feel like filling out another form real quickly to see if I can get that workflow to kick off that sends the email to the manager let me do this real quickly and see if I can get that to work okay well we'll see if I actually get an email before the end of the day so I see no additional questions and so I will switch back that's the end of the demo for today if you'd like to get the files for this particular webinar and then that will include the slides as well as the leave request form template and a bit of instructional material on all of the different connections that are in there and and also information and hopefully some screenshots on the the workflows that are in SharePoint designer and for all of you who've attended the webinars this information these materials are free if you've missed any of our other webinars and you'd like to get those materials it's just $29 and $199 to subscribe annually to get access to any of the webinar kits for that particular year all right um well it looks like we have one last question or several whoa several last questions let me address these before bidding you adieu okay anna kiel asks between start and end date currently it is calculating weekend holidays but what about national holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas etc okay so this that's a great question the Q rules date diff command does allow you to use to include special holidays you do however need to indicate these holidays manually and you would do this by including a resource file and I'm currently trying to find the information on that you would do this by including that information separately as a resource file in your template so I don't know if you know how to include resource files in your template you would go to data resource files and simply upload it through this component and that would include the the holiday dates that you wish to exclude and so that way you can customize them not all companies get off all holidays so you could customize it that way and then the date diff command will take into will take into account all of the holidays that you've specified okay in Matthews asks can the system find the manager from the employee profile to email yes it actually it absolutely can if you use Active Directory or SharePoint services you can do a look up there and find I as long as the manager is specified you can do a lookup on the managers name and then find his email address so yeah whatever fields are actually available in Active Directory or SharePoint user services you can do all of your lookups in there and you miss the template address to download don't worry everyone on who has subscribed to this particular webinar will be sent a special link to the the files that I've shown here today is there a queue rules package that has to be used or do you just sell them as separate packages so for this particular template today it comes with Q rules already built into it so you can continue to use this template and customize this template if you want if you wanted to build a new form from scratch we do have a Q rules trial that you can download and I think that works for about a month's you can make sure that it does all that you're expecting it to do I or and if you wanted it to work past the trial period you would have to buy a Q rules license okay um King says PTO is often accrued and can't be used unless accrued an additional feature might be to calculate an estimate of a crewed time by the current date that would prevent submitting requesting more than allowed yes so that's that's another thing that you could do if you have of a particular formula so in my particular system I just assumed that where's my p2 I just started out assuming that everyone gets their 80 hours of PTO at the beginning of the year and usually in a lot of places PTO accrue so you may only start out with I know you may accrue two days a month or something like that and so you can't you don't necessarily get all of your hours up front so if there's a formula that determines how fast you accrue leave then you could build that formula into the PTO calculation so if I wanted to schedule leave for July or something like that it would be able to say okay today is the 9th of January Jennifer wants to take two days of leave starting on the 4th of July and then it can use that you know two days per month calculation and correctly calculate that I'll have another I can't do math in my head was that that's another 12 days of leave or another 10 days of leave will have been accrued by July 4th and it will add that to the PTO so I think people usually start out with a PTO balance at the at the beginning of the year so this starting PTO would simply refract reflect whatever balance they have and then the calculations would add those two days per month or however much accrues inside the forum it'd be calculated depending on the start date that gets chosen and how far in the future that is okay so in math goose asks again we use days and half days rather than hours where would I make that change so right now my calculations my calculations are actually using days let me see if I can figure out where I'm doing this date diff command you wouldn't know that I built the form by the way that I can never remember where things are okay so here is the date diff command that I am using and so I know this is really really small sorry about that so with date diff one is just trust me that this is actually the the return date field and date two is the start date and where all of the the sort of slicing and dicing of hours and days is done in this particular component so you'll see that I've specified component equal to weekdays that's telling two rules to ignore the weekends when it's doing its calculations I could have also said week hours instead there are several options and there's a queue rules command over to you view that comes with the free download that you can get from our website and if you look up the date diff command and there it actually shows all of the different ones that you can do so you can calculate weekdays you can calculate hours you can calculate you can calculate minutes you can calculate seconds if you wanted to do half days I would suggest using hours and just you know and then allowing people to just accounting for four hours per half day and a other idea that you can use is allowing including a check box that will allow people to indicate that they'd like to take a half day instead of a full day and then that would automatically tell the date diff command behind the scenes that you only want to use four hours for that particular calculation instead of the eight hours for the full day okay I think we finally run out of questions so thank you very much for dialing in to today's webinar immediately after leaving the webinar I you will get a questionnaire that's asking for your feedback if you send that in then you will be added to the list of lucky people who get today's presentation and the demo templates and also some instructional information on the SharePoint designer workflows that I actually can't send you because they're not neatly packaged into anything all right thank you guys very much and have a wonderful day
Channel: qdabra
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Keywords: InfoPath 2013 Tutorial, Microsoft SharePoint (Software), Microsoft InfoPath (Software), eForm, Qdabra Software, InfoPath, Infopath 2013, Infopath Tutorial, InfoPath 2010, InfoPath to SharePoint, InfoPath Tutorial, InfoPath Training, InfoPath Forms, InfoPath 2010 Tutorial, Tutorial (Industry), InfoPath Alternatives
Id: zJxP9M018hM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 53sec (2933 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2014
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