Infantry or Tanks - Which Should Lead An Attack?

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome guys Maximus here with you today thank you for joining me I really appreciate it so recently a question popped into the back of my mind is how does infantry work with armored battle groups nowadays and how effective are they in doing so and another kind of question popped in the back of my head and kind of a rhetorical question and one of which is kind of subjective to every zone personal opinion but is infantry in the modern-day battlefield becoming the new tip of the spear when it comes to armored formations in the battlefield now we all know that armored formations will always have infantry supporting them they go hand-in-hand and we all know the tanks are absolutely awesome they are the big monsters that dominate the battlefield their main guns can usually destroy multiple targets and some of the toughest targets on the battlefield and they're machine guns can't decimate enemy infantry formations quite easily they even sound big and mean ambitious I mean they have a dominating power on the battlefield and they are the king of the battlefield in some regards when it comes to ground warfare however the infantry are their queen and as I mentioned they go hand in hand when tanks attack they are truly fear-inspiring even veteran troops don't like the tanks unless they are friendly tanks the first tank was born in World War one initially they were designed as mobile pillboxes arm and machine gun carriers and they have evolved a great deal since then originally they were designed to assist infantry and they still do and quite well I might add there are several problems with this however unlike infantry they cannot sneak up on you they are often restricted to what terrain they can travel through and normally the movie portrays in the Hollywood scene any unstoppable monster that can drive through houses and trees like they weren't even there guys this just isn't true while a tank may win a pushing contest against a house if it house was to collapse and in it it would fall on the tank maybe trapping the tank and furthermore all the rubble will cause the tank to slip a trap and then the track is not going anywhere if the building does fall on the tank and pin it in place you can be bet the crew is going to have a hell of a time getting out with that help like I said tanks are also very noisy first of all they're overpowered engine has to move tons of metal around the battlefield and there's a squeal of metal track the diesel turbos the gas turbine wheel everything is very loud even the new accounts by the US m1 have engines that make a lot less noise now but still produce quite a bit of audible detection for other enemy battle groups what this amounts to is tanks cannot sneak up on people even an artillery barrage cannot always conceal the appearance of tanks a tank might if he is approaching from downwind have some other masking noise like artillery approaching to within a few hundred metres of the enemy without being detected armoured warfare is very similar to infantry tactics tanks usually operate in pairs similar to light battle buddies or even fighter aircraft one tank moves while the other tank watches and provides cover it now the best way to kill tank is for the most part to use another tank sailing that aircraft or infantry are your second and third options for because tanks are expensive they usually are well protected from aircraft by anti-aircraft guns and missile systems mounted on special vehicles or platforms infantry though are another story entirely infantry of the Nemesis of Tanks and there is a love/hate relationship with them tanks see infantry and infantry heat tanks yet when the two are on the same side they love each other and go hand in hand tanks destroy targets that are too tough for most infantry emplacements and imp repeat assumes an infantry keep the tanks safe from other infantry most Israeli tank casualties are inflicted by infantry during the Yom Kippur War this is a key example of why infantry are starting to become just as important as tanks when engaging are the tanks attacking is what tanks are primarily designed for that frontal armor is thickest to the front and all of their weapons are primarily focused with the forward portion of the vehicle and most the time anything in front of the tank is going to have a very very bad day the side rear top and bottom of the tank are another story completely although they are usually well armored the arm is not nearly as thick at the front that is why infantry like to attack tanks from nearly any direction but the front plus tanks have no qualms about running of infantry if they can't shoot them up and infantry knows is because large viewpoints will make the tank vulnerable to rockets and enemy cannons the viewpoints small this means that when a crew is hiding behind the armor they can't see very well in fact if an infantryman can get within 10 meters of most Soviet build old tanks then the tanker cannot even see him unless he sticks his head out of the vehicle also to minimize the weak points in the armor the main guns are limited to how high and low they can elevate this means that if an infantryman can get within 20 feet of the tank the tanker and its crew technically cannot shoot him with any of the main gun weapons the tank can still try to run over the poor guy if the tanks can move fast enough they also have the ability use the out mounted vehicle weapons however you risk being engaged by the instrument yourself this is why tanks must have infantry when going into assault now this is something we already know it's nothing new we know tanks and infantry works side by side but it seems now in the modern day environment the infantry are starting to become just as much of a threat as another tank is to another tank on the battlefield enemy infantryman of the rear and the flanks of the tank can be a huge threat if a tank has infantry to keep off pesky enemy infantry the tank becomes a true terror obviously infantry of the friendly force can shoot at the enemy infantry on or near friendly tanks without fear because thanks are clearly bulletproof in the sense that basically any ammunition caliber to a place from an impotent weapon system is going to kill the enemy infantry and not the tank there is one problem with having infantry protecting tanks loads this is that tanks can drive a heck of a lot faster and further than the instrument can run with that being said it defeats the purpose of having a vehicle to control very quickly if it is pushing way too fast ahead of the dismounted infantry is trying to protect it once again just to reiterate the point of the tank being very difficult to be able to support one another on the battlefield with both infantry and armor if the tanks are pushing to power heads the tip of the spear the infantry are unable to support those tanks going into the battlefield and preventing from being attacked wrong and complaints on weapon systems laws Milan whatever else that may be out there to take them out and this is where I would personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles come into play a PCs are primarily designed to keep up with the tanks and carry infantry safely until they are needed the tree inside the APC are protected from all sorts of battlefield nasties like mortars and small arms fire a PCS may mount some weapons but these are usually limited and APCs are mostly amphibious and is de or infantry fighting vehicle is designed to transport the infantry and fight alongside them I have these are not tanks those we already know and they are basically just a more heavily armed APC designed to fight alongside the infantry units composed via feeds and infantry are classified as mechanized or armored infantry and this is what I mean by being the new tip of the spear if tanks are able to do the job against other tanks very easily with troops that can now mobilize very quickly alongside the tanks we have quite a substantial force there we can multiply the use of one vehicle to produce 12 assets that can engage 12 tanks now yes one tank can engage 12 tanks but the likelihood of a tank being able to engage 12 tanks very quickly unlike a section of 12 infantryman could with anti-tank weapons is very slim the APC was born in World War two in the form of the half-track the problem with half-tracks was they didn't really have any overhead protection the Soviets were the first to deploy IFES after World War two tanks and ifvs are designed to work together the infantry supported by the ifes keeps the enemy infantry off the tanks while the tanks can destroy the enemy infantry also provide many benefits the tankers because tanks are maintenance intensive and crews are very small infantry can provide security to the tank crews while they repair or maintain their vehicles if no infantry are available then there are one or more of the crew can stand guard while the others work it also means the crew gets less sleep because they must have security details to cover them exhausted tank crews have many opportunities in the battlefield to make the fatal mistakes tanks have the armor to protect them against the frontal assault were not attacked to the side tops rear and bottom as mentioned before if they did they probably wouldn't need the infantry as much but design specifications are against having too much armor different weight specifications cost and besides you cannot put armor on tracks of a tank because basically the tank would not be able to move and a stationary tank is the biggest target on the battlefield in world war ii that would seem special anti-tank grenades that were designed to be thrown on top of tanks the grenade would land on top of the tank and explode on the weaker top armor since the armor has become too thick for grenades bigger grenades could be built and they would be far too heavy to throw effectively now tanks are usually supposed to maintain around a 100 metres distance between one another this does not happen in most trains however like the desert usually natural terrain will force the tanks to move in a prescribed manner and that is what the infantry loves to see tanks do because they can channel them into kill boxes and use weapon systems just like the javelin to knock them out a city for example forces the tank to use streets which is one of these worst area for tanks being vulnerable from the top side and rear enemy infantry inside buildings hide and let the tanks pass by then whenever they want to the enemy infantry tend to open fire on the weakest sides and rear of the tanks and can throw just about any kind of munition down onto the tanks such as a Molotov cocktail which can create a burning liquid and seep down into the engine through the vents a debate has raged for years about which who should go first tanks or infantry that debate is still going on today it depends on me with military environment that they've been working in and the kind of battlefield they are but if the tank leads the way all the time there may be fewer casualties among the infantry but more chance of losing a tank to enemy mines and two tank rounds or traps if infantry leads away the tanks may be safer but they'll be higher casualties among infantry coming across more infantry which the tanks primarily should be trying to engage from a distance in wooded or some other restrictive terrain tanks and ifvs will usually travel in single files this reduces the chance of running into minefields and as the column gets close to the enemy they will break up into smaller columns to avoid ambushes and the light before the columns reach the enemy they will break apart and form lines with armored personnel carriers about 100 metres behind the tank line the infantry will then dismount and move forward on foot if the inventory are not needed to tangle with the enemy infantry that we usually remain safely in their APC to i/o thieves during all this artillery will usually be pounding the enemy positions in an attempt to kill them demoralize them and conceal the approach of the tanks the enemy may if they are smart be returning the favor against the attacking tanks and infantry it is the attackers goal to attack a weakened section of the enemy's flanks are nice but not always practical the mobility of tanks and IC is given that ability to move rapidly around the battlefield and then attempt to catch the enemy by surprise the longer an assault takes the more chance there is the enemy may receive reinforcements call in artillery or any other come after things like aircraft opposing forces normally have a reserved mechanized force of their own that they can send around the battlefield rapidly to cover any assaults that are critical to the mission retreating from a battle also may mean abandoning the infantry with the speed of the vehicles that are going on the battlefield and that is always going to be a bad idea because the grunts will obviously take very heavy casualties when defending the tanks they're great usually the best method is for the tank to just wait behind the crest of a hill in a hold down position and when the enemy comes within range the tank will roll up the hill only the turret exposed take a shot and roll back out of sight after firing from one position the tank will likely move to another position and repeat the process the Egyptians lost a large number of Tanks the Israelis in this manner because the Israelis kept pulling back leading the Egyptians drastic this does not work so well against infantry infantry can be very sneaky and the main gun of a tank does not work so well against infantry and most cases most of the rounds charged today are primarily anti-tank and very few if any are anti-personnel when tanks the position in the defensive with infantry they are usually placed behind the infantry and primarily target enemy tanks only since the defenders are likely to be bombed by artillery and tanks they are more likely control the fire support assets because tanks are more immune to artillery than infantry tanks don't do a whole lot when it comes to defending against enemy infantry but they do work very well against obviously enemy saints but that isn't just the case with infantry infantry can deploy its own weapon systems with a high-tech and very deadly to able to do the exact same role battle tank with that being said this is increasing the capability of most armored battle groups not for the fact that they need more tanks but the fact that one IFV can create a position of tanks in theory with mostly modern-day weapon systems are coming out today we can engage just as far and just as powerful as any main battle tank with a group of troops to defend themselves tanks often have smoke generators and discharges and mechanisms that can be able to create a smoke screen for the vehicle the advantage of the smoke of the tank can be very critical some missiles require the gunner to maintain eye contact with the tank until the missile hits most infantry carrying missiles today are wire guided and if the shooter loses sight of the target the missile will lose sight of the target also when it sank it comes under fire by an anti-tank missile he tends to fire off as much smoke as he can and rapidly change his course and attempt to evade the missile if he survives he can take a shot at the missile launcher if he doesn't find at the point of area where he shot from has changed rockets are another story once a rocket is launched from the infantry it is gone smoke won't help the vehicle the dodging will if the tank has the time and not always the case smoke does not work very well if the missile launcher is equipped and using a thermal sight to trap the target thermal images see right through the smoke this is once again reinforcing the fact that if the infantry could find a position to engage a tank the tank is doomed and this is kind of scary because we always see tanks being able to dominate the battlefield and being able to take out infantry from longer edges but if inventory inflation's and hidden cover that can provide attack positions on to the tank before even gets there the tank is kind of doomed as I mentioned a number of times now anti-tank weapon systems are becoming far too superior to modern day armor packages that's coming out to the fact that infantry are just as table as the tank on the battlefield another aspect of tank tactics is mine tanks hate mine it's an aerial denial weapon system and although they are technically banned from the battlefield in some cases they are still used technically all the enemy has to do is lay a bunch of mines in an open area places neither team in the air to keep your tankers from getting out if they have rolled over one and effectively you have stopped a rapid advance as mentioned before native doctrine does not determine the use of minds on the battlefield that's not saying though the enemy infantry is not going to do the same against us if we did so minds do not have to be massive explosive either a mind is designed technically to blow the track off the vehicle and can cause some serious harm for the fact that the tank is immobile and therefore the infantry can manipulate that weakness come round the sides back or anywhere they need to to engage it and knock it out mix the track busters with anti-personnel mines and any tanker would look for a more different route this can have an even more powerful effect during the battle if minefield are created by infantry companies or sections then they can be channeled into different areas and again infantry can produce at ambushes on those positions with all this being said tanks are highly unlikely to become extinct they will remain heavily armored and armed with a mobile weapon platform that will support the infantry in the action until the individual infantryman carries a weapon that can easily defeat a tank on its own the morale and point of this video today guys is that infantry are not the supporting role so much as to the attacking role when it comes to armored formations infantry now can actually be placed ahead of armored battle groups such as tank versus tank companies and provide just as much fire support and firepower that the main battle tank can this is starting to become a lot more apparent in modern-day battlefield techniques with all the new technology and weapon systems coming out into the tank the tip of the sphere when it comes to an assault and attack on to a position really that question is quite subjective there are multiple different variables that come into effect when trying to take on an enemy in the battlefield but most commanders will be pretty common-sense in using that heavy armored vehicles going in first is going to be key but that is just not always the case airborne infantry or Special Forces can be put in place ahead of armored battle groups or even behind enemy lines to disrupt and engage the enemy before they even get to the armor on armed contacts now this is something that I've always been needed with the infantry and armored love relationship I mean as I said they do go hand in hand but it is interesting to see how doctrine is changing on how infantry operate with tanks it's not always about now Frank's going ahead and infantry being behind sometimes it's actually the infantry pushing well ahead of the tanks whilst sometimes provide defensive positions and if the infantry can't push forward enough they can retreat back to the tanks and be able to engage so guys I would really like to hear your opinion on this do you feel the infantry should be pushing ahead of the tank so do we feel that tanks should be always leaving the head with the tip of the spear in any kind of operations or armored assault I must say that I would always side with tanks going headfirst yes infantry are able to engage tanks and take them out with long distances but primarily tank on tank is normally going to be the first engagements because that's what we have however times are changing and different aspects of battlefield warfare are changing so it's nice to see other people's opinion I'd love to hear your opinion on this infantry flash tank relationship what do you think about it he thinks that there is going to be an adjustment again do you think that we may side away from armor altogether let me know I'd love to hear your opinion on it in the comment section below also guys if you did enjoy today's video please leave me a like and if you are new to my channel please subscribe I really do appreciate you stopping by today thank you so much and I hope you have a great one all the best and Poli [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Matsimus
Views: 197,229
Rating: 4.937295 out of 5
Keywords: Infantry or Tanks, Tank warfare, tank tactics, armored infantry, aromured infantry, mechanized infantry, tanks working with infantry, anti-tank infantry, anti tank missile, tanks, military tanks, tank combat, armored assault, infantry tactics, ATGM, Main battle tanks, tank battles, military tactics, javelin missile, matsimus, matsimus gaming
Id: YWNMdBj102U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2017
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