Infantry: Masters of the Urban Battlefield

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I really love the Infantry I enjoy having to dig deep and perform under the hardest conditions just from like for myself and for the for the squad that I leave we were tasked with clearing an urban complex existing in two structures in east and west each platoon took their Zone and cleared up until the very end eliminating the enemy in the town while one platoon isolated and held the western town for the other two platoons to come over and clear the eastern part of the [Music] Town training to do real world Urban operations is extremely important it's one of the most dangerous environments that any can find themselves in um just looking at the news today whatever is going on the urban fight is a down and dirty blood bath and this Marines aren't prepared for that it's going to be a bad time I've been with these guys in baywolf company for a little over two years now and seeing where they came from day one performing in urban environments to where they are now is a night and day difference and I couldn't be proud of all the progress they've made so I really do feel like if they were put in a situation like this in the real world they would perform just fine the purpose of rut is to make an as realistic as possible operation for the entire like Mew and magta get getting everybody actually in the field together training interoperating together reporting together I think the goal is to streamline the fluidity between the conversations and the communication so that when we actually go execute there's no there's no bumps on the [Music] road
Channel: Marines
Views: 60,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Zeb9zO2eu8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 53sec (113 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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