India's TOP Corporate Coach Radhakrishnan Pillai On Ancient Indian Career Hacks |The Ranveer Show 28

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dr. Radhakrishnan Pillai someone who's written more than 15 books on the topic of China Keo who was Chanakya is considered one of the all-time greatest brains that this country has ever produced the knowledge that he spread his teachings have actually lived on years after he passed away that's the greatness of that man so imagine all that knowledge of China curbing boiled down to one book called the China ket and then imagine all the knowledge of that one book being boiled down to a basic podcast that's what this episode of the Remy show is this is your personal mentorship session from dr. Radhakrishnan Pillai by the end of it you're gonna elevate your consciousness you're gonna elevate your mind you're gonna elevate your thought process because you're gonna get access to one of the nation's best minds both in the form of China Korea and China a reincarnated according to me dr. Radhakrishnan Pillai enjoy the episode [Music] welcome to another very value-adding episode of the runway show they say that the smartest individual in the history of India was this person called China Bo and I say that one of the smartest men in India is this person called dr. Radhakrishnan Finlay sir who is also the modern day expert on China care and many people consider you China care reborn also that was the title of a video we did together yeah so the title of this episode of ER and we show is again related to China it's the top five learnings from the Chanakya nithi yeah so before we get into the actual learnings which will help people benefit you know modern day hustlers benefit I want to ask you brief history on China kill and the Charnock anything so first of all thanks a lot for bringing me back into this particular show because I enjoyed your show there's so much that is so fulfilling for me when I'm just in this particular studio and I'm glad you're speaking on the topic which is my life commitment to that is China can is chanock anything yes coming back everybody knows about China there's so much we can learn from Chanakya so I like to talk about two basic things one is the story part of China q and the second is strategy part of Chanakya so I think Chanakya lived in 3rd century BC he was a king maker of Chandragupta Maurya he defeated Alexander blah blah blah blah so everything is quite known and there are so much content available on YouTube etc so you can watch it but what I'm going to talk about the second part of it which is his work being documented so it is said that he wrote two books one is called the county Lea's arthashastra and the second one is called China Kenneth E the difference between these two is Cordelia arthashastra has got 6,000 sutras or formulas of how to run a kingdom so I would say it's almost like a Raja with their means for the leaders does it also apply to business it does in fact I have written quite a few books and application of arthashastra into the real life including business the second book is called Charnock in ET and it's a book which consists around 350 or sutras so 350 or versus 6000 that's the difference so scholars say that our Chester was written for the Kings the classes while chanock anythi was written for the masses and it is very practical in nature it talks about how a person should live his daily life you know what he should do and it talks about lot of aspects of human being right from being a good student to actually being a good household or you know how do you earn money ethically it talks about also the spiritual side of it also talks about parenting and very practical tips on you know how to be careful in life how to choose your friends how to actually make sure that you're giving money also donation to the right people never to get fooled etc etc so coming back China Canada is definitely a book but if you look at the two words Cherokee and Nietzsche I would like to submit up a single-channel as a person of course but neatly by itself has got lot of meanings Nietzsche means policy neatly means the way to go Nietzsche means strategy P means plan so if you look at the word neat in Sanskrit it gots various meanings I would say channel just planning Chanakya is way of teaching Chanakya strategies etc etc so I'm specifically talking about the book called Chanakya EP which was written by Chanakya many years ago and I've been fortunate that I've also written a version of Cherokee as anything rather too simple lays explanation of it also yeah so so what will a person gain from going through your book on the tonic anything or just having information about it like if they are at point-a before eating at point B what will they become definitely they'll be benefit it's like going to a school and you started attending the first standard and after a year you got passed out the second standard and you'll see the difference in you because Charnock unity helps you to think differently so if you think differently you do the same things differently if you got better strategy or faster ways of doing it absolutely so I think char- is all about strategies policies so by learning chanak anything a lot of people for centuries have got benefitted and I'm sure you will so let me you an example one of my teachers used to tell me this you know which is India's best-selling book okay what a strange question they actually is chanak anything anywhere you'll find a version of Chanakya neither you know so you'll find in a book stall you can find it there now coming back to my channel Keaney how is it different from the other soso 650 sutras or formulas are still the same but what happens is that in lot of the books that we have is that the Sun scroot and the translate into English but we have done something very different we all give an explanation of all of them in detail so let me give an example and then we will talk about how it is going to benefit you from point A to point B and of course the five points that you should take away from this particular video so let me start by saying that very simple sutra or strategy be careful from three things okay and it continues by saying if you know how to use them it will be beneficial if you misuse them they'll finish you okay so the first one is fire so fire you should know how to use it because in every house there is fire right so we warm up the house was very quiet for cooking that's how you're going to enter house also it's called house warming but if you don't know how to you know manage that fire it can burn up your whole house so be careful from fire but it can help you or destroy you second is called King King the too close to a king that's good but you know if you misuse the king they will destroy you so people you know who are around powerful people should be careful that they may suddenly DeLeo kay you're promoted and you know you're going to take charge of this particular Kingdom so the king can make you a king the thing is that if you take the King for granted they will finish off a carrier and your life once and for all so powerful they can destroy or make you Chanakya says the third thing also snake be careful from a snake I understand it can actually help you in what we are you aware of it that actually in the army people are trained to catch snakes do you know what is the logic because let's say an army you're in that jungle and especially when you're on a mission and you are going to a deep jungle you feel hungry right so they will look around and probably they will find a fruit or a flower the fruit may look good very exotic but you're not sure it's poisonous but you know you're feeling hungry you need to survive so there could be lot of things around but the beautiful part is that every particular jungle have a snake but the snake can bite you that's a danger so you have to be careful of worsening but do you know if you know how to catch the snake and maybe just you know take away the poisonous part of it the whole snake body you can actually eat so it actually becomes like a survival in the jungle I'm not here signaling to be his snake eaters but that logic is that be careful from a snake but it can also useful to you in the most difficult situations hmm practical so Chanakya says three things be careful from fire king and a snake now look at this you can actually practical apply it so when you are in front of your boss's is it okay and close to him it will give me warmth but you know don't cross that line that Lakshmana Rica same thing it all goes to fire exit like cetera so I am just give one example out of 350 ideas about how you can be successful and careful in life in fact to be successful you should be careful in life and very careful in life so coming to the five top learnings of the Cherokee okay so I think every 350 sutras are all top biases but you know Methuselah is what it's like oh yeah what is the sutra sutra it's like a formula okay so for example e is equal to MC square god so Chanakya wrote 350 formulas for life absolutely you got it right and they can be applied everywhere okay so what would what would be like your top five sutras so I will start with something which is very close to my heart okay which is on parenting okay well I have two lovely kids but just because the kids are good doesn't mean you are a good parent so I've always look at one of the very basic formulas sutras the Chanakya spoke about parenting in a very simple line he says for the first five years love the child next ten years discipline him and after that consider them your friends formula simple three liners so let me explain that you so when a child is small it's very lovely cute so you can only love the child suppose you got it latest mobile and it just banged it you can't do anything about it just love the gel and conditionally but the moment the child is five years old and of course it's intellect starts developing it you know and it's a very dangerous trend today happening because speed and all pair and just allow children to do that they want and actually that's bad parenting so what China cos is that now you need to actually use discipline and discipline doesn't mean beating okay the ability to say no is also important for a parent was if you say yes yes yes he will never understand what does no and that can actually two failures in life so discipline the child for the next ten years and after that consider him or her as your friend the biggest problem that we have in special a country like India the child may be 70 years old now the 90 year old parent is still a barber chair after 15 years you are fully grown of course life experiences may not be that big yet you're a full adult so look at this formula which just helped me so first one is that love your child five years discipline ten years and then consider them your friends I think full parenting and the best level for 15 years now coming back to the five points are you talking about I like to summarize so from the all the experiences that I have gone through by reading studying Chanakya the first nithi the first chanock anything to have a successful life is to have a purpose in life a lot of people you know live like a common person probably they're highly educated but you look at them they're very dull and they don't even have a reason to get up so they just pull themselves out and saying that okay I study now I need to get a job okay and now I got a job and it'll get married okay I need to get married I need to have children okay that's good but that's normal successful people do all these also but they have something beyond so the first question is that if you want to really be successful in life ask yourself what's your purpose what is that for for which you are ready to live and if necessarily die and it's not easy I understand that so I think there is a saying that the only purpose of a person's life is to have a purpose everything falls into place so I think friends Chanakya says what we call in modern day settings called as goal setting exercise so do something with yourself sit down and you know in our ancient old tradition it's called finding your swadharma what am i born for it's a very deep question but if you actually go in close fact and spend time with yourselves meditate believe me the answer will come to you so I remember how I found my purpose in my life believe me I was at Kailash months alone live in the Himalayas and when I saw the Kailash Mountain first I've been always talking you know what I want the purpose of my life the moment I saw Kailash Mountain it hit to me as if somebody is speaking to me now and saying that please give you a life to the study of Chanakya and his arthashastra I just told my wife sorry I can't saying that you know I don't know whether it says sound or it's a feeling but I feel you know I should dedicate my life to the promotion and the studies of Chanakya and arthashastra she kept it very quietly to herself but whenever I have a problem she always let me remember you've got a purpose in your life we will ask me how are you so full of energy I have written 15 books I'm still writing 8 books on Chanakya chord involved in two movies I've been doing a lot of food cause I'm teaching in universities across the globe every single day I'm at least giving one or two lectures or interviews or something like that so how do you keep it going and saying I have a purpose in my life I've discovered it long ago a lot of people even in the end of their life they don't have a purpose so as they say I was dead at 28 and I got buried at 80 Wow so think about it what is what is their state of mind I think this is dragging on this is dragging on saying that you know maybe I have to just leave and do something very normal so I'm not saying that you know but people have to live a normal life you can actually live an extraordinary life not just an ordinary first chan activities to have a purpose discover the purpose go inside get it now and eg got it well he was pulled out from a train maybe that instance it comes very same this is for me it could be actually saving a girl child for everybody it could be different you know it could be in sports was you for you it could be YouTube and just broadcasting it day in and day out but if you have a purpose for which you will actually get up every day morning and as APJ Abdul Kalam said you know dreams are not that what do you see when you're sleeping but dreams are those that don't allow view received formula number one chan activity you know even like daily life in office seem that like the best performance who've been with the organization for more than a year and a half two years no other guys who wake up in the morning with that intention of okay today I'm just gonna create today I'm just going to add value you know is that that it the purpose can be as simple as just yes yes it doesn't have to be oh I'm going to take over the world or you know I'm going to teach I'm gonna make this mastery never it can be little things so but it you should put your mind on that one thing and it's all about that one thing yeah you don't have to 100 purposes you know how that one yeah and I'll tell you it becomes easy may I found that one channel yeah that's enough yeah many people tell me also you know when we that you know why don't you now write your next book on maybe Rama and yeah or maybe something else is you know why if something is working right why change it in fact it has been mathematically proven it's called the game theory if you're already successful don't be stupid to change it so it's doing well people what they do is I did I already found the purpose now let me go to the other one and the other one finally you'll not be there in the first stage also just like you know digging a well everywhere and finding no water it's very important you rightly pointed out you know every day if you want to create a video yeah and that's a purpose we we've had kids who have worked in the organization with that thing of no I want more or you know things to slow or maybe I'll be happy somewhere else and they go they're a mess gets created and then they'll end up exactly without any water anyway so again as a as a co-founder of an organization oh so you see all these stories happening in front of you through kids you of groomed you know even if you've not made those mistakes you see people making these mistakes maybe a go on with the turn in fact that actually connects to my second point yeah okay the second channel anything desire2learn so you got a purpose let's say I got a purpose that I want to maybe start an NGO that will want to feed you know hundreds of children but I am actually associated with an NGO called as a roti Bank so roti Bank is a very interesting phenomenon where actually they are feeding the street children and they actually do you mean almost like a million children over a bit of time but the thing is that if have a purpose that's the first step I don't know how the process works so if I want to be cricket or a sportsman you tuber for that particular matter I said okay I have a found a purpose but I can't just jump into it right so I need to have a desire to learn formally or informally so what people do is that go ahead and join a course there are 4-1 things so for example you want to play cricket and you found your purpose in life you still require a coach so go enjoy in a cricket academy or a filament kinda me or whatever or read books I mean all right you tube videos I think this generation of the advantage of actually getting knowledge free yeah but you should be a student who says you know I am a beginner and even if you're an expert you still should have a desire to learn because even at the top there is something more to learn so the things that have a purpose the second is desire to learn and it can be multiple ways of learning digital form informal you know through books to cinemas to people through people conversation yeah yeah absolutely some learning from you old Marines so again the big reason we started the podcast was for this exactly that yes I'll create content but at the same time through each conversation on a personal level I'm learning a lot which then I can put out on my Hindi channel as well later excellent so see you have a purpose you have a desire to learn and you feel nice and more creative in your desire to learn well just think okay there is something more different way of creating it yes so you learn from experts the third point is also something connected and it's called having elders with you and the Sanskrit word for that it's called blessing yoga so one is purpose settled desired alone but whom do you learn from I may learn only from experts okay oh please understand this let us put life into three levels okay so let's see at level five okay there could be people who are at level three there could be people who are at level five and there could be people who are level 10 so many learn from people say I'm learning from everybody okay that's that's a nice desire to learn from everyone but the reality is that let's say you're at level five of knowledge and experience and there is somebody who's at level two or three who comes to you actually you end up teaching that person mmm okay and whatever he or she says it's an input but that's not actually an expert advice if you are at level five and the other person also level four you are actually equal friends you can discuss with the each other sharing but Janice is no but if this area was those people who are at level 10 so let's say you have a 50 crore company you can have friends who are also at 50 grows there are you know people who have just start ups maybe at 10 grows so you actually land up teaching the 10 crore guy how to be a 50 crore guy mmm hundred discussing common problems with other friend who's at fifty close but the same yoga is actually associating yourself with 100 crore why so then what happens is basically when you're surrounded with such people automatically you raise your bar from A to B without any efforts so let's say in a week I'm spending at least four hours with people who are more experienced than me just spend sound and don't even do it and just watch them and you'll be surprised since he's already at hundred crore and you're 50 crore let's sense a turnover of economy just watch them listen to their discussions without your own knowledge you actually turn around your company to 60 or 70 grows and it's a very easy way of actually being successful by being around those people who are more successful than you yeah and when they say something they're actually guiding you to actually break your barrier and go to the next level what are the next orbit so think about this first is purpose desire to learn and learning from experts and here is a warning many people actually get misled by two terms opinion and expert advice so many people when they give opinions you think that's an otherwise it is not an advice it is just an opinion it's a person who doesn't know anything who feels kimu JB like I know a lot of market researchers get it wrong there so there was a common man and saying what do you think the product will do well or no so they may give a data but the real insight is why those people who is selling it this will work and you don't have to go to statistical data mmm if you just want us we'll get how to create a successful business you don't have to just ask one Bill Gates right not 20 people who are startups startups are also important so please understand that expert advice is what is with this ánewá so if you are already doing YouTube would you like to learn from person who's already maybe 10 times bigger than you okay so here is an advice which are read it's a very powerful sweet little advice it says never take an advice from somebody who is not an expert this is our advice so if you undertake an advice only take it from an expert so maybe they are costly maybe to meet that particular person it will be delayed so suppose you were to go and meet Bill Gates in a hookah I feel it in the modern day so it's not about meeting the person because any successful person has the information available online sooner it's the power of the internet if you if you search for it it will land up in your hand exactly make sure he is better and higher than you yeah do podcasts do Internet yes yes read books but 2020 finding information and finding mentorship from these people is not difficult yes I genuinely feel that any good the fourth one which actually Chanakya did its create institutions understand usually what happens is that when people start it's always a one-man show not a one-woman show whatever it's all about you you you but as you go you reach a particular points in then I can go higher without a team around me so you know and individually you may be good but the next scale up happens when you do everything into a process system so that's when you start building teams companies institutions otherwise what will happen is always equal to Reza one person but you know it's like you know being a good actor and actually creating a production company that's where the scale happens so a production company is going to last beyond you and as an actor you may have a time limit to your inner performance and things as the smarter guys watch on a kid we Creed Chandragupta Maurya but he also created systems and processes for the future chandragupta maurya's because if you don't do that what will happen exactly that it will die with you so I think it's very important to create institutions which are like a critic Kingdom along with the king two different things one is creating a king but is also creating our kingdom now we come to the fifth and a final point and that is very important probably we should practice it more often it is called documentation documentation in various forms it could be written it could be audio or video see what happens is that we had a habit which probably start too much there in today's generation it's called diary writing so every day what you learnt right down and it'll be surprised we do it every day that's in in your you actually look at a diary 365 days you written something and said Wow I tell you two things about successful people when they write it themselves okay they remembered after they are gone two things Chanakya himself wrote all these strategies imagine if you are not written they would have been a great for somebody nobody knows what was happening in his mind in fact if you look at all the great gurus maybe you're talking about the book autobiography written by him he's not there but for almost a when on this book is documented all religions of the world are documented you know this year we are actually celebrating 550 at the earth of Guru Guru Nanak G's birthday Guru Nanak videos birthday how many are aware that if you go to any Gurudwara they actually worship an image I mean what is that you know ever of this it's the Gurbani his book it's book and it actually the notes that Guru Nanak's used to write every day so it finally the other gurus and all actually started adding adding adding so every learning he wrote it down and what happened that tenth guru gobind singh ji he said from now on oh there will be no physical guru the book will be the Guru Ahana cannot run arthashastra chanock anything but a loss his wisdom which is very important my dear friends please write a book yeah you will also write a book on being India's number one youtuber definitely cell so looking at these particular points you'll start realizing that life is about actually creating a legacy after you are gone do you want to be successful only for a short time or you want to be successful forever to that extent that generations to come will actually remember you so these are the five things purpose desire to learn learning from experts building an institution and finally the fifth point document it into processes others can benefit after you're gone so this is beautiful but I have one burning question in my mind which I have to get out which is that because you study China can so much detail what do you think that China gave was thinking about on his deathbed now this is a question a lot of people ask me in fact to the externally how did China kadai yeah that as well so let me tell you Charlie I had something called as a charmer on you know what does the Chairman you can choose when you want today exactly now China ki was probably very successful in his life and I think for me is an idea because he never had any regrets that two kind of people who regret number one is that people who don't know what to do in their life are never did anything in their life right so I'm just lying on my deathbed I'll you know it is just dragging around like anybody else they did not do anything that's the first type of regret not doing anything contributing anything the second is those people who had a desire but never got it fulfilled in their lifetime that's also regretted you know I started something but you cannot complete it but Chanakya actually was different because he completed both of them had no regrets the moment had a purpose in my life in his life and that was to create a Co whole empire called the Bharat Porsche he created that what is important that he did it in his his lifetime before dying not many people are lucky people have goals and they say you know I will sow a seed and maybe my grandchildren will enjoy it of course a grandchildren should enjoy it but why not you in your own lifetime so if you ready what was Chanakya thinking during his deathbed probably saying that thank you for everything now I'm going to leave very successfully and peacefully you found that bad you can say have no regrets I lived my life well I think that's called a successful life beautiful thank you doctor thank you another gorgeous podcast with you obviously guys have been linking all of those books on Charlie cure and his latest book on the Chanakya neeti down below makes you check out or makes you follow so on all these handles and until next time from dr. Arthur Christian Pillai and when we run about it thank you
Channel: BeerBiceps
Views: 1,097,509
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Keywords: podcast, indian podcast, indian podcasts english, ranveer allahbadia, beerbiceps, the ranveer show, the ranveer show podcast, the ranveer show beerbiceps, Chanakya, Radhakrishnan Pillai, lessons from chanakya, Inspiration, Leadership, leadership skills, qualities of a leader, life lessons from chanakya, radhakrishnan pillai chanakya, radhakrishnan pillai corporate chanakya, success mentality, success, leadership qualities, corporate coach, career hacks, radhakrishna pillai author
Id: o46z_93fZtc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 7sec (1627 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 03 2020
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