Watch: 5 Times Jaishankar Shut Down Foreign Reporters On Canada, Russian Oil, Pak, & More

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please do a result from geotv Pakistan if you'd like to entertain my questions the world is not stupid we're not going to confuse anybody anymore so I hope through your channel that message goes I I really don't see the basis for your question in your response you said quote it is hypocrisy I thought you were supposed to ask me a question thank you [Music] so many results okay how about Paul Bush and first of all Indian Pakistan had been accusing each other about terrorism and arabani as you said you know yesterday she brought it up here could you come to the question oh my question is how long South Asia is going to see this terrorism and is disseminating from New Delhi Kabul and well you know Pakistan how long they are going to be at War number one and our second how about the human resource Security Council resolutions or Kashmir that's in India abide by Rich or not uh you know we were asking the wrong Minister when you say how long will we do this because it is the Ministers of Pakistan who will tell you how long Pakistan intends to practice terrorism so look uh this you know at the end of the day the world is not stupid the world is not forgetful and and the world does you know increasingly call out countries and organizations and people who indulge in terrorism and by taking the debate elsewhere you're not going to hide it you're not going to confuse anybody anymore people have figured it out so my advice is please clean up your act please try to be a good neighbor please try and contribute to what the rest of the world is trying to do today which is economic growth progress development so I hope through your channel that message goes through [Music] India has extended the input of Russian oil it is a totally opposite position of the European sanction so we will need um yeah will you change your attitude during the G20 residency because we need to establish the cracks very clearly the European Union between February 24th and 17th November has imported more fossil fuel from Russia then the next 10 countries combined uh just as I about to give you an India comparison the oil important European Union is like six times what India is imported gases infinity times because we don't import various European unionism put a 50 billion dollars what that 50 billion euros but even coal imports from Russia by European Union I'm not singling any particular country is 50 more than India so the the remark that we made that you know this is the way the European Union is going and this is the way India is going I would very respectfully suggest maybe European unions actually doing something very much more than India's doing it [Music] Mr Burrell is not here today uh he's not here now but he was in the meeting and he told the financial times before the meeting that the EU should be putting sanctions on refined oil products from India uh using Russian oil you're right Mr Burrell is not with us now but uh I I really don't see the basis for your question because by understanding of the council regulations is that the Russian crude is substantially transformed in a third country then it's not treated as Russian anymore I would urge you to look at Council regulation 833-2014 foreign I actually want to follow up with something you said in India today event a while ago you were asked about India's downgrading in Freedom House and V Dem and other democracy scores and the journalist asked you quote how do you see this play itself out in terms of how India is being perceived by the world and these new reports in your response you said quote it is hypocrisy is supposed to ask me a question I am asking you a question it is hypocrisy we have a self-appointed custodians of the world who find it difficult to stomach that someone in India is not looking for their approval is not willing to play the game they want to play um that doesn't actually answer the journalist's question so I want to ask you again are you concerned that perceived Democratic backsliding in India is going to undermine its efforts to become a rising power in the world I think it answers the question if you would be objective enough to understand it uh I think it says very clearly that the people who are writing these reports have a strong bias often they distort facts they there are you know many of these reports are actually riddled with inactness so I put the tail there's an ideological Legend out there I don't know why that's hard to understand I just wanted to follow up minister with a quick clarification you're saying you have no evidence this is related to the Canadian story which I'm sure you're sick of speaking about um have the Canadians there's been reporting that there have been Progressive visits from the Canadians to India including in August you're saying that you've never familiarized yourself with the documents that were or could no documents have been provided to you by the Canadians that purport to show evidence that Indian officials in Canada were Fair were aware of this of this attack you have not seen are you saying the Canadians gave us documents I'm asking you if the Canadians gave you the intercepted documents no look I Indian diplomatic Community I have said that if somebody gives us specific or relevant information we prepare to look at so you have not received those intercepted Communications if I had would I not be looking at it I'm asking you for a yes or no answer and then the other questioning a second [Music] foreign
Channel: Hindustan Times
Views: 1,660,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: s jaishankar, india, delhi, pm narendra modi, usa, america, west, western media, unga, un, cfr, council on foreign relations, canada, hardeep singh nijjar, justin trudeau, khalistan, khalistani, pakistan, terrorism, islamabad, pakistan army, asim munir, isi
Id: EMUxukvWmIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 15sec (435 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2023
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