Indiana Fever Media Availability | April 30, 2024

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you're two to your three what growth are youing game this more consistency I think you know knowing what to expect every year the game gets more comfortable so just making sure that I'm contributing on a consistent basis and then how's the energy in the gym Chang last year the energy is amazing and everyone's having a lot of fun and I think everyone can feel that um really good energy everyone's just excited for the season excited to play for each other what was your USA Basketball experience like I know you guys came up short but what do you take out of a unique experience like that one well every time getting to represent the USA is an awesome opportunity this one being you know one of the last tournaments before the Olympic um game so super exciting and every time it's just you learn a little bit more three on three is a different game 515 so getting the opportunity to play it play with new players is awesome what's that chemistry like like you're tagging in and out so often your the mismatches like that's a different game within the game yeah you end up learning each other's games very very quickly you're playing every position guarding every type of player so you really have to trust and rely on each other and so we had a good few days of practice before that tournament and we really I thought grew together very quickly the versatility and the learning on the Fly how can you take that and apply it to this summer with a lot of new fa coming in in addition to the ones that are already for sure and I think reading each other offensively and defensively makes great teams and there's a you know a good core of people and then adding great players in is awesome and I think these few days training camp the next week and a half before we start actual games is huge for us just knowing what each other likes knowing the passes knowing the cuts um knowing where each other are it's huge what are your impressions of Caitlyn at this point she's great she's a great player great person um obviously very hard to defend so she's bringing a great um offensive game to the fever and just excited to see how she does this year Melissa talked yesterday about going from playing in a barn a couple years ago to now kind of having potential sellout crowds here just what is your impression of you know coming from when you started here to now the growth is very evident and I think you know going back to the energy everyone not only the people in this gym but the city of Indianapolis the state of I state of Indiana is just so excited and so excited for us and the growth of the program and um I'm just excited to play in front of the fans because we've already seen and felt how excited they are to watch us how tough is it to get right to games on Friday when you're barely in Camp for like seven practices it's a it's a quick turnaround and you know every team in the league is going through the same thing but we just have to make sure that we're focused this week and preparing for that day and it it comes quick but we're ready for it if anything is it maybe a tuneup for all the back toback that you guys will have a quick turnaround your the rust and Recovery like you were talking about yeah you learn you learn very quickly how to take care of your body what your body needs whether that's ice bath Hot Tub normat teching whatever it needs you have to learn how to get ready for the next day cuz everything comes so quick uh it's awesome I think um coming into this you know I've only played with people in USA camps or stuff like that and so um I didn't really know what to expect I knew there was going to be a lot of intensity and all that but the Energy's been it's been one of the most fun groups I've been with um you're back to Camp oh sorry uh how's after maternity leave you're coming in your a new mom how is this year going to be different for you um I just think you know going into this um I have such a bigger purpose than myself um playing this season and you know I just feel like things that might have bothered me before or things that would get under my skin stuff like that I just feel a level of patience that I have now not only with myself but just in general um and you know I'm excited to just be back uh I did a amazing thing and um coming back was probably one of the hardest things I've had to do just in general and so getting here and being here I'm really proud of myself yeah what the greatest challenge for you getting back in a camp shape for this time um I just think you know your body changes like that I've got I've gotten injured before and I've always been able to train and all that but like coming back from this I was kind of starting from like Ground Zero um you know a couple months after um having her and uh it was just really really a lot of hard work a lot of dedication to you know make sure my body felt good um and kind of take it easy to get back to this point and I'm just really happy to be out here again curious your impressions of Caitlyn after the first couple days of Camp yeah I mean she's been she's been great to play with you know she's a phenomenal passer and so for me as a shooter that's something that is is super fun to play with and um clearly she can shoot the ball and that's something that everyone knows but um she's just got a really good attitude a really good um you know positive mindset about the season that's been been fun to play with what is it been like just kind of balancing having a baby and then you know coming back to training camp and doing all this man it's a lot different before it was like practice okay go home sleep and then get ready now you know I'm going home going to hang out with my baby girl and um like we had two days and so I go home for a couple hours hang out play with her and then and then get back and um you know my time is is is very valuable now so I'm just got to make sure I get everything I need to get done here I got to be really professional really get everything um taken care of my body my my mind my basketball um and then I got to get home and I got to be mom coming to this new situation what has stood out about the setup the personality have all that different things on this uh it's awesome I think this is such a good good group together I think we have so many people that um are just fun Personalities in general but we have people that want to learn want to win and um it's just been head up it's been it's been great um I know we're we have quite quite a young team but everyone's eager to learn everyone's eager to put in the work and um we want to do something special that was kind of the intensity of the practice and Coach compared to maybe what you you've been used to previous stop this has been definitely the most intense I haven't been to that many training camps in general with overseas but um this is this is really high energy really hardworking the competition level and how much we're competing every single day it's it's great do you see chemistry already yeah for sure I think there is chemistry there's um building off of the the people that were here last year I think you can see um how they flow but also you know adding Caitlyn playing with uh Tei playing with all the new people that are here um it's been easy to mesh and um get along and play really well with everyone um I really enjoy playing with with UB and ab um is a post player that you know she she needs a lot of attention down there because she's going to she's going to make you pay so um just being on the opposite side for kickouts and spreading the floor it's been it's been good and an easy transition what is it like coming from overseas straight to that in in the context of no break in shape but at the same time you're probably ready for some kind of break yeah we have a we have a couple couple um couple ladies who who finished the season and just came straight here and so they're really um they're really sacrificing a lot sacrificing their bodies to get here um I've done it a couple Seasons you just have to stay mentally on top of it and make sure you're taking care of your body because it is a lot of work it is a lot on your body and then playing in the W is a different pace different physicality than any other league I've ever played for so you know just you just got to keep doing as much recovery as you can um yesterday Erica said she saw something that said Indiana's the new Hollywood have you seen a different vibe here kind of with how they basketball uh I mean I definitely Indiana and loves basketball I know that and and in general I think everyone has seen the media storm and fans and everything that has come I mean just seeing the people that were at the draft viewing party was was awes awesome and as a player that loves to compete loves to be passionate loves to celebrate like I love playing for crowds I love playing in front of crowds and I think it's something that um is going to be really special to be a part of and I I knew it was coming but you don't know until you see it so I don't know about Hollywood but it's definitely definitely fun to be here were you at that Pacer game the other day what did you look out and consider like this is probably our reality this season with this place bu yeah absolutely I think that's a it was an amazing atmosphere amazing Vibe even we got to go out in front of the crowd and their reception to us even just throwing t-shirts was was awesome so you know we really are going to embrace and and take all the support from all our fans and I'm just excited I think it's going to be really fun
Channel: Indiana Fever
Views: 3,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rsBnkflzaYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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