Indiana Fever Media Availability | April 28, 2024

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um with all the fun stuff that's been going on the last couple weeks um just for that to finally come to an end and us get an opportunity to get on the court with the the players our my staff has done a great job this last week all the players most players were here they've been getting great workouts in I could pop in and out um it's hard as the coach when you're away doing other things that you're missing out on that but they did a great job so shout out to my coaches um but it was just great to get get in the gym today with all of them what did you learn in your first year the job that forms now how you approach training camp in here two maybe a little yeah um well year year one we had to set a standard and um we I got a bad reputation for being too hard in training camp and that's okay I'll take it um but we weren't there anymore we we had we have a baseline now we were ready to go we were able to get started kind of right where we left off just get the new ones um in there and um and just to kind of know what we were doing but the Vets have done a great job this whole week teaching them what we you know what we had established last year um so yeah it's uh that that piece of it um but also I grew um I grew because I was able to learn my coaches learn their strengths learn what they were passionate about and I was able to give them more of a responsibility in in that area which is uh really helped me out a lot coach what's your first impressions of C see her pretty impressive what we saw yeah I mean she's she's impressive um I've been watching her for the last couple years now um you know her her ability to space the floor for us is incredible I mean she's going to free up um you're not going to be able to double team us I mean we're going to have five players out on that court that can shoot it um but her passing ability I mean you saw some of the passes like I'm more mad at how many Mis layups we you know that we had and was off a couple of her passes that I think we're just not used to having th you know someone who can make some of those passes so for me it's her passing I'm just um enamored at times I have to turn around because I'm like about to like get really excited and I can't I can't do it in practice um what's the prognosis on Kelsey how long do you anticipate are being out yeah hopefully uh sooner than later um she has done the work um from the moment that um you know right before she was supposed to go to three on three she was getting work in and um got an an ankle injury so we're just kind of um she's working and it's dayto day I mean she was out there today you guys saw her on the bike and getting shots up um but she's uh she's she's really um getting there faster than we thought so coach there's a lot of talk about how teams gel quickly when you add new additions can you feel that yet or does it take this first full week of the preseason yeah so we play on Friday right so we're supposed to jail by Friday um but the what we established last year what we established last year what I've come up and witnessed our veterans talking to our newbies about and you know the rookies uh just getting them ready I mean we're way ahead of the game so we've got a great start um but it's still it's going to take time I mean we're a whole new team for Caitlyn and Celeste and Le I mean they're you know they're just trying to figure us out too um I think all of them had a a really good day today uh Celeste is is a really good Defender I'm sure you guys picked up on that she did a great job she talks a lot I hope that kind of feeds off on some of our other players um because that's one one thing that we don't do well um and she she really stood out today I actually talked with her about that and she did exactly what I asked her to do chrisy what's been the message in terms of this being The New Normal in terms of attention and the good and the bad that comes with that yeah I mean we we had a great team meeting last night um you know the eyes are on us the microscope is on us and that's what we've got to make sure that our team chemistry um is is where it needs to be because everyone you know everyone's coming at us no you know not really there's not a lot of people who want you to do well so you know we've got to make sure that we stick together and that was our message last night um the locker room feels good the the players they understand accountability we've got several Leaders with good experience a lot of experience now that are helping us move in that direction was just getting OD to the court you know with all the excitement over the last couple couple weeks to that of just kind of like running the gel and and moving past the excitement and the expectations yeah I mean our expectation is just to get better every single day every single day we can't look forward to what's next like we've got to make sure that we're the hardest working practice team um every day whatever that is like we're not trying to to jump past like we've set some goals but it's dayto day to be the best team that day you mentioned the spacing and the passing with Caitlyn is there anything about her in the workouts and in day one of camp that you've learned about her that you maybe couldn't have learned before she actually got to yeah um it's tough It's not tough but like when she's not here and you don't get to be around her but all you get is the outside of what people are saying about her you don't really know who someone is um she's she's funny she's quiet um she is uh she just wants to fit in she wants to win she wants to win whatever that looks like whatever she needs to do for us to win um but for me her strength stood out um when she first got here she's got these real strong these legs I didn't realize her her the muscles in her legs like she is a lot stronger um than I imagine she would be two two free agents three draft picks your roster a little different does that change your approach from last year was very defensive focused very transition Focus to that or is it very similar to you in your style coaching yeah no I don't I would I hate to even admit that we were focused on defense because we fell 11th last year right so it didn't that that didn't sit well with me we're going to be better defensively we have to be better um my coaches gave me a stat I think like in the last in the 26 we were 20 we had 26 close games last year and we could not get stops late we could not get stops late and during that moment we were like a defensive rating of 119 so we're getting up 119 points in a very small amount of time we can't let that happen but it was on the offensive end when we needed to score we were able to do that and we were like fifth so you know it's just going to be um Paul talked about it out there like when when it's crunch time we've got to figure out we were that early that new team last year we're not that team anymore we got to learn to get to the next level know you mentioned that Caitlyn wants to fit in the reality is that she won't so how do you I guess find that balance or maybe just see her try to find that balance throughout this season when she wants to fit in but she was brought in to be so different and be so yeah but I think that's what's so special about her right I mean I think she she wants to be both and that's um that's the kind of people that we put in our in our in our in our locker room um we talk about culture and we talk about culture that drives the success so what drives the culture like it's the character of the people in the locker room and then also the team chemistry we put those people in that locker room that we're getting both of those which is going to drive that culture which is going to give us even more success chrisy aah has a year under her belt now how is she grown and just how's her role changed within this organization yeah um she's our leader um Aaliyah Boston is um she's our staple she's that low po player she sees everything um I've I've challenged her I've encouraged her she's got to be more vocal um but she went and went to work I don't know if you could tell but her body looks amazing she spent the offseason um as busy as she was doing what you guys do and she was awesome at it by the way um she was getting in the work and um but she understands like the leadership piece is is I the basketball is the given the leadership piece is what I expect more out of her ER was on the crowd about playoff goals last night at the Pacers game do have you said any for this this year's team uh like I said we want to be the best practice Team every single day um our goal is is the playoffs we want to be where the Pacers are right now I mean it's exciting the players were Jack being at the game the other night I mean we that's where we want to be but it it it can't we can't skip steps like we started last year with a plan we've got to make sure we stick to that plan what do you think of the two-man game between Aaliyah and Caitlyn and particularly talk about Caitlyn's passing but aah can pass to and just that dynamic as well yeah some of the new stuff that we put in we want Aaliyah to have the ball in her hands we don't need her to just be a low post player we want her to catch in that mid post because if she's in that mid post you can't really double and if you do she's such a good passer she can find it um we're trying to get the balls to her and list at that high post area around the elbow and then we've got such good shooters that have that with that movement that split action um so yeah I mean but she's also improved her three-point shooting as well so she's um she has I went to a workout in Boston and watched her and I think she had 55 makes in like two minutes or three minutes or something like that from the corner the right corner I'll never forget it how do you see uh Erica's role kind of evolving with t coming in yeah um UB is the um she's just a con she's a like she understands All She Wants To Do Is do whatever this team needs whatever she needs to do for us to be successful and I can't ask for anything if I'm tell if I'm G to tell her she's going to come off the bench she's going to come off the bench if I tell her I need her to do this she's going to do that I mean that's just who she is she's just excited to be a part of something but she's also I mean she went overseas and and won a championship in Poland um came back worked on her game improved her game but like her her voice and her leadership is just so it just means so much to our our entire team mention the team yesterday what did you use to try to establish and set the tone for this season what was that about for you yeah so we did an uh exercise last year where we um poured in poured into some dirty water Kelsey Mitchell and I poured in together and got all that dirty water out that was our Clean Slate um we we kind of started with something similar but we just had everyone pour into how they were going to help us build our chemistry cuz that to me is what's going to be the most important our locker room is the most important thing as long as that's good than what the result on the basketball court will be so we just everybody gave their opinion and their idea of what a successful team that has a successful team chemistry looks like and they poured into this is what I see it is and this is how I'm going to help make it been a lot of fun um it was good for me I think I got here on Monday or Tuesday of last week so got a few workouts under my belt I think that definitely helped so not coming into training camp completely blind and um it was a good first day it was hard um but that's what you expect for these practices and um just fun to get out there with all the girls and uh get ready for Friday honestly you've been in the same system same coaching staff for the last four years what was it like having an adjustment having entirely new slate to me yeah I think it's it's definitely different but you know that's what you expect when you start a new chapter of your life and um you know this coaching staff is fully prepared I think they've been watching me for quite some time and I think the stuff they have planned and the actions we're going to run are going to be really good for myself but really good for this group in general and um yeah a lot of screening action it's fast a fast shot clock but I think all of you know like that's how I like to play so I think it suits my game pretty well and um you know it's a fast pace a lot faster than College you got to learn quicker you got to um got to get your mind on fully whenever you know there's no time to be tired um you don't have however many weeks to prepare for your first game you got less than a week so uh I think that's the biggest thing is going to be a lot of you know film a lot of like mental reps more than on court reps because you got to take care of your body and uh be ready to go if everything did after final four leading up to this including nine basketball team what did it mean to you to just play be on the court with yeah I think that's what I was like most excited for is like get all that other stuff out of the way and um you know there really hasn't been a down period for me to like kind of really Catch My Breath but at the same time like I feel like really grateful for that too um and like I said to everybody like I feel like I'm in really good basketball shape like there's no like getting back in shape for myself like I'm I've been playing basketball um there's been no really off period and for me I feel like that's a really good thing just keep the momentum rolling and um keep being myself keep learning um but yeah I mean uh I was very excited to get the draft was amazing New York City was amazing La was amazing but I was excited just to get here and get get back to playing basketball and you know doing my job Kaitlyn what was the best piece of advice you've gotten from one of the veterans on this team man I think uh well Erica has been amazing like she's just been somebody that's been there constantly in my ear and somebody that I can always ask questions to and I think just the biggest thing from whether it's people inside our locker room or whether it's people on the outside that I've talked to I think just like giving myself Grace like it's going to be a learning period for me and but at the same same time like still have the same confidence and belief in yourself that you've always had like that's what's got me to this point of just being myself so uh continuing to be me but also like there's going to be things for me to learn and I'm going to learn very fast you know there's not much time to mess around so I think continue to be myself but also like give myself Grace in that too K how do you manage expectations when they're only so high because you've done things we haven't seen before and D to dream that be yeah I think it's I don't think it's anything like I'm that's new to me I think no matter what is going to happen there's always going to be expectations and pressure on my shoulders and pressure on this team to to be really good and um that's how you want it that's exactly we wouldn't want anything else um we would want you know people showing up to our games people expecting us to win a lot of basketball games this year expecting myself to play really well um you know but I don't think it's anything that's ever been different for me so I think continuing to be myself um rely on the people around me like I don't have to do everything was the same thing in college but now I'm playing with even more Talent I'm surrounded by more Talent I'm surrounded by really great coaches so uh rely on those people and um you know embrace the pressure like how lucky are we that you know people are expecting so much of us and you know our schedule is really hard to start the year but that's what's that's what's fun we're going to see what we're made of Kaitlyn what have you learned about the personality of this team in just a short time that everybody's been together yeah I think it's honestly in a way like pretty similar to Iowa like people really care about who you are as a person like they really want the best for one another and you know coach size is really big on culture and character and um I think that's exactly like what it was like at Iowa for me so coming here and getting to be a part of that and being part of a organization that really values who you are as a person is very important to me and um I think people really live that they don't just say it um everybody has been very welcoming and open open to me and um always just kind of been there for to for me to lean on and ask questions too and support me um but I think everybody's really excited they can see the the hype expectations around this team this year and um you know that's it's going to be something that's really great for our league and great for this organization what's stood out to you about your paac's experience and also being able to share that with teammates yeah it it was pretty awesome I think you know what is it their first home game in five years or so um so pretty awesome and you know the Bucks come back and make it close again and you know it was it was a tough one than making two threes but um we had a pretty good angle of Tyrese's floater there at the end cuz we were directly behind the other basket so it was pretty fun good little team bonding experience and you know happy for them and hopefully they get another one tonight Caitlyn what have you learned just about the state of Indiana since you've gotten to note a little bit yeah I don't want to say I'm a pro by any means but um it's been no it's been fun I think it's like it definitely has a big city feel but at the same time like it feels small and it's easy to get around I mean I'm say mostly in downtown Indianapolis I'm not driving everywhere yet um but I think it's you know a place that really loves basketball and wants to support it whether it's it's the Pacers whether it's us you know whether it's at the college level obviously I came and played at IU a few times and the place was always rocking so um I think the people just love the game of basketball they've always loved the game of basketball as long as it's been around so um you know I can't really imagine a better place to start my career and um you know I know people are going to be excited for us to have our first game when it comes to playing with leyah how was working with monan hania and I what kind of help you prepare for that yeah well I think man and uh Hannah are all three of them are very different um you know I think Hannah probably runs the floor as good as anybody really in my eyes in the world like she's just athletic probably playing out of position at the five um but I think Aaliyah obviously is one of the best screeners and finishers around the basket in the world as well so for me getting to play with that um you know you get really excited um you know people kind of have to make a decision obviously there's going to be a lot of pick and roll action you know whether they're going to Blitz me and take two at me or whether take away a leon role you know it's going to put people in a lot of tough situations I think as a Defender like for myself and probably other people on the team would say like that's the hardest thing to guard in basketball is to pick and roll situation so um you know aiyah is one of those one of the best in in that area so um I'm just lucky to be her teammate chrisy yell at you about defense yet yeah can't let people drive middle so I need to work on that for sure like you said you hadn't had much time off what does what do you do when you're away from the spotlight you can just be Caitlin outside of B basketball what was the last week like I don't do much I do a lot of recovery U I get my legs right um relax just have a quiet presence about me I mean I don't really go out in public and do much um but yeah I mean watch movies I brought my PS5 with me but I'm staying in a hotel right now so I haven't really hooked it up or played it at all taking a few naps that's about it coach talked about chemistry are you already feeling that I mean I know you've only been here a couple days but you on the court and US yeah absolutely and I think that like goes back to building relationships with all your teammates like it can't just be something that you're building on the court like you got to get your to know your teammates off the court and have meaningful conversations with them and get to know who that truly who they are and you know what makes them click or what they care about um so I think that'll be something that continues to build over the next week and over the course of the entire season um but that's something you got to do in really a fast period of time obviously we go and play at Dallas on Friday so um I think that's something that is very important to every single person on this team and you know that's going to allow us to have a lot of success so making sure we're constantly building our team chemistry and working on that is um a goal and emphasis for our group Kayla when did you sort of accept that your life wasn't going to be the same anymore you weren't going to be able to do like maybe normal people things yeah when did you kind of come to piece with that because obviously you want to be a great basketball player but I don't know if you wanted all of this yeah I think uh honestly probably after my junior year of basketball and college I think that but obviously it's kind of grown on level that's a lot different than what when it was then so I mean I probably still don't really go about my life in the way that I probably should like I still try to do normal things and live as a normal person like I my life hasn't changed much I think just continuing to be aware of your surroundings and what you're doing and um Steve follows me around more over there in the corner don't mess with Steve um but no I think uh you know I'm still 22 years old and trying to navigate life and enjoy everything that life has to offer and um you know still have fun that's the point that's one of the things that has got me to this point is like I've had a lot of fun playing basketball and that's exactly who I am off the court too is like very easygoing and I like to have fun I like to be around people so uh I try to do that as much as I can honestly day one of year two what's different for you having a year under your belt kind of knowing what to expect going into this yeah just being more um mentally tough I think that's the biggest thing for me um I know what to expect what we need to do what coach expects from us and so just to be able to be that voice did you expect having to step into a leadership role in just your second year as a pro um kind of a little bit just because I feel like that's just who I am especially on the court big Communicator um and just being able to build relationships off the court as well so just W my way in there what's been your relationship like so far with Caitlyn and maybe what perspective can you give her about being the number one pick pressure that come with expectation like that you know I feel like Caitlyn coming in being the player that she was having the attention that she has on her she knows the pressure that's that's just placed on her just naturally and her being a competitor so I think for me it's not really about loading on to that but it's all about just making her feel comfortable I think Caitlyn she has a different eye for this game and she's able to see especially um how well she passes the ball and how well she can shoot it so I think just honestly just continuing to talk to her understanding what she wants to do where I am um and how we work together you know she talked about embracing the expectations and not shying away from that I mean I know you come from high expectations in your college program for example I mean you feel the same way feel like look let's let's go and lean into that definitely I think that's the beauty of it like when you have a lot of eyes on you when you're a player everyone looks at what you do everyone um cheers you on you have a lot of people that honestly is praying for your downfall you know you get both of both sides but I think that just goes like you're embracing it you know what's coming with it and having a team like this having the girls the energy that we have I mean it's just exciting because we all want each other to be get be better so that we can all be better together getting to see her from from our perspective from the broadcast perspective when she was in college is one thing what have you learned about Caitlyn as a teammate up to this point yeah I I'm going to go back to how well she sees you can hear her communicating you can see the way that she can find you I mean her passes are tremendous and so as a post player makes me want to run cuz I'm like okay I'll get a touch let me just get down there just because of how well she passed it but I mean she's a great teammate she just talks communicates we have laughs and so it's always great from a spacing standpoint what do you think she adds there and have you already felt that like okay maybe I'm G to get some one-onone opportunities you did not get a lot of yeah we felt it I I also o think that that she's going to have a lot of tension where teams might jump jump out at her try to get the ball out of her hands and so it's going to create a lot for other people but I also think that the team that we have knowing who to shoot the ball is going to get back around to whoever needs it on the floor new players and maybe a slightly new play style where do you think this team will be better this year than my um one defensively I think that's going to be our our um thing coach has emphasized that a lot just being able to be in the gaps being able to contest um work really hard and then offensively I think we have a lot of SC last year we were able to put points up on that board um and I think just with the additions that we have now the hustle plays the extra possessions that we're going to be able to get just to be able to score the ball and keep running uh coach mentioned she was impressed with how much you got stronger this off season even with all of your I'll tell you how much I deadlift but I don't want people to be like dang she so I'll whisper it guys I'll whisper it just know we're up there do coming into Camp do you feel a lot stronger I do that was the one of the things that I wanted to um work on in the offseason just being able to um hold my own a lot more I think coming in exactly from college you know I had that strength but there were also times where I felt like a rookie especially down that post and so to be able to come in my second year and be able to hold off a little bit longer be able to finish through contact a little bit better than I did uh my rookie season that was a lot better but I I'll tell you after I know yall are excited but if I see any numbers out there I know who to find Aaliyah chrisy talked about how she's grown as well how is she different this year um I think oh let me let me choose my words here last year last year I felt like coming in to training camp it was really intense but I think part of it was Hey sister sorry guys um it was just she was trying to us to understand the standard the culture what it's all about and I think this year just having the the ladies that we have um in our locker room just being able to understand the vibe the energy like coach Christy she knows what we have to do and she knows that she's going to tell us and we have to do it or else we're probably going to run and we don't really want to do that so we're going to do it and I think we just we just have so such great energy that I think it makes it easier on her you're going through going through the pre-draft process straight to a season um a lot of the attention how rewarding is it to just play um after a while yeah I mean it's exciting I feel like us as athletes like practice is all fun but we're like ready to just get in pick up getting into playing and that's just because we're competitors and so it's great being able to um finally start and it's not just uh workouts because that means we're close to games what's it mean for a player like yourself to see before the year you guys will have 36 games on national TV streaming platforms even more than the Champs last year for example yeah I think that just goes to show the eyes the energy and I think a big part of that are the fan bases and credit to the fan bases that are following their favorite players from college you know they are looking they're not stopping now that they are in the W and I think that's the biggest thing because now the people are seeing the viewership numbers are going to go up people want to watch people want to cheer us on and so it's really exciting to be able to have these numbers how much have you felt that changed even when back back from where you were in college to see some of your fans follow you along for I mean it's special you see people talking about it continuously like they watched our games telling people to tune in like that is what we need the numbers are just going to get higher sorry guys I know it's probably last year people very curious about your college decision what was like being on the other side of that and the day that Kaitlin actually announced she was going pro did you remember what you were doing or how you reacted well I can tell you actually I was unbraiding my hair I'm like sitting there I'm like brating I'm watching my Netflix all of a sudden my phone is vibrating I'm like guys what and I have my notifications off so here I am confused I opened Twitter but he's like Caitlyn o I'm like what what what so I I like turned on like oh she declared thank you so it was I mean it's exciting but I think for me also being able to I'm glad Caitlyn did it the way she wanted to because there's a lot of pressure there a lot of decisions you're coming from a fan base or a team that you've known for four years to start over in a sense and so just her being able to do it the way she wanted to without feeling press sure I'm I'm really glad she had that moment what's the biggest thing you want to teach her just about the state and how it Embraces basketball or just living here in general I wish I could say I can teach her anything I think they've done a great job I mean everyone you see it the energy the eyes everyone's cheering for her you I mean she signed an ultrasound did you guys see that social an ultra congrats to the lady but hey that's insane we talked a lot last summer about giving yourself Grace um kayit was mentioned that a lot um how important do you think that is just throughout the process again you have so much expectations you want to do well but it it's not going to be this maybe linear like process people expect yeah uh that's that's definitely the biggest thing and I I think it comes in waves there's going to be times talking about me as well and as well as Kaylin or anyone else that's playing there's going to be times when you're you're hooping you're hitting your shots and there also going to be times when you're missing shots iel like that's how I was today and it's just like what this is what I do and why are they rolling off the rim you know and I was getting angry and I think part of it is just understanding that one this is our first day back you know like we're in full go but when it comes to games when and Caitlyn I mean she I think she's going to feel it and but also we have a group around her that's going to be like listen you know we trust you we know you can knock that down you got the next one and it's just all about continue to be a team
Channel: Indiana Fever
Views: 83,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lKMmY9o_YmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 9sec (1569 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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