Indian Street Food - King of EGG FRIED RICE!! ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ Unique Food in Bangalore, India!

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so unique Indian Street food doesn't get better than this in this video we're on a mission to try five of the most unique and unusual Indian Street Foods in bangaluru and meet the amazing people behind them promise you the idly that you will taste here you've not tast it before passes the wobble test ah we'll visit the extremely popular Viv puram Street for ad DOA unlike anywhere [Applause] else we got the extra ghee squeeze and devour a plate of what just might be the greatest egg Curry Fried Rice combo plate on [Music] Earth that's a new perspective on fried rice but first meet Raja a genius Chef in a closet sized stall who transforms one of the simplest ingredients into a gourmet delicacy hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day it's Mark W and welcome to the mega city of bangaluru in Karnataka state in South India kpal hello Mar yes yes great to see you great to see you aome okay so we're going to be hanging out with kpal and we're going to go to eat uh some unseen some very unique even some fusion Street Foods on this tour I do love cauliflower but it's not the most exciting dish or I mean ingredient especially when it's the star of the show but in India think again so we are in JP nagar South bangaluru and we are at a place called Raja GOI out here they do very interesting things with the cauliflower and that's what we are about to taste out here awesome oh the Masala goes into the cauliflower oh it's thick that beautiful orange color oh the stir yes and then over here to the oil he's just so fast with that Masala with that batter on the cauliflower and then he evenly distributes it into the bubbling hot oil that's going to fry deep fry until crispy you already smell that Masala coming out the spices at this point his objective is only to coat that cauliflower with a bit of crunch and give it that dry [Music] crispness the cauliflower here under go cooking twice and that's what you will also taste in the flavors and [Music] textures moving on to the Masala so there's some chilies that have gone in there oh Ginger oh man so he's moving on to the frying part once the cauliflower is fried deep fried and crispy he's moving on to the next stir fry section green chilies go in oh Curry leaves Ginger is in there oh onions go in the water just pull it and now you will see the sauces go oh ketchup goes in this is a chili sauce chili sauce like a bottle of chili sauce goes in spices [Music] salt gam Masala chili powder yes look at the man which is looking that so fast oh cauliflower goes in he loads it up oh sprinkled with coriander onions more onions go in he cooks the walk with so much style he actually does a little dance wow oh that's a batch ready my mouth is watering what a stir fry technique that is the legendary Raja GOI Manchurian right out of the Walk M oh wow that crunch almost chated that crunch I kid you not if you told me it was chicken I would believe you yeah it almost feels like chicken you know once you get P crunch can you taste a bit of sweetness in your on your palette on your tongue it's from the spices it's from the Star and it's from a bit of the fennel in that garam masala Can You Feel the sweetness I kid you not if you were to drink glass of water now that water will taste sweet because of the sweetness of the aromates that go into his garam masala and you taste the wak hay the smokiness of the walk the Char of the walk and with those sauces that he caramelizes down because there's probably some sugar in that that uh ketchup and the tomato sauce that he has so he caramelizes that down that like creates this encasing of Saucy sticky sauce all over this crunchy cauliflower and the green chili you know the very few dishes that where you speak about tasting them even when they're not in your mouth so you're describing a dish but you're describing it on the basis of the residual Aroma of the residual Vapor that's still jostling in your palette oh I mean also if you look at the the complexity of the spices the sness the sweetness the warmth is also beautifully balanced definitely but it has this addictive uh acidity that heartness I think is what keeps you going back for more and more it's unbelievably crispy and then with those onions Curry leaves so it's so addictive like if you lived anywhere in the vicinity you would find yourself here every single day oh man that is unbel un believably tasty that's phenomenal Raja has done it again here just transformed something's an ingredient that's often forgotten in most cultures and just taken it to a superior level and his dedication is truly truly astounding that was so tasty flavors are just coating my mouth but we have a lot more to eat we're moving on to the next [Music] place [Music] we are at the next place and this is a very popular place it attracts a huge crowd and they make bell peppers but not just your ordinary bell pepper Raja began this cart 35 years ago with her sons and then of course also her husband today the sons are supporting her also in what they're doing w wow so 35 years5 years and we got here just in time the s up sorry they're making a fresh batch starting with the batter okay so nice so actually it's not it's not just a wheat batter flour uh they make it with ground flour chickpea chickpea flour can you smell the aroma of the chickpea already yes yes it's the right consistency and he breaks all those little air bubbles he really got he really has to massage that batter so that it's smooth right yes no lumps oh look at that [Music] move so she's just put in the fresh batch I love the way as soon as she inserts those bell peppers they just rise to the surface they Bob around and float in that oil the buoyancy they're so buoyant and the aroma of the green chili and green uh bell peppers coming out oh it smells so good once the bell pepper is fried uh they let it rest just for a little bit then he slices it into quarters uh but he takes out the seeds and the stem and then he puts it onto a paper uh sprinkles it with some chili powder maybe a little bit of Masala and then a handful of a salad looks like there's some grated carrots in there maybe some chilies definitely some onions some corander that goes on top and that's the mixture what a creation straight out of the oil I love it when he slices it open and it releases the bubble that incredibly colorful salad on top the carrots the onions oh and it's perfect little bite Siz pieces that's right you just pick it [Music] [Music] up that's a textural dream that lemony freshness the crunch of the G okay immediately as you bite down what you notice is that the batter is a little fluffy and spongy and crispy yeah but then the Vel pepper it has just it's it's been seared but it hasn't been fully cooked so it has that crunchy freshness still that's right oh man you know so this dish is amazing in the sense that they're cooking the bell pepper for a while engaged in that gram FL batter but that bell pepper hasn't transformed in its identity all that has happened to is it it's it softened a bit yes softened a bit just so that it yields a little better to your palette so you have the crunch of the gram flour the casing and then the vegetable notes of the bell pepper yes when you bite down you feel the juices of the bell pepper just ging out look at that cross-section it's perfect it's like a little bell pepper canoe straight to your mouth oh it's so good baring that casing MH of that gr flour everything else is fresh even the way she deep fries it it doesn't feel oily at all not at all like you think it's like a sponge of oil actually it's not oily at all look at the look at our fingers it's dry it's absolutely dry yeah just a another example of such Ingenuity creativity I love how it's a family AFF Fair tale so humble but cooking something so tasty and so friendly so hospitable and just look at the crowd behind us where else in the world would you find a crowd of people who have come to eat bell peppers street food is about the flavor and the fun but right here is a demonstration of what it's all about and the people behind [Music] [Applause] exactly thank you very much this was an honor to be here thank you thank [Music] you so we're continuing with this food tour kural where are we at next well we're at a place called Uncle egg rice and in Bengaluru we love our eggs and rice nice but our egg rice is a little different from what you would have experienced in your part of the world this one is spicy and banging with flavor awesome my mouth is watering could follow is their Uncle egg rice here to eat fried rice with egg Curry we're going to see a little bit of the process oh he's slicing up the eggs right now we've got a fresh batch of the egg Curry being made right now making hardboiled eggs salt goes in black pepper goes in coriander powder turmeric powder goes in okay end so you've got all that dry spice plus plus soy sauce goes in what a combination oh look at all that chili powder so what you didn't see at the bottom also there's capsicum there and also some green chilies that i b along with some onions too great this is a secret sauce okay the secret sauce secret gravy is going to go in so this is a gravy that has tomato as its base as you oh okay okay okay now we're going to move for the dish that you have to eat the curry with the fried rice this is the garlic paste okay garlic paste goes in onions nice on yes his famous capsicum slicing yes you've seen that right yes oh oh what a move that's a pro move y That's a pro move his air slicing capsicum bell pepper slicing skills are incredible he ninjas that bell pepper mint goes into the recipe the mint that goes into it fantastic oh that Aroma is coming out the onions the bell peppers also if you notice he's also used the tender stock of the mint as well oh yes from a flavor perspective right that's amazing so it's not just the leaf but also the tender stock of the mint some salt okay now the aroma of that mint is coming out in that oil tempering it down garam masala garam masala okay coriander powder and some turmeric red chili powder powder and now the eggs put the eggs 30 eggs 30 eggs go in yeah oh man 30 eggs go in what I didn't realize it was is it was going to be egg fries fried rice with egg Curry I thought it would just be plain fried rice with egg C so it's egg on top of egg yes a little bit of salt goes in oh the black pepper yes chili yes sauce soy [Music] sauce thank you oh that feels amazing on your fingers you can feel like the crumbliness of the scrambled eggs within the the rice and the softness of the rice and the Masala Cheers Cheers oh yes oh it's so tasty oh man it's so light and fluffy it is and you feel the egg coating every grain of rice that's right with the Masala kick in the background you know what's interesting here is that you're biting into the rice but the texture is that of the egg yes yes it has that that scrambled egg texture to it that's delicious oh that's an addictive fried rice on its own but we have egg Curry paired with it I'm so excited look at that thick sauce and you can start to mix and match a little bit with the egg fried rice there's just Masala in everything the spices the blend of spices the crunch of the onion is also really nice all the creaminess of the hardboiled eggs yeah oh that added richness and protein and the textures you know also what you notice is when you have the egg rice just by itself the Masala was subtle but you could still taste it now the Masala is very rounded because of that creaminess of the egg yolk that comes into place yes the egg whites have remained solid but the yolk because it's crumbly yeah it's disintegrated into the gravy like making it extra rich and giving it so much body there's a reason why you have everything on your plate now let's say if you feel that the spice uhhuh has gotten to you just bite into a bit of the capsicum I love how to to tame down the flavor of of chili you bite into a chili that's right oh that is delicious that's a new perspective on fried rice oh fried rice Uncle wanted us to taste his egg Manchurian so fried eggs deep fried then stir fried with a sauce and green chilies I miss those Chiles oh so good the creaminess of the egg the crispiness he truly is the king of eggs I thank you Uncle thank you thank you so much that was outstanding and his he's so humble so friendly so hospitable so welcoming his personality is also part of the experience and that is outstandingly outrageously [Music] tasty We are continuing with this food tour in bangaluru kalal where are we next well we at a place called juggly tindi in JP nagar South bangaluru and you would have tasted many of idly but I can promise you the idly that you will taste here you've not tasted before wo the coconut shell rolls the coconut shell rolls around the plate yeah perfect that coconut shell it wants to get away from us mark it doesn't want to be eaten it doesn't want to surrender to us so if you notice mark this coconut shell idly has a bunch of different things so this Mark is the coconut shell so if you look so once it scrape the coconut out that's how they use the idly is the batter a combination of rice and D or just just rice Ur Dal and combination of idly raava okay it's called rice raav as opposed to a metal container which basically conducts the heat more easily this one takes longer time for the heat to permeate okay okay so the good things always take longer Mar yes how long will that Steam for now uh 20 25 minutes okay there's a lot of green in it compared to most idlies that I've seen that's right because typically in idy so this is what they call the Masala coconut idy so there's things like Curry Leaf yes a bit of I think coriander too goes in and I think there's also some cumin that goes into this yeah and there's something else that they will add now which elevates the flavor even more coconut oil oh so it gets a drizzle of coconut oil on the top and you can see this idly it's already it's it actually has expanded quite a lot when it was steamed it's risen and it's even kind of cracked and you can see the fluffy sponginess of it the herbs just sprouting out of it that's beautiful I love the natural natural coconut that is such a great idea so we definitely have to taste it first on its own before dipping into the sambar and the Chutney yes and there's pieces of grated coconut in here too that's right oh oh so it's coconut in the Coconut oh and the aroma of the coconut oil yes that's coconut o that is taking the idley to a New Height normally idley is quite Plain on its own yeah but this one is just studded with flavor and that really nice fermentation to bring out the sourness yeah oh man and the texture I can't wait to try the SAR I love scooping it out too look at that look at that texture oh dip into that sambar the challenge is to as much of the ID as possible it almost falls apart yeah it has this like almost pumpkiny sweetness to it or onions s of tartness to it but it's so tasty so the sweetness comes from some jaggery that goes into it ah okay oh it's thick and it's green too so there's coconut and maybe green chili or coriander to make it green Yeah so basically there will be mint there will be coriander there will be green chili as well and the base is usually coconut and here we also use something called Pani which is like a Chana Dal like the chickpea okay the ground chickpea that's also what goes into the Chutney and gives it that grainy sort of a texture oh yeah yeah yeah a little starchy yeah M wow you can't go wrong and this idly is just fantastic oh should we move on to to the ja one to I think we should and contrast so it's unwrap it yes oh and it's an upright version and it's also a different batter he loads it up in the coconut in the jackf fruit Leaf little basket smells so good and I just love use the use of natural packaging passes the wobble test ah the idly jiggle [Music] test oh yes oh it's like this one is really bready it's a little drier yeah it's a little more fluffy and dry almost like the texture of a cake but can you taste somewhere the vegetable flavors of that leaf I do I do yeah it has this greenness a little bit of a greenness to it that's just embedded within it the essence the essence from those Jackfruit [Music] loaves oh this one really absorbs [Music] M yeah SAR takes it to the next level it's a sponge it's a sponge so that's why it's a lot more porous right that's because of the texture it's more it's more fluffy this one in a manner of speaking is a little dense so it's able to soak up all that sambar so the moment you place it in your mouth you don't even need to bite into it perfect description it just disintegrates on the tongue Oh leaving that flavor behind lingering on your tongue so next up on this tour this food tour in bangalo we are at the famous Viv puram street so this is VI puram W I love it already I've heard a lot about this street it's one of the main food streets it's kind of a walking Street filled with street food of all kinds you can imagine dedicated to vegetarian food what is that by the [Music] way looks like a giant block of cheese oh like a coconut SHO it looks like a stump of a tree squeezes lime and just wipes a lime all over it I'll try sh wow that is something unique it's almost like want a bigger I think I want a bigger bigger chunk oh yeah like [Music] spaghetti M it's refreshing it's almost a bit Ginger like yeah almost tastes like a cross between a hikma and a green apple yeah like a green apple taste to it do yeah maybe that's coming from the sourness of the lime it's got a refreshing crunch to it very no oh it's very refreshing juicy and crispy oh that's delicious oh nice to meet you so that's Chan and STI all right do which is basically a do made with a highin bean and also the a Aki Roti this one is the high Bean yeah this is the high this is p when I picture ad DOA he he takes the batter puts it on the Hot Grill and then kind of scoots it out flattens it out with the with the little bowl cup yeah the spatula but this one he just dropped down the batter and then the absolute pro move is that mixture of hent beans and herbs he just has a handful A Fistful of it pushes it down smashes it down with his hand in one perfect Swift motion into a pancake shape and then his absolute signature move is the geese Squirt from the bag with a perfect little hole he just he just squeezes it out the geese squirt is [Music] [Applause] incredible that's a do song they're just taking things to the next level we're fully geed up plenty of GE I think part of that was specially for you MK we got the extra ghee squeeze all the the herbs in there the parsley the dill the sweetness of those hen beans all wrapped up in the the batter the richness of the ghee oh man you know what's also nice is the flavor that the onions bring to it so part of the onion has roasted to crisp and therefore it's near caramelized and there's the other onion which is still moist strategically Chef smashes the top with his hand and then he flips it over onto the vegetable side so those those vegetables are all able to sear giving them that smokiness and Char what do you think of the flavor of the highest delicious a little bit starchy kind of similar to almost like a soybean a little bit has a sweetness to it has a crunch to it adds that protein so good this is a sambar that again has some a in it so that's what you will see oh so it's it's still loaded with the yeah with the heisen beans are inside the heisen beans and some butter onions oh nice salads oh wow yes that like rounds out the flavor gives it some body and some depth a little more juices it makes your mouth just juice with those flavors and it is a coconut chy that's so it's a combination there'll be some coconut there's also some of the same the chickpea the chickpea lentils the coconut the the coriander or oh the Mustard Seed there's a also there's plenty of the uh D to in the iny yeah yeah that's what like bringing out the flavor it's so good we have the next the Masala the Masala one okay so the gunpowder they call it okay what is the gun powder Masala which is made out of chickpeas and other spices okay so usually it is uh added to the Dosa here you can see that redness he just kind of he kind of like uh just brushed smudged some on the bottom side there [Music] [Music] goes into it he's flattening it in between that food grade WP it's really thin again yeah thank you you oh it's so crispy all right for it mhm it's denser but crispier oh and that same herbal goodness and the dill and the beans and you also tast the cumin in there yes the cumin seed right yeah it's very prominent diing the [Music] Chutney that's such a play on Textures it's Ultra crispy on the edges yeah and just slightly gooey and dense in the center and so what do we have next so this is the ragi Roti similar concept but made with a millet look at that that color it looks like a chocolate cake yeah I think I have to dip in that even though I should probably taste it first that SAR is calling my name it's another dimension oh it's really good kind of has that whole grain grainy flavor to it so the character of ragi is that it gives everything a very earthy sort of a flavor so for example the mix that goes into this and that is the same but if you notice you could taste a lot more in the rice you know you could taste the cumin you could taste some of the coriander some of the mint whereas here it's the earthiness of the ragi of the Millet that overpowers it all yeah and it feels more heavy more like you can feel it like coming into your stomach you know it's going to be a slow digest the complexity the complex carbs in that finger [Music] Millet people here have huge Hearts the friendliness of the people stands out the food is so flavorful and we ate some of the most unique foods that I'd never seen before I want to say a huge thank you to my friend kpal uh he's from food lovers TV he's so knowledgeable about the local food and he's truly incredible so I'll have his Link in the description box go check it out and also big thank you to you for watching this video please remember to give it a thumbs up leave a comment below and remember to subscribe and also watch this entire Indian food tour where we're traveling around the state of kataka eating some of the best Indian food you're not going to want to miss any of it thanks again for watching good night
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 3,644,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bangaluru, Bangalore, Bangalore street food, Bengaluru street food, Indian food, Indian street food, best Indian food, best Indian street food, best food Bangalore, best restaurants Bangalore, South India, South Indian food, Indian food tour, Bangalore food tour, Bangalore street food tour, Mark Wiens, Mark Wiens food, food tour, street food, street food videos
Id: rvJPQam-NYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 54sec (2034 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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