3 Ways to Make Aloe Vera for Hair Growth & Beautiful Skin

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hi everybody it's me debbie from axe debbie about hair i know it's been a while since you've seen me maybe a few months but you all know this year has been a trying year for all of us i've been maintaining staying home doing the shelter in place taking care of my family but i realized that i missed my youtube family and i wanted to come back and do another video for you many people have been asking me debbie how are you growing your hair now you all know me for me having that short pixie cut i've been rocking a short pixie cut for about 10 to 15 years and that has been my signature look for years but last year i started growing my hair out and i didn't know where it was going to lead i didn't know whether i was going to cut it but i decided you know what i'm always sharing with you as a hair loss practitioner how to grow your hair and then as a nutritionist how to be healthy and i'm doing both so i figured why not grow my hair out and share with you my journey and my experience on what i do to keep my hair growing now whether if i'm gonna keep it i don't know because i still love my short pixie cut but i am loving this new look i am loving the hair growth i'm loving how the hair is growing natural hair is a lot to maintain i have to tell you i keep this hair in a ponytail more than anything else because it's like oh my gosh i got a twist out i gotta twist out different things or i'll use my flax seed which helps to pop the curl but i got to mix it and make it and so much going on but today i want to share with you some of my tips that i do for my hair growth i use the aloe vera plant and today i'm going to show you my way of using the aloe vera plant now there are so many wonderful people on youtube and on social media showing you how they use the aloe vera plant and i'm loving all of the influencers and all of the different people that are showing you how they're growing their hair i love it so much because if anyone could take the time to share with you for free how they're growing their hair they have to be wonderful people but i'm going to show you what i do with the aloe vera plant i'm going to show you three things that i do with it one how i cut it how i use it how i freeze it i'm going to show you how i make a facial out of it and i'm going to show you how to make a aloe vera cold pressed oil let's go so i'm going to show you how to cut the aloe vera plant and we have to cut the top and the bottoms off and we have to cut the thorny sides off and so that's where we'll start so you want to cut the top part off and be very careful with your knife that's one of the problems with cutting aloe it's slippery and you have a knife so we're going to cut about three inches from the bottom now you see there we have the thorny sides or the serrated edges you're going to use your knife and cut away from yourself i've seen people do this and they cut themselves because they cut the leaf toward themselves and just use your knife and cut slowly and cut it away from yourself now what i'm going to do first is i'm going to show you how most people cut their aloe vera the first thing is your aloe vera has something in it called alloying it's that yellow sap that comes out of the the plant and it's that stinky smell it actually is a it's a laxative and what you want to do is you have to basically soak it or let all of the alloying drip out of your aloe vera plant before you use it so you get a pitcher of water and let it sit there for about 15 to 30 minutes and you'll see that the water will start to turn yellow that's when you know you have most of that yellow sap or that alloying another name is aloe latex you'll have all of that most of it will drip out of the um the plant after your 15 to 30 minutes you'll take it out and as you see my water is yellow sometimes my water is even more yellow than this depending on how big the plant is now here's the part most people cut their aloe this way where they cut it into these small sections and after they cut it into small sections again they're using a knife too much and i see so many cuts and bruises from this but they use the knife and they cut it in these small sections and then they're going to cut the skin one part of it and then you're going to use a spoon and scoop out the rest now that's not the way i do it but that's how most people do it and to me it's so slippery and it's time consuming and depending on how big your aloe leaf is you'll be here for a while just cutting and scooping and cutting and scooping and there's nothing wrong with that there's no wrong or right way to cut it but i use a cake spatula and it's so easy because what you're going to do is you're going to take your cake tool and slide it right under the leaf right under the skin and look how easy the skin separates from the aloe gel no knife necessary so no cuts no bleeding and as you see the majority of the gel is still on the leaf the other leaf and so you're going to turn it over and take your cake tool and just get it under there and just slide it through it's like filleting a fish without that sharp knife and again no knife necessary right under the skin and it slides through so easy and it's less time consuming the most time is really just soaking the aloe to remove the aloe latex but now we're going to slide it and look at this it's all of the aloe gel has been filleted it's one long whole piece and i'm going to show you later what we're going to do with the skin i'm going to use every bit of this aloe look at that nothing's really left on the skin i got it all and now we're going to blend it so we're going to put it all in a blender and blend it up really good and here's the thing that i notice most people miss i hear all the time when people are using aloe for their hair they're getting these white flakes that's because you didn't strain it you have to strain your aloe if you don't strain it you're gonna have flakes in your hair that looks like snow dandruff and it takes forever to get it out of your hair so get something a good strainer and just let it strain and drip there you see how it's dripping and straining and now i have it i can use this anytime i spray it into my hair i leave it into my hair and a lot of times i freeze it and so because you have so much of it i'll freeze it and i'll use it later and i'll pop it out when i need it i put it in a smoothie you also have to understand healthy hair begins from the inside out so not only are you going to use it externally on your hair but like this with the ice cubes i'll pop it in a smoothie and now my body is getting the minerals and nutrients that this aloe plant has so that's one of the ways i use it now i'm going to show you how to make a fantastic aloe vera face mask now the aloe vera treatment for your skin is so expensive and most of the face sheets are so expensive and they're very trendy now so i'm going to show you what to do i'm using a shop towel shop towels have so much quality and it's just as good as a face sheet but not with the expense so you're going to take your shop towel fold it down and you're going to cut a moon shape out of your shop towel it's so strong and absorbent this is amazing you'll see what you can do with this now what i just cut that's the eyes i'm going to go down about an inch and a half and i'm going to cut out a nose and as you see i'm making a slit here and then i'm going to go down about an inch or so down and i'm going to cut out my mouth and you'll see when i'm done i actually have an aloe vera sheet mask one of these sheet masks in a store could cost anywhere from five to fifty dollars but using the shop towel because of the quality of it i have a very good quality sheet mask without the expense so now what i'm going to do is fold it and we're going to place it back into our aloe vera and let it soak in there and then we're just going to squeeze all of the liquid out of our homemade face sheet the quality of it is really amazing guys we even use this to make our face mask and i actually have a video showing you how to make your own face mask because of the pandemic and this is the same material we use this material actually is the same quality as an n95 mask but after you soak it you're going to open it up and there and it won't rip this will last and there you have an aloe vera face sheet for a skin treatment now aloe vera is amazing for your skin it hydrates soothes and smooths enjoy now i'm going to show you i told you i was going to use all of the skin i'm using every piece of this aloe vera plant now i'm going to show you how to make an aloe vera cold press oil so what we're going to do is we're going to cut all of the leaves like this and you're going to cut them into smaller pieces because we're going to soak this aloe vera or ferment it to make a cold pressed aloe vera oil now many people do this but they heat it up on the stove i want to do it cold pressed because this way i'm not losing any of the nutrients you can lose the nutrients when you heat this so if you're doing it cold pressed there's no heat there's no processing it's going to naturally ferment into an aloe vera oil so you're going to cut this into as many small pieces as you can and because the aloe vera has so many vitamins and minerals vitamin a b c and e folic acid copper zinc so many of the things that your skin needs and so soothing having your own aloe vera oil is something that you want to keep you can refrigerate it i'm going to show you how to put citric acid which can preserve it and then now we're just going to get i use a mason jar and we're going to put all of the pieces inside of our mason jar fill your jar up to the top and then you're going to come back with an oil a 100 oil i use sweet almond oil i love sweet almond oil because it's mineral rich it's vitamin rich and it's very light but you can use coconut oil you can use extra virgin olive oil it's your choice but you're going to put all of your leaves inside of your jar and then you're going to fill your jar with your pure oil and after you fill your jar with your pure oil you're actually what i do is i use a little bit of citric acid citric acid is a natural natural preservative this way my aloe vera oil will have a very long shelf life and so when you're using citric acid you only need a little bit and this is a 1 4 of a teaspoon of citric acid and after i put my citric acid in i'm going to seal this up really good and i'm going to place it in the sun this is how you're going to get a natural cold pressed aloe vera oil now the thing about this placing it in the sun this is the alternative to cooking it it's going to take a couple of weeks and some of you may say i don't have that kind of time but if you do you'll have your cold pressed oil aloe promotes hair growth healthy hair healthy skin and a healthy you enjoy you
Channel: Debbie Williams
Views: 321,233
Rating: 4.9211397 out of 5
Keywords: hair loss, hair growth, hair oil, hair mask, alopecia, hair falling out, hair growth remedy, natural hair, damaged hair, ALOE VERA, aloe vera for hair growth, aloe for hair, diy hair treatment, ask debbie about hair, debbie williams, ask debbie, hair and scalp meds, diy face mask, cold pressed oils, diy cold pressed oil, black hair care, natural hair care, aloe vera treatment, aloe vera facial, dandruff treatment, hair growth oil, natural hair journey, hair loss cure
Id: 0Sae6NT79uE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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