Incredible Wealth of Benefits: Discover the Best Herbs to Grow on a Homestead

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hey y'all this is Beth from the upcycled family and I wanted to talk to you all today about herbs [Music] so I needed to get out to the greenhouse to do all kinds of weeding look at it in here that's crazy and um I thought why not talk about herbs and herbs on the homestead and which ones we use and what which ones I find particularly helpful for Homestead life [Music] Homestead herbs so right off the bat I'm going to say one of my favorites and must-haves is yarrow okay yarrow you guys it is Top Notch it's one of the best plants nothing bothers it nothing tries to eat it nothing messes with it but it is amazing it's an amazing plant it will stop blood like if you have a cut a wound something that's bleeding really quickly it'll stop it before probably anything else you can find out there it makes for great salves balms you can use it as a poultice like straight on a wound Cuts bruises any kind of wound injury it's anti-inflammatory it's antiseptic it helps to heal your skin faster or heal anything really it can be used in a tincture internally or a tea you could make it into a tea and pour it over a wound to help stop bleeding too um it's just a really really great plant to have around and it's like zero work like you plant it one year and then like it's just gonna keep coming back okay y'all next I want to talk about this stuff right here this is called Dreyer's chamomile see that it is different than a lot of chamomile and it you can use it a lot the same it's still got the soothing properties and the calming properties to it but it is not so dainty it's bushy it like takes over stuff like you don't have to baby it like Roman chamomile I don't know if that's just me but that stuff has to be babied a lot and you don't get very many flowers this stuff is crazy look at that that's one patch It's Just Flowers All Summer Long Non-Stop chamomile can be put into tinctures it can be put into teas it can be put into other herbal stuff or um salves can be used on babies can be used for children and what I like the best about this stuff right here is because where I live we have this horrible grass Kansas um you know we're low on trees but high on grass and so if you work up a dirt area you have this I think it's crabgrass I don't really know for sure but it moves in and man it moves like roots and The Roots will go for a really long way so trying to choke back that grass is really difficult but this stuff it just overtakes everything and that grass doesn't have any chance to like get there so if you have Borders or somewhere where you want to fight off some sort of weeds this stuff does great and it brings in the pollinator so it's both herbal medicinal and super helpful in the garden again this one's called dryers chamomile okay [Music] the next is called I you know I think it's called calendula but I always call it calendula and that probably makes me sound redneck or something but that's okay anyways you can see there is all sorts of blooms [Music] and there'll be even more but my daughter just came out and picked a whole bunch off and she likes to infuse them into stuff and make sugar scrubs and oils and all different kinds of stuff so she just picked a whole bunch off but it's just going to keep doing this all summer and uh what I like about this stuff is it is amazing it's an amazing anti-inflammatory so again with the external stuff or any kind of wound or healing it's going to speed cell growth to heal a wound and it is soothing and calming it's really gentle again like chamomile it's gentle and can be used with kids but it's very powerful so it can be used internally it can be used externally uh washes tinctures teas um it's been known to help heal say things like ulcers internal things that need calming down and soothing and the other thing that I love about it and if you see let me pull this I got a lettuce bolting here that can go I can go to the pigs I'll show you that in a minute anyways this stuff is just very prolific so like it's just gonna all of these right here I did not plant any of these it was just it comes in from last year so so here you have calendula or a calendula rather but all of this is too all of these things receded themselves in that pot randomly in my walkways all this right here reseeded itself reseeded itself so you plant it once you can kind of plant and forget because I'm pulling some lettuce I'm gonna show you that's the pigs like favorite treat that's her and my thing I feed her lettuce and she loves it [Music] pigs love lettuce to be fair they love all things I don't think there's nothing they don't love but I think it's her extra special thing she really really loves it when I throw in lettuce okay let's talk about the next thing right here we have as you can see Rosemary Rosemary is not super easy to start at least it hasn't been for me maybe it's a climate thing maybe I don't know but when you do have it it's a great and amazing plant once it's good and healthy it'll keep going um the first years a little difficult but um it's great for all sorts of things coughs colds throat and a tea you can dry it out and it's wonderful for cold and flu season you can tincture it and use it like that also it's amazing for the brain so it increases the oxygen uptake to the brain so anytime where you need extra Focus or maybe your kids do we homeschool so I want them focusing because that's on me and it's extra time so it's really great for anything like that also if you cut a little stem it's pretty easy to propagate just dip it in some rooting hormone or honey works pretty good too and put it in some soil and pretty soon you'll have another plant so that makes it really easy to keep it going okay next thing y'all I'm going to talk about is thyme it's one of my super favorites it's really pretty in the spring when it's blooming they're little dainty blooms but this plant is an anti to everything you don't want it's anti antibiotic it's antiseptic it's antimicrobial all sorts of stuff you can use it in so many ways to heal yourself heal your family I used it when a couple of my kids that were really little Got Hand Foot and Mouth from some family that we are around and that family they took like three and four weeks to get over it and my kids were over in like two days they had a couple sores a couple bad days and then it was done so time way better than anything the doctor gave them um so on top of that it's really great in the garden because other bugs don't really want to be around it especially like your caterpillar types like cabbage worms and things of that nature it's really great to interplant in the garden so if you have somewhere where you know you're going to be planting cabbage or anything in the Cabbage family where you get those darn cabbage forms this is the stuff you want to plant with it a couple other couple other honorable mentions I'm going to mention that are not in my Greenhouse right now but we do have them and I use them pretty regularly is Sage it's pretty good for some like digestive type stuff [Music] and of course it can be added to all sorts of foods so that just adds that in but also it's a wonderful blooming plant and comes back every single year like one plant and you'll never need more than that for like your whole family forever um Sage is really a really strong producer but it puts off some amazing purple flowers like right about now in the springtime and that really brings in the bees so if you have somewhere you want extra bees put some Sage there and my other one that I like to mention is echinacea another perennial herb really great for healing looks beautiful in the garden and comes back year after year you can use all parts of the plant you can use a flour or the leaves or the roots um to make tinctures or healing things through the winter time dry it out and put it in a tea That's the like simplest way to do anything you don't have to be super herbalist to understand just dry the plant put it in a tea for whatever it's going to cure and it just works so you don't have to overthink it then all right so that's everything that I have um for my favorite herbs around the homestead and what we use and what I love and uh I have a lot more reading to do [Music]
Channel: The Upcycled Family
Views: 175
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Id: zfRsQ2sdv5A
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Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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