Incredible telescope for under £100

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[Applause] a good telescope has the power to do this i saw jupiter and one of the moons passing across it and that was for me i was like right this is amazing it'll turn you into a nerd no partying tonight a crappy scope however has the power to do this it'll make you hate astronomy turn your back on nerds then you'll get a social life then you'll go to parties and you'll start dancing to the drummond base clearly clearly this is really bad bad now most people end up buying one of these cheap crappy scopes because they appear at the top of the google search list and that's why so many people you'd think would be nerds are actually into drum and bass but i believe that out there somewhere is a great scope that's as cheap as one of these crap ones and uh yeah in this video we're going to try and find it in fact last year i thought i had found it i went up on the roof of the roof to test out an old-school f5 80 millimeter acromatic refractor it's absolutely crystal clear look at that it was fantastic on the moon astonishing on the planets good on deep space ah there it is and can even be used for astrophotography last night this little baby managed to take this shot [Music] the good news is a number of companies stock this classic 40 year old design the bad news is when my last video dropped it sold out [Music] this year it's back but the manufacturers have bumped up the price and now it costs 125 pounds and because most folks won't spend more than a hundred pounds on their first scope this beauty is now out of reach of thousands of potential nerds so benny if we can't find a good scope under 100 squibbles to replace this one then the world is going to run out of nerds and why is that bad because without nerds benny the human race is doomed no it isn't yes it is i'm afraid not yes it is now listen so in this video we're going to try and save the world by finding a great telescope for under a hundred pounds and guess what i've only gone and found it [Music] this this is something i've been wanting to try out for ages the first scope by celestron it's like a 56 quid that is crazy cheap and yet it's got the best mount of any cheap scope out there it's really smooth really nice these eyepieces are old-school eye pieces and cheap but i wonder i wonder are they going to do the job well we're going to find out because this little beauty is doing battle with your standard google recommended scope this is like one of the most popular scopes ever ever to land on amazon the celestron travel scope yeah i don't expect this to be that good i'll say one thing for it it does come with a whole lot of bits [Music] oh maybe it's gonna be okay maybe it's gonna be okay it is better than i was expecting that's sure okay this is it folks the first scope the 70 millimeter travel scope my classic acro and jupiter [Music] let's try this one shall we immediately i spot a problem with the celestion 70 millimeter travel scope it's got the wobbles when you knock a good mount it'll take about five seconds for the wobbles to die down seven eight nine it's still wobbling around a bit i mean yeah let's pop it on the other tripod that's better the secret of observing planets is to be patient and wait for a moment of atmospheric calm and on the right you'll see the classic acro delivers compelling vans across jupiter but the travel scope doesn't yeah it's just not quite it's just not quite getting sharp it's just all slightly blurry come on little celestron first scope don't let me down the reason i think this little fella is gonna save the earth is because it incorporates the inventions of two telescoping genie eye the first was sir isaac newton who 200 years ago realized that mirrors can do a better job than lenses and more recently american monk john dobson who was so determined to show people god's heavenly creation he invented a super stable cheap mount called the dob on which to put newton's telescope and i'm banking that this cute little mini dob is going to turn you into a believer [Music] [Music] ah no how disappointing the celestial first scope is in fact worse than the travel scope something has gone horribly wrong well it looks like the world will run out of nerds such a shame nothing else for it i'm gonna have to alert the high nerd [Music] her response was swift within hours first light optics sent a flotilla of cheap scopes to biscuit mansions in the hopes of finding one that was as good as my beloved old acro inside the first box was a sky watcher 76 millimeter heritage [Music] it's not as popular as the first scope because it's 20 quid more expensive it looks identical doesn't it but as i discovered it's not identical this mirror here is parabolic shape this mirror in here is spherical that's a shaving mirror that's a telescope mirror could the lack of a parabolic mirror be the reason why the first scope performed so badly and if so how much better is this next scope going to be what about this baby huh it is the clone of this 76 millimeter fat sky watcher it's a 100 millimeter fat sky watcher now then it turns out exactly the same scope with a different label on it cost 99 in the states which means this baby this baby might be the one actually not in the uk though but in america oh very exciting the next box reveals the oldest telescope design of them all the long thin refractor now i've got one of these made in the 1980s in japan by vixen it's absolutely blooming brilliant the question is can modern china match the quality of those old japanese scopes here's a new one sky watcher 70 millimeter f10 ooh annoyingly this scope now costs more than a hundred quid so it's disqualified luckily i haven't even know this one we got a similar long thin one that's only 75. celestron 60 millimeter this one is potentially gonna match my old vixen i doubt it though the vixen is amazing anyway let's find out let's get it up there [Music] clouds are clouds are okay all right let's kick off with the mini dob let's find out how this parabola mirror does the moon's not bad [Music] let's move on to jupiter although you can see the four moons it just well it's just not good enough on jupiter these two are just two tidge to do the king of the planets justice we need a bigger parabolic mirror like this one now grant from first light optics says this is better than my lovely acro that i love let's find out unfortunately bud i disagree that means the entire hopes of the whole of the human race rest upon this final telescope the celestron 60 millimeter refractor biscuit no one believes that the entire success of the human race depends on the new this is crunch time now physics says that the thinner your telescope the less resolution it's capable of achieving and this is the thinnest scope on the roof tonight tripods are bad the tripod is bad there is a fix for this which i mentioned on my website for now we're just gonna pop the scope on my own tripod okay that's better better with this tripod oh my gosh oh my gosh ooh holy camuli you know when you see something that weighs more than 300 times what the earth does just floating in a sea of blackness more than 420 million miles away well the chances are you're gonna get turned into a nerd [Music] oh it's just so sharp it's gorgeous if you look carefully in a moment of calm you can see a spot on jupiter that my friends is the shadow of europa the red spot is currently on the other side of the planet this celestron 60 millimeter f10 is my recommendation it's 75 quid [Music] bunny we actually did manage to save the planet you do realize it's rabbit droppings that will save the planet well you can think what you think i know what i know and i've put everything i know on my website [Music] now if my plan has worked and you are buying one of these scopes and you are on your way to becoming a nerd then presumably you've got some new astro questions that need answering well you're in luck because biscuit fans have set up a super friendly amateur astronomy community on the astro biscuit discord server we've got 8 000 members with the biggest astro server there is and 500 of our members are registered nerds we've even got more than 60 who've achieved the height of mega nerd anyway all those guys and girls will answer your questions you don't even have to join discord because on my website we've got a ask a nerd page and you can type in your questions there and fingers crossed someone will be answering straight away and a huge thank you to the mods and bat mods and mega nerds who are helping make this community work so well the only reason it works is because us nerds basically and nice nerds are nice right and a bunch of us are willing to help other people out it's supersonic so thank you everyone i'm actually not going anywhere because i've got to say my thank yous firstly thanks richtenstein autumn tunes his album link is below thank you to my patrons patrons by the way get access to a special group of hidden channels on the discord server which is where all the best biscuits on the whole server hang including all the mega nerds i'm not thanking all the people who helped me buy this amazing camera because i'll be thanking you in the next video when hopefully if the weather clears i'll actually use it huge thank you to everyone who buys their astronomy equipment using links on my website the links should be the cheapest you can get and i also explain the astro photography theory behind what i've chosen and we know it's the best stuff because we've tested over 300 scopes on the discord server and last but not least the big amateur telescope the project where we all point our telescopes at the same target and share data look up my website to find out more is expanding we are now also doing wide field so if you've got a small scope you can join and sola because the sun's really kicking off at the moment uh helena thank you for dancing and hopefully we'll see you and some other youtube astro celebrities in a live event called astrophotographers question time which will be coming at you on the 27th november 9 p.m live from the discord server streaming on this youtube channel so subscribe listen in and join us and ask your questions pip [Music]
Channel: Astrobiscuit
Views: 632,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best telescope under 100, incredible telescope, budget telescope, what is the best telescope to buy to see planets, best telescope for planets, best telescope for moon, a good inexpensive telescope, mini dob, skywatcher, celestron, celestron 70mm travelscope review, 70mm travelscope, celestron powerseeker 70az telescope, celestron astromaster 60az, skywatcher heritage 76 mini dobsonian telescope, celestron firstscope, orion skyscanner 100mm tabletop reflector telescope
Id: S9AjNOCv-4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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