5 Incredible Telescopes that are changing Amateur Astronomy

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hey folks I hope you're sitting down because you're about to be blown away by the power of modern amateur astronomy you have discovered your own planetary nebula which Bears your name it's it's unbelievable honestly in this video Me and My nerd friends it's basically the height of you are gonna reveal this is right in there five telescopes they are delightful that have helped bring about oh leave this amateur astronomy Revolution whatever scope you have there's got to be a killer scope my scope is wow the music for this Astro biscuit mission is brought to you by his majesty King richtenstein details of all the Astro gear used in this video on my website link below you can support the channel by making a donation becoming a patron or buying one of our high quality prints all right here we go [Music] [Applause] despite being about all the very very latest changes that are happening this old girl has a part to play long old telescope F10 there's no getting away from it this 300 year old doublet lens design is optically amazing holy right now I'm looking at a moon called Ganymede passing in front of Jupiter wow for centuries this kind of view belonged only to the very rich but not anymore [Music] coming in at number five our first killer scope cost under a hundred pounds oh it's just so sharp and if you're looking at the planets or the moon this design is perfect link below but if you want to see faint galaxies you need something a bit fatter like this because by making it faster you let more lighting problem though with these short fat refractors is that the glass bends the blue light a bit more than the red light and you get color fringing so really if you want to improve this telescope design by making it fatter you've also got to make it longer yeah like this oh and if you think this one's a bit awkward next killer scope is even fatter [Music] holy moly holy [Music] hell any scope is four times faster than my 100 quid scope shows four times the detail and gathers 16 times more photons it looks so good doesn't it yeah at least it would if it weren't for the what I hope is now becoming obvious flaw in this design since it's been it was built um I've never used it I can't pick it up these telescopes are so long that a decently fat one requires a four-story Observatory and lots of servants which is why our next killer scope is a completely different design the first trials were conducted on a bunch of unsuspecting hippies in 1970s San Francisco I'm sort of imagining you know San Francisco 70s it's the whole hippie thing going on right and then you've got John Dobson building giant telescopes and people going out getting stoned and looking at galaxies and stuff with these enormous telescopes I mean I don't know is that kind of what it was like I have it actually was kind of like that ex-hindu monk John Dobson was on a mission to show the world the beauty of God's Heavenly creation and he was going to do it with giant telescope mirrors that he'd ground out himself using beach sand and plate glass he started what was called San Francisco street side astronomers and he would take one of his big Scopes out to a busy corner and he would just invite people to step up to get people interested in the stuff that's in the sky the astronomy establishment thought he was a hippie and snubbed his hodgepodge design and yet his easy to use Rocker Box made out of wood and cardboard tubes and slings was able to hold huge Newtonian mirrors which for the first time gathered enough photons to allow amateurs to see the spiral arms of galaxies tens of millions of light years away [Music] although some of the locals claim to see such things without needing a telescope so I don't know how many hundreds or thousands of people he awoke an interest in astronomy for but now it's an institution it's an icon the dobsonian telescope is so is so widespread and Dobson himself became a kind of nerdy rock star I was Keen to meet him so I took him to his mirror grinding class and there were about 25 people there and he asked the simple question are you making it a parabolic or a circular mirror the guy said parabolic and Dobson shouted no no no no no no no and every single person literally flew out of their seats with fear he was terrifying yeah come see the moon John Dobson continued his mission right till the end of his life and is cheap and effortless Rocker Box which which enormous Newtonian telescopes deep into space lives on and bears his name the dobsonian what a fella and Dobbs are absolutely killer Scopes nothing can beat them for looking deep into space more details on my website link below worth noting though Dobbs have an obstruction right in front of the primary mirror which makes them not optically as good as refractors the reason they win is because they're bigger so little Dobbs ain't no good thing is kids like me and 17 year old Helena from Scotland find dogs a bit well big maintenance jobs the height of meat this is my 10-ish mute it's basically the height of you I mean if there's a hint of a cloud in the sky I'm like I just can't be bothered I think going out portability is a big factor to consider our next scope is more portable than anything John Dobson could have imagined [Music] to Greece having been told you're not allowed to swap one of your daughters for your favorite telescope shocking I know but it happened to me I am staying in the upstairs flat here and I can see the constellation of Scorpius it's an amazing cloud of gas really close to us and I've been desperate to get it you could only see this constellation somewhere as far south as Greece and as we almost never go abroad on our holidays my only hope of getting it is with this camera lens and Earth derotation device [Music] if I set my kit up on the boundary wall not only can I see Scorpius I can also see the North Star just about and so I can polar a line and I'm all set up and this is it my bucket list this is right in there but can a simple camera lens reveal one of the most amazing Stellar nurseries in our neck of the Milky Way [Music] good in it in fact I'm so pleased with it I'm actually selling prints this is the power of ashtray photography folks and number three the killer portable telescope is the samyang 135 if you've got a camera and an earth derotation device you can do the same thing and you can find out how on my website and this lens is the third most popular telescope for shooting the Stars but by going bigger we can do better next the killer scope for astrophotography [Music] in the last two years the level of amateur astrophotography has gone from amazing to Blooming extraordinarily gobsmacking in my humble opinion the rise of astrophotography comes from mobile phone cameras hand me out basically millions of dollars have been spent making tiny little CMOS sensors that work in Mobile phones in the last couple of years the quantum efficiency of these tiny sensors with their tiny pixels has gotten stupidly good and now the same technology and same tiny pixels are being used in Astro cameras and dslrs but in order to get a little pixel sensor working you need a scope that is super Sharp so our killer scope for astrophotography is going to be one that is super Sharp taken a year but I managed to track down an optical genius who can tell me unbiasedly what telescope is sharpest hello Rory hello welcome come on hi it's very nice to meet you thank you for seeing me we're not designing Optical systems as read bench test commercial backyard telescopes so I'm pretty sure he's the right man for the job are you one of the best Optics experts in the country uh no probably not no I I can't see this depends what aspect it is oh dear folks before carrying on we really need to determine if he is an optical genius or not I want to unchart that you're actually as good as they say you are I will believe in as is Optical geniusness what do you think this is it looks like a filter if he can identify this Optical Relic from the 1950s oh it is [Music] oh it's a very steep Schmidt plate indeed wow Cheers Cheers I spent five years trying to figure out what the best telescope for astrophotography is and now finally I'm about to find out I mean really refractors now are getting so good even compared with 10 years ago a lot of maturing companies modern refractors have managed to get shorter and sharper than their grandparents by beating color fringing with magic crystals fluoride is wonderful stuff unlike glass fluorite bends the red and the green and the blue light by almost the same amount it used to be a really difficult material to get hold of very expensive once you had to search for large fluorite crystals deep in Mongolian mine in a lab and used to make sure refractors which are supersonically sharp they are delightful but annoyingly this design doesn't scale up so in general the bigger the aperture the more these aberrations yes become a problem yes that's right absolutely right unfortunately the faster these Scopes get the harder the aberrations are to troll up till I suppose about 100 Mil things are quite easy and then 120 Milton could start thinking a bit but 150 mil yeah you've got to be much more sophisticated Your Design approach everything's got to be better I'm making every part of a telescope more accurate costs money the larger aperture you get the expense goes up very quickly very quickly above six inches or so yeah going up rapidly an eight inch Fat fluorite scope costs about thirty thousand pounds and the best value six incher is five grand too much for me thing is these little fracks are so good optically that I'm I'm gonna have to award them a prize of killer scope best killer scope for wide field astrophotography they're sharp as anything I've listed all the small killer refractors as recommends as well as larger Scopes that is really likes on my website but the number one spot has to go to a telescope there's more zoomed in one that can show us things no one else has ever seen before how you doing yeah I'm doing fine so let's just get this straight right you have discovered your own planetary nebula which Bears your name I never expected it to be possible for me to discover a new nebula I thought maybe if I'm lucky I could get an asteroid or something but the whole nebula which now carries my name it's it's unbelievable honestly I don't know he really never in my entire life I could have imagined that and it was just pure luck I wasn't even looking for it 3 000 light years away a cluster of young stars is lighting up a vast cloud of gas investigating strange filaments near theme pointed a camera at it for 20 nights on the trot resulting from what I suspect is the deepest picture ever taken of this region of space and in the vast floating cloud of dust a red glow hitherto unseen it just popped out and one of my friends said hey that's that one is looking weird that structure it could be it could be something else so we looked into it and there was a white dwarf in the middle oxygen hydrogen so it was pretty easy to confirm that it's a planetary nablia so we submitted it and here we go absolutely amazing you're able to discover things that the professional astronomers is they have they've missed it and you're doing it presumably uh you've been doing this since you were a kid yeah I've started doing astrophotography two and a half years ago two and a half years ago yeah blimey I mean uh presumably you live somewhere incredibly dark not too dark it's still import it for I'm living on the outside of a city blimey it's not like a proper dark site is it so I'm thinking that whatever scope you have has got to be a killer scope I mean along with your skill of course so what is your scope my scope is an 8 inch Newtonian telescope wow leafy's carbon fiber 8 inch Newtonian is awesome but my online Club big amateur telescope which you can join if you want has discovered that cheaper 8 inch newtonians are just as sharp so here we have it folks what I think is the wow scope the best telescope for astrophotography which will allow you to discover stuff no one else has ever seen before anyway this is 500 quid it's made by gso Optical it's not carbon fiber actually it's got quite a heavy steel tube but value for money amazing and optically it should do a very similar job to Leo fiends as long as you get a really good coma corrector anyway there we go eight inch Newtonian the wow scope for astrophotography annoyingly these Scopes have got different badges depending on what country you're in so it's a good idea to check out my website to make sure you're buying the right one and last but not least the outro which I'm going to try and do in one breath massive thanks to my patrons list appearing here if you become a patron you get access to Hidden channels on my Discord server as well as access to some tutorial videos big thanks to admins and mods on my Discord server as well as all the Nerds who answer Noob questions in the ask a nerd Channel massive face directenstein for the amazing Tunes if you need your video mixing get in touch his album link is below thank you everyone who's used my affiliate links on my website and Prince oh I meant to say please support the channel by buying a print this is row of UK I think it looks gorgeous link below hopefully I'll have some more prints ready to sell soon oh and of course thank you thank you thank you Helena is Annie and I live here for being in the video oh I'm currently waiting for the weather to clear so I can film the final scene in my ultimate travel scope video it is gonna be amazing with revolutionary design features popped on a modified eqm35 Mount tune by day from data frame Optics and thank you to everyone who donated to this ultimate travel scope I'm hoping but I can't promise some of your names will be engraved on the scope of course I'm not gonna have any money left to travel anywhere but anyway I will have an Amazing Escape and if I don't get that video done before Christmas have a very good Christmas doodle pip foreign [Music]
Channel: Astrobiscuit
Views: 281,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amateur astronomy, beginner telescope, best telescope, best telescope for viewing planets, best telescopes for beginners in 2023, best telescope for deep space, best telescope for astrophotography, best telescope under 1000, dobsonian, dobsonian telescope 8 inch, 8 inch newtonian astrophotography, best refractor telescope, astrophotography, astrophotography telescopes
Id: 5cedpFQh9-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 49sec (1129 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2022
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