What can you see through a $10k telescope?

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hey folks I've got my hands on a state-of-the-art ten thousand pound Celestron c14 HD Edge telescope and tonight from my roof in London I want to use it to see clouds on Mars that's 50 million miles away a weird shadow on the moon what the heck is that Ganymede the biggest moon in the solar system and Mars setting behind the Moon the music for this Astro biscuit mission is brought to you by his majesty King richtenstein details of all the Astro gear used in this video on my website link below you can support the channel by making a donation becoming a patron or buying one of our high quality prints don't faint but London is calm is clear perfect for looking deep into space okay the Celestron c14 HDH weighs 26 kilograms and I can't afford to drop it because it ain't mine two weeks ago I hired it from amateur astronomer Alex Gill hi buddy oh look at that how much is that in you just shy of ten thousand most of the way is at the back end where the giant 14-inch spherical mirror sits very very back heavy the mirror is waiting the faster a telescope the greater its resolution and this short fat scope is basically the fattest scope a nerd can pick up single-handed it's just about okay isn't it so it's no surprise this is the go-to telescope for ground breaking planetary photographers like Damien Peach but I think the real reason these scts are popular is because the advert makers nerds think we're gonna get 20 years younger and grow beautiful hair whatever the truth I definitely feel younger like a kid in fact with a big toy that's going to transport us many millions of miles above my roof in London I know whether my heart is beating because I'm worried that she's gonna drop on the floor or whether there's a real sense of anticipation and I've just seen the moon rising over there oh bring it on the moon is about a quarter of a million miles away it takes three days to get there in a spacecraft if we went there at the speed of a passenger jet then it would take us 16 days even though the Moon is so incredibly far away this giant telescope is able to resolve things on it as small as a mar wide it's like we're flying over the moon wow and that means I'm gonna be able to show you some really cool stuff oh look you see that crater it's got a sort of a mountain in the middle and and that little one has and that big one has there I've heard about these mountains they form at the same time as the crater's rim that's because when the asteroid smashes into the Moon it actually liquefies the surface of the Moon and you get like a ripple spreading out just like you do well in a cup of tea right it's easy to see how the Ripple can become the crater's rim but check out what's happening in the middle the middle you get splashback and when the crust freezes it freezes as the Ripple spread it out and there's the splashback in the middle is lifted up so you get this mountain in the middle it's bad isn't it in the 50s the Old Guard believed these craters were caused by volcanoes the Mad fools and yet there is a volcano on the moon there's probably more than one actually but the one I know of is it on the left of the Moon let's have a look at it it is only about a thousand meters high so I need a scope like this to get a decent view of it this is something I've been wanting to see for ages oh yeah clear is anything look at that that is Monsoon probably said it totally wrong it's kind of like a Cowper I mean you've got to admit it's not a classic volcano shape is it and the reason it's not volcano shapes is because the gravity on the moon is so weak that the lava gets to spread out over a wide area then I spotted a crater with a straight line running to its Center what is going on with that we've got the mountain in the middle and we've got well it looks like the Shadow from a telegraph pole what the heck is that whatever it is it's massive because the mountain range in the middle of this crater is the size of London so I took a video and used lucky Imaging techniques to produce a high resolution picture I think we can now say it is in fact a collapsed lava tube these Hollow Lava Tubes crisscross the entire moon's surface and if I was one of the astronauts he's gonna go and live on the moon then I would definitely plug one of these tubes up fill it with air so that I could play golf without having a helmet ruin my swing we are now ready for what I think is going to be the highlight of tonight Mars is closer now than she will be for the next 10 years she's risen high in the sky come on let's do Mars wow wow I mean look at that that planet is 50 million miles away and we can see it like that from a roof in London which is just blows my pants off basically [Music] if there was ever a planet to make you realize that we are on a lump of rock just the same is this one because you can see the cola cap and clouds you can see what looks like land mass actually it's rock the dark it's a rock and the the orange bits and sand is Desert Martian dust five years ago Mars was even closer but back then even Hubble didn't get a good shot of it because it was covered in a huge dust storm so I'm hoping tonight me and this giant scope will do a better job than herbal [Music] definitely my best shot of Mars ever that is absolutely made my day or night but the night is not over but for him in the morning I very quietly went back out onto the roof because Mars which is now low on the horizon and minding its own business is about to get photobombed by the moon I doubt I'll ever see a site like this again in my lifetime all right there's quite a lot of atmospheric wobble right now so I'm not gonna try and go too Zoomed In The Wind my little Mount not being able to handle the c14 in the slightest Breeze we still got this terrific View it's the kind of you you think you'd only be able to see from a spaceship and most londoners won't even know it happened at all of course it would be rude not to use lucky Imaging techniques to get a much higher resolution picture [Music] [Applause] [Applause] what an amazing night but not the only night I also went out and I got Jupiter and I was lucky enough to see the biggest moon in our solar system Ganymede rising up from behind it and about four hours later the red spot made an appearance but the atmosphere is very wobbly you can see how the wobbly atmosphere is sort of blurring everything up here but it's not just planets in our solar system that I've bagged with this scope in an upcoming video I'm on a mission to shoot extra solar solar systems right can we do it look at that this would be amazing if we did because that's nerd sheep laser shots of nebula and stuff and you've got no real sense of how big they are compared with us and our solar system you know but if I can shoot and an extra solar solar system it'll give me a sense of the Scale of the Universe and I've got another incredible Mission planned more on that later but first if you're thinking about buying a telescope why not check out my website I have actually done a video uh talking about telescopes and the stt came out as the best all-around telescope so check out my video and check out my website and please use my affiliate links because that way I can make more videos as always massive shout out to richtenstein for the music you can buy his album link below phenomenally massive shout out to my patrons without you guys I absolutely completely could not do this thank you guys huge shout also to the mods on my Discord server guys you are the best incredible and if you want to find out and ask questions and get answers straight away the Astro biscuit Discord server is the place to be [Music] big news big news in my last video where we built a scope called Betty and I dropped it I put out a fundraiser to get me and Betty to the canaries you guys have absolutely totally and completely smashed it and now me Betty Kerry richtenstein and um Adam and Bunny are all going to the canaries on October the 5th I think hopefully book the flights today uh we're gonna spend a week out there then I'm gonna stay on for an extra week should be amazing make sure you watch the making of Betty video which I'll link to now uh because that'll Prime you ready for this Canary Island extravaganza exciting times folks exciting times [Music]
Channel: Astrobiscuit
Views: 850,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: celestron C14, mars, moon, moon's craters, volcano on the moon, ganymede, moon mars occultation 2023, occultation of mars by the moon, 14inch hd edge, sct, 14inch sct, celestron c14 telescope, celestron c14 edge hd, how the moon's craters formed, can you see planets from the city, moon through a telescope, mars through a telescope, jupiter through a telescope, planetary photography, how to see a planet through a telescope
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2023
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