Incredible machinist trick: Cube in a cube
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Channel: Engineer BrunS
Views: 10,525,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: куб, куб в кубе, куб в кубі, Cube in a cube, cube, lathe, suveniers, шар в шаре, сувенир, куб в кубе и в кубе, куб в кубе на токарном станке, ube in a cube and the cube, cube in a cube and the cube on a lathe, cube cube lathe, puzzle, головоломка, coub, metalworking, tips, craft, fun, metal working, fidget cube, Rubik's Cube, solve, Rubix, pattern, twisty, patterns, 3x3, redKB, 3x3 patterns, Rubik, cubes, cubo, 立方体, Würfel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2015
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