Incredible Inventions That Generate Free Energy

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[Music] ek200 getting energy from the wind doesn't only mean using traditional wind turbines a different and effective method involves using flying machines resembling kites this approach is not only more efficient and economical but also environmentally friendly without the complications of sophisticated technology imagine a truck with a set up that includes a mass-like gadget and a flying kite the truck unwinds the kite sending it soaring to Heights between 660 and 980 ft riding the wind Downstream the kite tugs on cables from the ground station's drums and this motion gets converted into electricity by a generator once the cable's all out the kite returns ready to repeat the process it's important to mention that the kite's effectiveness gets a boost because it doesn't just float in the breeze it follows eight shaped paths the most advanced model from En kite can generate up to 2 megaw of Power thanks to the kite being super aerodynamic without any unnecessary gadgets or parts the inner kite system stands out for being both costeffective and environmentally friendly because it doesn't rely on building or maintaining expensive infrastructure for energy extraction this sets it apart from wind turbines which require various materials for their Construction by the way you can easily create a system at home that harnesses energy with a kite proving that it's a really simple and efficient way to get free energy wave energy generator setting up wave generators can be tricky due to various challenges but Eco wave power offers a solution that takes care of these issues you'll notice the company's gadgets are set up in an unconventional spot for regular wave energy right there on the shore this stands out as a key plus compared to the typical wave generators that are placed way off the shore to start with having the generator installed on the shore means you don't have to worry about the cost of getting it delivered by water on top of that maintaining onshore units is much more straightforward finally going for a shore-based installation is just plain safer considering the potential damage from offshore waves the Eco wave power system works like this waves move the floaters squeezing and releasing hydraulic Pistons that push a biodegradable liquid to accumulators located on the shore the pressure created in these accumulators then Powers a hydraulic motor which in turn runs a generator that sends electricity to the grid through an inverter also the systems fully automated and adapts to the current conditions for example if a storm hits and the wave height is too high for the devices they're automatically raised and remain in that position when the storm passes the floater stabilize and return to normal operating [Music] mode solar container imagine the perfect invention for those who love the idea of free energy once set up it's just a 20ft long 8T wide and 9t tall container that blends in seamlessly and can be easily transported however when it reaches its destination something truly incredible happens after a bit of tweaking a frame equipped with an intricate rail system is positioned on the surface then the solar panels start unfolding one after another along the prepared track shaping a compact solar farm spanning 390 ft the fully unfolded Farm is made up of 240 photo voltaic modules occupying 7700 ft of space remarkably the entire installation process takes less than 5 hours within such a short time you get a farm that generates up to 140 KW of power this capacity allows to provide electricity for up to 50 households with average consumption at the same time the high capacity combined with a high level of Mobility allows the container to be used as an emergency source of electricity this can come in handy in places where there have been natural disasters or other events that led to power disruptions it's also possible to use the container in remote off-grid communities where setting up conventional power sources is costly in Qatar there's this massive solar farm covering an area of 4 square miles it took over a year to put it together now think about how quickly they could build it using the containers solar powered Scania truck there's a fresh wave of developments in how we tap into solar energy through solar panels Scania for example has decided to equip its truck with solar panels the entire 60-ft trailer of the truck is completely covered with solar panels and while the panels are usually installed on the roof Scania has decided to put them on the sides as well regular panels couldn't be fitted onto a constantly moving vehicle leading Scania to design fresh Alternatives from scratch the result is a set of panels that are both lighter and more efficient able to endure the strains of constant moving scanning his devices are more efficient than regular panels generating 8,000 kwatt hours of energy annually while driving across Sweden in sunnier places the truck can produce even more free energy usable for transportation or storage for various purposes [Music] where did Scania get the idea the concept probably came from skillful people who've been converting their vehicles into moving solar Farms wave energy converter turning the sea into a source of profitable energy has been a tough nut to crack but webos has cracked it with their Innovative solution their invention takes wave energy conversion to a whole new level of efficiency the wave energy converter from weap toose is a floating structure that consists of two frames they support a large number of rotors the rotors move with the waves driving an axle that's connected to an independent power takeoff system this system is essentially controlled electric motors that generate electricity weapos has upgraded its system to be more adaptable allowing it to capture more energy from regular waves and withstand the force of really powerful waves to put it in plain language it can harness more power from the waves we usually see and endure less damage from the intense ones another Burk is that the design is straightforward and modular making it faster and more affordable to produce compared to other similar systems thanks to its user-friendly design and efficient energy conversion Tech the web toose device achieves a solid 60% efficiency plus generating electricity cost just €30 per megawatt hour a significant savings compared to similar [Music] devices a new B1 vertical axis turbines have been known for their lower efficiency compared to the familiar propeller turbines a new has taken up the challenge to fix this by creating a turbine that blends the best features of both types first off they need to figure out how to blend the best features of different wind turbines into one the outcome is a mix of the classic and vertical axis types there are four blades set horizontally each equipped with two addition vertical blades the device stands at 216 ft and the rotor spans 171 ft in diameter thanks to this combo design the turbine eliminates the problem of reduced power generation A's wind turbine boasts a robust 1500 KW of power surpassing its counterparts by a considerable margin meanwhile it retains the benefits of vertical axis designs offering a quiet operation and the ability to harness wind from any [Music] direction [Music] underwater energy bags the recently mentioned wind turbines are good at harvesting free energy but they have a catch they're not always working and saving that energy is tricky the great solution is storing it in special underwater bags it's cheaper than using batteries thermop plants or pump stations but how does that work storing energy in a bag might sound like something out of a fantasy Tale But it's actually just basic physics at play these bags are strategically placed at deeper depths so eliminating the need for manual pressurization to store compressed air in simpler terms depth takes care of the hard work for people the bags work like this when there's extra power in the system it runs an electric motor to operate a compressor the compressed air is cooled and kept under a pressure of 60 to 70 bar when electricity is needed it's drawn from the stored air heated and passed through a modified gas turbine after that the energy is converted by an elect electri generator and fed back into the Grid in the long term these bags could be the most cost-effective way to store wind energy that currently [Music] exists floating solar Farms the beauty of ocean Sun's aquatic solar Farms lies in their inspiration drawn from nature making these projects truly remarkable The company took inspiration from water lies which gracefully sway along with the water these lies stay calm even in rough waves because they're at one with the environment so why can't solar panels be as adaptable on the water what makes ocean Suns Farms impressive is their clever design they feature solar panels placed on floating platforms surrounded by buoyancy Rings secured to the seabed these panels come with a monocrystalline silicon module Double Glass and added protection against water pressure the buoyant layer provides a sturdy and adaptable foundation for solar panels capable of enduring various water conditions it can withstand powerful sea waves including category 4 typhoons with wind speeds reaching 168 mph different floating Farms have different capacities take the os75 for example with a diameter of 246 ft and an output of 650 kwatt hours on the other hand the os50 sized at 164 ft in diameter generates 280 KW [Music] hours [Music] unwave this Innovation is born from Nature's inspiration in this instance the mindes at wave swell energy Drew their ideas from a blo hole in simple terms a blo hole is a gap in the ground that connects to underground spaces or links to a water body if it's along the shoreline sometimes a spout of water shoots up from the hole when specific conditions are met this happens because of pressure differences this is exactly how the uni wave Works which is a massive unit with a large concrete base and a hollow center chamber when water gets inside and then Rises and falls inside the chamber when it's agitated the air is forced through the turbine thus spinning it and creating electricity after a year of thorough testing the plant consistently generated 200 KW of Power with a 50% efficiency this performance outshines solar panels which typically operate at 15 to 20% efficiency and put it on par with wind turbines wave swing while many companies are busy creating unique and eye-catching designs for their wave energy converters there's one invention that catches attention not for its appearance but for how efficiently it works wave swing seems quite straightforward it's essentially a 23t tall 13 ft wide buoy weighing 50 tons it sits below the water at a depth below 82 ft setting it up takes just 12 hours a relatively short time compared to other devices that harness wave energy once in place the buoy shows its efficiency you have the flexibility to configure a single unit to generate power from 15 kW to 500 KW furthermore you can combine wave swing units into larger designs going up to 10 megaw which is quite a substantial amount wave swings location beneath the water surface not only ures efficiency but also virtually eliminates the need for maintenance shielding it from the destructive impact of sea storms the buis simple internal design relies on a basic hydraulic motor to convert Forward Motion into rotary power effortlessly driving the generator this straightforward approach makes wave swing an optimal solution for companies seeking to reduce electricity expenses and minimize the maintenance of their assets Sun socket aspect solar has come up with a groundbreaking invention challenging the notion that sun tracking Tech is only for big solar panels picture this a portable walkable panel that soaks up everything the sun has to offer the sun socket may look like a fancy 25lb briefcase from the outside perfect for important papers open it up and suddenly it's reminiscent of a camping stove but then things get way more intriguing in that the solar panel can stretch out reaching a length of 45 in once it transforms it becomes a 60 W solar power generator the harvested energy goes into a lithium ion phosphate battery with a 20 amp hour capacity meanwhile the battery can stay in standby mode for years losing only a maximum of 2% charge per month after being switched on the panel automatically adjusts to face the sun this results in a substantial boost in performance fully charging the battery using free energy in just 5 hours with enough sunlight you can not only power up the battery but also charge phones tablets and [Music] more sin power waves energy converter this contraption is built to harness wave energy placed along the coastline at a fitting spot it moves up and down in response to the waves its appearance is straightforward and so is the way it works as a 33t rod moves up and down in the water it activates generators at the top producing 36 KW of electricity at the same time the unit has an intelligence system that maximizes power generation in different climates the unit Simplicity is matched by its straightforward manufacturing process saving not just electricity but also the cost of Maintenance and production every component is mass produced and follows a standard [Music] design [Music] ocean Hydro Omni Hydro wind Energy's wind turbine is designed to be highly efficient and self-sufficient harnessing free wind energy and storing it for later use Gathering wind energy using the ocean Hydro Omni follows the conventional approach with a rotor it's important to mention that keeping up with the latest trends it features a vertical axis rotor the wind turbine has a capacity of 1 megawatt and in a day it can generate between 1,600 and 13,800 kwatt hours of electricity where the wind speed ranges from 9 to 89 mph this is an impressive performance that outperforms many similar turbines what sets ocean Hydro Omni apart from traditional wind turbines is its ability to independently store energy the process is quite fascinating the air gets compressed and pumped into a special tank this tank is then submerged to depths ranging from 330 to 1640 ft using the water pressure to maintain the air in a compressed State when energy is required it's simply drawn from the tank the storage tank can hold up to 70 kwatt hours in one cycle and there can be anywhere from 21 to 189 charging cycles per [Music] day [Music]
Channel: Fresh Tech
Views: 337,135
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fresh Tech, tech, freshtech
Id: v8WfAeuHOcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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