Incredible Double Exposure Effect! Affinity Photo Tutorial

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today we'll take this photo of water and this photo of a girl and create this beautiful double exposure effect this effect is super fun and artsy and you can really make it your own let's get started [Music] [Music] if you'd like to follow along with me you can download the exercise files in the video description there are two basic steps for creating a double exposure first make a selection of your subject and second gradually add layers on top of this selection to create the effect now you'll see as we go through this video there are a few other little steps here and there but the main steps are selecting the subject and adding in layers that blend together so let's get started with making a selection of the model i'll grab the selection brush tool right here and then i can paint over our model to create a selection and you can adjust the size of your paintbrush at any time by using the bracket keys on your keyboard so i'll just go ahead and paint and if you ever select too much you can come up to the context toolbar and change the mode to subtract or as a shortcut you can always hold down alt or option on your keyboard and then click to remove from your selection now for this image we actually don't need a perfect selection because we'll be covering a lot of our subject with water however one part of the image that i really want to get right is this area right here with the face and the hand so i'm just going to zoom in here and with a small paintbrush i'm going to get rid of the parts of the background that i don't want included in the selection keep in mind that i'm holding down alt or option as i'm removing these areas this is looking really good now the sleeve and the hair are not going to be perfect in the selection and that's okay for this particular image however i just want to show you if you did want a better selection you can always refine your selection by coming up to the context toolbar and pressing refine then using this default brush you can just paint over the edges of the hair and it will tell affinity to take a second look at these areas and right here on the sleeve i can see that i'd like to add to my selection so i'm going to change the adjustment brush to foreground which will add this area to the selection if i paint over it you can continue to paint over areas if you'd like for now i'm just going to press apply alright so our selection has been made now we just need to delete the background to do this go down here and press on the mask icon as you can see the entire background has been masked out and we're only left with our selection now to completely delete this background right click on the layer and then go down and press rasterize right now we have a mask applied but i want to completely get rid of all of that information by pressing rasterize so now we just have the image of the girl on its own on its own layer so the next thing i want to do is place her in the center of the document so i'll deselect by pressing command or control d then i'll grab the move tool so that i can adjust where she sits in the document right now we have a transparent background to add a background again i'm going to select the rectangle tool and then i'll click and drag a rectangle then i'll bring this rectangle layer underneath our subject we now have our base done for this double exposure project now it's time to have some fun with layer blending first i want to bring in our water image to do that i'll press command or ctrl c to copy it then i'll go back to our model image and press command or control v to paste it the next thing i want to do is i want to bring this on top of the layer stack then i'm going to decrease the opacity so that i can see where i'm placing it in the document i'll just select the move tool and then i can move this in place now my plan for this image is to use the shape of these waves and the shape of our subject to align these areas i like that this kind of mimics the shape of her arm curling in so that's where i'd like it to be placed so i'll just lower the opacity and position these waves how i'd like them all right once you have it positioned where you'd like it go ahead and bring the opacity back up then i want to mask this water so that it's perfectly clipped inside of where the model is to do this i have a little shortcut for you if you hold down command or control on your keyboard and then click on the model layer it will load that layer as a selection now with the water layer still selected i can press on the mask icon and the water will be masked to this area alright now i just want to add another copy of our model on top of this so i'm going to press command or control j and then i'll drag this model to the top i'm doing this so that i can blend the model and the water together so i've kind of sandwiched the model water model and you'll see why as we begin to blend these layers together i'm going to change this top layer to the lighten blend mode this creates a cool effect where we can see the water in the areas where the water is lighter than the model like her dark hair and clothes as one last step to set all this up i'm also going to add a mask to this layer so i'll click on the mask icon to do that this will help us to hide or reveal this layer as needed alright with all of this set up it's time to add your own artistic flair if you want to add more water to the image then all you need to do is select the water layers mask then using the brush tool i'll press b to bring that up you can paint in black to remove the water or you can switch your paint color to white by pressing x and x is just a really nice shortcut for this it'll switch your colors between black and white so using the white paint i can add the water back in i'm also using a low flow on my paintbrush so that i can gradually add in these areas if you want more or less of your model layer just click on that mask and then you can paint in black and white to remove parts of the model for example i'll switch my color to black and then i want to remove this area where you can see her shirt there we go over here however i want to see more of her face i'll also go to the water layer and paint in black to remove a little bit more of the water off of her face and hand so right now our selection is still up if i press command or control d i can deselect and now i can paint outside of our selection i want to add more water to the overall image so i'll switch my color to white to reveal the water on its mask layer then i can just paint to add in this water so one important thing to remember as you're masking these areas is that white reveals and black paint conceals so if you want to hide anything just make sure you're painting in black and if you want to reveal it make sure you're painting in white i think this is looking really good and now you can see why our selection over by her hair didn't actually matter that much but i think the profile and hand are looking great now i want to add a few finishing touches first i want to add more of this watery texture to the background so i'm going to select the water layer and then i'm going to duplicate it by pressing command or ctrl j then i'll drag this beneath our original model layer and i'll also delete this mask you can do this by clicking on the mask and then dragging it to the trash can then i'm going to take my move tool and i'm going to expand this image then i'm going to lower its opacity quite a bit i just want to keep the texture of the water i don't want it to completely overtake the image that we have here i also only want this water texture behind her so to do that i first need to add a mask to this image so i'll click on the mask icon and then select it then i'm going to grab the gradient tool now this tool will allow me to gradually fade out this effect as you go across the image remember that white reveals so this color stop should stay white and black conceals so i'm going to select this color stop and change it to black we can also move this as needed so if you want it to fade in even more gradually you can move it closer or you can move it farther away to still have some of it coming through here i'm just going to bring mine to about here all right now it's time to add some beautiful coloring first i'm going to grab the rectangle tool then i'm going to select the top layer so that this rectangle goes on top of this then i'll just click and drag out a rectangle i want to make this rectangle kind of a peachy pink color to bring out the warmer tones of this image i'll change this rectangle to soft light to do that here's the before and after of that coloring i think this is taking away a bit too much of the blue in the water so i'm going to come up here to my blend ranges and i'm just going to bring down this highlights node so that you can see more of the water i'll bring it down about halfway then to add more depth to the colors let's add a recolor adjustment layer so i'm going to click on my adjustments and then press [Music] recolor i'm going to change it to a peachy color and i'll lower the saturation to 50 percent then i'm going to change the blend mode of this adjustment to soft light wow that looks so good here's the before and the after of those color adjustments very nice and as a last step i'm going to change the color of this background rectangle to a super light pink color there we have it our beautiful double exposure if you like making double exposures you'll probably want some extra practice with it lucky for you we have a free double exposures course which walks you through four start to finish projects and also gives you some great tips for finding the right images for this effect the link for this free course is in the video description thanks for watching my friends and i'll see you in the next affinity revolution tutorial
Channel: Affinity Revolution
Views: 28,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: affinity photo, tutorial, double exposure, effect, fun, composite, manipulation
Id: fJpsFD_7Kh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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