Incredible Barn Sale Full of Antiques! Yard Sale, Estate Sale, Antique Store Shopping + Vintage Haul

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gorgeous day today [Music] it's falling falling a try and find the yard sale and I think there's a barn sale I see cork boards or those cork boards not that I need another one [Music] good morning versus uh How old if Aaron would like that [Music] do some crafts with these mom the piano the music [Music] I don't think I can store all this but [Music] Beatles corner need a barn like this look at how cute this is oh I want this Barn look at that that is so cool [Music] but I think I need it to be opening from the other way [Music] it's like 20 bucks that's so cheap he said there's stuff upstairs I love all the twigs and stuff [Music] are you getting it I will use it if not one of us has to [Music] um yeah three dollars look at this I Love This Bar Mom look over this way oh that's so pretty this is so this is a joy [Laughter] even your branches oh my gosh oh cute as I am how thoughtful oh here's some antlers I ever want to start a lot of people um decorate with antlers no it's bullets I have no idea thank you a little tricycle up there looks like it yeah oh there's that's where the school desks and stuff are look at this I don't know I think it's an old-fashioned Digger thing huh but how cool is it for ten dollars yeah I don't know what you do with that I guess display yeah how much is that oh a whole or a thistle is that a thistle [Music] oh look at this is cute [Music] is this recruiting thing [Music] I can't imagine what we missed [Music] I wish I had something like this there's some cute old blocks [Music] I don't think so this is cute look at this [Music] this will be cute for Christmas how cute is that not cuter than this I love this copper I think I need this for all right yeah Yeah Christmas yeah it's darling it's really cute people look just yeah all right we need to make a pile oh look at this old radio look how pretty that is yeah [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] I think I'm getting this what do you think of this one I hope you got one too I mean this would look pretty in my yeah this is that color in my um where is you think it's super heavy what does it say it says Canada I don't think I want that whatever [Music] do I get it what is this thing I don't think I need it look for some copper a little um they're a little handmade quilted oh cute oh there's a blue guy on it oh I can't I gotta take them I don't know how much they are I can't okay this is probably something like a whisk that's cute it's actually really cute I don't know should I get that I mean it's up to you I will keep looking let me keep looking I can come back for this too I actually love that that is like really cool look at that I think you should get it oh wait no it's there it's yeah [Laughter] I like this one though 20 bucks so this one's old you can tell this one's actually old it's like a decrease it's cool I've never seen it like that this is nice it's iron stall um I'm not sure so the JK it is KT something looks like [Music] oh that cute little trunk oh look at that bench [Music] yeah fantastic isn't it just absolutely stunning oh yeah 25 hmm But it's really cute that pie safe is pretty um you have the balls but I have two balls it's cute oh yeah I said here it's cute they even have the little oh you know the size that's so cute it's made of this is gorgeous yeah that's it now that's really pretty yeah there was like two of those I know you need a crusty Rusty uh oh yeah cute little chair gourds [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] do you know what is it honey am I my dad was born and we were raised they had one I'm sure just about like this and my brother lives there and it's still right where it always was what did they use it for what was that what did they use it for like a cabinet like that it was my it's my sister's and I have no idea oh okay they have a real old home okay cool well it's gonna go back in an old home what is it is it a napkin no it's a little tablecloth like a runner oh a runner the sweet little puppy there oh is it oh it is is it yeah it's so cool it is really cool oh these are pretty what are they vintage Japan we're all unicorn it's really pretty yeah it looks pretty cool oh this one with the colors you love your quilting I do that is this one's cute look at that other Chenille one is it's plus this oh it's quilt down here oh is that quilt for sale I would sell it I a lot of people look at it I can't hear you okay [Music] um Old Crow Antiques and Saint John's Michigan oh what's this I'm always looking for fake food so cute it's not cute like a little let's look like a little cake or something [Music] honey yeah been on the waiting list first [Music] [Music] how pretty this is Ironstone soap dish oh it's awesome honey I love that yesterday so there are people that are cuckoo over Halloween oh yeah not me [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] thank you okay [Music] I don't know [Music] where'd you find something [Music] oh yeah yes the lady has cancer yeah [Music] foreign foreign these remind me of you cute I believe people used to fit their feet and little skinny shoes like this I can't I can't [Laughter] get enough bro just said that we could go down in the basement oh okay yeah what do you think of this that's pretty I don't know where would I put it I I like Janice better I think all right she invited us to go down into her basement [Music] said if we wanted an adventure this is an easel it's cool I think you'll have to put like a little chain maybe from here to here but over yeah but not if it's going to be functional I guess gosh she has some cute stuff doesn't she oh yeah who would have thought St John's was the place to come what's this my goodness look at this cute little primitive chair oh my gosh it's so cute oh that is adorable okay cool could you use something like that for something because it's 79 bucks I don't know oh what it is 79 cents 79 but that was probably an old tank that sense oh so that's probably what would it well I'm not sure what you could probably use it for it would be cute like maybe with for plates like to I would do the color oh I have too much stuff to try to oh it's cute you know I've seen people put those on their countertops and put their dishes and stuff on if they didn't kind of high though but yeah that's how high they usually have them yeah your ears would hit them is it it's not a step stool right no it's a little shopping it's cute oh here's some pheasants some milk glass pheasants cool dried artichokes oh yeah oh yeah that looks like your style I just needed that one ah the wall or the dining room window instead of putting up curtains I wanted a detail there you go that'd be all you have to do is get a couple little boards on either side kind of you know raise it out a little bit so it's not flush this is cute almost a cute little box foreign books I don't have room for all my books I need to get over there oh that's pretty always like the yellow there you go the hammer thing too many there's a nice little cookbook stand this this is kind of precious this little one here it's got the big long is that Peg rail I think it is that's what I would use it unless that's what they used it for was oh for like Bonnets and stuff how cute a bowl over top of it I suppose a little bit of anything really the chair is unique yeah that's really cute oh [Music] foreign [Music] all right we just did a five dollar grab bag at this estate sale so here's everything that mom found okay picture frames frames more picture frames it looks for the kitties crack oh I didn't see Grandpa I thought the kids would have fun with this because this little thing for candle nice that was it she had some nice primitive stuff here this was your other oh that's so cute yeah that was all for five bucks though I think that was such a deal oh yeah all right you guys ready to see my haul from this epic picking day with Mom we sure did find some amazing sales and we met some beautiful people it was just such a fun experience visiting St John's Michigan today I think those are always my favorite trips is my mom and I just kind of head out we don't really have um any particular place in mind but we always end up finding some really neat places and that was definitely the case today so I'm gonna start with my biggest items and check out this gorgeous old cabinet I am thinking this is an antique just from like the hardware and what is so cool is this is the exact same Hardware that I have on a lot of my um cabinets and stuff in our old home so I love that it is missing looks like there's a drawer right here yep and it's missing a little knob so I'll have to find a knob but just love this it's precious um and don't know where I'm gonna put it yet but I had to get it for uh 12. okay let's see I don't think I'm gonna go in particular order with you know collecting things into each sale we went to or anything like that I'm just gonna grab what's right here next to me and then tell you about it so we'll also at that sale she had some beautiful embroidered pillows and five dollars a piece I grabbed this one because I just thought the colors were really pretty and sweet and I'm always a sucker for the Ruffles um unfortunately the cover does not come off on this one but it doesn't look to be too stained or anything then I could just throw this in the wash as is so that was five dollars and then let's see oh you know what I will just do her sale because I have everything right here so also at her sale I got some more books I'm still buying old books I said I wasn't going to anymore but I still am it's hard to resist so I got this neat one here Essentials of geography I'm loving anything to do with history and learning right now since we started homeschooling and by the way I will have a really really amazing before and before and after room transformation video coming out for you soon of how I turned our third Story Attic room into a vintage Homeschool Room it is amazing the transformation is incredible I'm quite proud of how everything turned out it was an insane amount of work but if you love uh those kind of like restoration videos before and afters room Transformations you will definitely want to subscribe so you don't miss that I don't just do shopping videos and hauls on this channel it's all encompassing of everything I'm doing here my old Maple home so I also got this book for 25 cents history of our country I didn't even check to see uh how old these are but lots of little notes in these books so somebody was using this in school maybe so how cool is that all right so I started decorating for fall and once again I hopefully will have some videos out for you that upstairs renovation took all of my time and energy and I have not had any extra to put out videos lately and I'm trying so hard to stay on top of things but I've added copper to my kitchen and realized I really didn't have much copper so I found these two pieces I believe that's maybe it's just copper plated because the inside doesn't look like copper but uh nevertheless this was three dollars I'll have to see if I can shine it up but it's just got the Harvest fruit on there and then this cute little bowl he is an old one I got these this was four dollars super cute so at the barn sale that you saw oh I missed something also at her sale I got this cute little platter for fall just thought that was some perfect fall colors in there and that was 25 cents so normally I probably wouldn't have hooked that up if I saw it at the thrift store for a couple bucks but since it was only a quarter I took a gamble on it that's the only type of gambling I like to do with gambling on him before that not sure if I'm gonna use or not all right so at that amazing um oh actually this is from the estate sale and I'm gonna insert some footage right here of my mom and I going through our five dollar grab bags at the estate sale okay all right this is what I got fabric fabric very pretty oh everybody needs a extension oh not one but two uh here's another little the heart things which are so cute oh you did put a lot in here here's the little school room yep oh and patriotic stuff I hope I can get it back in the back yeah how cute oh here's nice oh this is a pretty I can use that as like a towel oh that's for Christmas in the kitchen you know hanging off the stove or something but yeah great oh um Hearts everybody loves a good heart School room I figured for uh Valentine's or something a little Pillow pretty look at the Navy cute inside too something else in here so we got the two hearts love it all right I'm back let's see let me show you what I found at the barn sale uh so I picked up this little sifter skimmer thing here just like the wooden handle and this was three dollars and then they also had stuff sitting out by the road for free so I picked up these two terracotta pots I think I will maybe make some topiaries for these I've been liking my little photoperies that I've been making so I'll make some more and pop them in here maybe I'll line wash the pots not sure actually that terracotta color would go really nice for fall at the moment so we stopped at a garage sale first thing this morning and the lady gave me like a whole pile of kind of school related things well she didn't give it to me she'd give it to me for a dollar so so let's give me tons of stuff here I'm not sure I just have some like tags some buttons uh cards this looks like a little magnetic circus thing here so just all stuff I thought maybe I could use oh these are cute little um magnetic chalkboards you can even see those a little Journal just cute stuff I thought would be fun for The Homeschool Room for crafts and stuff all sorts of different things butterflies this is kind of cute like little note card oh there's a magnet on it too it says Monday Tuesday Wednesday oh some big ABC letters some name badge stickers so lots of different things and then I also grabbed from her she had a whole box of old music books and I grabbed one because I thought maybe I could do some crafting with this and it liked that it looked kind of old let me go there let's see so awesome at the barn sale you already saw uh well you will see the rug I got a rug a very old rug and she only charged me two dollars for it it's so beautiful um I'll show that to you right now and then kind of how I'm cleaning it and preparing it to put my house all right I just rinsed the rug with the hose and sprayed some like OxiClean now I'm taking this brush and I thrifted it's gonna kind of work stuff in there just kind of scrub it in a little bit I'm trying to be gentle because this rug is very old but it definitely needed a little bit of a cleaning because I was getting a lot of dirt off of this thing when I was vacuuming it so this will help it doesn't have to be perfect as long as it's not full of mud and dirt and grime I like how old it looks I cannot believe she gave this to me for two dollars I love these old rugs okay so at the barn sale I picked up this adorable tin I thought that would be so cute for Christmas and it was two dollars all the stuff needs cleaned up pretty bad and then also in the free pile they had this tin tray and I just liked the colors in it not sure if I will end up using it or not but it was free so once again I feel like it's okay to gamble on that stuff because I can always take it to Goodwill if I don't want it all right so we also went to an adorable little antique store Old Crow and got a few things there uh I picked up this Iron Stone Soap Dish I thought that was so pretty it's got the blues on there and that was twelve dollars picked up a yellowware bowl and it definitely has quite a few cracks but it was five dollars so I thought for five dollars that wasn't bad but I do love this yellow wear with the blue stripe on there and also I've also got [Applause] seems like there was something else gorgeous tablecloth so pretty I loved the fabric on this it's super heavy duty so what I was thinking of doing with this is I have a round ottoman and I want to throw this over top and almost make it look like an ottoman cover if I so if I want to switch it out or something I thought that maybe I would sew some elastic around the top so that I can kind of squeeze it over top of my ottoman so yeah I thought that was cute or I could even like tie like a ribbon around it or something if I don't want to do anything permanent but this was 13. I thought these would be this would be really pretty for Christmas because I think I want to do greens blues for Christmas also at the yard sale I got some blue ornaments because like I said I'm wanting to do blues and greens for Christmas and maybe a little bit of red just do very like traditional kind of English country Christmas colors this year so that is my haul um other than the couple things I got at the antique store everything was so cheap and I could not be happier with everything that I found my Mom feels the same way we both had a blast I hope that you did two coming along with us on a fun little picking day in St John's Michigan so if you haven't yet subscribe and definitely like this video If you enjoyed if you like antiques or vintage give it a big thumbs up for me and we will see you in the next one foreign [Music]
Channel: Elizabeth's Old Maple Home
Views: 53,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: psu1Q7ogO6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 3sec (2223 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 13 2023
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