The rich people were killed by the chef, because he hates the rich people.@CapRecap1

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welcome my friends I hope you have a great day today I am sharing an interesting movie with you so before the video starts don't forget to subscribe to the channel to watch more interesting videos thank you the story begins at the local Harbor where Tyler and Margot wait for a boat they're going to a special Island to eat at a fancy restaurant called Hawthorne Tyler really loves food and is super interested in fancy dining when the boat comes they're surprised to see a lot of important people getting on to there's a famous food critic named Lily her boss Ted an actor named George his girlfriend Felicity and some big Tech investors Margot is worried because she knows one of the businessman Richard and doesn't want him to see her during the trip they serve the first fancy dish and Tyler loves it but Margot isn't impressed when they get to the island the person in charge Elsa calls Margot by the wrong name so Tyler has to explain that there was a change of plans and he brought a different person with him this makes the situation uncomfortable before eating there's a tour for the guests Elsa shows them around explaining that the restaurants workers do all the hunting and farming so they all live there the chef also lives there but his house is private then they go into the restaurant and see that the kitchen is open so they can watch the cooks at one table there's an old lady named Linda who seems out of place when Richard finally notices Margot he asks his wife to switch seats with him so he can see better Elsa tells everyone they can watch the cooks cook but no pictures are allowed Tyler gets close enough to see everything and asks lots of questions but the cooks tell him to stop because he's distracting then Chef SLO arrives and Elsa says something to him that makes him look at morgo the first dish is a free appetizer Lillian takes her time to smell and taste everything carefully but Felicity is busy breaking up with George Margo who likes the dish but isn't crazy about it so Tyler has to explain why it's important then it's time for the first course slowly it claps to make all his Cooks turn around at once he talks about his work and says everyone should enjoy their food not just eat it Tyler tries to say something but SLO scolds him for interrupting Tyler keeps taking pictures even though it's not allowed for the second course slowly it claps and says bread is for regular folks but since his guests aren't regular they won't get any bread the next dish is a plate without bread just a little bit of tasty stuff on it Tyler really likes it but Margot feels disrespected Lillian notices that the sauce doesn't look right so they send her a whole bowl of it as a joke the tech guys want bread even saying they work for the owner of the island but they're told no Elsa tells them they'll eat less than they want and more than they deserve Margo won't eat her food and Tyler tries to take it but breaks a glass by mistake SLO becomes more interested in why Margo isn't eating Margo says there's no food but SLO says he made the portion small on purpose so they wouldn't get full Margo still won't eat and SLO leaves a bit upset which is surprising Everyone by checking on Linda kindly Margot can't help turning to look at Richard Anda notices this causing her to point out that Margo looks like their dead daughter Richard pretends he doesn't know Margo and asks his wife to change the subject with another clap Asolo announces the third course called memory which prompts him to share a memory about his family's old Taco nights he reveals that Lind is his mother and that she's been drunk since he was a kid his father was a drunk first and one night Linda called him out for it so the man tried to kill her with the phone Court to save his mother little slow Gra a pair of scissors and stabbed his father in the thigh but now he regrets not having killed him to remember that special taco night the dish is a smok chicken thigh served with a pair of scissors in it on top of a phone cord the tortillas were made fresh but to add a touch of innovation they've been engraved with the laser machine everyone is disturbed by the story but things get even more awkward when they discover the memories on the tortillas Lilian finds pictures of restaurants that closed because of her bad reviews andan is shocked to see photographs of her husband's private life one in particular shows Richard going out with a strange woman but Richard swears it's just a prank George finds pictures of his role as Dr sunshine and the tech brothers are Disturbed to find their company's tax records that prove they've created invoices with fake charges Elsa refuses to explain how they acquired that information and when the men threatened to close up this place Elsa cryptically says it won't be necessary Tyler sees himself taking pictures of the food and thinks SLO hates him Margo finds the images insulting and wants to send the dish back but Tyler snaps at her and calls her a child for not behaving correctly Margot decides to go to the bathroom and Elsa rushes to stop her from entering a forbidden silver door when she makes it to the bathroom Margo gets close to the window to have a smoke and notices an employee running with a pair of angel wings in his arms at that moment Asel comes to ask Margot why she refused to eat again since he's feeling wounded by her attitude but Margot just says she isn't that hungry esel also wants to know who she really is and when she says she's just Margo from Nebraska SLO doesn't believe her a moment later the cooks start the preparations for the fourth course by putting a piece of fabric and some decorations on the floor SLO introduces everyone to Jeremy one of his Two Chefs who created the next dish called the mess Jeremy studied at an important culinary school and his dream has always been to work for SLO while SLO admits he's talented he doesn't think Jeremy is great Jeremy may want a life full of Prestige like slocks but SLO thinks his life is full of pressure not to mention all the unhappy customers and critics that won't appreciate his work Asel asks Jeremy if he wants that life and when Jeremy says no Asel o kisses him on both cheeks and steps back before Jeremy takes out a gun then slowick announces the fourth course and Jeremy ends things in front of anyone Cooks aren't surprised by this and watch solemnly but all the guests freak out and step back except for Tyler who finds this fascinating as the body is taken away slow asks everyone to sit down and except this is part of the show everyone begins discussing if the death had been real or not and Richard has had enough he tries to leave with an but Elsa stops him explaining there's no available boat Richard still insists causing Elsa to order the chefs to grab him and get his ring finger guests start freaking out again except for Tyler who is still enjoying his meal without a care while Richard Wiggles on the floor in pain Elsa Returns the Fallen wedding ring to an SL once again explains this is part of the menu and lilan accepts it but the others are starting to get afraid Felicity wants George to have a talk with slox since they were supposed to be their friends but George confesses he lied to impress her Elsa brings Margot to the kitchen where slow tells her she's simply wrong he can tell she isn't a Margo and that's a problem because she wasn't part of that original menu plan Asel wants to know if Margo is on the side of the guests or the restaurants not that it matters because everyone's dying tonight anyway Margot rushes back to her table and tears and slaps Tyler when he won't stop talking about the food the whole mood in the restaurant is tense and nervous thurin goes crazy and decides to try to break a window with the chair but it's made of unbreakable glass so Elsa just takes him back to his table the next course is tea served as a pallet cleanser and Asel takes the chance to ask if anyone has any questions Tyler makes a stupid question about the tea but George comes through and wonders what's going on Asel explains their ingredients in in a degustation concept but this shouldn't be a surprise for example lilan is a monster that causes restaurants to close because of her personal taste and Ted codal her the cooks bring more broken Emulsion for Lillian and Elsa brings Margot a kitchen timer saying she has 10 minutes and asks for a doctor for Richard so slow points out they've been the most loyal customers for 5 Years yet they can't name a single dish they've eaten here hasel worked to become a very exclusive chef but it wasn't until recently that he finally understood that he's been working to satisfy people who can't be satisfied like his own mother since slow keeps referring to the place as his restaurant Bryce reminds him that the actual owner is Doug Beric SLO slowick replies that he actually owns Doug himself and at that moment it's revealed that Doug is hanging outside while wearing the angel wings Dave tries to offer money to save him and when slow turns him down he tries to run away only to be stopped by the staff Ry points out that dud kept slowick open through the pandemic but slow complains that Doug kept questioning his menu Elsa makes a sign with her arms and Doug is lowered into the sea until he drowns prompting SLO to announce he's finally free before going to his office suddenly the timer on Margo's table rings and she's asked to go see SLO Margo admits she isn't supposed to be here and in return SLO admits he can tell Margo's a fellow industry worker he wants to know why Margot kept staring at Richard making her confess that she's actually a street worker Richard had been one of the few clients that managed to rile her because he wanted her to pretend to be his daughter while they were getting frisky both SLO and Margo agreed that they used to enjoy serving others but bad clients have made them hate their jobs afterward SLO takes everyone outside the next course is presented by suff Katherine who explains SLO has flirted with her many times and she's always said no aelo didn't fire her but stopped looking her in the eye and this inspired the next dish called man's Folly then Catherine stabbed slowick on his leg and huged him before staining his Chef's uniform with blood prompting him to apologize now all the male guests are given a chance to escape they'll have a head start of 45 seconds and then the staff will try to catch them all the men begin running except for Tyler so SLO has to send him out there while Catherine takes the women inside the women try the sixth course while sharing a table with Catherine who explains that everyone dies Lillian's compliments make her cry and all the other ladies begin offering compliments as well to keep her happy in asks Margot if she knows her husband and Margot admits she does but and doesn't comment on it Margo ends up admitting her real name is Aaron and she's from Massachusetts outside Tyler spies on them through the window because he hates that he's missing a course meanwhile the staff goes after the men and finds them with no issues no matter if they went to the forest or the beach Ted hid in the smok house and for his efforts he's been given a passer egg all the men are brought back to the restaurant and George sarcastically apologizes to Felicity for for being a failure which makes her admit she's been stealing money from him George already knew and Felicity whom he knew suddenly slow it down and announced the menu couldn't continue as planned until they solved an unresolved matter he approaches Tyler and makes him confess that he had always known to night's menu would include everyone who dies Tyler had a date but his girlfriend broke up with him so he hired Margot because the restaurant didn't take reservations for just one never caring about the fact she'd die Margo's upset by this Revelation and attacks Tyler but the staff quickly pulls them apart next slowick points out how much Tyler knows about food and givs him a chef's uniform before pushing into the kitchen and asking him to cook in front of everyone even if Tyler doesn't want to Tyler's cooking is messy especially since aelo keeps making fun of him for being a knowledgeable foodie meaning the final dish is an absolute disaster slowick tells Tyler with ease why the mystery has been drained from his art and Whispers something in his ear that causes Tyler to take off the chef jacket and run in tears afterward SLO takes Margo aside to ask for a favor to start preparing dessert they require a large barrel that is supposed to be in a corner but Elsa forgot to bring it Asel wants Margot to go get it and ignores Elsa when she says the staff can do it on her way out Margot discovers Tyler has ended things for himself but she doesn't care sloak then returns to the dining area where George points out that this isn't really fair SLO explains George is being punished because he saw do Sunshine some years ago and ruined the first day off he had in months span on the other hand Felicity will die because she graduated from Brown University without any student debt meanwhile Margot makes it to the Smoke House but instead of grabbing the barrel she grabs a knife afterward she sneaks into Sue's house which is an exact copy of the restaurant but with a bed in it Margot tries to leave through the silver door but she's interrupted by Elsa who has her own knife and reminds her that this area is out of limits Margo defends herself with objects from the kitchen as she points out she doesn't want to work here but Elsa says she didn't forget the barrel and by trying to keep the knife away from her body Margo ends up accidentally killing Elsa after getting over her fear Margo takes Elsa's keys and opens a silver door inside inside she finds a simple room filled with memories of Slow's past when he was happy with his family and job there's a radio there and Margot tries to use it to get help meanwhile in the restaurant Bryce is surprised with a cake because his friend said it was his birthday but before he can blow out the candles Margot bursts in with a barrel through the main door SLO confesses that he used to be bad but now he's good his Chef's hands are so tough that he can touch fire without pain just then a boat comes near the island and SLO realizes Margo used the radio the staff quickly clean up any blood and SL SLO warns that if the guests ask for help an innocent person will die Coast Guard Dale enters but nobody speaks in instead he notices George and asks for an autograph as he's a big fan of Dr Sunshine so George pretends to give him one when Dale is about to leave he finds a paper saying help us he takes out a gun ready to protect the guests who now speak up Dale points the gun at SLO for a moment then add a candle on margot's table it's just a lighter shaped like a gun Dale isn't a coast guard he's on SK staff now he can go back to the kitchen SLO is disappointed in Margot for betraying him saying she's as bad as the other guests Margot remembers something she saw in the house and takes a risk she claps to get SL O's attention saying she doesn't like his food and wants to send it back to slow Falls for her trick realizing the dishes were more about showing off than tasting good Margot wants a simple cheeseburger not fancy food ASO Smiles For the First Time and agrees to make a cheeseburger with fries for $9.95 the other Cooks watch in amazement as slow happily makes a traditional cheeseburger which she proudly serves to Margot she likes the taste but can't finish it all so she asks for the rest to go Margot pays and leaves the restaurant as Margot leaves she feels unsure because others are still in danger but it signals her to go Margo reaches the harbor and escapes on Dale's boat while slowick reminds everyone it's time to pay $1,250 each without tipping they all give out their credit cards and get a bag of treats including one of Doug's fingers then they're told it's dessert time the cooks decorate the floor like a plate and put chocolate hats and marshmallow vests on every everyone slow says they're part of his ruined life now so they'll have the worst dessert SLO grabs a coal from the oven and throws it starting a fire that consumes the restaurant and everyone inside meanwhile Margot stops the boat to eat her cheeseburger while watching the fire using the menu to clean her mouth thank you for spending your precious time on this video don't forget to subscribe and like for more videos see you in the next [Music] video for [Music]
Channel: Cap Recap
Views: 840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movie recap, story recap, movie recaps, film recap, story recapped movie review, film recap movies, movie review, film recap channel, movie recaps channel, story recaps, recap, story recapped, recap film, movie summary, movie recap korean, movie recap sci fi, movie recap horror, movie explained, daniel cc movie review, story recapped channel, story recapped explained, recap king korean movie, horror movie recap, recap king full movie, film recap movie review
Id: kHf8Ch2I9OU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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