In The Studio: Disclosure "Mali Mali" (17 Best Tips from Twitch)
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Sol State
Views: 73,334
Rating: 4.9852142 out of 5
Keywords: disclosure studio, disclosure mali mali, disclosure studio session, disclosure twitch, disclosure twitch stream, Disclosure, in the studio with disclosure, music production, guy lawrence, guy lawrence disclosure, music production tips, twitch stream, in the studio disclosure, disclosure tutorial, disclosure drum tips, disclosure music production, disclosure how to, mali mali disclosure, mali mali song, fatoumata diawara, best music production tips, music producer
Id: NDkE7GMeiTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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Dude these streams have been absolutely amazing. Watching him and his brother work together and come up with stuff is just a dream come true. Never thought I'd get to see such successful commercial artists work this much in depth.
My favorite tips:
1) Sidechain - use a ghost click for precise control. This allows you to automate length of kick without ruining sidechain
2) Bass - add a kick drum transient on top of bass for for attack
3) Use a Sneaky Bar - mess with people and create tension by dropping at odd times.
Number 3 is a great tip and is all over house music now.