Picking Strawberries At The Strawberry Farm ๐Ÿ“ | Peppa Pig Official Full Episodes

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[Music] strawberries Pepper and George are visiting Granny and Grandpa Pig come and see the strawberries I've grown Grandpa Pig has spent days and days growing strawberries I think you will be impressed perhaps we can make some strawberry jam yes please Pepper and George love strawberry jam may I present my strawberry one strawberry you've grown one strawberry it will be the best tasting strawberry ever why is it hiding in a little house Grandpa it is hiding because the cheeky little birds have eaten all the rest ah you cheeky bird so now there are no strawberries and we won't make jam we can still make jam I know a place that has lots of strawberries it's a strawberry farm ooh so that's where we will go this is the Strawberry Farm hello there have you come to pick strawberries yes Miss Rabbit then you've come to the right place we've got nothing here but strawberries wow so many strawberries pick as many as you like here is Pedro pony with his mommy and daddy hello hello Pedro have you picked a lot of strawberries yes but my mommy and daddy keep eating them oh is this the way out I never want to see a strawberry ever again how strange I suppose some people just don't like strawberries picking strawberries is fun I must say these strawberries do look lovely but the real test is if they taste any good actually that is rather good M yum yummy I love the Strawberry Farm strawberry strawberry juicy red and sweet strawberry strawberry they're so nice to eat M scrumptious but remember everyone we're here to collect strawberries to take home and make jam put them in your baskets and try not to eat too many yes granny Pig I'll just have one last one I suppose one more won't hurt naughty granny naughty Grandpa right you are Peppa this really is the very last one I can't stop eating them hello birdies have you come to eat the strawberries the little birds do not want to eat the strawberries perhaps they have just eaten too many Peppa yes I think I've eaten too many oh Peppa's basket is full George's basket is full granny and grandpa's baskets are empty granny Grandpa where are your strawberries oh in our tummies maybe it's time to go home here is Danny dog with his Mommy and Daddy they have just arrived at the Strawberry Farm hello Peppa hello Danny look at all these strawberries oh don't say that word what strawberries how strange I suppose some people just don't like strawberries I see you've picked a lot of strawberries where's the way out the way out is just through the gift shop what do you sell in your shop Miss fabbit strawberry cake strawberry cookies strawberry cheese strawberry juice strawberry sweet strawberry anything without strawberries uh no I think we've had our fill of strawberries thank you funny no one ever buys anything from this shop Miss Rabbit look at how many strawberries we picked well done Pepper and George now we can make strawberry jam Pepper and George love strawberries everyone loves strawberries Grandpa Pig's birthday Peppa and her family are dressed in their very best clothes today is Grandpa Pig's birthday a party a party we're going to a party you know it's not really a party Peppa what do you mean it's just a nice quiet meal in a restaurant on Grandpa Pig's birthday and you haven't been to a restaurant before have you no so that will be fun won't it yes Peppa and her family have arrived at the restaurant ooh this is nice we can sit here no Peppa come back why we have to be shown to our table by the waiter have you booked a table we're with Grandpa Pig please follow me hello helloo are you here for the party sure Peppa these people are having their own meals and remember it's not really a party oh Peppa George happy birthday grandpa is this my birthday card yes we made it ourselves it's lovely but it's sad it's not a real birthday party I think I'm a bit too old for a real party Peppa I think Grandpa would rather have a a nice quiet meal with party hats no Peppa that's not a hat it's a napkin the napkins are to stop food and drink getting on your best clothes would you like to order drinks Madame could we have a bottle of water please of course can I get you anything else party hats please party it yes because it is my Grandpa's birthday Grandpa Pig's birthday I'll see what I can do Peppa they don't have party hats in Posh restaurants like thisa party hats party hats oh uh thank you are you ready to order food yes please on the menu today we have DED fish with seed cheese strained carrot on a muscle cuff or cream of sweet in a vegetable sug um I think I might try the uh strained carrot on a muscle cough uh cream of swed for me please perhaps the dried fish ah same again please and for the children spaghetti please spaghetti Pepper and George loves spaghetti spaghetti is not on the menu but I will ask the chef Peppa you can't ask for things that aren't on the menu strained carrot cream of sweet dried fish and for the children the chef has made spaghetti hoay [Music] spaghetti actually it's my birthday could I have the spaghetti too you please and me and me and me me everybody loves spaghetti would you like some cheese on your spaghetti cheese and balloons please balloons of course marvelous lovely balloons hooray this is starting to feel like a birthday party the only thing missing is the [Music] oh happy birthday grandpa blow out the candles Grandpa hooray birthday party music please this is such fun happy birthday grandpa ice cream and George are at Granny and Grandpa Pig's house today to me George throw it to me Mr Labrador is here in his new ice cream van ice hooray everyone is queuing for ice cream hello Mrs cat what flavor would you like as the vanilla ice cream nice oh I don't know I haven't tried it yet it is Mr labrador's first day selling ice creams oh it's delicious would you like one yes please what's the strawberry flavor like I'd better check oh that's nice as well I want a strawberry ice cream what do you want George ice cream thank is the mint ice cream good M lovely four mint ice creams please thank you Mr Labrador it is Pepper and George's turn can I have a strawberry ice cream please ah hi seem to have run out of strawberry ice cream then can I have a vanilla ice cream please oh there's no vanilla left either actually I've got no ice cream left at all no ice cream maybe I tried to in himself yes maybe you did Mr Labrador loves ice cream don't worry my little ones let's make our own ice cream instead can we do that yes we used to make ice cream for your mommy when she was a little piggy oh homemade ice cream that sounds lovely Papa B I'll take you back home can we have the ice cream music please good idea Peppa right let's make ice cream first we pour some milk into a jug then we add some cream now what flavor would you like your ice cream to be we do have raspberries and strawberries from the garden yes let's make raspberry and strawberry ice cream in they go then we pour all our ingredients into a freezer bag now we need to make it very cold oh we'll put the ice cream bag into this bag full of ice and salt and wrap it all in a towel now for the fun part we shake it up and down for 5 minutes you can start the shaking Peppa ice cream ice cream shake shake shake ice cream ice cream is what we make very good Peppa ice cream ice cream ice cream ice cream shake shake shake ice cream ice cream is what we make one last shake for me and I think it might be ready did it work yes o it's the best ice cream in the world yum yum granny can all my friends come for ice cream of course they can Peppa oh in that case we'll need to make a lot more ice cream hoay ice cream the best ice cream in the world all of Peppa's friends are here for ice cream hooray can I have banana can I have raspberry can I have blueberry please here you go thank you Peppa o that's delicious have you got carrot flavor oh I don't think so yes we do made with carrots from my very own garden M thank you Peppa I love ice cream we all love ice cream Mr Labrador yes but I really love ice cream granny Pepper and George are spending the day with Granny and Grandpa Pig granny granny oh where's granny Pig here I am granny pig is wearing a pretend beard today I am a caveman granny and her friends are pretending to be in the Stone Age what's the Stone Age well it was a long long time ago when people lived in caves ate berries and chased big hairy elephants called mammoths can we be Stone Age too of course you can I've made you both costumes look George we're in the Stone Age come and see what we're doing in the garden here are granny wolf granny dog and Madame Gazelle look everyone here is Stone Edge Peppa and George hello we are digging a cave with our stone tools why don't you have buckets and Spades Stone AG people didn't have buckets and Spades you see today we are living exactly as people did in the Stone Age tea time for thirsty Stone Age people o lovely does stone age people drink tea uh not exactly but I'm sure if they could have had tea they would have had tea uh yes yes yes all this digging has made me rather hungry me too let's gather berries yes berries strawberries ah you're eating all my precious strawberries but that's what Stone Edge people did well can't you do some other Stone Agy thing instead I suppose we could Chase woolly mammoths good idea but there aren't any woolly mammoths now grandpa pick can be a Wily Mammoth yes oh all right if it keeps you away from my strawberries thank you grpa pig you run and we will chase you okay ho I'm a woolly mammoth we're coming to get you you'll never get me yes we [Music] will got you well done Peppa and George now we carry the mammoth back to our cave yes yes lift o the mammoth is a bit too heavy to carry actually Grandpa Pig would you mind walking oh very well the stone AG people have arrived back at their cave H it's going to take ages to dig a cave with little bits of stone I have an idea where's my telephone Ronny did Stone AG people have telephones uh no but if they could have had telephones they would have had telephones yes yes yes yes yes hello Mr Bull speaking hello Mr Bull could you come come and dig a big cave for us please I'll be right there marvelous thank you turn back everybody Mr Bull has arrived with his Digger gry did Stone AG people have diggers no but I'm sure if they could have had diggers they would have had diggers there you are ho now we can decorate our cave with paintings just like Stone Age people did I'm painting us chasing a woolly mammoth I'm painting granny with a cup of tea on the telephone and Mr Bull with a digger oh exactly how it was in the Stone Age box Pepper and George have been sailing with Granny and Grandpa Pig all a sh [Music] Captain I'm rather thirsty shall we have a juice in the clubhouse yes please uh the clubhouse is a bit stuffy Grandpa Pig not much fun for Pepper and George that's all right granny we only want a juice it is very quiet in the clubhouse could we have four fruit juices please do you have a membership card sir of course very good sir here are Mr Stallion and Mrs Corgi ah Grandpa Pig good to see you El Bean sorry what are all these people doing here granny I don't know Peppa mostly sleeping I think oh what's this it's a juke box it plays music I like music but it looks like this one hasn't played music in a long time four fruit juices thank you Grandpa a jukebox yes but it's not playing music it might play music if we put a coin in uh we don't want to disturb anybody oh grandpa they wouldn't be a juke box here if they didn't want us to play it I suppose so let's choose something quiet of course coin please thank you oo Now where's the rock and roll music here we are rock and roll this is rock and roll music come on George let's go we're going to roll roll roll rock and roll we're going to rock what are this noes I am so sorry yes here you should be disco music is what you want to play disco music I'll show you have you got a coin of course thank you here we go get ready to groov on down Gro down the this is Disco musico what a record why don't you play something good so what do you think is good music then hip hop has anyone got a coin grandpa has coins okay here you go with a hip and a hop you got a hiop this is hip hop music with a hip and a hop you got a hip hop well I never this is brilliant with a hit and a you got to hit Mrs Corby is dancing like a robot wow look at that with a hi aop you got a hip hop with a aop you got a hip hop is somebody having a party it is Grampy rabbit excuse me sir but are you a member no but I'm with him uh hello grandpy rabbit hi there I heard music we found a juke box does he play my kind of music and what Dare I ask is your kind of music heavy metal of course and I suppose you need a coin thanks old chap this is heavy metal [Music] music this is the only music to dance to gry Rabbit loves dancing to the Jukebox everybody loves dancing to the Jukebox bury it treasure Molly Mole and Freddy Fox have come to play with Pepper and George what shall we play Let's do digging um I'm not very good at digging I am squeak watch this Molly Mole is good at digging wow Molly's digging a long tunnel oh I found something what is it wow it's a pirate treasure chest I wonder how it got there it's a mystery we better tell my daddy my goodness where did this hole come from Daddy Daddy we found some pirate treasure at the end of our tunnel treasure how did it get there we don't know it's a mystery maybe we should call the police they'll know what to do this is the police station hello police station hello it's Daddy Pig here we found some pirate treasure pirate treasure you say we'll be right there H hello hello hello that is how the police say hello hello hello hello I want to be a policeman when I grow up good lad so where's this pirate treasure then under the ground we were just sing this tunnel when suddenly we found this yes yes yes that's pirate treasure all right it's just like the pirate treasure we have back at the police station let's take this back and put it with the other one oh dear police officer panda is dropping coins along the way right back to the police station can we have the nard please why not this way to the Lost Property down here is where we keep all the lost things wow umbrellas shoes a lamp poost even a lost cupboard oh that's not lost Freddy this is where we keep the pirate treasure oh it's gone that's strange another mystery hello hello hello there's a hole in the wall and a tunnel someone has dug a hole and taken our treasure chest down the tunnel a criminal mastermind no doubt I wonder where it goes look there are coins on the floor uhhuh a trail let's follow the trail we'll soon find out who took our treasure we're out inside my house and the trail of coins ends now we'll never know who took the treasure from the police station it's a mystery I know who took it who we did he follow me this is the tunnel we dug this morning yes it goes all the way back to the police station and we didn't know it was the police station but this is where we found the treasure so you found the pirate treasure that was in our Lost Property cupboard yes mystery solved well done Freddy that was excellent police work yes I do believe you'll make a very good police officer one day just remember to keep your ears and eyes open who left that lamp post there that's not a safe place for a lamp post I'll make a note dangerous obstruction in workplace environment ho ho you see children a police officer's work is never done and the Mystery of the buried pirate treasure is solved hooray parking ticket Pepper and George are playing in their bedroom they have made a bit of a mess my goodness what a mess oh sometimes Peppa you could do a tiny bit of tidying up then we wouldn't ever have to tell you off H why did children get told off grown-ups don't get told off ho ho that's one of the very few good things about being a grown-up there lovely and tidy right I'm off to the shops George and me come too okay but I don't think you'll like this particular shopping trip Daddy what are you going to buy at the shops I'm buying a bag of concrete daddy pig likes concrete not the concrete shop again I'll be as quick as I can this is the concrete shop what does that sign mean Daddy it means you shouldn't Park here so why are you parked here it's all right because I won't be long hello Daddy Pig have you come to do some shopping just buying a bag of concrete it's so boring Peppa why don't you and George wait here and help me do my job thank you Miss Rabbit I won't be long no problem what job are you doing today Miss Rabbit I'm a traffic Warden ooh what does a traffic Warden do I look for cars parked where they shouldn't be when I find one I give it a parking ticket like this ooh there one bag of concrete say cheese cheese see you later by bye-bye oh what's this it's a parking ticket a daddy is a parking ticket like being told off uh yes Peppa it's like being told off mommy mommy daddy got a ticket that's nice what did he get a ticket for the cinema or the circus or I got a parking ticket oh well hopefully it was just a mistake oh yes maybe it was meant for someone else delivery for Daddy Pig thank you Mr zebra look it's a picture of me George and daddy in our car yes next to a No Parking sign it says I have to have a lesson to learn how to park Daddy has to go to school it is police officer Panda and police officer squirrel hello hello hello Mr Pig uh can I help you yes it's about the parking ticket it's just routine nothing to worry about you're not planning on leaving the country are you no are you ready for your parking lesson yes marvelous follow [Music] me this is a No Parking sign it is important to look out for signs on the public Highway that's right police officer Panda will now show you how to park here is somewhere you can park there is no sign here here is somewhere you should not park there is a No Parking sign and that is the end of the parking lesson that's all very clear thank you police officer Panda and police officer squirrel just doing our job hello police officer Panda oh hello Miss Rabbit Say cheese please what a parking ticket but that's outrageous I was only parked for a moment this sign was clearly visible and you were parked in front of it ho ho you're right it just goes to show that nobody is above the LW and even grown-ups get told off perfect day Peppa and her family are going to a shopping center today that's a big shop it's not one shop Peppa it's lots of shops all under the same roof w wow but we're not shopping today not shopping at the shops no mommy's here for a perfect day experience oo this is Miss Rabbit's Spa hello mommy pig are you ready for your perfect day experience yes I think so but what exactly is it oh lots of lovely things you can have a massage have your fingernails painted or have a herbal face wash oh that all sounds lovely do we have to do it too Daddy no Peppa we can go and find our own perfect day oh goody bye mommy see you later where are we going to find our Perfect Day Dad daddy H I don't know it's just shops and shops and ooh magic moving stairs that pepper is an escalator can we go on it yes hold my hand here is Suzie Sheep it's Suzy hello hello Peppa where are you going we're going to the top where are you going we're going to the bottom Peppa has reached the top quick Daddy I need to go down to find Suzy I'm coming to find you Peppa I'm coming to find you suszie ah you're going the wrong way Peppa and George are back at the bottom but Susie is at the top I think that's enough escalators for now but I need to see Suzie then we can use the lift ooh I need to find Peppa then let's take the lift it's not working someone else is using it we just have to wait but I need to find Peppa Suzy Peppa and suie are best friends Peppa look what I've got little su's in boxes how did you do that in the photo booth I'll show you this is the photo booth you sit in here put the money in there and then it flashes it's not flashing I think it's broken oh I missed it there's more smile when does it flash a I missed it again you a funny face and the last one has it finished yet I think I might be in that one here are the pictures look at all of those funny faces again again I think it's time we pick up mommy pig mommy did you have a perfect day yes thank you I did Peppa did you yes we went up and down the magic stairs and we saw Suzy and did some funny pictures that does sound nice home [Music] time daddy pig did you have a perfect day my perfect day starts when we get home Daddy what's your perfect Day come and see daddy pig is jumping up and down in muddy puddles everyone is jumping up and down in muddy puddles it's the perfect end to a perfect day land Peppa and her friends are watching their favorite television program super potato hooa am I a bird am I a plane no I'm a Potato I love watching super potato me too super potato is the best haoa fruit and vegetables Keep Us Alive always remember to eat your five always remember to eat your five we've seen this before I know all the words by heart yes they show the same story again and again and again brilliant isn't it yes and we will remember all of the words forever yes we remember all of the words forever everyone is so tiny on TV in real life they are big how are they big and Tiny and how do they get in our TV it's some sort of magic it's not magic it's science Edmund elephant is a clever clogs would you all like to see how they make TV yes please okay let's go to TV Land This is TV Land stop do you work here um no then I'm afraid you can't come in but we are children and we want to see how TV is made oh in that case in you go thank you ooh wow hello there here is Miss Rabbit have you come to see how we make television yes very good follow me potato potato look potato hello everyone hello you see he's not tiny he's big we're ready for you now super potato The Show Must Go On This is where the magic happens it's not magic it's science you're a bit of a clever clogs aren't you yes okay we're ready to go lights camera and action fruit and vegetables Keep Us Alive always remember to eat your five and cut that was amazing the camera now turns all of that into magic bits electromagnetic signals that go to a thingy on the roof television transmitter the thingy transmitter sends the magic bits across the sky to the TV area on your roof unless you have a cable or a dish and down into the TV Susie Sheep and her mommy are at home watching television fruit and vegetables Keep Us Alive to your would any of you like to be on TV yes please we just have to put you in front of the camera okay action what do I do just say something hey anything okay I'm Peppa Pig this is my little brother George wow Peppa and George are on TV this is Mummy Pig and this is Daddy Pig hello Peppa it's for you Peppa I can see you on TV am I tiny yes you are tiny this is fun can I be on TV again of course now we've recorded that you can be on TV every day hundreds and hundreds of times hooray Peppa loves T everyone loves TV Peppa and her playgroup are visiting the museum this very children follow me here is Miss Rabbit hello everyone has anyone ever been to a museum before yes good then you know that in a museum you can look but not touch because everything in a museum is very delicate oops yes these old things break easily but today we're going to visit the science museum here you can touch everything yay buttons to press wow brilliant ooh spooky pull on that rope and try to lift the weight it's too heavy now try that rope with the pulley on it wow now it's easy my goodness how does that work well it's uh the system increases the mechan mechanical advantage proportionally to the number of pulley yes that's what I was going to say my little brother Edmund is super [Music] clever oh look a tube hello Suzy Sheep here oh where are you I am here where I can't see you let's find the end of the tube here I am hello Suzy Sheep hair amazing oh maybe in the future this could be used for talking to people a long way away you mean like a telephone oh yes telephones exist already don't they magic balloons get your magic balloons here are they really magic balloons uh no not really but they're still pretty amazing want to see yes please all we need to do is rub it like this and then the balloon is sticking to the wall magic no not magic but static how does it work no idea protons are said to have a charge of plus one electron unit while electrons have a charge ofus one which explains static what does that bang hello children here is grumpy rabbit now it's time for some dangerous science don't be alarmed there is a responsible adult in charge me who wants to ride in this rocket Peppa kindly jump in um are you sure this is completely safe of course it's safe Now Peppa put your hand hands against mine on the count of three push one 2 three push wow I'm moving yes that's called propulsion but real rockets use Rocket Fuel to blast off who wants to fly in this rocket it has to be someone small there's not much room inside I'm small perfect and you get Edmund and uh this is completely safe for children too yes the rocket just flies itself no I meant off you go oh my goodness woohoo wo lucky the museum has a high ceiling and that is how rocky propulsion works that was fun it was brilliant it was uh unbelievable Peppa loves the science museum everyone loves the science museum muddy Festival Peppa and her family are in their little tent at the Children's Festival it has been raining all night and the whole field has become mud what's it like out there daddy pig is there any mud um a little bit of mud yes oh my goodness wow so much mud yes what it does say it can get a tiny bit muddy here sometimes a tiny bit muddy I've never seen so much mud in all my life it's brilliant yes and we've got a whole day at the festival ahead of us at the Children's Festival there are so many fun things to see and do H let's start with making sand castles yippee sand castles this is the sand castle area who likes making sand castles yay now you might have noticed it's been raining so instead of sand castles we're making mud castles ho first B your buckets with mud turn your buckets over give them a tap lift your buckets mud castles I like mud castles mud castles are the best well done Miss Rabbit how did you ever come up with the idea for mud castles simple it rains every year so we always make mud Castle ah so what do we want to do next how about painting pictures yay this is the painting Tent today we're going to paint pictures and instead of paint we're using mud ooh we've got lots of brown mud and greenish mud I even found some blue mud this morning H what's best to paint with mud I know a muddy puddle the children are painting mud pictures Daddy what are we doing next something that's fun learn all about Concrete in the olden days that sounds a bit boring this is the history of concrete area Okay so who wants to learn about concrete H oky doie owing to the current mud situation I've got a better idea who wants to do some puddle jumping me me me my most favorite thing in the whole world is jumping up and down in muddy puddles and if we're going to jump in puddles we must wear our boots that's right are you ready yes then jump my turn Daddy Pig has covered everyone in mud although I say it myself that was a good puddle jump well done Daddy Pig but maybe that's enough mud for one day yes next up is dancing oh good I love dancing dancing in mud great hooray here is Madame Gazelle with her band hello everyone are you ready to [Applause] dance dance dance dance in my splish splash splash Splish Splash a big splash here and a big splash there here is Splash there is Splash everywhere is Splish spash Dan [Music] y this is a very muddy Festival Peppa loves the muddy Festival everyone loves the muddy Festival the marble run it is a lovely sunny day Rebecca and Richard Rabbit have come to play with Peppa and George Mommy can we play Happy Mrs Chicken on the computer please sorry Peppa I need to do my work today oh why don't you go and play in your room instead but we don't know what games to play oh there's lots of games you can play you could have a tea party or do a jigsaw puzzle we've already played with those things mommy what about your marble run you haven't played with that for ages marble run Pepper and George love their marble run what does it do sque you pick a marble and you put it in here and it goes timble tumble all the way down to the bottom ooh I'll show you ready steady go again again bye-bye mommy you can go and do your work now oh thank you Peppa have fun can I have a go yes Rebecca you take this marble and you ready steady go that was fun and then you can add some more bits to the marble run let's make it the biggest marble run ever yay let's add this Wiggly bit and a windmill bit the marble will make it go round and round do you want to have a go George Ready Steady go it's going down the windmill bit and the wiggly bit and there hooray let's add more bits yes let's make the biggest marble run ever wow that looks good Rebecca now it's Richard's turn Mar Richard has lots of M Ready Steady go look at all the marbles going everywhere I thought I heard your marble run pepper can I join in yes daddy oh goody let's make it bigger Daddy Pig loves building the marble run ah there are no more bits of marble run left in the Box oh never mind we can use other things like this jigsaw and this doll's house we want it even bigger Daddy I'll go and see if there's anything in the office we could use aha look daddy we've added some more bits and Bobs very good and I found these tubes to make a tunnel wow the marble will go all around the room this is the biggest marble run ever let's try it out o can I go first okay Daddy you have to put the marble in there really steady go the marble is going all around the room oo it's going all around the world there it goes dinosaur wa is it going now the marble has rolled out of the bedroom down the stairs through the hallway and into the front room the whole house is a marble run it's bouncing [Music] everywhere ah go to the fish got you hooray what was all that noise it was the noise of the biggest marble run ever botanical gardens today Pepper and George are going to the botanical gardens Miss Rabbit is head Gardener welcome to the botanical gardens where we grow plants from all around the world o our first Garden is a wildf flower Meadow it will look nice when you've tidied it up a bit this is what wildf flower Meadows are meant to look like Daddy Pig ah it takes a lot of effort to make it look this messy the butterflies and bees like it that's right wildf flow Meadows are very good for butterflies and bees would you like to see the other Gardens yes please this this is the hot house it's very hot in here yes Peppa it is where we grow plants that come from very hot places we have cacti ooh palm trees and this is a Venus fly trap why is it called a fly trap because it traps flies watch the Venus fly trap has caught a fly George Let's Play Venus f fly traps I will be the fly trap and you can be the fly buzz buzz buz cour you George now I'll be the fly and you be the fly trap Buzz George Venus fly traps do not run oh dear George is a very sad venus fly trap sorry George let's both be flies calm down little flies it's too hot to buzz about in here don't worry the next room is much cooler this is our cold house is it the North Pole Garden sort of the proper name is Arctic tundra Garden ooh ice cream there's ice cream grow at the North Pole Miss Rabbit no our fridge is broken so we're keeping them here to stop the melting would you like one yes please thank you Pepper and George love ice cream even in the cold follow me this is the rainforest Garden wow Miss Rabbit why is it called a rainforest we call it the rainforest because it's a forest and it rains a lot Make It Rain every hour on the hour it's nice the rain in the rainforest is lovely and warm a room where it rains when you want we need something like this at home we've got one daddy pig it's called a shower oh yes and through here is Mr rabbit Mr rabbit is in the experiment room hello everyone my job is to make new plants how well butterflies and bees do it by taking pollen from one flower to another the flowers then make seeds that grow into new plants M this flower smells lovely oh this pretty flower doesn't smell of anything when I put the pollen from one onto the other the seeds made a new flower that smells lovely and looks pretty M that that does smell lovely you can do it with vegetables as well I put this small tasty carrot together with this big not very tasty carrot and made a big tasty carrot uh no actually I made a small not very tasty carrot oh would you like to see the Children's Garden now yes please it has a very special water feature a fountain no a waterfall no a great big muddy puddle Wow Come on George Wee Peppa loves all the botanical gardens especially the muddy one mommy and daddy pig are taking Peppa George and Rebecca Rabbit to visit a Petting Farm mommy what is a Petting Farm it's a place where you get to meet tiny little animals you can feed them and you can stroke them ooh I love ickle lickle animals there's just one important rule at the farm before and after meeting the animals we have to wash our hands yes Daddy Pig this is the petting farm hello there my lovelies I'm Mrs Badger the farmer hello now before we meet the animals there's one thing we have to do we have to was our hands that's right first we use some soap it's all bubbling I love Bubbles and now some water wash wash wash our hands wash them nice and clean bubbly scrubby scrubby bubbly wash them nice and clean what kind of animals have you got here Mrs Badger we've got chickens here are the chickens it's time for the chickens lunch would you like to feed them yes please okay have a bag of bird seed each hey tick tick come and eat some seeds chicki what lucky chickens yes they certainly are Weller now who wants to hold a baby chick me me me me me oo they're so little they're so fluffy they're so sweet it's true baby chicks are little and fluffy and sweet Mrs Badger what other animals have you got we've got guinea pigs can we see the guinea pigs of course but before you see them you need to wash our hands that's right wash wash wash your hands wash them nice and clean bubbly scrub rubbly bubbly wash them nice and clean here are the guinea pigs a look at their cute little faces and their fluffy little bodies you can pick them up and stroke them if you like aw you are lovely adorable aren't they that's not quite the word I would use and they make excellent pets can we have a guinea pig Daddy please we haven't really got the space to keep a guinea pig you don't need much space uh and they probably need lots of looking after no guinea pigs are very easy to look after and I would do all the work but Peppa um you might not want to do that forever and then you could always look after it for her uh look at the time I think we have to be getting home oh yes look Rebecca there's your mommy she's come to meet you here is mommy rabbit with the baby twins Rosie and Robbie hello Rebecca hello Mommy oh look cute little baby rabbits yes my little baby brother and sister really are cute can we cuddle them please mommy rabbit of course you can Peppa but there's something you need to do first wash our hands wash wash wash your hands wash them nice and clean bubbly scrub scrub bubbly wash them nice and clean now you can cuddle Robbie and Rosie have you had a nice time today yes Mommy we fed seeds to chickens we held the baby chicks we stro the guinea pigs and now best of all we're cuddling baby rabbits Peppa loves the petting farm everyone loves the petting farm Pizza Pizza it is almost lunchtime at Peppa's house what does everyone fancy for lunch today um can we have pizza pizza pizza good idea let's make pizza ho ho I'm a bit of an an expert at making pizza can George and me help of course to make pizza we need flour tomatoes cheese and for toppings we've got all sorts of nice things sweet corn mushrooms olives pineapple George likes pineapple on his pizza pineapple on Pizza no that's just not right in in fact I think pineapple on Pizza is against the law silly daddy it is actually not against the law to put pineapple on Pizza um daddy can we make funny faces on top of the pizzas of course we can but before we start cooking we have to wash our hands wash our hands wash them nice and clean bubbly scrub scrub bubbly wash them nice and clean let's wipe the table clean and put our aprons on right let's make pizza pizza pizza Peppa George could you please mix this flour and water together with your fingers it's all sticky and stretchy perfect I'm just going to need it we sprinkle a little flour on the table so the dough doesn't stick you need to be big and strong to need dough I am big and strong and George is big and strong too okay that's enough kneading let's make the dough into four balls one 2 3 4 and we roll them flat with a rolling pin ah it looks like a pizza now but an expert pizza maker doesn't need a rolling pin watch this HLA Daddy has a pizza on his head this one can be mine Peppa George please smooth the Tomato over the pizzas I like me making pizza it's lovely and messy good that's enough smoothing and splashing now for the cheese remember daddy we're making funny faces of course I'll use mushrooms to make eyes and olives for the smile and I'll use onion for eyes and Basel leaves for the mouth I'm doing little tomatoes for the eyes and sweet corn for the mouth George is using pineapple for the eyes and cheese for the mouth I like funny faces while they cook we can tidy up all this mess um you and Mommy can tidy up and George and I can do some playing Pepper and George like playing Mommy and daddy pig like tidying up Peppa George Lunch is ready yay mommy your pizza looks like you oh thank you very much and your pizza looks like you Daddy it looks nothing like me I must say your pizza does look like you Peppa does it oh goody and George's looks like George these are the best pizzas in the world ever Peppa loves pizza everybody loves pizza children's festival Peppa is going to a children's festival Daddy what is a festival it's a big outdoor party with lots to see and do I just hope it doesn't rain otherwise it can get a bit muddy don't worry it won't be mud oh I like M this is the Children's Festival W wowow welcome to the festival at the Children's Festival there are so many fun things to see and do here is Suzie Sheep hello Peppa hello Suzie isn't this great it's brilliant there's so much going on what shall we do first we've got making things s and castles storytelling yes I like stories me too this is the story tent all of Peppa's friends are here hello children if you want a story about a pirate say aha ah good once upon a time there was a pirate he found a desert island and he dug up some buried treasure the end what an adventure that story makes me miss the sea I must set sail at once and find that desert island Captain dog loves The Sea it's just a story daddy you don't need to set sail oh yes no need for me to set sail ever again I like the children's festival yes and not a drop of rain we've been really lucky this year I told you it wouldn't be muddy a little bit of mud would be nice this way to the making things Tent today we're going to learn how to make something from the olden days who wants to make a basket okie dokie how about knitting an olden days hat how about a dragon me me me all the children are making dragons wow those dragons are good almost like the real thing dragons are not real they are mythical creatures you're a bit of a clever clogs aren't you actually the correct term is child prodigy making things was fun and we've still got lots to see and do tomorrow tomorrow are we staying here tonight we certainly are yes I was hoping we could find a hotel nearby but I thought camping would be more fun yay camping great this is the camping area hello hello Peppa are you camping too we're not camping we're glamping what's glamping it's like camping but with lots of Home Comfort we've got a bathroom with a basin and a bath and a toilet and we've got a living room and a TV wow glamping looks great Daddy are we glamping no we have our own little tent hopefully it's not too difficult to put up it shouldn't be a problem after all I am a qualified structural engineer mommy pig put the tent on the poles please that's it easy as pie hooray are you enjoying the festival it's brilliant yes and it's lucky it hasn't rained too right when it rains this field just becomes mud we like mud but mud and camping don't go so well together ho ho it's not going to rain night night everyone night night Peppa and her family are sleeping in their little tent at the Children's Festival oh dear it is starting to rain world book day Peppa and her friends are at play children tomorrow is world book day when we celebrate the Wonder of books I love books me me too me too good please come to play group dressed as someone from your favorite book can I come a super potato is super potato in a book no he's on TV no it must be a character from a book can I come with someone from a fairy tale yes it can be any book you like remember your costumes for world book day tomorrow mommy mommy it's world book day tomorrow and we have to dress up as someone from a book that sounds exciting who are you going to be Peppa you've got lots of books to choose from yes I can go as a sleepy princess from this book yes I love reading you this Story Once Upon a Time they lived there oh maybe I can go as the red monkey I love that book too hm I can't decide all the books are good why not go as funny onion from the book that Mummy Pig wrote no Daddy it has to be a real book not mommy's book thank you very much Peppa once upon a time there was an onion called funny onion 4768 59 312 most of Mummy Pig's book is one big long number yes there were a few printing problems how about this book the tiny magic fairy yes I'm a tiny magic fairy and George what's your favorite book dinosur of course your popup Dinosaur book oh that's settled George will go to world book day as a dinosaur and Peppa will go as a tiny fairy or maybe a duck quack quack it is nearly bedtime aha I'm the happy pirate from the pirate book Pirates are my favorite because they are funny and they sing happy songs and brush their teeth yes brush their teeth are we all ready for world book day tomorrow no my favorite book keeps changing don't don't worry Peppa you can decide in the morning today is World Book Day oh my what wonderful costumes tell us Pedro who are you I'm the hunter from Little Red Riding Hood he's strong and brave and kind to old ladies very good and I am dogbeard the Sailor from The Adventures of dogbeard the Sailor and why is he your favorite because he's strong and brave and I think he might be kind to old ladies too excellent I'm an old lady so you are candy but are you not also a witch yes so be careful or I might turn you into a frog and you Edmund you have come as the big number from mommy pig's book 476 m850 9,312 oh what an amazing Choice ah George you are dressed as eina but where is Peppa here I am oo what book are you Peppa I am all my favorite books I have fairy wings a pirate hat a a red monkey tail and quack quack duck feet you're a fairy pirate Monkey Duck Peppa loves work book day everyone loves World Book Day super potato movie Peppa and George are going to see the super potato movie at the cinema super potatoes get your super potatoes here o could we get a super potato please daddy is it made of plastic Mr Fox it's better than that it's made of potato made of potato yes it's a potato well in that case I'd have two please would everyone please take their seats the film is about to start o now does anyone need to go to the toilet noig good then let's go in this is the cinema where the film will be shown hello Rebecca I've got super potato I've got Mrs carrot help save me super potato super potato to the rescue shush Peppa the film is about to start super potato the movie hooray far away in the land of fruits and vegetables there is a problem help my foot is stuck we need a rescue someone call for super potato super potato super potato did someone call my name hooray by the power of vegetables I am here you're my hero ho Mommy I need the toilet okay come on then sorry excuse us miss rabbit is in the projector room is this the toilet no Peppa this is the projector what's a projector it's the machine that shows the film you're watching see oh yes there super potato I get to watch super potato six times a day wow I wish I was a superhero you are a superhero to us Miss Rabbit you do all the important jobs yes I have just cleaned the toilets you'll find them down the corridor on your left thank you Miss Rabbit hurry up Mrs carrots about to be rescued again someone call for super potato super potato super potato did someone say my name I am on my way what's happening now Mrs carrot got stuck in the mud by the power of vegetables I am here you're my hero yay I want to be a super potato when I I grow up here comes the song bit fruit and vegetables Keep Us Alive always remember to eat your five ladies and gentlemen boys and girls welcome to the stage super Potato by the power of vegetables I am actually here did you enjoy the movie children yes show us how you fly how do I fly like this am I a bird am I a plane no I'm a Potato oh dear super potato is stuck in the cinema roof help call for super potato that is super potato quick call for Miss Rabbit Miss rabbit rabbit Miss Rabbit Miss Rabbit did someone call my name help oh I'm on my way yay help help Miss Rabbit to the rescue help wa Miss rabbit has rescued super potato wow when I grow up I want to be Miss Rabbit Miss Rabbit you are my hero Miss Rabbit is a superhero Miss Rabbit's relaxation class Mommy Pig is working on her computer Peppa George and daddy pig are getting ready to go out Peppa are you ready for play group yes Daddy I just need my shoes George remember you're going to a children's party have you seen my briefcase I'm sure I left it in here you're holding it oh yes ho ho we're off now bye bye bye lovely and quiet now I can work on my computer Mummy Pig likes working on her computer hello hello mommy pig are you doing anything today I'm working on my computer oh that's not good computers make you stressed you need to come to my relaxation class relaxation class what's that it's where you learn to unwind and find your inner happiness you'll feel amazing afterwards actually that does sound nice great see you at the sports center this is the sports Center Miss Rabbit is in charge hello Miss Rabbit hello mommy pig I'm here for the relaxation class hello Sports Center relaxation class is through that way you want to book a bouncy castle no problem hello is this the relaxation class yes we're all here to find inner happiness and calm hello welcome to the relaxation class it's all about leaving stress behind so please turn off your phones relax your bodies empty your minds hello Sports Center okay I'll be right there back in a mo just keep relaxing while I'm gone hello children hello Miss Rabbit we've come for our gym lesson yes the gy children are very excited fantastic I'll just set up the gym for you don't mind me just keep relaxing relax hello mommy what are you doing here oh hello Peppa I've come to do a class me too see you later now where were we uh we were just starting to relax oh yes think of a beautiful Woodland Glade Stillness [Music] silence children are you ready for your gym class yes Madam gazelle what's that I can't hear you surely you can shout louder than that yes good I want to see lots of jumping and climbing and running Ready Steady go slow down quick up quick up calm Harmony Stillness jump jump jump relax hello mommy pig what are you doing here I'm doing a relaxation class well I hope this children's party doesn't disturb you hello Daddy hey hello Peppa this is fun I wonder how high I can go just try to relax stop relaxing now relaxation class is over how did you find it mommy pig very very stressful funny that's what everybody says why don't you have a go on the bouncy castle yes I think I will wee this is wonderful I feel lovely and relaxed Mommy Pig loves bouncy castles everybody loves bouncy castles Father's Day today is Father's day it is the day when everyone thanks their daddy for being their Daddy ah what a great day to be a father Mommy can me and George play In the Garden today of course Peppa I might do some eating well done Mummy Pig this Garden could do with a bit of a tidy up and uh what are you going to do today daddy pig the grass needs cutting uh I think I will just be a father today can you be a father and cut the grass you've all forgotten haven't you forgotten what it's Father's Day when daddies get thanks and cards and sometimes cake is it like Mother's Day sort of although Mother's Day is a real Day and Father's Day is a sort of madeup modern thing what do you mean it's exactly like Mother's Day but for Daddy's poor daddy we forgot yes sorry Daddy Pig what would you most like to do on your special day um could I watch some racing cars on TV there you go fantastic Daddy Pig loves watching racing cars on [Music] TV Peppa George it would be really lovely if you made daddy a Father's Day card yes here is daddy in the garden in the long grass wonderful what do you want it to say inside you daddy you are the bestest daddy in the whole whole world well done kiss kiss lovely H it just needs one more thing glitter oh uh I'm not sure it needs glitter Peppa yes it does need glitter uh I think the glitter is lost found it someone has put the glitter high up on top of the fridge oh well done for finding it Peppa a this is nice happy Daddy's day oh what a lovely card open it glitter yes we used all the glitter how wonderful Daddy Pig loves glitter everyone loves glitter now let's make a Father's Day cake what can we put in the cake yes George daddy does like seral and tomato ketchup I'm not sure daddy pig likes ketchup in cake daddy does like ketchup Everyone likes tomato ketchup cheese yes George Daddy loves cheese what's going on here Daddy don't look it's a surprise you were supposed to be watching racing cars on TV I thought I would get up and do something you could always cut the grass daddy can't work on Daddy's day Mommy thank you be you can give me and George piggy back rides a it's hard work not working now it's time for your tea party this way daddy would you like some tea thank you Peppa and is there any cake oh yes the cake cake mommy please bring the cake here it is Peppa but I'm not sure it's the sort of cake that can actually be eaten yes it is it is the best cake ever George and me made it all ourselves fantastic I can't wait to try it what's in it all your favorite things M tasty did you have a nice day daddy yes Peppa and George it was super daddy pig loves Father's Day everybody loves Father's Day recorders Peppa and her friends are at play group children today you will learn how to play recorders oo take a recorder [Music] each now does anyone know how how to play music on the recorder you blow it like this but that is not music Peppa that is a horrible squeaky noise to make music we must play in a way that sounds uh not horrible yes [Music] Denny twinkle twinkle Little Star lovely you see all music is made from [Music] notes we just play the notes in the right [Music] order that looks easy no do it like this no like this no stop stop stop that was not music at all no that was a horrible noise and why was that we weren't playing the right notes and they weren't in the right order so let us Begin by learning the first [Music] note this is hard it will get easier with practice now this is the next note in our tune Bravo it is home time the parents have come to pick up the children and remember practice practice [Applause] practice oh somebody is learning how to play the recorder yes daddy Madame Gazelle said I have to practice oh yes practice makes perfect will you help me of course daddy pig will help you while I uh do some work in another [Applause] room Susie is practicing too yes that's it la la la la very good Danny shall we call that a day no Madame Gazelle says I have to keep on trying until I get it [Music] right pepper and her friends have been practicing the recorders all week they are giving a concert for the parents Welcome to our concert ready children [Music] bravo bravo [Music] a all right haven't the children worked hard yes it was a very good experience for them it's hard to think it was only for a week of our lives and now it's over children for our next concert I want you to learn this tune hooray go home and practice practice practice this Peppa loves the recorder everyone loves the recorder Breakfast Club Peppa and her friends are going to play group earlier than usual this morning good morning children good morning mad gazelle who knows why we have come to play group early today isn't because we didn't learn enough things yesterday no Danny that is not the reason is it because you like her so much well I do like you all but it is not the reason is it a very special day today yes Pedro we have all come to play group early because today is Breakfast Club oo and who knows what we do at breakfast club eat our breakfast correct I love eating breakfast so do I me too everyone loves eating breakfast and why is it so important to have a good breakfast because breakfast wakes your mouth up so we can do lots of talking talk talk talk talk talk yes yes thank you Peppa I eat breakfast because it tastes nice yes Pedro and breakfast gives us energy to use throughout the day uh what is energy energy is the strength and vit ality required for physical or mental activity that's right Edmund so Rebecca what do you use your energy for I use it for hopping very good I use energy for thinking what's he doing Edmund is thinking yes I was thinking Edmund elephant is a clever clogs it can take a lot of energy to think oo and now we will all choose what to have for breakfast we have bread cheese Jam porridge yogurt may I have carrots for my breakfast please yes you may can I have cereal please of course you can Madame Gazelle can I have toast please yes Susie I shall make you some toast does anyone else want toast no thank you okay the bread goes in here and we push this lever down the toaster gets very hot so please do not touch it and wait for it it's coming any minute CAU it wow can I have toast please H everybody wants toast for breakfast well in that case I will have to use the big toaster ooh it's a super toaster plates ready everyone wait for it here it [Music] [Applause] comes everyone has caught their toast again no children eat the toast you have first can I have honey on my toast please can I have marmalade please of course children I'm having strawberry jam on mine I'm having honey marmalade and strawberry jam on my toast I'm getting lots of energy in my tummy so am I I'm getting strawberry jam energy I'm getting honey jam and marmalade energy everyone has lots and lots of energy and now it is time for us to do a breakfast bounce follow me use the energy from the food to get our bodies and Minds ready for the day copy me children egg Apple yogurt pancake and toast Rich one for breakfast I like the most toast honey eggum toast toast toast Mandy Mouse's birthday today is Mandy Mouse's birthday as a special treat Mandy is going to cheese world with her friends Mandy what is cheese world it's the most fun ever there's a cheese River a cheese mountain and a cheese Sky wow and and best of all is the Cheese Castle where you get to smell cheese you like cheese don't you Mandy yes Mommy welcome to cheese world have any of you been here before yes I have oh hello Mandy nice to see you back again so as Mandy already knows everything at cheese world is about cheese that's right and we start by sailing on a river of cheese this is the river of cheese on aboard hold tight everyone Miss Rabbit are the boats made out of real cheese no the boats are made out of plastic boats made out of real cheese would be bizarre ah the cheese river flows past Hills and trees of cheese this is the cheese Mountain oo is this mountain made out of real cheese no but this is exactly what it would be like to sail through a cheese Mountain if cheese mountains existed hello everyone welcome to the cheese aanes wowow now has anyone flown one of these planes before I have of course hi there Mandy can you show your friends what to do yes if you pull the lever the plane goes up wow and if you push the lever the plane goes down oo All Aboard your airplanes up up and away this is brilliant there's the cheese Sun and the clouds are cottage cheese I can see the whole world and it's all cheese was that fun yes told you it would be the most fun evero Mandy Mouse lovely to see you at cheese world again hello gry rabbit have you told your friends about my castle of cheese I told them the castle of cheese was the best bit to right it's where we get to smell real cheese no pretend cheese here Follow Me if You Dare into my castle of [Music] cheese let's start by smelling a mild cheese M that smells good I like it too not much of a smell now for some decently strong cheese that's more like it a proper stinky one H it smells like my daddy's socks and now boys and girls we come to the strongest cheese in the whole world here goes That's What I Call cheese M it's the nicest smell I've ever smelled you do so love cheese don't you Mandy yes Mommy I like smelling cheese and I like eating cheese even more funny you should see that because it's time for your birthday cake and it's a cheesecake happy birthday Mandy this is my best birthday ever fire station practice today is the mummy's fire station Practice Day hello mommy pig are you ready for action yes Miss Rabbit Mommy can we stay and watch you practice oh there won't be much to see Peppa it's mostly just sitting around and drinking tea Daddy Pig we do proper fire service training here ready steady go is our motto and to get that right we need to practice yes stay and watch daddy pig might learn something this is the fire service control room time for a cup of tea I think what did I tell you we need a cup of tea to get ready for the day in an emergency we have to be ready in seconds this first practice will show you just how how ready we are when I ring this Bell the tea drinking stops the helmets go on everyone slides down the fire [Music] pole into the fire engine and off they [Music] go follow me outside for the next [Music] bit [Applause] whoe remember ready steady go you just saw ready now watch our steady you have to be very steady when using the fire hose mommy's Ready Steady go Mommy dog fixes the hose to the fire engine mommy Pony rolls out the hose and Mommy Pig points the squirty end at the Target turn the water on water on steady mommy steady the target is hit and the fire is out hooray that looks fun it's hard work daddy pig is it really yes just feel how heavy this fire hose is oh yes that is heavy and that's even before we've turned the water on turn the water on okay he sorry it is not easy to hold a fire hose steady that was hard work now you see why we need to be super fit yes and how do we get super fit on the fire station obstacle course this is the fire station obstacle course running through this keeps us fit and healthy so that in an emergency we can keep going we've shown our ready and our steady now let's practice our go ready steady go the first obstacle is the inconvenient Wall go [Music] go next is the confusing crawling tube oh where am I oh here I am go Mommy go across the seaa of General upset through the tricky Tippy Toe tires one two one two one two up the sloping rope walk and down the yippe zip wire yippe yippee Yi oh dear Mummy Pig is Stu duck mommy are you all right I'm fine Peppa actually this mud is quite nice stay there Mommy yippee yippee yippee Everyone likes fire station practice this especially when there are muddy puddles to jump in in the future Peppa is at Susie sheep's house this evening mummy sheep and Mummy Pig are going out don't worry Mommy we can look after the house while you're away that's very kind of you Susie but we have a special babysitter coming that'll be her now hello everyone hello it's my cousin Charlotte Charlotte sheep is the babysitter hello Charlotte thanks for coming we won't be out late you can watch TV and I've made you some pizza oh thank you you two be good we will bye bye bye bye bye how old are you Charlotte I'm 17 17 that's very grown up you can do anything you like when you're grown up that's right you can drive a car and even stay up late wow in the future when you're grown up you'll be able to do that too o oo but grown-ups also have to go to work you know that sounds fun can we stay up late with you Charlotte sorry it's your bedtime now oh night night sleep well night night Suzy yes are you awake yes I wish I was grown up me too when we're growing up we will be downstairs watching TV and eating pizza yes and a babysitting and going to the cinema and staying up all night in the future we will have a yellow car no blue yellow and blue I'll drive so will [Laughter] I daddy dog will be a Spaceman yes I'm off to space and George will be a dinosaur [Music] dinosaur and Freddy Fox will be a policeman hello hello hello what's all this here then this is our grownup car can you beep your horn for me please very good off you go then bye what will your job be I will be a nurse but in my lunch break I will fly a plane good afternoon everybody we are now flying all around the world what will your job be Peppa my job will be doing important work on my computer we will live in a big house with fountains and a [Music] swing and I will marry Pedro or Danny and I'll do that too and we will live with all our friends hello and all our children will be there but who will look after all these children we will good time everybody time for your tea no football in the house you you mommy pig and Mommy sheep have arrived back home hello has everything been okay yes everything's been fine hello are you two still awake yes Mommy we've been thinking about the future it's very tiring being grownup yes it is we need to get some rest yes you do good night little ones good night grownups Peppa and suie need a good good night's rest to be ready for the future bird spotting it is a lovely sunny day at Peppa's house Granny and Grandpa Pig have come to visit hello everyone I like your funny hat grandpa thank you Peppa today I'm doing a bit of bird spotting what's bird spotting it's Grandpa's latest little hobby I suppose it keeps him happy uh yes I look for birds and when I spot them I tick them off in my book look this is a robin red breast I spotted one in my garden o of course what i' love to spot is a very rare bird like a cuckoo never mind Grandpa I'm sure you will one day yes in fact I was um actually hoping to do a bit of bird spotting before lunch if that's okay no problem lunch won't be ready ready for ages Grandpa can George and me go bird spotting too of course you can Peppa we'll call you when Lunch is ready the best place to spot Birds is where there are trees birds like trees um but there aren't any birdies here Grandpa ah but I know a clever trick we pretend to be a bird then hopefully a bird will hear our call and fly here look Grandpa a birdie ah yes that is a sparrow a good start here are Mr Stallion and Mrs Corgi ah Grandpa Pig I see you're doing some bird spotting yes us too we've just spotted one of our rarest birds in the world a ribbon tailed bir of paradise amazing to find one this far north well done I spotted a sparrow oh yes a common Sparrow well done you see you later bye now um let's do some more bird calls I can do a duck quack quack it worked uh I wonder if there's a duck in my book Mrs duck must be in your book she is very special of course she is ah here we go a duck and George can do a pigeon do your pigeon George look Grandpa pigeons uh they seem to have left pigeons out of my book how are you doing Grandpa Pig Ed any rare birds we saw a duck and some pigeons um and I have high hopes of spotting a cuckoo Peppa George Grandpa Lunch is ready oh goody by a CUO you say how were you planning on spotting a cucko oh you know uh I was just going to call cuckoo my goodness it worked well done old chap goo it's inside the house oh that is not a real cuckoo that is Peppa's toy cuckoo clock sorry to barin like this but Grandpa Pig has heard a c you're in here somewhere but Grandpa quiet everyone we don't want to scare the cuckoo away ah oh it's a cuckoo clock that means I can't tick it off in my book but Grandpa my cuckoo clock is very special it certainly is I think you should take it off I would if it was me uh what does everyone else think strictly speaking it's okay if everyone thinks it's [Applause] fair Grandpa Pig loves bird spotting everybody loves bird spotting butter cups daisies and Dand Lions Peppa and her family are visiting cousin Chloe's house for the day hello hello hello Chloe as it's such a sunny day we thought we'd have a picnic in the garden oh that would be lovely come on Peppa and George race you this is a good spot not for a picnic M yes ooh look at all the flowers in the grass yes let's pick them I will pick the buttercups I will pick the daisies no George you need to find your own flower to pick o George has found some very pretty flowers George don't pick the flowers in the flower bed only pick the flowers in the grass [Music] Chloe is collecting buttercups Peppa is collecting daisies George is collecting grass don't pick grass George pick dandelions like this [Music] one Peppa George would you like to see a trick with buttercups yes please George do you like butter George does not know if he likes butter let me see yes George you do like butter how can you tell if I hold a buttercup under George's chin and it shines yellow that means he likes butter do it to me do it to me Peppa do you like butter you do it's true I do like butter I've got a trick I can do with daisies oh what's that if I put a daisy under your chin and it shines yellow then um then that means you like cheese really yes George do you like cheese cheese yes George does like cheese oh there's no yellow are you sure you like cheese George I think they are the wrong type of daisies oh don't worry there is something we can do with daisies we can make a daisy chain what's a daisy chain I'll show you first you take a daisy and make a little hole in the stem take another Daisy and thread it through that hole then make a hole in that Daisy stem and frad another Daisy through that hole look a daisy chain wow let me try make a holy the stem threaded Daisy through this is fun we can join them together to make one big daisy chain necklace there now you are the daisy Queen Peppa yes I am the daisy queen look at me look at me no George I am the daisy Queen you need to be something else oh George you can be a lion and these dandelion can be your Mane George is a Dandy lion George likes being a lion children come and get your food look everyone I am the daisy Queen and this is George the lion w o and I know a trick to see if you like butter Daddy really yes you do like butter I do that's very clever pepper can I try M yes daddy also likes eggs and tomato cheese and cake wow how do you know all that Mommy because he's got bits of egg tomato cheese and cake all down his front ho ho Daddy Pig loves pic everybody loves picnics
Channel: Peppa Pig - Official Channel
Views: 4,562,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2d cartoon, Made for Kids, Pre-school, TV, cartoon, cartoon for kids, for kids, funny peppa pig, kids animation, kids cartoon, kids education, kids entertainment, kids playing, kids stories, kids stories about baby, kids videos, pepa pig, peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, peppa pig english episodes full, peppa pig full episodes, peppa pig song, peppa pig songs, pig peppa pig, pop it, preschool, safe cartoons for kids, toddler, video for kids
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 54sec (7254 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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