"In the Name" (Raymond Woodward) General Conference 2013
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Channel: Connecting Point Community Church
Views: 8,779
Rating: 4.7837839 out of 5
Keywords: Gregory Pounds, myconnectingpoint, Corona church, UPC, apostolic, Pentecostal, apostolic preaching, good preaching, gospel, oneness, trinity, Pastor Greg Pounds, One God, Pastor Pounds, Greg Pounds, Connecting, Point, Corona, UPC Corona, Pentecostal Church Corona, salvation, revelation, Jesus, Jesus Christ, baptism, UPCI, General Conference, Raymond Woodward, Woodward preaching, preacher, Name of Jesus, Adonis (Deity), Jehovah (Deity), Praise, Holy, Spirit, Preaching, Ministries
Id: QQcNfc-JF-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 37sec (5077 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2013
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