In The Last Days Perilous Times Shall Come — Rick Renner

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now I'm gonna tell you right from the beginning we're going to begin in second Timothy chapter 3 we're going to go through verse 5 and then we're going to jump to verse 16 and we're gonna do this in about 45 50 minutes is everybody okay with that so we're going to begin in verse 1 where Paul is writing to Timothy and says this know also that in the last days perilous times shall come and I requested a whiteboard because today I want to do some work on the board is that all right with you and I want you to get your pad of paper get ready to take some notes and I'm gonna write in Greek but I will explain to you what I'm doing how's that the Bible says this the Greek word out o day Guinness gave this word Guinness K is from the Greek word Guinness Co which means to know something and to know it emphatically now the Holy Spirit gave these verses not to scare us but to prepare us everybody say prepare us he wanted us to know what was coming in the last days so we could protect ourselves and so we could protect our families this word know is them is imperative it is active and it is present which means this is something that the Holy Spirit wants us to know right now it's something he wants us to continually know and it is a command that we know it so these verses really are not optional for the serious believer and the Bible says these things also no no emphatically beyond a shadow of a doubt what I'm about to tell you will definitely come to pass then he says that and then he says in now listen careful to this eschatos he me dice in the last days everybody say last days this word eschatos is from the Greek word eschatos and if you're taking notes this word eschatos which is translated here as the word last always describes something that is the farthest away something that is the farthest away you could say in nautical terms it describes the last port the last port it was used in lecture in literature to describe the ends of the earth so when you find the word eschatos which is the plural version of eschatos it describes something which is the very very farthest away you cannot go any further than ask at us it describes the very last port once you've reached that port there is not another port that's as far as you can go or it describes the ends of the earth but it is combined with the word he meet us which is the Greek word he mera which is the singular word for day when you put these two words together it is eschatos he meet us last days a little translation would be end of days everybody say end of days and the Holy Spirit is describing prophetically what is going to happen at the end of the age now the period of law ended with the cross of Jesus can you say amen to that then some days later there was the descent of the Holy Spirit and God is very specific on his calendar the descent of the Holy Spirit happened in 33 AD and Peter tells us it happened at 9 o'clock in the morning and when the descent of the Holy Spirit came it began a period which is technically called can anybody tell me you could call it the end of days some people call it the age of grace some people call it the church age and actually we've heard church age an age of grace in two previous messages already today but on this particular day when the Holy Spirit descended in Acts chapter 2 verse 16 to 17 Peter announced that what the Prophet Joel said was that in the last days everybody say last days he would pour out his spirit upon all flesh and the coming of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost at 9 o'clock in the morning marked the beginning of the last days which is actually that they live theological description of this time period we call it the church AIDS because it's convenient we call it the age of grace because it is the age of grace but biblically this entire period of about two thousand years which Billy called two days is the last days so when someone sarcastically says all they've been saying we've been living in the last days for 2,000 years they're absolutely right the last days began on the day of Pentecost and how will it conclude anybody tell me it will conclude when the Lord comes and we meet him in the air which is first Thessalonians chapter four this is the rapture of the church how many of you are ready for that and then as pastor Caldwell Sowell told us that begins a seven year period which is called the tribulation and during the tribulation we will be in heaven at the marriage Feast of the Lamb we will be at the judgment seat of Christ and at the end of that period Christ will come and this time he won't come to mid-air he will come all the way he will put his foot upon the earth and this is technically called the second coming in Greek it is called the parousia or the big event everybody say the big events how many of you ready for the big event I'm ready for this one right here where we meet the Lord in the air then we're gonna go to heaven and can you imagine what an intense seven years this is going to be in heaven and also upon the earth as the bowls of judgment are poured out upon the earth the trumpets are blown the scrolls are revealed and while we're in heaven we're going to be being educated and prepared so that we can come with the Lord to begin what pastor happy called the millennial reign of Christ now this is not new information the book of Jude tells us that Enoch who was the seventh from Adam prophesied all the way from the beginning and saw the Lord coming with ten thousands and ten thousands of his Saints so God has been very clear to communicate what is going to happen but now when we come to 2nd Timothy chapter 3 in verse 1 the Apostle Paul is speaking to Timothy and he uses the word Dave this word day is a comparative word which really means Timothy if you think that what I just told you was tough then listen to what I'm about to tell you and know it and know it emphatically and then he begins to describe events that are going to occur in the last days not everybody get that all right so we're gonna make room here so it says this know also this also know that's really what the Greek says that in the last days what kind of days will come perilous it says in state and that this really shocked me when I learned this son Tai Chi Roy caliper this word inst a son tine is the word in which means to be in something the word stays son tine means to stand when you put these two words together it means to be completely surrounded completely surrounded to be encumbered in a certain way it could be translated as the word trapped because you are in the middle and you cannot get out everywhere you look you see this here you see it there you're surrounded on every side and what are we surrounded with in the end of times the Bible says hi Roy which is the word seasons Calipari the word caliper describes something that is if you're taking notes difficult hard to bear it is the same word to wound someone so these are wounding times it is the same word which would be used to translate the word treacherous and we find this word in matthew turn to matthew if you would chapter 8 verse 28 where it is translated exceedingly fierce exceedingly fierce matthew chapter 8 and verse 28 Matthew chapter 8 verse 28 the only other place where this word is used in the New Testament and when he was come to the other side of the country of the gadarenes there met him two possessed with Devils coming out of the tombs what's the next phrase exceeding fierce exceeding fierce is this same word the word Calipari exceeding fierce and in fact it was so exceeding fierce so that no man might pass by that way so we find then that where you have something that is Callaway it is so dangerous that if you enter into that territory it is likely that you will be wounded this is a territory that is difficult hard to bear treacherous it is exceedingly fierce and in fact it is so exceedingly fierce that no one might pass by that way this is an impasse this is something which will affect everyone so now the Holy Spirit is describing a change of seasons in the end of the age this also know this also know emphatically then this word ho T is what we call a Hotei clause which tells you exactly what the Holy Spirit wants us to know that in in this time period eschatos he made us in the end of days at the very end of that calendar when you cannot go any further when we've come to the last port when we've gone as far as you can go this time period is called the end of days of course this is the rapture of the church and the Bible says that when we reach this area we will find ourself in stayce unties surrounded on every side encumbered all around us almost feeling trapped because it is on every side with seasons and it's plural multiple seasons that are difficult hard to bear wounding treacherous or exceedingly fierce and the Holy Spirit is describing a very strange season which is going to develop in the world I'm talking about the world I'm not not the church it's going to develop in the world at the end of the age the closer we come to the coming of Jesus the world will become caliph us everybody say calipers treacherous it will become a place hard to bear then beginning in verse 2 the Holy Spirit begins to tell us what is going to be most treacherous what is going to be most difficult about these last days chapter 3 verse 2 he says I just decided that I was just going to give you what I could give you how's that now this is interesting because this throws open the door it says s untie s untie is the future middle voice of aimy aimy is the word which means I am so the first thing the Holy Spirit tells us is when we come all the way to the end of the age and we hit the end the focus of people is going to be a self focus or it will be the ion generation people that are obsessed or self consumed then he confirms this by saying for high in through boy this is where we get the word anthropology and this describes a wide range of people so we're talking about mankind at large and the first thing he tells us is men will be fill Altoid now notice he puts boy on the end that's very important this is plural which tells us this is not just a small group of people but this will be a very widespread development the word fil al toy in your Bible says lovers of self or people will be is that what it says George lovers of their own selves lovers of their own selves it is a compound of two words the word fill which is from the word phileo and the word Altos which describes oneself these two words never go together in fact this is the only time this word Phil al TOI is ever used it cannot be found outside of second Timothy chapter 3 and verse 2 the Holy Spirit coined this word to describe the generation which would be living just before the rapture of the church and he's talking not about the church but he's talking about the world oi means he's talking about the world at large the word phileo the first part of the word means to love this is not a word with you'd used to describe yourself this is a word you would use to describe a romantic relationship or we find the same word used in John chapter 18 verse 2 when the Bible says the Judas Iscariot gave to Jesus a what did he give him a kiss it is the word phileo only in this particular case it is the word phileo combined with the word Altos which is self this is self kissing self kissing this is so in love with yourself that's literally what it means that they are obsessed we've already seen from the word aiming it is the I am generation then mankind at large will be fil al toy boy tells us it's widespread this is plural the people will be in love with themselves and not only that not only will they be in love with themselves but he continues to say covetous and the word covetous is the word fill our guro again we find this word fill in both cases this word fill is the word for love and we find at the very beginning of this list misdirected love everybody say misdirected love when love is misdirected everything else goes astray and now we find fill-out toy a love with themselves and if you love yourselves then you're gonna need to fill our guru our guru is the word for silver or for cash or for provisions so because they love themselves and themselves is their chief priority they will make sacrifices for themselves fill a love for cash a love for material pleasures and then he says next of all pastor George boasters boasters the Greek word alla zonies the word alla zuny's means to stretch the truth in order to make it fit whatever you need it to be or this is the removal of moral absolutes and places everyone on a floating foundation you fit the truth to meet your needs absolute truth becomes non-existent how many of you know we've seen the development of that in our time and the next pastor George proud the word proud their Greek word who put Rafe on us no it's plural this is widespread all of these are plural so the Holy Spirit is talking about something that's going to be very widespread and this word proud is a compound of the word Hooper which means to be above and the words fanless which means to be manifested but when you put these two words together it means to be intellectually snooty intellectually snooty they believe that they're just above everybody else particularly because they don't have moral absolutes and therefore they frown upon anyone who has a moral absolute as though they are primitive or something that belongs to the past and then after he says proud he says next blasphemers blasphemers which is the Greek word blasphemer again it's plural and this word blasphemy does not necessarily mean to blaspheme God if you think that it means only to blaspheme God then you've missed the main point of this word the word blasphemy is the word to blaspheme and it describes the disintegration of language rough crude speech and the Holy Spirit says at the end of the age when we come to the end of the age we can't go any further we've come eschatos to the very end there is going to be a change in human language the way that people speak the things which they say course crude language the next he says disobedient to parents we're just going to use the word disobedient now something very interesting happens here in the text the Holy Spirit through Paul now begins to outline eight things that are lost eight things that are lost this a is called a primitive a the word is actually pay though the word pay though means to persuade to convince or to control but when you put an A on the front of it it cancels this word so it is no longer parental control but now it is disobedience or it is the loss of parental control over the children children are no longer in the hands of their parents the Holy Spirit says when we come to the end of the age it will be a strange time when a pay face when children are no longer within the control of their parents then he says next unthankful unthankful is the greek word at Kara's dose plural a Kara story from the Greek word Kara's which is the word grace or to be grateful but when you put a privat of a on the front of it it cancels the second part of the word and rather than be grateful for what they have it describes a strange period when people will feel entitled to what they have and they have lost the gratefulness for what they have then he says next unholy unholy has another privat of a the greek word annoys soy this a cancels the second part of the word the second part of the word describes anything that is sacred when you put an A on the front it describes a disrespect for the sacred or the sacred becomes on the table for the subject of discussion treated in a way as though it is profane next without natural affection without natural affection is verse 3 and it is the Greek word a store boy the a on the front cancels the second part of the word store boy is from the Greek words toward us which describes a natural love for family a natural love for family now the King James Version says without natural affection but this would be the love between parents the love between spouses the love between parents and children or us ah on the front of it cancels it so now we find the disintegration of the family at the end of the age then next the Holy Spirit says truce breakers which is the Greek word a spawn boy from the word spawn day which is the word for a treaty or a covenant when you use these two words in connection with one another this a cancels spawn day which means a treaty or a covenant or here you have the cancellation of a covenant the cancellation of the treaty and when you use it in connection with a store GUI it describes widespread divorce again it's plural so now we find the Holy Spirit's being very specific he says first of all men will be lovers of their own cells secondly men will be lovers of provision next he says no moral absolutes they will stretch the truth to fit whatever they need it to be they will be intellectually snooty language at large will disintegrate and become blasphemous parents will lose control of their children this a cancels cancels cancels people will no longer be grateful but will feel entitled people will no longer have a respect for that which is holy but will treat it as though it is profane then in chapter 3 verse 3 he says family love will disintegrate and covenant between husband and wife and family will be broken then he says next false accusers false accusers is Paul's personal commentary it is the Greek word diabolo which is the word for devil's plural it's almost as though Paul is writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and backs up for a moment and says o devils are in this mix even as he is writing this list he is amazed by it himself and he says Devils are here in the mix of all of this and then he says incontinent incontinent is that the next verse yes you know within verse three incontinent is the Greek word up crate ace now I just want you to think about this word it is from the word Kratos which is the word for power but when you put an A on the front it cancels this and now it becomes everything out of control no discipline no ability to say no and it refers to credit it refers to appetite it refers to power it refers to government it describes a strange time when all systems go out of control and the Bible says the closer we come to eschatos he meet us the end of the age everything will start to go out of control the next fierce fierce is the word animal Roy again it's plural so we're talking widespread all of this is widespread animal Roy is from the word números which describes something that is cultured but when you put an A on the front it is no longer cultured now it is savage or it is barbaric or a better translation would be violence it is the same word which was used to describe the entertainment in the Coliseum and so we find that at the end of the age there will be a strange preoccupation at large in the general public by that which is savage that which is barbaric that which is violent even finding it in entertainment the next the Holy Spirit says despisers of those that are good very strange word a fella Gothel and this word only appears one other time anywhere that we know of in any kind of literature the word fil means love Agatha is plural so this is widespread these two words together would mean a love of everything good and moral but when you put an A on the front it cancels this and it means a loss of love for that which is decent and moral a loss of love for that which is decent and moral and the only other place where this word is used it was used to fictitiously because they couldn't imagine that it could really happen to fictitiously describe a land where there were no laws for good people but the laws primarily protected those that were wronged and the Holy Spirit said this will become a reality in the end of the age are you getting anything out of this I'm just trying to take what the Holy Spirit wrote and expand it a little bit because I believe it really opens up to the times in which we live how many of you know we're living in a different season that we've ever lived in if you're the pastor of a church you confront this all the time so next the Holy Spirit says this is verse 4 traitors traitors the word traitors chapter 3 verse 4 is the word for the dough tie and it really means to sell somebody no commitment to covenant no commitment to friendship but for any good reason being willing to break a relationship or this is the lack of permanence in relationships next heady heady is the word Pro paid ace the word Pro today's means reckless fast decisions no consequence not thinking about the consequence of decisions this could be political this could be financial it says the world will become a place where they're reckless make fast decisions they don't think about the consequence of their decisions prope face the next high-minded high-minded is encouraging it is the word Tay too full monoi again it's plural oi it means to be puffed up but from this word we get the word typhoon everybody say typhoon and here we have an encouragement from the Holy Spirit because when you look at all of this together it kind of looks like a typhoon is coming in and of course when a typhoon comes in the sky is turned dark everything changes it looks like no one will survive but just as fast as they blow in they blow out and the Holy Spirit is saying they may look very impressive it may seem that they are taking over but in fact they're gonna blow out just as fast as they blew in this is very temporary what we're seeing can you say amen to that the righteous are gonna inherit the earth then next he says lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God lovers of pleasure fill the doughnut malwan fill a family fill the word love again the word love eat dough my is where we get the word for hedonism hedonism is the ultimate goal of having pleasure living for fun not living for purpose completely eliminating any idea of sacrifice for anything moral or good and simply living for self and for fun and the Bible says they will be plural lovers fellow phileo kissing the same word to kiss loving pleasure consumed with pleasure living for the weekend living for what they can do looking for what will bring assignment into their life and then the King James Version says next having a form of godliness but let's back up more than lovers of God more than lovers of God more than fill here's the word love to kiss to be in love with someone and the word Thais which is the word God more than lovers of God now I want you to see what it does not say it doesn't say that they are lovers of pleasure and they're not lovers of God in this particular case this could be believers believers who say that they love God but when you really come down to reality their actions prove they love their pleasures more than they love God they make one particular claim but their actions reveal something completely different then you come to chapter 3 verse 5 and it says having a form of godliness this word godliness does not really refer to godliness as we know godliness but it would describe virtue this could be someone who claims to be involved in social justice these are people who love to be involved maybe in things that appear to be pious they have a form of godliness the word more folsom is the word morphe having this is the word echo which means to possess or to hold or to claim to have a form of piety it's their own but what does it say next George denying the power thereof denying the power of it they have a form of piety it's not true Christianity they have their own form of religion but they deny the Dunamis and the word Dunamis always refers to the power of the Holy Spirit so they have their own form how many of you know somebody who has their own kind of religion and they believe that their way is right they have their own form of you sabia or piety but this word a but they innate our name annoy they emphatically deny the real operation of the power of the Holy Spirit and the Bible says Chi Tatas from these turn away this word oppo means to turn the word triple means to change directions so when you put these two words together it's saying EE turn and turn again and one man has translated turn away from these with horror now as an endtime pastor we have any other endtime pastors here today we're pastoring endtime congregations we are living where just before the rapture of the church and the word eschatos tells us what we've come to the end of the age everybody say the end of the age you know people have always wanted to know the end of the age Jesus disciples in Matthew chapter 24 asked him they said Lord when will these things be everybody say when what will be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the age they asked the same questions which people ask today when what and they wanted to know about the end of the age what will be the sign the word sign is the word Semyon and this word simeon describes a document which has been authenticated you can know that this document is absolutely real the word sign this word simeon was also used to describe the signs which were erected just outside of cities and when you pass the big sign it lets you know that now you have entered into the territory of that city it's like when Denise and I drive to the city of Moscow there are signs which say so many kilometres to Moscow then there's another sign and another sign and another sign and another sign and finally you drive up to a monumentally large which says Moscow and once you pass that border you have passed into the territory of Moscow you are no longer near Moscow you are in Moscow this word Simeon tells us there will be signs of thinked Akkadian signs and some of them we have just looked at in 2nd Timothy chapter 2 which will tell us when we have entered the territory of the last days that we're no longer near there but we have actually come to the end and Paul says these will be some of the signs now how did we respond to this well turn back if you would to 2nd Timothy chapter 3 2nd Timothy chapter 3 and I'll tell you how I respond to this as an endtime pastor verse 2 if men shall be lovers of their own selves that that's going to be a characteristic of the end of the age then it is my responsibility of this pastor to teach people to love God and to love others if covetousness is a sign of the end of the age then it is my responsibility to teach people to be giving and to be generous if assigned at the end of the age is going to be no moral absolutes than it is my responsibility to teach moral absolutes to my congregation if pride is a sign of the end of the age or being intellectually snooty than it is my responsibility to teach my congregation humility if foul speech or degenerated speech is assigned at the end of the age that I need to teach my people to be cultured disobedient to parents I need to teach parental authority and obedient to parents I need to teach my people to be thankful rather than unthankful and to have a love for sacred things rather than to treat them as profane without natural affection it tells me that if I'm going to protect my church in the last days then I need to provide ministry for my family trucebreakers if it describes divorce which it seems that it does then I need to help my church deal with issues of divorce and marriage false accusers is the word Devils we need to keep the devil out of the church incontinent means uncontrollable out of control we need to teach people disciplined fierce anymore savage we need to teach people to be kind and despisers of those that are good we need to teach people to love that which is good and moral verse for traitors rather than just trade in relationships we need to teach people the importance of relationships and rather than be heady reckless fast and decisions we need to teach people how to think and make sure that they love God more than they love their pleasures can you say amen to that now if you would jump over to verse 13 I'm sure that Timothy was thinking what else could happen and in verse 13 Paul answers the question evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived but continue thou in the things which thou has learned and has been assured of knowing of whom thou has learned them now look at verse 15 and that from a child thou hast known the what holy scriptures this word grata describes scribbles that from a child you have known the holy martyrs now Paul is elevating the Word of God to such an extent that he says the scripture even every comma every mark every circumflex every little mark of Scripture is powerful and in fact he says it is able everybody says it is able the Greek actually means that there is an innate ability in the scriptures it is innate in the scriptures and the from a child thou has known the Holy Scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation salvation is the greek word from the word Sozo which means to save to deliver to heal everything which would be needed for a generation that is experiencing all of these things so the answer to an endtime generation is the Word of God and that is why in verse 16 he says all Scripture is given by inspiration of God everybody say inspiration of God now I've touched on this before but I want to touch on this again because it is so powerful this word inspiration is the Greek word fail Panisse dos fail from the word feyo's which is the word for God Panisse dos minutos is from the word pneuma which can be translated spirit it can be translated breath that's why some newer translations say scripture is god-breathed but what you need to understand is this word Panama how it was used in the broadest sense and in the most regular sense and the word Panama the second part of inspiration first of all was used in the Old Testament Septuagint to describe the creative power of God the creative power of God so in the scripture is the creative power of God secondly this word Panama was used to describe fragrance or perfume fragrance or perfume we'll come back to this number three it was used to describe the music which was created by putting your breath through a flute so it was music breath which produced music now when Paul writes that all Scripture is given by inspiration of God by using the word new he tells us that the Word of God has creative power which will flow into our lives if there is a stink in our house or in our church the fae openness tous what has been breathed by God has the ability to bring the fragrance or the perfume of heaven into our situation it will change what we're feeling what we're smelling and if you don't like the atmosphere the Word of God has the power to bring heavenly music into your life can you say amen to that the Word of God is the answer he said all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for what does it say correction everybody say correction and instruction in righteousness circle the word correction because this word correction is something which demonstrates the power of the Word of God particularly in our last days generation we're living in a generation that is perilous people are coming to Christ they have come to Christ with hearts which they have carried from their previous life they have a new heart but they don't have a new head they still have the same old body they carry the wounds of the past perhaps they still have conflicted situations in their home maybe they feel they've been knocked flat in life well the word correction describes a person who has been knocked flat on his back but the word correction means to stand upright on his feet again so the Word of God has power to take those that have been hurt those that have been knocked flat and has the power to set them back upright on their feet again only the Word of God can do that and then in verse 17 and this is where I'm going to conclude he says that the man of God may be perfect thoroughly furnished unto all good works thoroughly furnished describes a boat it is a Greek word which was borrowed from the world of boats and you could have two boats first of all you could have a simple boat a simple boat maybe had two oars it certainly would not go very far it would not survive a storm it couldn't take big waves but you can take the same simple boat and outfit that boat you can put a motor on that boater you can put a sail on that boat you can totally outfit that boat and what was a simple boat which wasn't made for very long-term sailing becomes so outfitted that it can make it across the biggest lake it can make it through the biggest storms it can handle the biggest waves and that is what Paul says that the man of God may be perfect thoroughly outfitted unto all good works which means it doesn't matter what season you're living in the Word of God has the power to outfit you and equip you for a long term sailing isn't that wonderful and I just want to say to you Church that we are anointed for this generation we are anointed for this time I look at the things that Denise and I experienced in our lives where we live and people say how in the world have you done what you've done we're anointed for what we've done you're anointed for what you've done we may all be in a different place in facing different circumstances but there is one thing for sure we're all living in the same season and we are anointed for this season and the Word of God if we will take it will equip us and if we will use it in application to our congregations we will have congregations that are here for the long term and that will survive any any season can you say Amen did you get something out of this thank you thank you thank you for listening to this message and for partnering with Rick Rena ministries if you would like to receive more information about Rick Renner ministries please visit us at Renner org start your day on the path towards success and peace as you discover something new from God's Word with Rick Renner's outstanding devotional sparkling gems from the Greek you may purchase a copy of sparkling gems on our website or check us out on iTunes thank you for listening to this message and for partnering with Rick Renner ministries with your support we will continue to teach strengthen and rescue lives together we can make a difference
Channel: Renner Ministries
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Length: 48min 30sec (2910 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 27 2018
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