For God Has Not Given You The Spirit Of Fear — Rick Renner - 2 Timothy

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[Music] you have to know how to deal with a spirit of fear somebody say Amen when I was a younger man a spirit of fear operated in my life every Sunday night when church was finished we would go to our house or we would go to the home of some other Baptist leaders that attended our church and our parents would go into the kitchen and they would play cards and while they played cards we Baptists kids would go into the back of a house and we would watch horror movies every Sunday night while our parents played cards in the kitchen and in Tulsa there was a weekly program every Sunday night called fantastic theater and fantastic theater showed all kinds of horror movies and every Sunday night me and my Baptist friends we would hover around the television after we came home from church to watch those horror movies and of course horror movies back in those days today seem rather funny it was things like The Blob how many of you were in the movie The Blob that was so terrifying when it first came out and then there was a movie called the thing do you remember that movie called the thing it was about a woman whose hand got cut off and the hand never died and the hand would crawl looking for people that it could choke to death and I remember in that movie there was the woman laying in bed and that thing pulled its way up the bedspread crawled on the bed and choked that woman to death and you know the image of that got so in my mind then when they had baptismal services in our church and turned the lights off I always put my feet on the Pew in front of me because I could imagine the thing crawling in the church auditorium slipping up my leg during the baptismal service and when they turned the lights on I'd be dead and not only that I was a fan of dark shadows every Sunday at 3 o'clock I'd run home from school to watch Barnabas Collins sink his fangs into somebody else and I just lived on that stuff I just lived on it well as the years went by you know I believe that my messages develop and right in front of us here tonight as the years went by I went to college and when I was at college our friend said to me Rick you want to do something fun this week I said what they said the local movie theaters are showing all horror movies all week long well I hadn't seen horror movies since I was a kid the last horror movies I had seen were black and white it was the blob it was the thing it was stupid old movies and that's what I thought horror movies were and so I said you know that would be kind of fun to reminisce and go see some of those movies so he said we'll pick you up tomorrow night and that first night we went to the movie theater and I watched three horror movies in one night but the movies were no longer black and white and they were no longer funny they were horrible it was like you were sitting in a room watching a real murder take place knives coming up through the bottom of beds piercing up through a person's torso their head being cut off rolling down the stairs and I saw hours and hours of this that night three different horror movies and I went home that night reached over to turned the light off and decided to leave the light on it took me almost the whole next day to recover from those images and they called me at five o'clock and said are you ready I said for what they said we're gonna go every night this week we'll be by to pick you up in about thirty minutes I said you know guys I don't think I'm gonna go tonight they said ah are you scared and I said pick me up I'll be ready to go to those movies and by the end of that week me and my buddies had seen 15 horror movies I was a college student every night when I closed my eyes I saw these images of these movies you see that's the power of images images stay with you that's why you need to be careful what you let into your brain because your brain is like a movie screen the devil can use that movie screen and the Holy Ghost can use that movie screen your brain your imagination is an assistant to your faith or if the devil gets hold of it it will be a detriment to your faith and every night I would lay in my bed and I would imagine without even trying just shutting my eyes and all those hard images would begin flipping through my mind I would bind it but I created for myself a spiritual problem because of what I allowed into my head well several years passed and Denise and I were pastoring in the state of Arkansas and a young boy from another denomination had been saved and I knew that he had a mother that was mentally ill and when he got saved and baptized in the Holy Ghost and went home and told his mother she became infuriated and called me to tell me she was gonna find me in a dark corner and she was going to take my head from my shoulders with her butcher knife well when she said that immediately 15 horror movies went through my mind and I wondered where was it going to happen and every time I walked in the dark I was looking behind me I was looking around the corner because of the woman with a butcher knife then we got beyond that and Denise and I got married and we had in our home a Bible study and one night in our Bible study there was a visitor and he was a really rough looking character and he told us that he was from the motorcycle gang that Diablos who in our state of Arkansas at that time were being searched for because of murder this was a terrible group and he looked like he was from the Diablos he had all kinds of chains around his waist and big leather straps with spikes things are hanging from the chains and he's set there in our house and it seemed like he got saved he prayed a prayer of repentance but something on the inside of me did not believe this man's story but in our church he suddenly became famous he was the Apostle Paul this was the great conversion and our pastor was so excited that a man from the diablos had been saved and they brought him in front of the church and all the doctors and wealthy people of the church decided they would help him get established in his new life so they got him an apartment bought him a car purchased for him clothes and then I discovered he had just been saved similarly in five other Baptist churches and I went to the pastor and said this man is a con artist well the only thing true about his story was he was from the Diablos and he had been involved in terrible crimes and when I exposed him my phone ring he said now you will have the diablos to deal with and God is my witness Denise is sitting right here she can tell you this is the truth we lived we were newly married and we lived in a house that the church allowed us to live in the house was sold the windows didn't lock the back door didn't lock and though you could lock the front door all you had to do is just shake it a little bit in the front door would come wide open now that was our residence we would wake up in the middle of the night now how our property where we lived was weighed down at the end of the parking lot it was a house that hadn't been bulldozed yet that's where we lived and so there was parking lot all around our house and I would wake up at the middle of the night to the sound of motorcycles and I would look out the window and it was that Diablos all of them making circles around our house because I had exposed one of their men we were so terrified that they moved us into another house where the windows and the doors locked but you know that when you have a spirit of fear you're not rational how many of you know that's true in fact look if you would at first Timothy chapter 1 and verse 7 2nd Timothy chapter 1 and verse 7 2nd Timothy 1 verse 7 he says for God have not given you the spirit of what fear now that word fear is the Greek word Telos and it really is the word for a coward you could translate it God has not given you a spirit of fear that turns you into a coward but when a spirit of fear is operating in your life you are so seized by your fear of what might happen that you become afraid of life itself you hide out in your house I'll give you another example if you have a spirit of fear about sickness that spirit of fear will keep you from going to the doctor because you'll be afraid of what the doctor might tell you you're paralyzed by a spirit of fear you can't even think rationally though you need to go to the doctor you won't go because you're afraid of what he might tell you the result is you set at home and your condition gets much more severe when if you had just gone to the doctor he could have helped you a little bit but a spirit of fear so paralyzed you and made you a coward that you wouldn't even go to the doctor and in the end it makes your situation worse do you understand what I'm saying well this spirit of fear had come on me Denise was fine she was free as a bird and that just irritated me because I would lay in bed at night thinking about the diablos and I would say honey did I lock the front door yes Rick you locked the front door Denise I think I just imagined that I locked the front door I think I need to go check the front door I would go downstairs to check the front door check the back door and then check all the windows on the first floor to make sure they were all locked and then I would even check the windows on the second floor because I thought maybe while we were sleeping they would try to slip in a window through a ladder I would get back in bed lay there for about thirty minutes and then wake up just charred awake and say Denise did I lock the doors she said oh honey yes you've already checked it three times Denise I think it was last night that I checked the doors and once again down the stairs I go to check the front door the back door all the windows I was tormented because I had a spirit of fear and this character and the diablos were real in fact they pipe bombed a woman's car in our town it's totally melted the - in her car they were hoping she would be in the car thank God she wasn't that's the kind of group this was and I was traumatized at the thought of them and in fact this man of faith went out and bought himself a Doberman Pinscher named Jerome that is the kindest dog we have ever owned in our life the one night the Diablos did come to our house and knock at the door banged the door that dog said at the front door and wagged its tail because company had come over and this situation was so serious we had nightly patrols of the police in our neighborhood because they were concerned the Diablos really were going to kill me well now we've been through a crazy woman with a butcher knife now we've been through a motorcycle gang now the motorcycle gang finishes Denise and I begin pastoring our own church and one day a woman comes to me for counseling she says pastor do you remember last year when my husband stabbed me with the kitchen butcher knife I said yes I remember that her husband had stabbed her I mean he put that right in her back she never turned it in to the police because she loved her husband she wanted their marriage to last and so she doesn't let it go by the way that's one thing she should not have gotten over machinist let it go well she came to see me and she said do you remember that last year I said yes I remember that she said well my husband has bought a gun and he said that when he comes home tonight he's gonna leave my head all over the wall of the apartment and I want to know what do you think I should do should I go home I said well now I can't tell you what to do but if I were you I don't think I would go home tonight she walked right out of my office picked up the church telephone called her husband and said Rick Renner told me to divorce you and never let you see our children again and I remember thinking I know why he bought a gun she walked out of the church and the telephone rang it was her husband she said brother Rick he said brother Rick I understand you told my wife to divorce me I said no sir I did not tell your wife to divorce you I did not say that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah too late pastor I'm gonna come see you tonight and I'm bringing my gun Rick once again 15 horror movies filled my mind was he gonna wait in the backseat of the car was he gonna hide in the bushes outside the house would he be behind the trash can where was he gonna be where was he gonna wait and all of those movies were activated in my mind I thought maybe this would pass but he kept calling and kept calling and kept calling he called a hundred times then he called 200 times you say my brother Rick how many how do you know how many times he called because we started keeping track I told my secretary every time he calls mark a little mark 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 CH every time he calls keep records I want to know how many times this man calls now you know when somebody calls and threatens to kill you 1 or 2 times you can deal with that but when they call 200 times it begins to affect you a little bit we would lay in bed at night and the telephone would begin to ring and everything should I answer it what if it's him I'm not gonna answer it I'm not gonna answer Denise would say honey it's wrong 40 times please answer the phone Denise what if it's him I don't want to answer it then I would think what what if it's a church member that's about to commit suicide and I didn't answer the phone I'll be guilty for the rest of my life what should I do finally I'd answer the telephone and the voice would say hello pastor what took you so long to answer the telephone tonight something bothering you I was over at your house today did you know the bedroom windows unlocked see in a few minutes click I used to say he called me two thousand times Denise said nobody will believe that just say a thousand finally he called me one day I said if you call me one more time I'm gonna go to the district attorney he said you tell the district attorney I'm gonna blow his head off I said that's it and we had been recording these conversations we had twenty cassette tapes that were filled I took the last one out threw it in a brown paper sack went down to the district attorney's office and the district attorney said mr. Renner there's nothing we can do to you until he tries to harm you well what a law I said if he tries to harm me it's too late he said well that's the law I can't do a thing about it I said well there is one thing you can do you can listen to these tapes and I turned it upside down and poured those tapes all over his desk I said I'm not leaving this room till you listen to what's on these tapes he reached in randomly pulled out a tape put it into his player hit play and it said tell the district attorney I'm gonna blow his head off well that is a federal offense and suddenly it was no longer my problem I was free they extradited that man from another state he was making all those calls from another state they extradited him and that man went to jail well you know when you've had every crazy person in town telling you they want to murder you you begin to wonder what's wrong with me do I walk around with a sign that says kill me kill me kill me kill me and the Lord took me back to those movies not just when I was in college but when I was a child and the Lord showed me that with my eyes I had opened a door for the devil to bring death and destruction into my life I had sat and meditated on death and destruction every Sunday night while my parents played cards in the kitchen now this is not to blame my parents they didn't understand back in those days we didn't have the revelation that we have today when I was in college every night for five nights three movies every night death and destruction rolling around in my head and I had opened the door through which the devil was able to penetrate me not tonight I want you to open your Bible to Ephesians chapter 6 Ephesians chapter 6 and verse 11 if he's ins chapter 6 and verse 11 Paul is writing to the Ephesians and in verse 11 he says put on the whole armour of God that you may be able to stand against the what what the wiles of the devil put on the whole armour of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil and if you have an ink pen or a pencil tonight I want you to underline this word wiles and get ready to take a few notes the Greek word that is used here is the Greek word Methodius Methodius this word Methodius it may sound like the word method method and in fact it is where we get the word method the Greek word methodius but when you study it in the original Greek it is a compound word this means it's taken from two separate words which have been compounded together to make one word and the first word is the word meta spelled M ETA M ETA it is a preposition that means with with the second word is the word o das OD o s and this word o dass OD OS is the Greek word for a road that's why in your car you have an odometer that's from this Greek word owed us the word odometer really means a road and measure it's a way of measuring how many miles you've traveled on the ODIs the road so when you compound these two words together the preposition meta which means with and the word owed us which is the word Road you can pound them together and it means with a road with a road I would write that down you say brother Rick what does this mean it tells us that when Satan comes to attack us he does not come from many different angles some people say that Satan has many tricks in his bag that is not right he only has one trick he only has one strategy he only has one method or he operates on a single Avenue of attack a single Avenue of attack he comes with a road and because it means with a road it tells us the Satan his journey and he is heading somewhere he has an ultimate destination destination you say well what is the destination where is the devil traveling on this Avenue on this road and that answer is found in 2nd Corinthians chapter 2 verse 11 I'll quote it to you you just write it down where the Apostle Paul says we are not ignorant of Satan's what devices we are not ignorant of Satan's devices the word devices is the Greek word no a model m in Oh a Mata no Amata but that word no a mata comes from the word news you know us that word news is the word for the brain or for the intelligence but when you take the word news and transform it into the word no a mata like Paul uses it where it's translated devices it's no longer a normal mind news but now it is a news that has become no a mata or you could call it a mind that has become confused a mind that no longer thinks straight now this is a mind that is tormented a mind that has believed a lie and one man even translates this as mind games mind games so that you could translate it we are not ignorant of the mind games that Satan tries to pull on us I think that is a fabulous translation so the first thing we find the word method Satan travels on a road and just like all roads go somewhere his road is headed to an ultimate destination and that destination is the mind now once he reaches the mind what does he desire to do well the answer to this is found in the name devil all of these words are so key in the New Testament the name devil everybody say devil did you know that's really not a name it is a job description it's a job description it is the Greek word Diabolus taken from the word dia dia and this word dia carries the idea of penetration penetration to penetrate a thing from one side all the way through to the other side that total penetration is the Greek word dia it means through all the way through the second word is the word bellows and the word ballast means to throw something like a ball or to throw something like a rock and it describes a rest repetitious throwing it's not just throwing something once but throwing it and throwing it and throwing it and throwing it and when you take this word ballast and compound it together with the word dia it forms the word Diablos which is the word devil even in Spanish that's the word devil and in Greek it describes one who pounds and pounds and pounds and pounds away or who repetitiously throws something over and over and over and over beating that object and beating that object until finally he wears it so down that dia he is able to penetrate this is how the devil operates it's like the dripping of water one little drop of water doesn't have very much power but one live drop and another little drop and another and another and another and another the constant dripping of little drops of water over a long period of time accumulated together have the power to beat a hole through solid rock and this is the way the devil operates that's why he never speaks a lie to you only once first of all you'll recognize that it's a lie and so he comes again and again and then he may revise the way that he speaks his lie he may change it just a little bit and sometimes the devil even knows how to disguise his voice to sound like it's the voice of God trying to talk to you trying to get you to embrace a lie he knows that if he can get you to turn your head in his direction if he can get you to open your ear so that you begin to listen to what he says and meditate on what he is telling you that eventually he can pave our road right into your head and when he does then he has freedom no Amata - totally scramble your brains so that you believe that lie is the truth are you with me you know one day a psychiatrist heard me teach this he said if you taught that message to all of my patients I would have no more patience I almost asked him to bring me all of his patients this is how the devil operates now I want to show you an example James chapter 1 and in James chapter 1 the believers were having a very hard time in their life they were believing God for healing they were believing God for Prosperity and they'd been believing and believing and believing and believing and believing and believing and believing in waiting and waiting and why in waiting and how many of you know that often in that period of waiting and waiting you get tired and that's when the devil begins to speak to you and he says God's not gonna bless you that's not gonna heal you if you were gonna be healed you would have been healed by now you believe everyone that's anointed has touched you you've listened to the tapes you've even sowed offerings for your healing you've done everything if you were going to be healed you would have been healed by now maybe your old denominational Church was right maybe by His stripes you are healed only has to do it was spiritually pounding away at your mind because he doesn't want you to hang on to the promise of healing and he knows if he can penetrate your mind he will take you down and he will keep you sick forever another voice that the devil speaks to us quit believing quit believing this is a fairy tale this is never gonna happen you misunderstood those scriptures you misunderstood the scriptures and then the devil uses some believer who thinks he's helping who brings you a book from the bookstore that confirms everything the devil saying you read you say yeah this is exactly what I've been thinking it's just spiritual healing oh I've been standing on the faith for healing the Bible doesn't even promise it and look at all the people in the Bible that were sick what Paul had a thorn in his flesh Timothy had a bad stomach Oh everybody doesn't get ailes and you buy the lie but it usually happens when you get tired when you first begin believing you're energized you're energized faith will energize you in fact Paul said to the Hebrews cult remembrance the former days when you were illuminated that word illuminated is the Greek word for today's Oh it's where you get the word for a photograph it describes a brilliant flash of light that leaves a permanent and lasting impression that's what happens when you've had a revelation and it brings energy it brings divine power but often when the manifestation doesn't quickly come that's when the adversary comes and says you misunderstood you misunderstood this is never gonna happen give up let go die well now that's what had happened to the early church they lost their possessions they had been persecuted they had waited and waited and waited and waited and waited and waited and waited and waited and waited for God to do something in their life and they were still waiting and still waiting and they begin to ask themselves maybe we misunderstood you see the devil was starting to work in their heads and they didn't even know that well when you look at the book of James you have to recall that James was writing primarily to a Jewish congregation and in the Old Testament there was no vivid understanding about the devil in fact he's only mentioned about three times in the Old Testament there really was not a clear revelation of the devil until you come to the Ministry of Jesus and when Jesus came Jesus turned the lights on the Bible tells us in Matthew chapter 4 that gee when Jesus came a light shined in darkness and when he came he ministered to them who set in the regions of death and Jesus began to say Satan did this Satan did this Satan did this Satan did this it was a brand new revelation which Jesus brought that there was a good God in heaven and there was a bad devil on the earth and this was a new revelation well because they were Jews and they had been raised in an environment where no one ever talked about the devil well before they were saved they thought God did everything and you know people often ask when I in the Old Testament didn't God do all those plagues didn't God send all those floods no no he did not God is a good God everybody said God is a good God but do you understand because they didn't have a revelation of the devil the devil was disguised all they knew was God they didn't know there was a devil so the devil could do anything he wanted to do and they called it God and therefore they thought everything good came from God and everything from that everything bad came from God because they didn't know there were two forces they thought there were only one and so in the Old Testament the devil did a lot of things which was accredited to God and when Jesus came it was Jesus who became the separate light and darkness good and evil what is God what is the devil well these Jewish believers because they had waited and waited and waited and waited and waited and waited and waited for God to answer their prayers prosperity has not come Healing has not come restoration has not come they're waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and I'm sure that devil must have said surely you believe from if your faith was right God would have answered you by now maybe it's God that has this destruction to come into your life what was easy for them to think that way because that's the way they had been raised in the sewer synagogue so they were slipping back into their old way of thinking it's often what spirit-filled faith people do when their healing doesn't come real quick they revert to their own denominational thinking as a justification for why they haven't received their answers yet is everybody with me here tonight and so James writes to them in verse 13 and says let no man say and in Greek it is a double negative which tells us James is responding to what they have already said apparently he's receiving letters from the Jewish congregation he reads what they're writing they're now wondering if God is the one who has instigated their problems perhaps God allowed all of this and so James responds and says let no man say a better translation from the Greek would be I hear what you're saying how dare you say this stop saying this don't ever say this again let no man say James is appalled and how the early church is thinking let no man say when he is tempted there were attempted being the Greek word per Ozma's this word per Osmos is not tempted like a sexual temptation that the word Peraza carries the idea of total and absolute destruction if you brought tonight a great big clay vessel and I took a hammer and I began to whack that vessel and I beat that vessel until finally I had smashed it to dust and it could never be put together again that would be this word temptation the Greek word piranhas because he uses this word it tells us the early believers were suffering severely their lives were being smashed and they were wondering if God was behind it and so James says let no man say when his life is being irreparable smashed and destroyed I am being smashed and destroyed of God now do you see this the Lord of there are two possible Greek words that could have been used here the first word is the word Hoopoe and the word Hoopoe would mean direct agency that God Himself personally did this if James had used that word he didn't but if he did it would have meant the early believers were sent yep it was God walked right through the door with his hammer smashed me beat me God himself he did it himself God is behind all this destruction that's happened in my life but no one would talk like that about God still instead they used another word the word Apple APO and the word Apple in this case means to do something from a distance to do something from a distance rather than say God personally destroyed my life they were saying why know that God would never personally do this but God is God and if God would have wanted to stop this surely God could have stopped this somehow in some way that we don't understand from a distance the Greek word Apple working behind the scenes God is allowing these tragedies to pass into our life that we might be taught by them no God didn't personally do it Lupo but oppo from a distance you know God does work in strange and mysterious ways so they weren't directly accusing God but indirectly and James said enough let no man say it's a strong rebuke I hear what you're saying I want this stuff to talk I want it to stop now don't ever let me hear it again let no man say well now why was James so upset first of all he was upset because it was a lie the second reason he was upset is because Jesus was not just his Lord and his Savior Jesus was his brother it was his elder brother Jesus died on the cross to take our pain he died on the cross to take our shame he died on the cross to take our poverty to take our sin God laid everything on Jesus and on that cross thank God for the cross Jesus became like a huge net that caught all the curse and everything from the curse that should have passed on to us and for God now to put sickness on me God Himself would have to say excuse me Jesus and walk around the work of the cross so that he could do it to us again God's not gonna do that it is a total violation of the cross of Jesus Christ to believe God would make you poor God would make you sick and God would bring destruction into your life the cross was designed to remove it from our life now why would God say sorry Jesus sorry you experienced that on the cross but I think I'm gonna put a little paint on them in the air it's a total violation of Scripture and so James said let no man say when his life is being squashed damaged beyond repair I am being squashed damaged beyond repair not directly by God but indirectly God for some reason has allowed this to pass into my life and then James says for God cannot be tempted with evil neither tempteth he any man and you understand the Greek means neither tempt see any man with evil and the notion is God doesn't respond to evil God doesn't have any evil there's no evil in heaven God doesn't even know anything about evil he doesn't have any evil he has no experience in evil and therefore God could never do something evil to you he doesn't know anything about that he is completely pure he is light he is good is not evil but now hold on look what he says in the next verse and here we find how the enemy works to bring us down look what he says in the following verse y'all with me tonight but every man is tempted now we understand this we're tempted could be translated every man is crushed every man is smashed every man is destroyed every man is tempted destroyed when he has drawn away of his own lust and what enticed Circle this word enticed in Greek it is a fishing term a fishing term it means to bait someone to bait someone or to cast a lure in front of the fish now when I was a child my father was a bass fisherman and my daddy loved to fish and every available weekend we would have hooked the boat up to the truck and off we would go to Lake Keystone or Lake illegal or some lake and we would get into that Lake and my dad would give me my rod and my reel and says son let's cast and my daddy would teach me if you want to catch fish you got to drop that lure as close to that fish as you can and I remember him saying son you got to make that lure look alive well I've always had a very vivid imagination I would take my lure my rod I've cast good luck you would fall into the water and I could just imagine the action happening under that water that fish was up there laying right between those two rocks and I've got plunked my lure right in front of his face now I've got to make that Bain look alive so you take your rod and you jerk it a little bit took that bait into the water and then you slowly reel to make it and you stop let it sink a little bit then jerk make it look alive and I can't begin to reel in just a little bit because you've made it look so real everybody sorry the fish begins to swim out from between those rocks following that bait then you stop and it begins to sweep a little bit and you Chuck and begin to reel and the fish looks at that bait and finally he follows and follows and follows and become so hypnotized by the movement of that bait until finally you jerk on that lure and the fish can no longer resist oh the resistance comes crashing down and WHAM he strikes the bait that's the kind of things I saw when I was fishing but that's what this word means are you with me that's what it means but now wait a minute look at the next verse every man is tempted now you could translate every man is smashed destroyed beyond repair really the Greek means when he's drawn out and enticed now look at the next term the next verse says then when lust hath what conceived now either underline a circle this word conceived and this word conceived is the word which refers to the act of sex becoming pregnant it's the word conception now we definitely know that a man wrote this epistle because he put fishing in one verse and put sex in the next verse why in the world would he I probably changed his example well think about sex for a moment not too deeply but just a little bit how does a woman become pregnant by getting very close to somebody if you and your husband want to have a baby you have to be in the same room and he can't sit in the living room and you sit in the dining room and conceive in order for you to conceive you have to get very close to something are you with me now put together this with the previous verse the devil kerplunk a lie in front of your face he makes the lie enticing he makes the lie sound logical you begin to think about it until finally you begin to follow the lie and ponder on the lie and finally the lie becomes so logical and reasonable to you that you embrace the lie and when you embrace the lie and take it deep into your thinking you can sieve that lie in your life you can see that and the Bible says eventually it will give birth to death and that's why in verse 16 he says do not err my beloved brethren this is the way the devil works in the brain and if you know how he works then you can stop it and that's why James says do not err my beloved brethren he's not writing this verses because the enjoy is talking about how the enemy works but he wants us to know how the enemy works so that those lies don't get so close to our head that we conceive them and then they give birth in our life what happened to me all those crazy people trying to kill me exactly what I just taught you I sit there in front of those movies and watched one after another after another after another after another and didn't understand the way the devil operated and he was pounding my brain and pounding my brain trying to pave a road into my head Diablos like a devil dripping pounding striking dripping pounding striking until finally he penetrated my head and when he did no a Matta he took my wonderful mind that God gave me and totally twisted it perverted it confused it begin to play mind games inside my head I allowed that thing to close to my brain and when I did it opened the door for that thing I had seen to be conceived in me murder bloodshed and now it was trying to give birth in life and that's why all these lunatics were showing up to kill me your faith works in both directions mark 11:23 24 what does it say somebody quoted out loud have the faith of God mr. Terry yes but believe the things that he said okay did you hear that whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but believes the things that he says so you've got a heart and a mouth connection and the word doubt is the Greek word cry no which means really to agree not to differ he doesn't differ there's no controversy between his mouth in his heart his heart and his mouth are saying the very same thing it's a heart mouths connection if you can get your heart and your mouth lined up together it releases a spiritual force which can remove mountains and bring things in the spirit realm into the natural realm now we all believe that that's why you need to listen to the Word of God and listen to the Word of God and fill fill fill fill fill your heart and your mind with the Word of God then it'll start coming out of your mouth and when your mouth and your heart get into agreement then you're gonna see some miraculous power in your life but this verse also works for the devil the devil knows if he can fill you with the wrong beliefs if he can get you to believe that you're gonna die and fill you with thoughts of death if he can coax you into believing draw you out and entice you by striking your mind over and over and over get you so close to that lie about sickness or poverty or defeat that finally he can get you to conceive that thing he knows that he can take you down what happens when you're filled with a wrong belief you start speaking it you start speaking it and anytime the heart and the mouth show up together it produces some kind of results if you're moving in the Word of God you can move mountains out of the way but if your heart and your mind is filled with lies and you start speaking those lies and speaking those lies and speak in those lies and speak in those lies your mouth can take the i which began as a pure fantasy but because you've conceived it and now you speak it what was pure fantasy you with your own faith in your own mouth can pull into the realm of the natural and you unfortunately will make it the real thing are you with me here today now I'm going to close with one more example from my life during this same period when I had a spirit of fear the devil began to say to me you're gonna die you're gonna die if these crazy people don't take your head off your shoulders you're gonna die an early death obviously you're prone to die young you're supposed to die young everybody is trying to kill you you're supposed to die young it's your destiny striking my mind every day telling me I was gonna die young and then one fear always leads to another fear and I begin to think about sickness well if the crazy people aren't gonna get me its sickness I'm gonna die with some kind of a sickness and I begin to be a hypochondriac I worried about everything and one day I was in the shower and I found a little lump in the middle of my chest I thought oh my gosh it's a tumor and I'll tell you the devil began pounding my brain it's a tumor it's a tumor it's a tumor it's a tumor it's a lymph node you've got cancer it's too late so I punched on it because I had heard but if you have a lump that's hard it's more serious so I pressed on it to see if it was hard or soft and I pinched it with my fingers to see how big it was I wanted to measure to see how big it was I came out of the shower and I said sweetheart come here Denise came and I said look at this I said touch it she touched it she said Rick I think it's a clogged the poor I said what do you mean a clogged pore I've never had a clog to pour in my life Denise what is this unconcerned about this she said Rick Rick get ready for work so I got in the car and drove to the office and when I stopped at the red light I found my hand moving to that place slipping my fingers between my shirt to punch that place and to pinch it to see if it was bigger to see if it was smaller that night when I came home and laid down in bed my hand reached up to punch that to see if it was hard or soft I pinched it to see if it was bigger or smaller in the next day and the next day and the next day and the next day after a week it began to hurt I thought oh my god it hurts this is getting serious would hurt because I was punching it and president and pension a three times a day and I would look at Paul at that time he was about two years old and I would wonder who would raise him I prayed for God to help Denise find a good man I increased my life insurance policy and after six months Denise said honey I cannot bear any more talk about this thing in your chest you have pinched it and you have punched it and I have pinched it and I have punched it until I don't want to pinch it and punch it or measure it anymore would you please go to the doctor the doctor the doctor tells me so I went to the doctor he said crawl up on this table take your shirt off excuse me I crawled up on the table he said lay down I can't believe I'm doing this I laid down those huge surgical lights over me and he cut my chest and he pushed and when he did he said oh my god now if you're a doctor please don't say that in the presence of your patients that's a doctor just tell me just tell me the truth and he said that is the funniest little piece of fat tissue I've ever seen in my life I said what and he held it out to me it looked like a little piece of gristle he said that as a funniest little piece of fat just stuck there right in the middle of your chest I've never seen anything like that he said you know that would be flat now you know I have lived under a little piece of fat for the past six months of my life I said to the doctor is there any way you can do that to my old body but you know what would have happened I'll tell you what would have happened if I had continued to put my faith together with that thing it would have become cancer it was negative faith and you see that's what the devil does he wants to find access to that movie screen in your mind paint pictures that will get so close to you that you will embrace them believe them say it until finally just like James says what you conceive you bring forth and sin when it is finished brings forth death verse 16 do not err my beloved brethren did you get something out of this tonight thank you for listening to this message and for partnering with Rick Renner ministries if you would like to receive more information about Rick Renner ministries please visit us at Renner work start your day on the path towards success and peace as you discover something new from God's Word with Rick Renner's outstanding devotional sparkling gems from the Greek you may purchase a copy of sparkling gems on our website or check us out on iTunes thank you for listening to this message and for partnering with Rick Renner mysteries with your support we will continue to teach strengthen and rescue lives and lead together we can make a difference [Music]
Channel: Renner Ministries
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Id: afPKi7Pls6o
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Length: 63min 47sec (3827 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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