The Last Days

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hello again I'm Robert breaker and every Sunday we have a new sermon in English and Spanish on the cloud and and uh recently I did a sermon on end times not too long ago about a month or two ago I talked about the last days or the end times and I did a seven-part series about the end time prophecies and we started here right before the time of the Rapture and I looked at all the end time events on the calendar of God and so that was called end times now today I want to talk about the last days so we're going to look at the last days when I did that sermon on the end times I came across some some words the words last days in the Bible and I had some people raise a question and I had some people ask what are the last days you know we looked at the end times but they said we went through and looked up the last days in the Bible and and they said it was kind of a little bit confusing and they have two verses that they show that that say this sounds confusing so that's what preaching supposed to to do it's supposed to avoid all confusion we're told in the Bible that um God is not the author of confusion so when people get a little confused from something they read in the Bible then we need to look at it and uh show what the Bible teaches and explain it and understand it so that we're not confused and so uh we looked at those end times last time and we started here at the time of the church right before the Rapture and we saw that this time was a time of apostasy then of course this would be the Rapture and then we saw the tribulation and then we saw Armageddon and I won't talk too much about that today but what I want to do is show you what the Bible calls the last days and why the last days are indeed the last days and how there there is some confusion with these two verses but once we study this out by the end of this message there will be no confusion and I hope and I pray that you'll see this message and not get confused so let's begin in Hebrews chap 1 and verse 12 excuse me 1- 2 Hebrews chap 1: 1-2 Paul is speaking Paul wrote the book of Hebrews I believe some people say I don't believe it I don't believe it wait till we get to our verse by verse Bible study boy will it prove that Paul really did write that book but Hebrews chapter 1 and verse 1 and 2 God again this is one of those verses that they said was confusing God who had a sunry Time and in diverse manners spake in the time passed unto the fathers by the prophets so before Jesus died on the cross in those times passed God spoke in different times in different ways to the fathers and the prophets verse two hath in these last days spoken unto us by his son whom he hath appointed heir of All Things by whom also he made the worlds so Paul is speaking here and and some people say oh the book of Hebrews was written around 60 AD or something like that other people say no no it was written around 40 ad whenever it was written Paul writes and I I will say 40 to 60 AD just a guess of when Hebrews was written and Paul says in the last days God appeared to us and spoke to us does that look like the last days to you I mean here's what we looked at in end times and it's look like end times starts here with an apostasy and that's what starts the calendar of the end times so how can did Paul say that when Jesus showed up it was in the last days good question interesting question I'm glad people have have the guts to ask questions like that let's go to 1 John Chapter 2 and: 18 uh someone sent me a dirty email one time on this verse because I talked about this verse one time and I said it's possible that John was wrong because John says we're in the last time and and they said yeah John is wrong John you're well okay John's not wrong but when we look at the calendar of events it looks like he could have been so what what is he saying well if you get a chance go to my uh video called the postponement Theory and I watched the video I preached the sermon entitled The postponement Theory because when God came and Jesus Christ came those disciples were looking at what Jesus did in his Earthly Ministry and Jesus coming and his appearing as he's going to come back and set up his throne on Earth which is what we know now is the Millennium the thousand- year reign of Christ so they all thought those early Apostles that this was the last days the end time they thought it was in their lifetime were they wrong well in a way yes because it's not till out here now because it was postponed but in their lifetime they weren't wrong they they thought they were living in the last days well they weren't wrong either because they were in the last days according to Paul because the last day starts when Jesus showed up now I'm going to explain all this you'll get a hold of this but it's interesting as you read the Bible to see how they thought they really were in the last days the end times and they could have been had the postponement not taken place now I'm not going to get into that sermon the postponement theory if you want to know more about that go to my sermon on the postponement Theory you see the church age is a paretic period you can go check out my sermon entitled the church age a paretic period and it shows how this time of the church where God goes to Gentiles is a time that God could or couldn't have done it all depended on whether or not the Jews accepted their Messiah so it's important to read and understand the Bible I just finished a sermon here not too long ago entitled how to understand the Bible recommend you to see that video as well and understand how to understand the word of God and as we read and study which the Bible commands us to do study to show thyself approved of God work not be ashamed rightly biting the word of Truth as we study we understand these things and there's no confusion hence the sermon today we're going to avoid all confusion I'm going to explain some things but here is the second verse 1 John 218 in which some say this is confusing 1 John 21:18 says little children it is the last time and as you've heard that Antichrist shall come even now are there many antichrists whereby we know that it is the last time now the Bible teaches that the Antichrist comes at the last time well the Antichrist is going to show up in the tribulation period in the last time and in our series of the end times we looked at the Antichrist and how he has his little uh throne and his little uh government and his little new world order and his little uh uh governing over the world his little government in this time period of the tribulation and that's future now when did just skyp John the Apostle write well he wrote this after Paul did and some people think that that John wrote anywhere between I think I had it 70 yeah between 70 and 90 ad how could Paul in 40 to 60 AD say we're in the last days and how could John 70 to 90 ad say that we're in the how did he say it last time or in time he said last time how can we say we are now in the last time does that sound right to you when the last days and the end times seem to start way out here and there's almost 2,000 years from Jesus to the Rapture so it doesn't sound like it's the last time does it was he wrong could he have been wrong well maybe he was wrong maybe he didn't see the postponement Theory which is really the postponement fact maybe he didn't see that God's going to give time to the Gentiles and that things will go back to the way they were in Jesus day after the fulfillness of the times of the Gentiles maybe that's what what he couldn't see and that's why he wrote that but was he wrong well no because as I read this today in 2016 I read little children it is the last time as you've heard that Antichrist shall come even now there are many Antichrist whereby we know it is the last time as I read this right now it is the last time cuz I'm right here so it could be that John's writing and he wrote a prophecy and that prophecy is fulfilled today because we are in the end times it could be that he just didn't see the parentheses so he wrote we're in the last time back here here Paul wrote we're in the last days I believe he wrote the book of Hebrews first he didn't see yet that God would postpone things so with that postponement that parenthetical period of the church age their view was very shortly is going to come the Antichrist and the millennial so they thought they really were right here when they wrote these books and it was later through the book of Acts that there was a transition from Jews to Gentile and God gave an extended time period of the church a parenthetical time period so we've got to understand that how could these Apostles write and say it was the last day or the last time in their lifetime when here we are almost 2,000 years later past them and we look back and go it's not the last day it wasn't the last time when you wrote that well the only way we can see that is number one the postponement Theory they did when they wrote they weren't thinking of the theory of the postponement or the fact of the postponement so they didn't see that God was going to give the Gentiles a time to be saved so that's one possibility but then again we could say you know what they're not really wrong maybe the last days really did start right around this time period let's look at that in second Peter chapter 3 Peter is talking and let's go ahead and read second Peter 3: 1-8 second Peter 3:1 this Second Epistle beloved I now write unto you in both which I stir up your pure Minds by way of remembrance that you may be mindful of The Words which were spoken before by the holy prophets and of the Commandment of us and the Apostles of the Lord and Savior knowing this verse that there shall come in the last days scoffers walking after their own lust Peter says in those last days when they come Peter didn't say we are in the last days now Paul and John did but Peter didn't say that he says when they come and they shall come there will be scoffers walking at their own LS and saying where is the promise of his coming for since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation for this they willingly were ignorant of now I'm going to skip down to verse eight there because what's verse 8 says is very very important but notice verse three he says the term last days we're looking at places in the Bible that talk about the last days verse eight Peter says but beloved be not ignorant of this one thing now he says there's some people in verse 5 that are ignorant and they're willingly ignorant they want to be stupid that means they're dumb on purpose cuz they don't don't want to listen they don't want the truth but he says now you beloved verse 8 be not ignorant of this one thing so Peter says there's something I don't want you to be ignorant of there's something I want you to know and I guess by knowing this we won't be confused so that's why I'm going to this verse but beloved be not ignorant of this one thing that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years and A Thousand Years is as one day so what Peter tells us is a formula and boy I hate mathematics but he says that one day equals a th years and he says a thousand years is as one day and this is found in second Peter 38 now I'm not going to go too in detail into this teaching I've done a sermon on it and if you have a chance go to sermon uh uh YouTube to my sermon the 7,000 years of human history and I will show you how those 7,000 years of human history are all that has been or will be when we get to the end of all things God is the creator he always uses the number seven and according to the Bible there's only 7,000 years of human history and what's interesting is that when God created everything the Bible says he made it in seven days and in the six days really and on the seventh day he rested so there were seven literal days in which God talks about uh the creation story so there are actually seven days of creation but the last day was a day of rest and the Bible tells us that in the Book of Genesis so seven days so here are the seven days here and what you find and I go way more into detail in my sermon on the 7,000 years of human history is that the seven days of creation in which God created everything they correspond to the 7,000 years of human history isn't that amazing Jesus Christ when he showed up the whole Bible gives us genealogy from Adam all the way to Jesus did you know that and so from Adam Jesus Christ it says so and so beg got so and so beg got so and so beg got so and so beg got so and so gives you the days that they lived how long they lived the age and you can literally go through the Bible and total up the genealogy and you know what you find out from Adam Jesus Christ showed up almost exactly 4,000 years from Adam well a day is a thousand years thousand years in one day then Jesus Christ showed up when on the fourth day the end of the fourth day so what does that mean 4,000th year so here's the the seven days let's go ahead and write that on here if each day is a th000 years then this would be 1,000 years after Adam this would be 2,000 years after Adam 3,000 years after Adam and 4,000 years after Adam Jesus Jesus Christ showed up on the 4,000th year here we are with 5,000 years after 6,000 years after Adam and over here would be 7,000 I hope that shows up there barely it's kind of off the side there but you can barely see that now if Jesus Christ came 4,000 years after Adam did you know our calendar is based upon Jesus Christ Jesus was born and so he was born on 0 a everything after his birth ad stands for ano domineque after the birth BC is before Christ so if we go back a th from Jesus that's 1,000 BC this would be 2,000 BC this would be 3,000 BC and then over here would be 4,000 BC and that's when Adam was created 4,000 BC so the Bible is an amazing book The Bible shows us that the week that the creation 7,000 years of human history is a week of a thousand years and it corresponds with the seven days of creation and Peter says look don't be ignorant of this that a day with the Lord is a thousand years a thousand years one day so you take the seven literal days of Creations you put them in to history and you find out it matches what happened God created all things on Sixth Day and on the seventh day what did Jesus do he rested in the Bible the Bible teaches that God only gives man 6,000 years before he comes back at Armageddon and he sets up his Reign for a th years in the millennial Kingdom what is that that is the day of rest that's the Sabbath rest that's when Jesus Christ is going to rest on his throne in Jerusalem literally reigning upon the earth now I could go more into detail on that but I'm not going to but I want to show you and and once again the 7,000 years of human history please look up that video for more information cuz it shows you how in the Book of Genesis God laid out the entire history of mankind with the seven days of creation and it corresponds with the 7,000 years of History perfectly corresponds so Jesus Christ shows up on the fourth day or the 4,000th year of History it's a week of a thousand years so when does Jesus Christ show up well the midpoint of a 7,000 would be three 3,500 would be here but Jesus didn't show up in the middle of human history he showed up a little past the middle so you have four complete days so there's only three left so it's not in the middle so what does that mean that means that Jesus really did show up and start working through his Apostles and through Paul in the last days the last three days or the last 3,000 years so yes yes now we understand Paul says that Jesus Christ showed up and did something in the last days well yeah that's the last of the days of the seven days the last three so now we see why Paul could say and it could still not be wrong that Jesus Christ showed up in the last days cuz these three are the last three days or last 3,000 years interesting so you could say that the last days start with when Jesus rose again from the dead and that would make sense would it not so when John uh yeah John the Apostle John says we are in the last times and he's saying we're in the last days well yeah we are in the last times you know the last 3 days we're in that period so you get an idea of okay maybe that's what they were thinking when they said in the time of Jesus that they were in the last days or in the last times so it's not wrong what they said John wasn't lying Paul wasn't lying if you look at it the way God looks at history the last days would be the last three days more specifically really the last uh two days but it started with him coming down from heaven you see for 4,000 years God set up in heaven and watched it and watched it and watched it and Jesus Christ God says you know what I'm going to do I'm going to come on down there and do something for him what did he do well the Bible says that Jesus Christ died for our sins he literally came down from heaven died on the cross for our sins was buried and then rose again the third day now he's sitting up in heaven and now he's beginning the last days the last three days with that in mind let's go back to Hebrews again go back to Hebrews where Paul is speaking Hebrews chapter 1 begin reading again in Hebrews chapter 1 boy this fan I got to have a fan though it gets hot in here Hebrews chapter 1 says God who at sunry times in a diverse manner spake in time pass unto the fathers by the prophets yeah those last 4,000 years or four days says hath in these last days okay so the last three days is when he starts talking again when he starts changing from an Old Testament to a New Testament and it says here has spoken unto us by his son Jesus whom he hath appointed heir of All Things by whom also he made the worlds verse three who being the brightness of his glory and express image of his person upholding All Things by the word of his power when he had by himself purged our sins set down on on the right hand of the Majesty of God being made so much better than the angels as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent Name than they so you can say that Jesus waited till the last days to come because four is more than three so it's over half so the majority of the history of man passed and now Jesus came in the latter times in the end times he came in the last day days so there's 3 days left after Jesus came or 3,000 years okay so that's interesting now we can understand how Paul could have said that so Jesus shows up on the fourth day or the 4,000th year and he dies he's buried he's Rosen again begins to deal with the Jews the Jews reject him so God says okay the church age will be here for the Gentiles to be Sav been almost 2,000 years and then the final thousand years will be the Millennium when Jesus Reigns on Earth so with that settled let's look at the key words in the Bible I looked up the key words I looked up the word last time and the words last time appear four times in three verses I looked up the words last day not not plural but singular day last day last day appears eight times in eight verses and then I looked up the words last days plural on the end days and that also appears eight times in eight verses so now what I want to do is show you some of the references I won't show you all the references of last day last days last time but we're going to look at some because what we find is they are very fascinating sometimes like the first two verses we went to Hebrews 1 1-2 and 1 John 2:18 they use the word last day applying to after Jesus came the last days Jesus Christ appeared in the last days he appeared after the 4,000 years of the 4 he appeared on the fifth day which is part of the last days because that's the last three days so that's one way that it's used but the majority of the other ways that it's used when it talks about the last days is all applying to this time this time and this time so it's like this time here isn't talked about much in the Bible what is this time well that's the time of Paul and Paul's Epistles Romans through Phile and that's the hidden time that was a mystery that God revealed into Paul so it's interesting so I won't show you all the references where it talks about last day last days last time but let's look at some for they are fascinating let's go to Second Timothy I'm going to look at Paul Jude and Peter and just what they say about the last days so second Timothy is where we'll begin and I hope this Bible study is encouraging to you it was encouraging to me I enjoyed looking up these verses I have a program called es sword and if you get a chance go to your computer and type in www. and it's free and you can download for free and you can do like I did just type in Words end times how many times does end times show in the Bible Well end times doesn't show up but you type in last time well it shows up four times in three verses and it's great you can study the Bible through that search engine and it's fre and it's amazing some of the things you can find as you study the word of God boy it's a blessing to have computers amen so we don't have to look through the old concordance like they did in the old days often times the concordance leave some things out and the computer shows all the verses so second Timothy chapter 3 begin reading in verse one this know also that in the last days the last days Who's Talking Paul who's he's writing to Timothy he says Timothy know also that in the last days perilous time shall come now Paul is the Apostle to the Gentiles he's the one that God went to in the church age and diverted from Peter and the early Apostles to Paul and so Paul's writings Romans through philimon are the doctrine of the church age today and so what is this telling us Paul is giving us a prophecy if you will of the last days of the Church of the church age he says perilous time shall come for men shall be lovers of their own selves covetous boasters proud blasphemers Disobedience to parents unthankful Unholy without natural affection truce Breakers false accusers incontinent Fierce despisers of those that are good trador boy we see a lot of traitors in military not in military but in government today a lot of Traders they'd rather be globalists than be citizens of their own country they're traitors to their own governments and their own countries heady highminded lovers of Pleasures more than lovers of God having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof from such turn away for of this sort are they which creep into houses and Lead captive silly women Laden with sins LED away with diverse lust ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth verse eight now as Janice and jamri with stod Moses so do these also resist the truth men of corrupt Minds reprobate concerning the faith but they shall proceed no further for their Folly shall be man manifest unto all men as theirs also was but thou has known my Doctrine manner of life purpose Faith long-suffering charity and on and on and on so Paul tells us this is what's going to happen toward the end of the church age definitely in the last days because that's right around this time period yeah I tried to make the bottom line here match up with this up on top so are we in the last days are we in a time of a falling away what do they fall away from well they resist the truth and their rep probate concerning the faith so they don't preach the Bible and they don't want to preach the gospel that's the the day and age we live in perilous times where people have turned from God and the word of God and from God's Plan of Salvation so obviously this verse second Timothy 3 this chapter is speaking about the last days according to Paul being here being this time period the last days of the church you know it's always the context that you read and the context tells you what it's talking about Jude let's go to Jude see what Jude has to say about it go to Jude it's right before Revelation and in Jude look at what Jude says Jude Verse 18 Jude in verse 18 says well look at verse 17 but beloved Remember You The Words which were spoken before of the Apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ how that they told you there should be mockers in the last time who should walk after their own ungodly lusts so in the future he's talking about there should be he says there will be uh there should be that's future the last time mockers I wrote time let me write last time sometimes I get a little messed up there but the last time he said there'll be mockers people going around mocking God in the Bible and saying what's the Bible you believe the Bible's the word of God you of course yeah it lays out all of history before it even happened so yeah I believe the word of God why are you mocking well I don't believe that so they're a bunch of mockers now let's go to uh second Peter 3:3 was that the day we live in today yeah people Mock and make fun of the word of God so we must be in that time we must be in the last days second Peter chap 3:3 knowing this first now we read this verse a little earlier but it's a good verse to read again knowing this first that there shall come in the last days last day same thing Paul says what scoffers scoffers so there'll be scoffers people going around and scoffing and saying ah we don't believe in God ah we don't believe in the Bible well you look at the history of America and the history of the world during this time period in the 17 1800s most of the people in the world became Christians then in the 1900s toward the very end in the early 2000s many people departed from Christianity and the teachings of the gospel and now people are becoming luciferian now people are beginning to follow Satan rather than Jesus and they're scoffing and mocking and making fun of the Bible and we're living in perilous times so truly the Bible is true and this has come to pass now I'm going and just looking up verses that talk about last time last day last days in time and tribulation look at James 5 and: three so sometimes whenever we read the word words last days in two occasions actually it was referring to the time period right after Jesus Christ which Paul and John said we're in the end time or last time or last day sometimes when the Bible talks about the last days it's talking about this time of apostasy sometimes when the Bible uses the term last days it's talking about the tribulation so in James we read James chapter 5 and verse three we read and remember James is written to the Jews in the tribulation many people say I don't know what to do with James I can't make sense of it we'll read the very first verse James a servant of Jesus Christ and the Lord Jesus Christ to the 12 tribes which are scattered abroad greeting are you one of the 12 tribes of Israel scattered abroad no so then this book is not written for you now that doesn't mean you can't read it you should read it but as you read it you know what you find more and more and more this book is applying to the tribulation so how can you say that well there's a place in it where it talks about Elijah for three year three and a half years uh stopping the rain he talks about prayers for the sick and laying hands on them well that's what happened over here in the early part of the ministry before it ceased with Paul so this is a book a tribulation application is what this book is look at look at James 5 and verse 17 Elias was was a man subject to like passions as we and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain any it rained not on the Earth by the space of 3 years and 6 months 3 years and 6 months that's three and 1/2 years why the last half of the tribulation is three and 1/2 years and he mentions Elias which is Elijah well the Bible tells us that Moses and Elijah are the three Witnesses and they come back in the trth so you can't get away from the fact that James is not doctrinally written to the church age today it can't be because Paul is our apostle not James and James was writing to the 12 tribes scattered abroad that book is going to really be read by the Jews and the tribulation they're really going to get a hold of that book of James and say wow wow and it's really got a lot of doctrine that appli to them but James CH 5 and: 3 look what it says here actually let's start in verse one go too now ye rich men weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you well there's going to be some plagues that come upon some people in the tribulation verse two your riches are corrupted and your garments are motheaten verse three your gold and silver is cankered and the rust of them shall be a witness against you and shall eat your flesh as it were fire ye have heaped treasure together for the last days there's some people that are trying to lay up Treasures in the last days and in the tribulation gold silver utterly worthless why why would gold and silver be utterly worthless in the tribulation because when the Antichrist takes over he goes we don't care about gold gold and silver you take the mark and the Mark's connected with how you buy and sell so no longer do people want gold and silver to buy and sell with they want the mark they want to obey the Antichrist so it's all there if you just read it but he says there they lay up Treasures for the last days and he talks about how well good job you laid up treasures and it's worthless it's meaningless it means nothing so that's another application of the word last days in verse three someone's heaping up treasure gold and silver it appears in the context and it's worthless why because no one's using gold and silver they all have a chip in their hand and buying and selling with the mark of the beast now let's go to First Peter 1 15 1 Peter 15 says who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time now here Peter is speaking and Peter says that some body is kept by the power of God waiting for salvation to be revealed to them in the last time now who Could That Be why when Paul came Paul went everywhere preaching the gospel that was Paul's Ministry he was preaching the gospel of 1 Corinthians 15 1-4 so we're not waiting for salvation to be revealed to us it's been revealed through this 2,000-year period through the gospel of Paul to the whole world everybody in the world has has well every country in the world let's put it that way has heard the gospel I believe that in this 2,000 years that at least one man has entered into at least every country in this earth and has preached the gospel at least once so what is it talking about who is waiting for salvation to be revealed in the last time well wouldn't that be the Jews you see the Jews rejected their Messiah here and we're told in Roman that Paul says to provoke the Jews to jealousy God sent to the Gentiles salvation and when you go to Romans 11 and you go down there to about verse 25 look at what it says for I would not Brethren that you should be ignorant of this mystery well that sounds like Peter speaking Peter says I would not Brethren that you be ignorant that one day is a thousand years thousand years one day you know when when the apostles are telling you don't be ignorant of this let me tell you this is something to know you should take note and go oh well I don't want to be ignorant of that so what is he saying oh Peter says the day of the Lord Thousand Years okay Peter I'm listening oh wow when Paul says I don't want you to be ignorant of this we ought to go oh okay I'm listening you know some Christians aren't listening there's some Christians out there that believe in replacement theology they believe that the church replaced Israel uh-uh I'm sorry you're wrong because the Bible clearly teaches that there is some salvation that God has for the Jews in the future and that in the tribul ation God's going to save the Jews let's read that here Romans 11:25 for I would not Brethren that you should be ignorant of this mystery lest you should be wise in your own conceits that blindness in part is happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in all right I'm keeping my finger here because I'm going to read verse 26 here in a second so the Gentiles are getting saved today and blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in when would that be the that's the fullness of the Gentiles and then verse 26 and so all Israel shall be saved as is as it is written there shall come out of Zion the deliverer and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob for this is my Covenant to them when I shall take away their sins it's a future salvation for the nation of Israel and it's going to take place after the Rapture in the tribulation and Peter tells us it's going to take place in let me go back to Peter I forgot what he said did he say in time or last time he says last time 1 Peter 15 well I got it written here in my notes so he says the term last time so this is a a time when it's referred to as the last time and the the the thing he's referring to when he uses the term last time is the Tribulation and that's the last time when God goes back to dealing with the Jews God is not done with the nation of Israel he's going back to them and they will be saved one day got to know that don't be ignorant Paul says you're ignorant if you don't know that well boy I tell you there's a lot of ignorant preachers I've met that say some stupid things like oh God's done with the Jews we're we're the Jews now we oh yeah yeah spiritually in Christ yeah we're were from the Seed of Abraham sure I call myself a spiritual Jew I don't have a problem with that but physic the nation of Israel is coming back and they're already there in her land 1948 they became a nation again and God will deal with them in the tribulation period and Paul says you're wise in your own conceits and you're ignorant If You Preach any other thing because God's going to save those Jews in the future boy I'd hate to be one of those people that believes God's done with the Jews and the Bible call me ignorant boy that that would stink well let's go to Acts chapter 2 here's something interesting uh this is something that many Pentecostals like to preach but they don't rightly divide so they they they break their neck in the book of Acts if you will acts 2:1 17 here's Peter again in Acts chap 2:1 17 he's out there preaching in tongues not just speaking in tongues he's preaching and it says verse eight how hear we every man our own tongue where we were born in the Bible tongues are literal spoken language and someone else understands it it's not my Fruit of the Loom blah you know it's not just speaking in the air and nobody knows what you're saying well that's what Pentecostal say is well that's not what this text says the context says it's people understanding in their own language the wonderful works of God and it gives you in verse 9 and 10 and 11 the the actual countries that people came from who heard in tongues the preaching now in verse 13 others mocking said these men are full of new wine verse 14 but Peter standing with the 11 lifted up his voice and said unto them ye men of Judea and all ye that dwell at Jerusalem be this known unto you and hearken to my words for these are not drunken as you suppose seeing it is but the third hour of the day so there were some scoffers there at that time and they began to scoff and say ah what is this going on and Peter says hold on they're not drunk this is just the third hour of the day so what would the be 9 in the morning I guess and uh cuz the Jewish calendar starts at at 6:00 and uh it says here verse 16 now Peter begins to preach now watch what he says but this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel Peter says now this that I'm about to preach to you is something that Joel said back there and I want to tell you what Joel said so he begins to quote in Old Testament reference but this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel and it shall come to pass in the last days saith God I will pour out my Spirit upon All Flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy and your young men shall be shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams and on my servants and on my handmaids I will pour out in those days of my spirit and they shall prophesy now notice what he says in those days he didn't say in our day a lot of people say well he says that and that's the last day right there is it let's continue reading verse 19 and I will show signs and wonders in Heaven above and signs in the earth beneath blood and fire and vapor and smoke the sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and notable day of the Lord now the day of the Lord is the second Advent Armageddon so what Peter does here is Peter says hey I'm going to prophesy to you about something that's going to happen in the last days which is right before Armageddon and if you watch my video on the parenthetical period of the church age and on the postponement Theory you see that had the the Jews as a whole as a nation accepted Jesus as their Messiah what was written in Joel that applies to here could have happened right there but the Jewish Rel religious leaders said no we don't want that so God postponed it over here so what's written in Joel is still applying to over here how do we know that cuz the sun hasn't turned to blood and uh the moon hasn't turned to blood excuse me and and the Sun hasn't turned to Darkness yet and it's supposed to happen before the notable day of the Lord so he says in the last days verse 17 that's over here that's the last days so this is something that's a future outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the holy ghost seeing visions and things and guess who it's for it's not for Christians it's for these Jews over here you have to read the context of a passage to see when it applies look at what he says verse 22 and it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved verse 22 ye men of Israel hear these words so in the tribulation Jews can be saved by calling upon the name of the Lord It's a future event when they do they'll have the Holy Spirit poured out on them and they'll see Visions they'll they'll dream dreams they'll do all these things and Joel applies to that happening in the last days which will be over here in the tribulation period you say well didn't it happen in the book of Acts in part some of it might have started here but where in the book of Acts did the sun turn to black didn't happen you say yeah but what about the blood moons yeah we've been having some blood moons lately that are neat I think that's the start of it but it's going to be way more in this tribulation period and the Jews are going to get an outpouring of the holy spirit in the tribulation as they come back to Jesus Christ and that's the last days that he talks about there so let's look at another one go to this one this one's pretty amazing Genesis 49 what I'm trying to do is I'm taking you through the scriptures where it uses the term last days last day end times last times and just look at what it's applying to and there's only twice that seems to be a little confusing in which he calls it the last time or the last days and it's right here in this time period when we know that there was still a lot more time to come but they didn't know that they didn't see the trans transtion it was transitioning through the book of Acts but most of the time when we see the words last days and times it's starting here at the end of the church and going to the Millennium now I'm going to show you some places where it's talking about the Millennium when it uses the reference of last days look at Genesis chapter 49 and here's a man named Joseph remember God chose Abraham Abraham had a son named Isaac Isaac had a son named Jacob Jacob had 12 sons which became the 12 tribes of Israel and here in Genesis chapter 49 Jacob is about to die and Jacob prophesies before he dies and verse one says and Jacob called unto his sons and said Gather yourselves together that I may tell you that which shall befall you in the last days now this is way back here in the Book of Genesis way back over here someplace what a long time ago and he says I'm going to tell you something about what's going to happen in the last days well what are the last days that he's talking about I'm going to show you the context of what his prophecy is because this talks about the Millennium well actually two things it talks about two things it talks about it's a prophecy okay he prophesies about the cross I'll just put it that way and then he cross the crown I'll just explain it that way because the cross was when Jesus died his sufferings and the crown is in the millennial Kingdom of Jesus Christ so this is one of the first prophecies in the whole Bible sure there's one in Genesis 3:15 about a promised seed but here Jacob gives a prophecy of the last days something that will take place so let me read this I'm not going to go through and read each of them because he goes and he starts with the first Reuben verse three then he starts and talks about s Simeon and Levi verse 5 then he goes to the fourth son Judah which by the way is the son that God chose to put his promised seed through Jesus Christ is from the tribe of Judah and so verse eight is where I'll begin reading Judah for thou art he whom thy Brethren shall praise thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies and thy father's children shall bow down before thee now this happened because the kings came from Judah David was from the line of Judah he was a king they worshiped him so they became uh worshippers of Judah because from Judah is the lineage of the king and eventually the lineage of Jesus Christ thy father's children shall down bow down before thee verse n Judah is a lion's welp well Jesus Christ is called the lion from the tribe of Judah from the prey my son Thou Art gone up he stooped down he couched as a lion and as an old lion who shall Rouse him up question mark when Jesus Christ came what did they say Behold the Lamb of of God which taketh away the sin of the world he's a lamb but then when Jesus Christ comes back the Book of Revelation tells us he comes as a lion and he's the lion on the tribe of Judah and what is a lion known for roaring and devouring its enemies well Jesus coming back in Armageddon to do just that and it says who shall R him up who shall Rouse him up well the Antichrist the devil the world going against God will Rouse him up and make him want to go okay I'm coming back to destroy this verse 10 the Shep the scepter which is what a person who's a king holds is a scepter the scepter shall not depart from Judah nor a lawgiver from between his feet until Shiloh come and unto him shall the Gathering of the people be huh so he's going to be the King Jesus Christ comes from Judah who will be the king now I'm not going to get into this it has something to do with the Stars there's a lot of interesting internet u YouTube videos about what they say Shiloh is and how it's a star and how in the heavens the constellation show some sort of a of a a of a of a star going through the feet of a certain other star and they try to say well that's out in the future 20 something and it's it's exactly what he's prophesying here it has to do with star I'm not getting to get into that it's pretty awesome but honestly I don't know enough about it to explain it one of these days what I'd like to do is present a message entitled um the gospel and the stars and show some of the constellations because God he created everything and he shows himself to this world through the Stars it can't be denied and I don't believe in horoscopes or anything like that but I believe God the Creator did some certain constellations up there and they point to him being the Creator those were just not accidents they show him as God he said he would make signs in the heavens and that's what they are now verse 11 says binding his F unto the vine and his asses cold unto the choice Vine now here we have talking about this King coming from Judah it says he's going to have a fo and an asses CT well when Jesus Christ came and his triumphant uh entry into Jerusalem before they crucified him he came riding on an ass's cult or on a fold of of an ass and so what you have here is it's talking about the first coming of Jesus Christ now look at the second coming it says here verse 11 he washed his garments and wine and his clothes in the blood of grapes his eyes shall be red with wine and his teeth white with milk now that sounds like Armageddon What does the Bible say about Jesus Christ when he comes in Armageddon well let's look at this remember it says here blood he clothes in the blood of grapes let's go to Revelation 19 and verse 13 it's amazing the Bible is an amazing book all the way back in Genesis 49 is a prophecy of the last days why let me look again real quick on my footnote here of when this was written Genesis 49 it says 1689 BC so around 16 well actually 1706 I looked at the wrong page 1700 years before Jesus so about right here this guy gave a prophecy named Jacob and he prophesied of somebody coming through the line of Judah Jesus Christ from the line of David from Judah who's going to come back someday as a lion and wash his garments in the blood as though it was the blood of grapes Revelation 1913 what does it say about Jesus well let's load to verse verse two his eyes were a flame of fire and on his head were many crowns and he had a name written that no man knew but he himself and he was clothed with the visture dipped in Blood and his name is called the word of God now I don't have time to look at the other passages in Revelation where it talks about when Jesus comes he comes like he's coming to a wine press and he'll step on his enemies like he's he's in a wine press stomping on grapes so way back here 1700 years before Jesus showed up and what 3700 years before the battle of Armageddon there was a prophecy of the last days and he nailed it he nailed it I mean all Jacob nailed exactly what was going to go happen how could he do that if it wasn't the Holy Spirit speaking through him nobody can say well 3,700 years from now exactly this is going to take place and then we all sit around and wait 3700 years and then it happens you don't that doesn't happen unless God is in it and that's what happened now go to Isaiah chapter 2 so that was a prophecy and the term last days applied to what to Jesus Christ coming at the battle of Armageddon right there okay so that includes um Armageddon in the last days now I want Isaiah chapter 2 and verse 2-4 Isaiah 2 2-4 I've got to hurry I've got a couple more here Isaiah 2: 2-4 look what it says here and it shall come to pass in the last days all right this was written according to my footnote about 760 BC so that would be about right here somewhere and this is a guy named Isaiah and he says now I'm going to tell you what's going to happen in the last days now how how does a guy do that if he doesn't know look at that he's 2,000 something years before how he how does he know what's going to happen well he knows because the holy spirit is speaking through him telling him this is the prophecy of what's going to happen in the future and what's going to happen Isaiah chapter 2 it shall come to pass in the last days that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains and shall be exalted above the hills and All Nations shall flow into it now what is the Lord's House what is established when Jesus returns at Armageddon destroys the Antichrist he sits on his throne in Jerusalem on the throne of the king of David from Judah and he reigns for a thousand years and his house is established and All Nations will come unto him verse three and many people shall go and say Come Ye and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord to the house of of the god of Jacob well Jacob he's the guy that gave this prophecy too about the last days and it says here to the house of the god of we will teach us of the ways and we will walk into his path for out of Zion shall go forth the law and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem verse four and he shall judge among the Nations and shall rebuke many people and they shall beat their swords into plow shares and their Spears into pruning H hooks Nations shall not lift up sword against Nation neither shall they learn War anymore now let's go to Revelation again chapter 21 in the time period of the Millennium when Jesus is reigning on Earth guess what he's going to do he's going to have have all nations come to him cuz he's going to be the global head of the entire Earth just as the Antichrist tried to take over the whole world and be the head of the world and of all Nations God says wrong man wrong time knocks him out and Jesus comes in and says I am the king of kings and Lord of lords man makes you want to shout don't it Revelation 21: 1-4 and I saw the new heavens and a new Earth for the for first Heaven and the first Earth were passed away and there was no more sea and I John saw the holy city in New Jerusalem coming down from God out of Heaven prepared as a bride adorned for her husband and I heard a great voice out of Heaven saying behold the Tabernacle of God is with men and um it says God is with men he shall dwell with them and they shall be his people and God himself shall be with them and be their God now go on down a little bit more to verse 22 to 24 and I saw no Temple therein for the Lord God Almighty the lamb are the Temple of it and the city had no need of the Sun now look at what it says there in verse 24 and the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it and the kings of the earth do bring their Glory and Honor unto it just like we read in Isaiah chapter 2 the prophecy look at 22 Revelation 22:1 and 2 and he showed me a pure River of Water of Life clear and Crystal proceeding out of the Throne of God and of the lamb and in the midst of the street of it and on either side of the river there was a tree of life which which bear 12 manner of fruits and yielded her fruit every month and the leaves of the tree were for the the healing of the Nations God when he sets up his Millennial Kingdom and after it's over he sets up the new Heaven and new earth All Nations come to him he is the king of all Nations Micah let's quickly go to Micah chapter 4 in Micah chap 4 it's interesting Micah 4: 1-4 says almost the same thing as what we read in Isaiah 2 that we see that applies to the Future last days the end times of the millennial Kingdom of Christ Micah 4: 1-4 but in the last days it shall come to pass that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established in the top of the mountains and it shall be exalted above the hills and people shall flow into it verse two and many nations shall come and say come and let us go up into the mountain of the Lord into the house of the god of Jacob and he will teach us of his ways and he will walk in his paths for the law shall go forth of Zion and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem and he shall judge among many people and rebuke strong Nations far off and they shall beat their swords into plow shares and their Spears into pruning hooks Nation shall not lift up a sword against Nation neither shall they learn War anymore but they shall sit every man under his Vine and under his fig tree and None Shall make them afraid for the mouth of the Lord of hosts ha spoken it this prophecy given to Micah when was this 710 BC about the same time of of this guy Isaiah prophesied of a future event Millennial Kingdom he says that's the last days and in the last days God will be on his throne and the Nations will have to come to him and worship him so there it is let me close with these words of Jesus let's go to John John chapter 6 Jesus often talked about the last day singular Jesus didn't never talk about last days I think that's interesting didn't find one verse where Jesus says this is what's going to happen in the last days no When Jesus talked he said the last day this is going to happen singular day why is that because this last day is the day of rest for Jesus and that's the day that Jesus is looking forward to because he died so that he can come and have that day for himself on this Earth to Reign and Rule John 6:39 look what he says Jesus is speaking he says this is the is the Father's will which has sent me that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing but should raise it up again at The Last Day verse 20 it says I will raise him up up the last day 20 I said 20 verse 40 I will raise him up the Last Day verse 44 no man come to me except the Father which has sent me draw him and I will raise him up at The Last Day verse 54 end of the verse and I will raise him up at the last day Jesus kept referring to there's a last day when I'm going to do something well if you study the Bible you find out that when Jesus rules for a thousand years in the Millennium the very end of that Millennium when it's all over God starts a new Heaven and A New Earth and that's the time that God does What's called the Great White Throne of judgment so there's a day of judgment oops no e in judgment my bad and so God begins to judge and it all corresponds with that day that's why we read these words in John 12:48 John 12 and verse 48 he that rejecteth me and receiveth not my words hath one that judgeth him the word that I have spoken the same shall judge him in the last day if you're not saved believe it or not you're living in the last days and there will be a day the last day that if you're not saved if you die without Jesus you'll come down to Hell and you'll burn and in that last day after he's done reigning and enjoying this Earth Jesus will pull you out before the great white Throne of judgment and you will be judged for everything you've ever done and ever said and then you'll be cast into the Lake of Fire I just finished a sermon the difference between hell and the Lake of Fire so the question are is do you know that we are on the last days or the last times do you know that well hopefully after watching this you can see where we are on God's timeline and we're really close to the end I mean the tribulation is only seven years the Bible says so the Rapture takes place tomorrow there's only 1,7 years of future history left that's it and if you're not saved and you go in the tribulation and you take the mark of the beast you're you're dead when Jesus comes back because he says all those that took the mark of the beast shall be cast into a lake of fire so it's up to you to decide do you do you want to get saved or do you want to just continue doing what you're doing and not think about God or the Bible and end up dying and going to hell hey I'm trying to warn you I don't want you to go to hell second Corinthians 62 says for he saith I have heard thee in a Time accepted and in the day of salvation have I secured thee behold now is the accepted time behold now is the day of salvation we are in this day this 6,000 year period very close to the Rapture this is a good day to get saved are you saved have you ever been saved do you know what it means to be saved being saved means you come to Jesus you trust the gospel the gospel is 1 Corinthians 15 1-4 Christ died for our sins was buried and rose again the third day according to the scriptures have you come to Jesus Christ this is going to take place soon the Rapture when it does that's your last opportunity to be saved through the gospel if you miss the Rapture and the tribulation comes uh-oh the Bible says you have to endure to the end that means don't take the mark of the beast what happens if you don't take the mark of the beast well the Bible says no man can buy or sell you're going to get really hungry in seven years if you can't buy and sell food if you can't make any money so you have a choice you ever have to die for Jesus as a martyr by having your head cut off by the the Antichrist system or you have to find a way to live to the end without taking the mark of the beast good luck you know pine cones don't taste very good but there'll be a lot of people that say I'm not going to take the mark of the beast I miss the Rapture and they're out in the woods living on grass and weeds and pine cones and pine needles and I wonder how long you going to live are you going to make it what you need to do is realize God wrote the Bible he's in charge he's the one that prophesied all this would happen he's so smart that he showed us he laid out history for us to see what's going to take place now it's all up to you are you going to take him as your savior will you trust what he did for you please don't go to hell please realize we are in the end times the last days and please come to Jesus as your savior appreciate you watching this we'll see you next week and thanks again for coming and watching these sermons and teaching and and God bless you I appreciate it
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 61,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Last Days, The Last Day, The End Times, Last days according to the Bible, Biblical end times, end of days, Biblical end of days, armageddon, bible study on end times, last days according to the bible
Id: D2q966gQqz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 57sec (3657 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 15 2016
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