Get Out And Stay Out | Randy Skeet

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I Cried unto the Lord with my voice and he heard me out of his Holy Hill I laid me down and slept I await for the Lord sustained me I will not be afraid of 10 thousands of people that have set themselves against me round about arise oh Lord save me oh my God for thou Hast smitten all my enemies upon the cheekbone thou Hast broken the teeth of of the ungodly salvation belongeth unto the Lord thy blessing is upon thy people God is good and all the time good evening everyone evening good evening to our friends online wherever you are God sees you and God loves you and we are grateful for your spiritual presence with us across the thousands of miles wherever you may be God is a good god do you agree with me amen that agreement was weak but if that's all you can give I'll take it but let me try again God is a good God all all the time the fact that we're few doesn't mean our enthusiasm has to be little remember when God told Gideon go fight the midianites Gideon came up with an army of about what 33,000 or 32,000 something that 33,000 God said too many reduce your ranks he reduce them by 10,000 to 20 too many God took him all the way down to 300 from 33,000 to three measly hundred and God told him don't pull a sword don't fire a shot just take a a horn a lantern and a picture put the the lantern in the picture break it blow the horn leave the rest to me now who fights a battle like that you see God likes all the credit can you say amen amen so even though we're few when we have big enthusiasm only God can do that all right our subject for this evening get out and stay out what did I say get out MH some people get out and they look back no get out and stay out remember Lot's wife she got out of Sodom physically but her heart was still in Sodom so she got out but looking back when God tells you get out get out and stay up amen let's pray father we thank you that you are who you are loving kind forgiving long-suffering patient tenderhearted forgive us where we offended you today Father why would we offend someone who's so loving and sweet forgive us father come close to us now in the presence of your Holy Spirit the spirit of Truth the spirit of life and the spirit of Grace as we bow before you dear God open our minds open our eyes that we may receive the words of life I humble myself before you de God I am dirt you know that but I didn't make myself de God you made me dirt now put strength in this dirt that the glory may come to you speak through me fill me with your spirit grant me humility but grant me boldness as I speak to your people remind me I too I'm a sinner and I need Grace bless all those who came bless all those online remember those online who are not 7day Adventists touch them in a very special way bless the little boys and the little girls who are watching father because the devil wants them but Jesus died for them dear God bless all nations represented by those watching but particularly our host nation of these United States father let me only see what glorifies you and blesses your people place your hand upon the sick right now dear God and do something miraculous for them somewhere around the world someone is in prison who is innocent in the name of the Jesus Christ who gives us freedom bring that person out because you're not of God of Injustice somewhere around the world right now someone is about to suffer violence stop it father stop it someone's about to suffer from Hunger do something dear God whether the person follows you or not do it because that's the way you are you love to ease suffering father I'm not telling you what to do I am asking you now God bless not only us but whatever your people are worshiping you tonight bless them I pray in Jesus name let God's people say amen and amen amen there's a prayer offer every day let me move fast it's already 23 after I ask God every day father this is exactly how I tell him under every heading of human suffering deliver at least one person right right now one person there's someone in Ukraine dealing with a gunshot wound there's someone in some country that just lost both parents and the little boy is eight somewhere some man is about to physically beat his wife somewhere a rebel Soldier has been captured by the government soldiers he's about to be tortured of I somewhere someone is suffering right now and my prayer every day is Father please deliver somebody just to ease suffering amen some woman is about to give child birth and she's about to die in childbirth stop it God Amen just ease suffering ah this world is overrun with suffering but it's not God's fault right God put Adam and Eve in a perfect world they chose to sin all the the plagues Came Upon This World it is not God's fault that's right but that's not my sermon go with me to Genesis chapter 1 let me slow down you not you don't ever rebuke me for going too fast I don't know why I'd be so happy maybe you're so nice you don't rebuke preachers but you must tell me Slow Down slow down and I will slow down immediately as if you're a policeman do you have Genesis 1 let's read from verse one our subject is in the beginning get out and stay out yes in the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth and the Earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters and God said let there be light and there was light and God saw the light that it was good and God divided the light from the darkness and God called the light day and the Darkness he call night and the evening and the morning with the first day God saw the light that it was good and God divided the light from the darkness telling us immediately that the darkness was what yeah it's not good God doesn't separate good from good are you with me he separates good from from Evil yes he separated the light from the darkness now go to 2 Corinthians chapter 6 let's read verse 14 2 Corinthians 6:14 is 25 after 7 I'll probably go to 10 after 7 I hope you don't mind all right 2 Corinthians 6 reading verse 14 our subject get out and stay out do you have second Corinthians 6 written by the Apostle Paul verse 14 be not an equally Yol together with unbelievers for what Fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness and what communion hath light with darkness and what Concord hath Christ with Bel or what part hath he that believeth with an Infidel and what agreement ha the temple of God with Idols stopped let's go over those five questions again that God puts to us through Paul and you give me the answer verse 14 be not unequally Yol together with unbelievers for what Fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness none none and what communion hath light with Darkness none and what Concord hath Christ with Bel none or what part hath he that believeth with an Infidel or what agreement hath the temple of God with Idols none in God's eyes light and darkness are not supposed to mix welcome my good brother welcome they are not supposed to mix now what Paul is saying when he said what Fellowship what communion hath light with Darkness he is taking that all the way back from Genesis chapter 1 and God said let there be light and there was light and God saw the light that it was good and God divided the light from the darkness my listening friends in online in person God wants Darkness and Light separated let's take a look at what Darkness represents go to Colossians 1 Colossians 1 we'll read verse 13 our subject get out and stay out Colossians also written by Paul chapter 1 reading verse 13 when you found it say amen amen I like you to read with me but uh find those texts as quickly as you can Colossians 1 reading verse 13 are you there now who haveth delivered it from what the power of darkness and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear son he hath delivered us from the what power of Darkness let's go to Ephesians chapter 6 Ephesians 6 let's read verse 12 our subject get out and stay out Ephesians couple books before Colossians do you have it chapter 6 verse 12 let me pray again father continue to be with me I ask you sincerely in Jesus name amen read with with me you know it very well what does that say for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against Powers against rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places the rulers of the what darkness of this world we have Darkness negatively presented again stay in Ephesians but this time go to chapter 5 Ephesians 5 Paul gives a list of sins in verses 3 4 and 5 Now read verse six with me of Ephesians 5 what did that say let no man deceive you with vain words for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon whom the children of Disobedience be noty partakers with them for ye were sometimes what come on read for ye were sometimes but now are ye light in the Lord what does he mean ye were sometimes Darkness they were practicing a life contrary to thus said the Lord now the verse doesn't mean they did not have a church pagans have their churches I didn't say that properly let me try again paganism is a religion the Egyptians had a religion God told the Israelites get out of Egypt Sodom and gor had a religion God told lot get out when God brought the Israelites out he told them don't do what those other Nation did all those other nations had a religion but it was not the religion of the god of Heaven and Earth ye was sometimes Darkness but now are you light in the Lord walk as children of light what am I trying to say the subject get out stay out we go back to Genesis 1 and God said let there be light and there was light and God saw the light that it was good and God divideth the light from the darkness God wants light and darkness separate if that's clear say Amen now go to Matthew 5 let's read from verse 13 of Matthew 5 this is Jesus Christ himself who described himself as the truth he also says I am the light of the world John 8:12 we're listening to the light of the world Matthew 5 reading from verse 13 what does the Bible say ye are the salt of the earth but if the salt ha lost his Savor wherewith shall it be salted it is then forth good for nothing but to be cast out and to be trodden on the foot of men next verse ye are the light of the world stop if ye are the light of the world what condition is the world in Darkness M this is not being Politically Incorrect this is not being arrogant this is interpreting the Bible if ye are the light of the world the world has no light unless you shine now keep in mind in Matthew 5 go to verse one of Matthew 5 read with me what does that say and seeing the multitudes he went up into a mountain and when he was set his disciples came unto him for St and he opened his mouth and taught what's the last word them saying taught them now Jesus went up into the mountain to get away from the multitudes but they followed him but he went to speak to his disciples because the sermon of the mount is not for the multitudes the sermon of the mount is for the believer turn your cheek that's not the multitude that's a Believer are you with me if any man will compel you to go go mile go Twain that's for the believer and so Jesus spoke to his disciples but the multitudes listened keep this in mind now we have the disciples and we have the multitudes now listen to verse 14 ye are the light of the world to whom is Jesus speaking not to the multitude because the disciples were to be a light to the multitude yes you and I are called to be a light to the world we're not called to be a part of the world but when we do that we cease to be light and Jesus said Can two uh can the blind lead the blind they will both end up where in the ditch having said all of that let's go to E not Exodus I almost said Ephesus Exodus the second second book of the Bible Exodus let's go to chapter 4 we'll read 22 and 23 of Exodus do you have it who wrote Exodus no very good very good you get you an a for that Moses do you have verse 22 read with me and thou shalt say unto Pharaoh thus said the Lord Israel is my son even my firstborn and I say unto thee let Come On Son go my son go my firstborn that he may serve serve me and if thou refuse to let him go behold I will slay thy son even thy firstborn observe why God told Pharaoh let my son go and by son he means the Israelite Nation because sometimes the entire nation is called the son all right let my son go why Ser that he may serve me what does the bible mean by serve go to Joshua 24 Joshua 24 let's read verse 24 I think is Joshua 24:2 24 you have Joshua 24 the last chapter of Joshua under Joshua the Israelites were fairly obedient to God under Joshua and his elders but when they passed away they went off in all kinds of crazy Lifestyles do you have Joshua 24 verse 24 in the previous verses Joshua tells Israelites you're in the Canaan land you're in the promised land obey God don't follow Idols obey God he's urging them obey God do what God tells you obey God what do they say in verse 24 read for me and the people said unto Joshua the Lord Our God will we and his voice will be yes to serve is to obey same thing the Lord Our God will we serve his voice will we obey so when God tells Pharaoh in Exodus 4: 23 let my son go that he may serve me what is God really saying that he may obey me because Israel could not obey God while they were in Egypt are you with me yes where you are affects your obedience to God amen amen let's go to chapter five of Exodus the very next chapter let's read verses 1 and two our subject get out and stay out 25 minutes to 6 to or 7 chapter 4 25 1 and 2 and afterward Moses and Aaron went in and told Pharaoh thus said the Lord God of Israel what Exodus 51 thus say the Lord God of Israel let my people go why that they may hold a feast unto me in the wilderness they couldn't do it in Egypt are you following me yes they couldn't do it in Egypt there were slaves in Egypt then Pharaoh said who is the Lord that I should obey his voice to let Israel go I know not the Lord neither will I let Israel go we know how that ended up God said let them go that they may serve me chapter 4: 23 let them go that they may hold a feast unto me chapter 5 verse 1 they could not now question for you could God have saved them while they were in Egypt but it's that the way God functions no he told them let's go to Chapter 3 of Exodus chapter 3 let's read verse 7 get out and stay out you are you are you at Exodus 3 verse 7 and the Lord said I have surely seen the Affliction of my people which had in Egypt and I've heard they cry by reason of the task Masters finish that verse for I know this sorrow Oh I like that about God he knows what you're suffering and I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land unto a good land and a large unto a land flowing with milk and honey unto the place of the Canaanites and Hittites and the amorites and the perizzites and the hites and the jebusites God has said I have come to bring them out I can't do with them what I want while they're in Egypt I have come to bring them out if that's clear say amen amen now go to John 10 John chapter 10 listen to Jesus Christ who actually was the one who spoke to Moses by the way in the Old Testament but he wasn't called Jesus then he got that name when he became human Matthew 1:21 we in John chapter 10 beautiful gospel the Gospel of John written by the disciple who was closest to Christ and Lov Christ more than any of the other 11 so you're looking at an intimate account about Christ when you read the Gospel of John John 10:1 16 read with me and other sheep come on I have which are not of this fold them also I must bring and they shall what hear my voice and they shall be onefold and one Shepherd now when they hear the voice of Christ what will they do they'll come out but observe what Christ said other sheep I have which are not of this fold which means here is one fold and there other folds do you see that here's the fold Christ is the head of he look I have other people in other Folds I want them out in other words I can't save them if they stay there I want them out how do they come out they shall hear my voice this is the voice of God don't listen for the sound of thunder this is the voice of God are you with me they shall hear my voice when they hear it they'll come out there shall be one fold and one Shepherd and Christ says other sheep I have now which means there are people of God in casinos right now are you with me there are people of God in wh houses right now they just need to hear about Jesus Christ and they'll come running out amen there are people in gambling dens right now there are people in drug dens right now they're hardened criminals in prison right now and Jesus said that's my son amen amen all he needs is to hear remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy all he needs is to hear for God so of the world that he gave his only begotten son all he needs is to hear if you confess your sins I'll forgive you amen other sheep I have which are not of this fold them also I must bring and they shall hear my voice they shall be one for old and one Shepherd now let us go to Revelation revelation we read from verse one of Revelation our subject get out and stay out let's pray again father we're now into Revelation the book in which all other books find their fulfillment give us wisdom father in Jesus name I pray amen amen you have Revelation 18 reading from verse one are you there read with me and after these things I saw what and after these things I saw what another Angel come down from heaven having great power come on and the Earth was lightened with his glory and he cried how mightily with a strong voice saying what Babylon the great is Fallen is fallen and is become the habitation of devils and a hold of every foul spirit and a cage of every unclean and H ful bird Now read with me for all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of a fornication keep reading and the kings of the Earth have done what committed fornication with her and the merchants of the Earth are waxed Rich to the abundance of her Delicacies now this is Babylon has a an adulterous relationship with the nations of the earth people Prosper through relationship with Babylon listen to verse four what does that say and I heard another voice saying what come out of her my people people that you do what be not partakers of her sins and that you receive not of her plagues for her sins have reached unto heaven and God hath remembered her iniquities now look at verse four again read it for me and I heard and I heard another voice from Heaven saying come out of her my people stop did God tell the Israelites come out of Egypt did Jesus say I have to speak and my people will come out of other Falls yes there's a constant call from Heaven come out but as Jesus said in John 10:16 other sheep I have they don't know they're God's people which are not of this fold them also I must bring it is no different from Revelation 18:4 come out of her who my people this time we're told precisely where they are in Babylon Babylon in the Bible represents false teaching opposition to truth confusion of beliefs go to Genesis 11 Genesis 11 if you think you're safe because you're in any church you're wrong I mean wrong with the capital W only truth can sign ify and save and it has to be accepted obeyed by the grace of God Genesis 11 reading from verse 1 and the whole earth was of one language and one speech and it came to pass as they journeyed from the East that they found a plane in the land of Shina and they dwelt there and they said once another go to let us make brick and burn them thoroughly and they had brick for stone and slime had there for Mortar and they said go to read with me now let us what build us a city and a tower who sto marriage unto heaven and let us make us a name lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth verse five read come on read with me and the god came down to see the seity in the tower which the children of men build it and the Lord said behold the people is one and they have all one language and this they begin to do and now nothing will be restrained from them which they have imagined to do now you read verse 7 what does that say go to let us go down and there confound the language that they what may not understand one another's speech what does verse eight say so the Lord scattered them from then brought upon the face of them and they left off to build the city now verse 9 says therefore come on is the name of it called mhm why because the Lord did there confound the language of and from then did the Lord scatter them upon the face yes of the Earth all the earth now they were saying different things are you with me God confounded their languages they started saying different things that's why Babel also mean confusion all saying different things Babel that's Babylon that's the root of Babylon yes the Tower of Babel archaeologists have excavated Towers they call them ziggurats at the top of those Towers were places reserved a room for worshiping the Sun the Stars the heavenly bodies and whatever other pagan gods they worship way back then that's the origin of Babylon look at verse one again of Genesis 11 and the whole earth was of one language and one speech and it came to pass as they journeyed from the East that they found a plane where in the land of China and they dwelt there that's where they built the cities go to Daniel 1 Daniel 1 it's 14 minutes to 7 Daniel 1 we'll read from verse one our subject get out and stay out do you have Daniel 1 reading from verse one the Bible says in the third year of the reign of jeim king of Judah came Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon unto Jerusalem and besieged it keep reading now and the lord gave jeim king of Judah into his hand keep reading with part of the vessels of the house of God you pick up the next statement which he carried into the the land of Shina which nation invaded Jerusalem the Babylonians where did they come from China wow are you following me you go all the way back to Genesis 11:1 that's where those rebellious Builders of Babel that's where they set up shop in China where they oppos God and God had to confuse their languages they started saying all kinds of things so Babel Babylon mean gate of the Gods it also means confusion now the Bible uses Babylon in Revelation as a symbol of confusion of teachings yes are you following me where truth is not elevated where all kinds of contaminated wine is drunk go back to Revelation 18 I talked about a contaminated wine go back I have to go to 10 after 7 please say it's okay all right okay Revelation 18 let's read from verse one again and after these things I saw another Angel come down from heaven having great power and the Earth was lightened with his glory and he cried mightily with a strong voice saying what come on Read With Me Babylon the great is Fallen is fallen and it's become the habitation of devils and a hold of every foul spirit and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird now the Bible is saying the system called Babylon is inhabited by demons and Devils but this is is not strange all error originates from Satan yes I'm not trying to be harsh listen to me carefully all error originates from Satan because Jesus said in John 8:44 he's the father of Lies the very first lie was spoken by Satan in heaven all lies originate from Satan all truth originates from God Amen so is become a a habitation of devils and a hold of every fou Spirit now go with me to a SEC 1 Timothy chapter 4 talk about a habitation of devils how can that happen in the church oh yes the devil is found more often in churches than anywhere else 1 Timothy chapter 4 let's read from verse one our subject get out and stay out are you there read with me what does it say now the spirit speaketh expressly stop give me another word for expressly clearly give me another word directly give me another word what's that PL plainly now the spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times come on read that verse some shall depart from the faith keep reading giving heed to seducing spirits come on and doctrines of devils now John tells us Babylon is inhabited by Devils listen to me carefully did not Jesus say have I not chosen you 12 one of you is a devil not all devils are spirits some devils are Flesh and Blood yes yes now the spirit speaketh expressly that in latter times some shall depart from the faith another word for faith is truth giving heed to seducing Spirits Now give me the first example on Earth of a seducing Spirit serpent the serpent give me the second example Eve to Adam a seducing Spirit now she did not remain that way thank God for that she was a so we have two one you couldn't see the Devil he's spiritual but you could see eve two seducing spirits so when the Revelation says Babylon the great is Fallen is fallen and it's become the habitation of devils and the hold of every foul spirit and a cage of every unclean and hateful Bird that's not shocking this is truth this is biblical because Peter tells us not Peter Paul tells us in Timothy in the last days people shall give heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils now what is the doctrine of the devil any false teaching is a doctrine of the devil let's look at what God said we don't have to go there you know it in the day thou eatest thereof God told Adam what thou shall surely die the devil said he shall that's the doctrine of a devil yes sir it R against God's word yes are you not with me I'm talking to myself anything that goes against thus said the Lord is a doctrine of devil now let me be bold and hit you right between the eye the Bible says the seventh day is the Sabbath whose Doctrine is that God Sunday is a Sabbath whose Doctrine is that the devil wow because it is not thus sayith the Lord am amen now is that nice to say no do people need to hear it yes millions of millions follow that doctrine of the devil yes sir the Bible says as early as Genesis 2:17 in the day thou eatest there all finish it for me Thou shalt surely there'll be no doubt about the fact you're dead Thou shalt surely die the Bible teaches us in Genesis 21:17 the wages of sin is death long before the Apostle Paul said that in Romans 6:23 the wages of sin is death God told that to Adam yes there are churches today that say the wages of sin is burning forever in hell so you never die you just burn and burn God said the wages of sin is death and Jesus Paid that penalty that's why Jesus told John when he appeared to him in Revelation one I am he that liveth and was dead and behold I alive forever more Jesus said I was dead nor I was burning in for I was dead and the first doctrine of devils is that the dead are not really dead so you go to any non-adventist funeral and everyone is in heaven Al Capon is in heaven Jack the rer is in heaven he's in heaven looking down everyone is in heaven looking down because most churches preach when you die you go straight to heaven or you I've never been to a funeral where someone was in Hell looking up never as if funerals make people Saints that's a doctrine of devil and it is worldwide sir are you with me worldwide God says come out of that there are two doctrines that most Christians either would change would be on God's side one this business of when you're dead you're not really dead the other one is the seventh day is the Sabbath I mean uh Sunday is the Sabbath these two Cardinal errors and by the way those are the two errors that the devil will use and is using to deceive the whole world two of them never forget them Sunday sacredness there's no such thing most people believe it and the immortality of the Soul meaning you die you don't really die you float around those are the two great greatest errors in the Bible Jesus says if you're my people come out of that system if you're my people other sheep I have which are not of this fold let me give you another big error that is common in that in the Sunday churches speaking in tongues there's a popular teaching in Evangelical Christianity the proof of conversion is speaking in tongues that's not in the Bible now speaking in tongues is in the Bible even though Jesus never spoke in tongues and Paul said I speak in tongues more than any of you but I don't I could but I don't you know the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 14:27 go there with me quickly I didn't mean to get on that but the spirit brought me to it brought it to me let me deal with it quickly there may be someone listening who needs to hear this go to 1 Corinthians 14 now some of you listening may have been part of those churches where people speak in tongue an entire church is babbling at the same time on a Sunday morning 1 Corinthians 14 listen to verse 27 I really want you to read with me are you there not yet it's 5 to 7 I have 15 minutes you gave me graciously 10 more are you with me let's pray Father in heaven continue to be with me please in Jesus name I pray amen If any man speak in tongue verse 27 read with me let him let what Let It Be by two or at the most three keep reading and and that by course now what does that mean who has a a version different from the King James sister and read that for us please listen carefully if any verse 27 of 1 Corinthians 14 M if anyone speaks in yes let there be two or at the three pause sister pause the Bible says no more than two people should speak in tongues in the church at any time at the most three but keep reading uhhuh each in turn ah stop each each come on in turn that's what the King James mean by in by course you speak and I keep quiet then you speak so there is order yes are you following me the Bible says no more than two maybe on isolated occasions three and by course while I'm speaking he keeps quiet is that what churches do today you tell me yes or no no how do they do it everyone babbles now what's the spirit in that is not the spirit of God that's why I believe it's verse 33 it says God is Not the author of confusion because that's confusion now if God is not the author of that who is the author don't tell me okay okay you told me in a church Jesus says come out of that now go to verse 28 sister read 28 listen to 28 now carefully as we attack well not attack yes we're attacking speaking in tongues as it is done in this modern world verse 28 listen carefully to this new version but if there is no inter if there is no interpretation let keep Sil stop keep quiet tongues are not to be spoken in any church unless someone can interpret the Bible says if there be no interpretation let him keep quiet in the church now in his home in his closet his bathroom his basement he can say whatever he likes to God that's personal yes but in a public setting you see in church and I believe the expression let him keep quiet in the church now you tell me have you ever heard interpretation where you see speaking in tongues no because the people themselves don't know what they're saying I'm not trying to be cruel but I have to speak so that someone get hits between the eye and people do this every Sunday every Sunday and they can only do it on Sunday mornings between 11: and 1 they can't speak in tongues on Tuesday if you have a gift you have a gift and millions do that now the spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils the way notice I said the way tongues are formed in this modern world that's the Demonic way that's not the biblical way what's our subject get out stay out and Jesus says to his people in Babylon come out of her my people which means there must be a voluntary decision amen Christ doesn't say I'll grab you and pull you out you come out make that decision come out and be separate and touch not the unclean things sayth the Lord and I will receive you my brothers and sisters some of you need to make decisions to be baptized into the Seventh Day Adventist Church is it a perfect Church absolutely not because I'm in it are you following me it can't be perfect well don't say Amen too loudly it can be perfect because I'm in it Jesus said have I not chosen you 12 one of you is a devil does the Adventist Church have Devils yes don't say it so loudly but yes did Jesus said the wheat and tears must go together yes but when disciples left Christ because they did not like what he said in John 666 Jesus said to the 12 will he also go away then Simon Peter answered him Lord to whom shall we go thou Hast the words of eternal life and the words of eternal life are the words of truth Sunday as the Sabbath is not the words of eternal life people living after their dead are that's not the words of eternal life everyone speaking in so-called tongues at the same time and babbling that's not the words of life those of you online in person make a decision if you're online contact the newest 7day Adventist Church tell them you want to be baptized a little of some studies before baptize because Jesus said study teach baptize teach or re baptized oh yes thanks Pastor you you need to be re-baptized and there are 12 disciples in the book of Acts chapter 19 Paul met them and they said Paul said have you received the Holy Ghost since you believe they said we've never heard even if there's a holy ghost Paul taught them the Bible says in verse 5 of uh F John Acts 19 when they heard what Paul taught they were all baptized again they were disciples some of you listening to me right now online in person you need to be baptized or re-baptized amen and for those of you who are Adventists you Ponder rebaptism evangelism page 3 75 paragraph 2 when a soul is truly reconverted let that Soul be re-baptized amen my brothers and my sisters come out and stay out some of you listening need to come out of Babylon and Babylon represents confusion of teachings that are not based on thus sayth the Lord amen and the major ones are one that Sunday is a Sabbath absolutely wrong that teaching originated in hell but was mediated through human agents the other one that's wrong that when you die you're not really dead you either go to heaven immediately hell immediately if you're sinner you burn forever that originated with Satan and those are the two demonic satanic and hellish teachings that have deceived most of the Christian world let me pause on this demonic teaching that Sunday is a Sabbath there isn't one text in the Bible that calls the first day holy not one but that's not strange that people would behave that way believe something that's not in the Bible go back to the Garden of Eden you know not you don't have to go in your mind in your mind how were the trees made how about come on come on come on by the word of God God said how were the heavenly bodies made by the word of God the animals the word of God water and dry land the word of God the birds the fish the word of God now Gras the word of God now Eve when she stood under that tree she was standing on grass made how word of God looking into the tree made how by the word of God listening to a serpent made how by the word of God are you with me which means she was surrounded by proof of the power of God's word MH when the devil said You shall not surely die what proof did she have that his word had power none yet she chose come on his word now the Bible is full of evid proof the seven day is a Sabbath people stand in a garden of proof that the seventh day is a Sabbath yet they choose the word of the devil and keep Sunday even when they find out that the Sabbath is a seventh day then they argue well any day is a day no any day is not a day the Bible never says remember a Sabbath to keep it it says remember the Sabbath the Sabbath is different different from a Sabbath if I were to say to you bring me a fruit you bring anything if I say bring me the fruit what will you ask me which fruit remember the Sabbath the Sabbath the Sabbath the Sabbath the day that God blessed Sanctified are you're a child of God you love God obey him and so I call upon you online in person make a decision what's our subject for tonight get out come on and stay out if you're in a church that practices tongues get out did I say get out clearly enough get out God's greatest enemy on this Earth is not a political organization it's a religious system called Babylon are you listening to me the Israelites great enemy back then was Babylon yes a a political organization but but used by the Bible as a symbol of God's enemy in these last days Babylon the great if you're in a church that observes Sundays the Sabbath get out and come where God's law is respected come where truth is upheld not where everyone is perfect no come where thus said the Lord is taught I invite you to consider becoming a member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church a church who recognizes one of its missions is to magnify the law of God as a standard of living a church that recognizes one of its missions is to expose Babylon for what it really is a church system that's run by the devil go to Revelation 13 quickly then I'll let you go Revelation 13 when I said a church system run by the devil you may have been shocked let's go to Revelation 13 quickly we read verses 1 to 4 Father in heaven I'm coming to close PE please please God give me the right words as I end in Jesus name I pray amen do you have Revelation 13 reading from verse one now put a smile on my face read with me and I stood upon the sand of the sea and saw a beast rise up out of the sea having seven heads and 10 horns and upon his horns 10 crowns and upon his heads the name of blasphemy and the Beast which I saw was like unto a leopard and his feet were the feet of a bear and his mouth as the mouth of the lion and the dragon gave him his what his power and his seat and great Authority who is the dragon tell me quickly Satan verse three and I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death and his deadly wound was healed and all the world wandered after the beast that's an account of the papacy that was uh abolished in 1798 but came back into power in 1929 under melini are you following me now read verse four you read our listen and they worship come on the dragon which gave power unto the Beast that religious system and they worship the Beast who is like under the Beast who is able to make war with him they worship the dragon and the Beast now they're not seeing the dragon they're only seeing the beast but when you worship the Beast you are really doing what worshiping David in the church chur in the church no wonder the Bible says in Revelation 12:9 and the Great Dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and Satan which deceiveth the whole world of course except those in Hammond don't be deceived accept truth Jesus says to you tonight you're my child come out come out don't come out like Lot's wife looking bad come out amen make a decision to be baptized you don't have to be baptized tomorrow or the day after make the decision are you with me make the baptize or re-baptize to start all over with God make that decision online find an Adventist Church near you wherever you are there must be one here in Hond you make that decision do we have cards give me a few cards quickly I want you to write on the card if you're convicted by God's spirit to be baptized or re-baptized and follow truth just just raise your hands if you need a card raise your hand if you need a card God bless you God bless you God bless you someone else raise a hand you need a card just write on that card a decision remember it's just a decision is not setting a date a decision decision are powerful things they give you Freedom a a weight falls off your shoulder have made a choice someone else I want to be baptized at some point raise your hand to over here get a card or B or re-baptize start all over you'll be surprised how many adverti need to be re-baptized the young people who got baptized because their friends were being baptized they had no clue what they were doing they need to be baptized again if you're online make that decision write your name pass that card over to the pastor how many of you will say father help me to follow truth the whole truth and nothing but truth can I see your hand stand up with me please thank you for the extra time heads bowed eyes closed our Father in heaven we thank youday God for the message tough right between the eyes but father you know my heart I want to see people follow thus say the Lord de God truth is not that hard to understand if we will listen listen honestly dear God there are people in error in Babylon right now they only need to hear thus sayth the Lord and they will leave dear God I pray that someone who listen tonight in person or online fits that description and will get up and leave right now by a decision in the mind father remind all those who listen that truth sets people free error binds them in Chains and handcuffs and shackles do do all you can to convict people to leave Babylon their God leave churches where people observe Sunday as the Sabbath leave churches where people speak in tongues all at the same time contrary to the Bible leave churches where people believe that the Lost will burn in hell forever contrary to the Bible give them the courage to leave and to follow truth they'll be glad they did as we leave let's contemplate what we've heard I pray bless everyone who listened special blessing on the little boys and girls bring us back tomorrow dear God I pray in Jesus name let God's people say amen and amen you may be seated remember to turn those cards to the pastor when you finished
Channel: 2CBN TV
Views: 35,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Msanii Records, Seventh-day Adventist Church, Hymns, Gaither Music TV, @3ABN, Randy Skeete, Zabron Singers, Doug Batchelor, John Lomacang, Mark Finley, Fountainview Academy, Heritage Singers, Sandra Entermann, JEHOVAH SHALOM A CAPELLA, Wintley Phipps, BESY Choir (Official), Acapeldridge, Speak English With Tiffani, T.D. Jakes, Pastor Steven Furtick, Stellenbosch University Choir, America's Got Talent, Karen Gibson, Gospel Music Hymn Sing, Color Music, The Acappella Company
Id: OGBF2-kM5nM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 11sec (3371 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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