Who Issued Your Passport? | Pastor Randy Skeete

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good evening everyone I'm grateful to God for the privilege of being with you here tonight I'm delighted to see those of you who've come and I have every assurance that God will bless you and reward you for your time that you've given to him tonight God is a God who pays his debts and that's not perhaps the best expression to use but you understand what I mean when you give time to God God blesses you he really does so do not think you're wasting your time I realize that you could have been spending your time somewhere else but we're very delighted you've chosen to be with us and God will bless you in his own way may I see the hands of those of you who are visiting with us visitors raise your hands visitors raise your hands God bless you stand up please stand up stand as quickly as you can visitors wherever you are stand it let us see you we are very pleased you've come thank you very much and a very special blessing upon you for your presence with us tonight our theme is heart to heart and as the week progresses you will begin to understand why we chose that theme heart to heart but for tonight our message is who issued your passport who issued your passport you may also give it another title the United States has three presidents count them one 2 three before I begin I want you to do three favors for me favor number one if you possess one of these I can't see if you possess one of these please turn it off I know you do some of you have more than one the reason why I'm asking you to turn it off is because we don't want to disrupt the worship of God you can't have this on in the courtroom you'll end up in jail you know that very well so please God is the highest judge in the universe let's show him some much needed respect and turn your phones off notice I did not say turn them on put them on vibrate turn them off I'll tell you why if it's on vibrate and it vibrates Natural Curiosity will drive you to look and when you look the person next to you will look to see what you're looking at so please please turn your phones off as I have turned mine off favor number two while I'm speaking I would like you to pray for me and all I want you to say is Lord put your words in that man's mouth and I based that on Jeremiah 1 ver9 which says then the Lord put forth his hand and touched my mouth and the Lord said unto me behold I have put my words in thy mouth if you pray you will protect yourself from error you didn't get it let me try it again if you pray the Lord will hear you he will answer your prayer he will put his words in my mouth and therefore your mouth mind will be protected from error so while you're praying for me at a certain level you are praying for yourself and favor number three I want you to think just one amen I want you to do what think it's an invitation from God Isaiah 1:18 come now let us do what reason together sayith the Lord it is in the act of reasoning that the Holy Ghost works on your mind the Holy Ghost does not work on an idle mind you know who works on it Satan let's pray our loving father in Heaven we thank you de God for this Priceless privilege of coming into your presence we thank you Father for the privilege of worshiping in a country that allows us to do that without persecution or molestation now Lord as this word is presented I ask you in the name of Jesus grant me the right words to speak the right spirit with which to speak these words that the truth may be undamaged the truth may Triumph your people blessed and your name glorified touch each of us according to our needs and your will for our lives in Jesus name we pray amen Matthew 12 reading from verse 22 Matthew 12 reading from verse 22 if you do not have a Bible move close to someone who does have one do you have Matthew the very first Gospel Matthew was a thief before Jesus Christ met him so if there's a thief in this congregation Let Jesus Christ touch your heart and he will transform you from a thief to a powerful disciple can you say Amen the Apostle Paul was a murderer he met Christ and he gave his life for the gospel there is no life that Jesus Christ cannot change if that life is given to him Matthew 12 reading from verse 22 the Bible says then was brought unto him one possessed with a devil blind and dumb and he healed him in so much that the Blind and dumb both spake and saw and the the people were amazed and said is not this the son of David but when the Pharisees heard it they said this fellow doth not cast out Devils but by beel the prince of the devils and Jesus knew their thoughts and said every Kingdom divided against itself is brought to Desolation and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand if Satan cast out Satan he is divided against himself how shall then his kingdom stand which is a very reasonable question as Jesus defends the miracle that he performed and if I by be elot cast out Devils by whom do your children cast them out therefore they shall be your judges verse 28 but if I cast out Devils by the spirit of God then the kingdom of God is come onto you why did I use that passage it is well known the healing of the man who was blind and dumb but this passage records more than simply a miracle of Jesus Christ it records a battle it records a war on a small localized scale it records a fight it records mutual hostility between two armies facing each other two Powers indeed two kingdoms I repeat two kingdoms were at war in the miracle that transformed that man's life from blind and dumb to speaking and seeing listen to the words of Jesus Christ reading from verse 25 of Matthew chapter 12 and Jesus knew their thoughts and said every Kingdom divided against itself is brought to Desolation and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand if Satan cast out Satan he is divided against himself how shall then his kingdom are you with me what is Jesus Christ telling us in those words Satan has what a kingdom and a kingdom is no Kingdom unless there are what people or subjects are you with me Satan has a kingdom and Jesus said that and Jesus did not lie he said of himself in John 14:6 I am the way the truth someone who is the truth does not lie Satan has a kingdom and his kingdom has subjects in verse 28 Jesus goes on to say but if I cast out devils by the spirit of God then the kingdom of God is come unto you Jesus says God has a kingdom what we have are two kingdoms the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan I told you that this miracle was really a war when Jesus Christ healed this man that man was in the Kingdom of Satan you cannot be a child of God and be possessed by Devils you can be a church member and be possessed by Devils you cannot be a child of God and be possessed by Devils is that clear now you can be a child of God and be bothered by Devils you can be a child of God and be troubled and harassed but you cannot be a child of God and be possessed by Devils when you're a child of God you are possessed by the spirit and so this man blind and dumb was a captive in Satan's kingdom and Jesus Christ launched an attack broke into Satan's kingdom and released that captive that is why Jesus said in verse 29 of Matthew 12 or else how can one enter into a strong man's house and spoil his Goods unless he first bind the strong man man and then he will spoil his house what Jesus Christ was saying what you saw me do was The Binding of Satan you saw me breaking into Satan's house meaning his kingdom you saw me launching an attack on Satan's kingdom to release one of his captives the reason why Jesus Christ has to break in and release people is because Satan does not let you go let us see that from the Bible go to Isaiah chapter 14 reading from verse 12 our double titled messages who issued your passport or the United States has three presidents Isaiah 14 reading from verse 12 I can hear your pages turning have you found Isaiah 14 yet reading from verse 12 the Bible says how art thou fallen from heaven oh Lucifer son of the morning how art thou cut down to the ground which dis weakened the Nations for thou Hast said in thine heart I will Ascend into heaven I will exalt my throne above the stars of God I will sit also upon the Mount of the congregation in the sides of the north I will Ascend above the heights of the clouds I will be like the most high yet Thou shalt be brought down to Hell to the Sid of the pit this is God speaking now that you will be brought down your ambitions are to go up and God is saying but I will bring you down they that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee and consider thee saying is this the man that made the Earth to tremble by the way one day the children of God and the children of Satan will see Satan and when we see him we will say is this the man that made the Earth to tremble that did Shake kingdoms that made the world as a Wilderness and destroyed the cities thereof and listen to how verse 17 ends that opened not the house of whom his prisoners listen to me carefully don't let anyone distract you tonight when Satan has you he does not let you go unless he is forced by a greater power and the only Power that's greater than the power of Satan is the power of God whether in the person of the father of the son out of the Holy Ghost I repeat when Satan has you he does not let you go and only Jesus Christ can get you out you cannot decide to leave Satan's kingdom you cannot do it now you can make all the decisions you like but you cannot carry it out as a human being cannot leave Satan's kingdom which means with Satan there is no freedom but in the Kingdom of Christ you can leave anytime you like because Christ gives what Freedom you can decide Jesus I've had it with you I'm gone of course when you say that you only have one other place to go and that is Satan's kingdom understand me clearly not MacDonald's Satan's kingdom in his the kingdom of Christ let me repeat you can live any time you like Christ will cry he cannot force you to stay in the Kingdom of Satan you cannot leave and so Jesus has to break you out there are people who are trapped in Satan's kingdom they may be listening to me tonight they have tried they have tried they've tried to change the life but they have tried without the power of Jesus Christ and any attempt outside of the power of Christ to break away from Satan is destined to be a spectacular failure the only way to break from the grip of Satan is to ask Jesus Christ to come and deliver you and you ask him by giving the life to him when you do that then Jesus has the legal right what word did I use the legal right sin gives Satan a legal right to your life you look confused let me try to clarify I travel all over the world as you heard brother dentist tell you and sometimes when I'm gone for a month I go to the US Embassy in the country where I am and I register my presence so if something happens somebody knows when I into that Embassy I am on us soil are you with me and if I'm running from the police let's say in Kenya or Tanzania or Ethiopia wherever I am Indonesia Philippines where I go all the time once I get into that Embassy they can't touch me now let's take the Indonesian embassy in New York or Washington DC wherever it is if an Indonesian citizen runs into that Kingdom or that Embassy the US police cannot come in and touch him or her are you following me that Embassy is called sacred soil now Satan has embassies and the embassy of Satan is called sin when you and I persist in having sin in our lives Satan uses that sin as his legal rightful Embassy and it is sacred soil that Jesus Christ respects when I say respect don't misunder understand the word Christ will not come in there Uninvited you still didn't get it you look lost lovely but lost let me try it again persistent sin in the life I'm not talking about a mistake an error a life of sin constitutes an embassy in that person's life for Satan and only Christ at the invitation of The Sinner can come and get you out let me rehearse what I've said before and review there are two kingdoms the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan in the kingdom of God Christ is the king in the Kingdom of Satan Satan is the king let us see that from the lips of Christ himself let's go to John CH 12 reading verse 31 as we continue who issued your passport or the United States has three presidents it is now 5 minutes after 7 I believe we have until 8 but please don't panic I will not go up to 8 I know you have to prepare for work tomorrow do we have Matthew 12 sorry John 12 reading verse 31 listen to Jesus Christ now is the Judgment of this world now shall who the prince of this world be cast out referring to Satan go to John chapter 14 reading verse 30 John chapter 14 reading verse 30 Jesus says Hereafter I will not speak or talk much with you for the prince of this world cometh and hath nothing in me go to John 16 reading verse 11 this is Christ over and over in John 16:1 Jesus says of judgment because the prince of this world is judged so Jesus Jus calls Satan the prince of this world Jesus Christ understands and recognizes that Satan is the widespread influence on this Earth and most of the inhabitants of this world have given their allegiance to Satan and Christ understands that now by his death on Calvary Jesus Christ legally bought back the world from Satan but he does not yet possess he's coming to do that legally it's his but practically it is still under the control the thumb of Satan he is the prince of this world Paul calls him in 2 Corinthians 4:4 the God of this world of course we know Jesus Christ is called in Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder his name shall be called what wonderful counselor the Mighty God the Everlasting father and the Prince of Peace in Acts chapter 3 verse 154 we read and killed the Prince of Life whom God raised from the dead whereof we're Witnesses he's called the Prince of Life he's called The Prince of Peace Satan's kingdom has a prince and the word Prince archon means the chief the ruler Satan's kingdom has a ruler that's Satan God's kingdom has a ruler that's Christ two kingdoms two sets of subjects question for you don't answer me to which kingdom do you belong don't don't answer me I'll give you some information momentarily upon which you can base an intelligent response here is the question again to which kingdom do you belong there are only two there isn't a Middle Kingdom where you rest as you try to decide which of the two to join here's the information you need to to determine intelligently to what kingdom you belong or I belong two kingdoms two rulers two sets of subjects two constitutions let's look at the constitution of God Exodus 20 reading from verse one Exodus 20 the 2 book of the Bible reading from verse one the Bible says and God spake all these words saying I am the Lord thy God which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt and out of the house of bondage Thou shalt have no other gods before me Thou shalt not make unto thee any gven image or the likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the Earth we'll pass to commandment three Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain for remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy five honor thy father and thy mother six Thou shalt not kill seven Thou shalt not commit adultery eight thou shalt not steal nine Thou shalt not bear false witness 10 Thou shalt not covet these 10 constitute the constitution of the kingdom of God now the kingdom of God extends throughout the Universe which means that this constitution operates on Earth and it operates in heaven let me say that differently the laws god require us to keep on Earth are the same he requires of angels in heaven and so we pray the Lord's pray say to with me Our Father which art in heaven Hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done where how God has one standard for the entire intelligent universe and by intelligent Universe I'm exempting the animals all created intelligent beings the Angels those who live on earth other people on other inhabited planets they are required to live by one common Universal standard one common Constitution upon which the entire kingdom of God runs and that is the law of God ELO white writes in Bible commentary volume 6 page 1070 paragraph 4 the Lord does not save Sinners by abolishing his law which is the foundation of his government in heaven and in Earth Now understand that very clearly in Psalm 103:20 the Bible says bless the Lord ye his angels that excel in strength that do his Commandments hearkening unto the voice of his word the Bible is clear Angels keep the Commandments of God we are required to keep the Commandments of God because we are all part of God's kingdom and God's kingdom has one Constitution that is his law let's take a look at God's law because you can use the word love when you talk about God's Commandments here's why you use the word love and love is is everything that does not have to do with you with me that's a very rubber hits the RO definition love is anything that does not have to do with me or self let me explain what I mean listen to commandment one Thou shalt have no other gods before me in other words I am called upon to respect somebody else and who is that God put no one in his place commandment two thou shalt not make unto thee any Graven image I am called upon to respect someone else by not having images that's God commandment three Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain again I am called upon to respect and consider someone else commandment four remember the Sabbath day keep it holy I'm called upon to respect someone else that is God and also my fellow human being thou nor thy son nor thy daughter the my un servant made servant thy cattle nor thy Stranger Within thy Gates commandment five honor thy father and thy mother I must consider someone else commandment six Thou shalt not kill I consider someone else commandment seven Thou shalt not commit adulter I must consider someone else commandment eth Thou shalt not steal I must consider someone else commandment nine Thou shalt not bear false witness I must consider someone else commandment 10 Thou shalt not covet I must consider someone else none of the Ten Commandments calls upon me to consider me not one there is no Commandment that says Thou shalt love thyself that God wrote listen to Satan's Constitution we read it earlier not knowing that's what it was Isaiah 14 reading from verse 13 for thou H has said in thine heart I will Ascend into heaven I will exalt my throne above the stars of God I will sit also upon the Mount of the congregation in the sides of the north I will Ascend above the heights of the clouds I will be like the most high Satan's Constitution is self self me myself and I God's Constitution is you and so John 3:16 Says for God so loved the world that he took all that he could no for God so Lov the world that he gave that is love taking is not love giving is Love The Ten Commandments call us to give give love to God give love to our fellow man not to ourselves and if the Bible ever calls upon you or me to improve ourselves it is that we might more effectively and efficiently give love that's God 's Constitution Satan has one it is me get all you can put I at the center of everything God's Constitution is put someone else at the center of everything and so for the sake of our Salvation God gave his son for the sake of saving us he forsook his son for the sake of saving us he refused to remove the cup from his son that he might save us there are two kingdoms name the first one Kingdom of what's the other Kingdom there are two kings or rulers name the first one name the second one there are two subjects name them we haven't named them before let's name them now Saints and Sinners I shouldn't do that Saints I take those gestures back Saints and Sinners can you leave the kingdom of God anytime you like answer me can you leave Satan's kingdom anytime you like no that's a frightening thought does God's Kingdom have a constitution what is it his law the Satan's kingdom have a constitution what is it I self here's a question again to what kingdom do we belong here's how you tell what is my attitude towards God's Constitution or Satan's Constitution how many of you have ever taken the oath of Allegiance uh you became a citizen you had to take the oath anyone okay what did you swear Allegiance too french fries and burgers although some of us well no don't say that what did you swear Allegiance too that you would protect from domestic and foreign enemies the Constitution anything that's unconstitutional is then what it is thrown out the Constitution of the United States now every country has its equivalent whether written or understood God has his and a citizen of God's kingdom is someone who has sworn allegiance to God's Constitution conflict and courage page 15 paragraph 3 El white writes like the Angels the Dwellers in Eden had been placed under probation their happy estate could be retained only on condition of fidelity to the Creator's laws or Allegiance they could obey and live disobey and perish what am I saying a child of the kingdom of God is someone who acknowledges God's law as the standard of righteousness on Earth and in heaven it's a law of love a citizen of Satan's kingdom is just simply the opposite someone who does not acknowledge the central role of God's Constitution his law his Commandments in that person's life life I'll tell you something you may find difficult to believe where perhaps you won't the only way to be right with God is to be right with his law let's do some reasoning you promis to think well you didn't say it but I assume you did what is sin what's the opposite of sin I heard it say it loudly what's the opposite of sin righteousness all right we have sin we have righteousness what is sin what is righteousness yes you were momentarily distracted let me go over that lesson again what is sin what is right rightousness yes and so what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh God sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin condemn sin in the flesh that the righteousness of the law might what be fulfilled in us who walked not after the flesh but after the spirit all those in the kingdom of God they walk after the spirit and a man or a woman who walks after the spirit fulfills the righteousness of the law or has that righteousness fulfilled in him or in her I'll tell you something about the Lord during the week that perhaps may surprise you pleasantly there's a particular message that you must not miss it's it is also the theme heart tohe heart don't miss tomorrow night we really not any night but don't miss tomorrow night because I will show you tomorrow night why law is absolutely necessary why am I saying that we live in a world where Satan has very very cleverly craftily gotten into the heads of preachers not drunkards and white preachers to stand in holy desks and say the law has been what done away with now you can't get more successful than that when you hire a preacher to say the law has been done away with and people believe it by the millions there are two kingdoms the kingdom of God the kingdom of Satan now in every country on Earth you have those two kingdoms plus the visible Kingdom in that country are you with me so who's the visible president of the United States you don't know let me tell you Barack Obama now who are the other two invisible presidents God and Satan but they're really only two kingdoms because all members of the the visible kingdom are either in one of the invisible kingdoms or the other am I making this clear let me say that again there are really one of my titles is the United States have three presidents but they're really only two you see in every every country on the face of the earth in every Church the members are split not necessarily down the line but split into those in God's kingdom and those in Satan's kingdom every single person in the United States belongs either to God's kingdom or to Satan's kingdom but I've got good news for you if you believe by the quality of your life that you are in Satan's kingdom you can leave tonight that amen was lifeless and malnourished let say it again it got worse this is not my night let me say it again if you believe by the life you live and you alone and God can evaluate your life that you are in Satan's kingdom you you can leave tonight by the power of Christ yes Satan does not let you go but there is a power you can call upon to break you free and he binds the devil and breaks it breaks his house lets you out and there's nothing Satan can do to stop Christ if you invite Jesus Christ how do I know if I am in Satan's kingdom what is my my attitude towards God's law do I honor and obey God's law through faith in Jesus Christ do I understand that a converted person is converted from Disobedience to obedience do I understand that a converted person goes from a heart that hates God's law to a heart that loves God's law do I understand that when God gave Moses instruction for the building of the Ark The Ten Commandments were placed in the ark the ark represented the Throne of God the foundation of God's Throne is his law and all subjects of God's kingdom they love God's law as Jesus loved the law of whom it was predicted in Psalm 40:8 I Delight to do thy will oh my God yay thy law is where within my heart but if the law is only in the Bible well I'm glad it is but if that's where it stays then you can always close it and the law is shut the law must move from the Bible to our hearts when God's law is in our hearts as it was for Christ whom we say we love that marks us as citizens of the kingdom of God not church membership the rulers of the churches in the days of Christ or the church they were the ones who said crucify him now the the the non-church they said let him go the Romans the church said crucify him membership in a church does not constitute membership in the kingdom of God now God's kingdom has a church don't misunderstand me but it is wrong and misleading and dangerous to on Eternal interest to assume that church membership and Kingdom membership are the same they are not unless that person who's a member is someone who loves the righteous law of God by which Jesus lived and for which he died 27 after 8 after seven repetition is a key strategy when teaching we have four gospels they repeat a lot of things so forgive me if I am repetitive tonight two kingdoms two sets of subjects not three Christ object lessons page 283 paragraph 3 Ellen White writes there are only two classes in the world today and only two classes will be recognized in the Judgment those who violate God's law and those who obey and so the question is to which class do you and I belong listen to me carefully in every service like this there is someone receiving the message the call the invitation for the last time two kingdoms two rulers two sets of subjects two constitutions where do you and I belong let me ask you to do something for me if you believe you are securely in the kingdom of God raise your right hand I'm waiting for more hands to go up hands down you're not sure you're in God's kingdom let me see your hand you only have a choice of two you are not sure you in God's kingdom raise your hand I'm very serious hands down you are sure you're not in God's kingdom raise your hand my brother God bless you for your courage I mean it from my heart you know you're not in God's kingdom by the life you live you don't have to be a murderer or rapist or someone who incites genocide you can be polite well educated smooth you know how to use a knife and fork and a whatever else and a child of the devil he anyone else I know from what I've heard and my examination of my own life I am not in the kingdom of God can I see your hand I saw one hand and the other hand sister God bless you I mean that from my heart God bless you someone else God bless you someone else I know with painful honesty I am not in the kingdom of God I'm a nice person but I'm not in God Kingdom raise your right hand sister God be with you God bless you we going to change tonight someone else someone else I know I am not in the kingdom of God I am nice I'm everything but I'm not in God's Kingdom your hand someone else it's only 7:30 I have half an hour but I won't take it God bless you God bless you those of you who raise your hands come quickly come someone has to come first I know my brother do you have a baby in your hand okay come come you raise your hand come I don't think I'm in God's kingdom come come come close come close come close come close thank you someone else come sister God bless you God bless you when you leave this place you leave a citizen of God's kingdom somebody said amen am doesn't take 10 years or 5 minutes it's instant someone else I do not think I'm in God's Kingdom Come don't be cool there's nothing cool about hell I am not sure quite I fact I'm quite sure I'm not in God's Kingdom Come This is life and death we're talking about sister God bless you you someone else come I don't honor God's law I don't study his word I don't pray I have people on my heart I have them forgiven for 15 years I don't pay tithe how am I ass of God's kingdom how I do not think I'm citizen of God's Kingdom Come rest of you should be praying Lord move on Hearts because Satan is trying to keep people in their seat God bless you my dear brother God bless you from my heart someone else come sister come my honest evaluation of my life tells me I really am not in the kingdom of God I am nice I'm all of that but I'm not in the Kingdom of of God you're not saved because you're nice you're saved because the life is in the hand of Jesus Christ three strong young men God bless you someone else very shortly we'll pray I will lead the prayer and I'll ask you to give me permission to pray for you so when my voice is heard in the courtroom of Heaven it will represent all of you who come someone else come quickly I'm quite sure I'm not in God's Kingdom come here's the call let me modify it I am not sure now the first call was I'm not this one is I am not sure you come leave this place sure and that certainty must be renewed every day I am not sure I am in God's kingdom come God bless you from my heart God bless you God bless you my good brother God bless you I'm not sure my brothers and sisters don't be cool be smart a decision is a psychologically powerful thing make it decide tonight I want to leave this place sure that I'm a citizen of God's kingdom come my God bless you my brother someone else I'm not sure I don't want to use Scare Tactics but people die every night how do you know you'll be here tomorrow the Bible says today if you'll hear his voice not tomorrow you know why God arranged when he made Adam and Eve even though they were sinless you must sleep and Rise sleep and Rise sleep represents a kind of death so every day is a brand new you start all over it is day by day you don't live and live live you sleep that represents a death you stop then you rise you stop you rise I lift you up day by day come tonight you have life I am not sure I want to leave this place sure come I'm always causing trouble in the church church board is glad when I don't show up for the meetings come someone led by the spirit of God is not a trouble maker come I won't hold this very long I know you need to go 25 to 8 60 seconds I know I'm not in God's kingdom and I want to be I am not sure and I want to be sure 60 seconds begin now God bless you God bless you God bless you 45 seconds God bless you God bless you Sister 30 seconds someone else come 15 seconds five I'm going to pray for those who came and I will put myself with them we're going to ask God to give us the certainty that we're in his kingdom by a recommitment of Our Lives to him we will ask God to help us every day to make that commitment all over again Christ triumphant page 122 paragraph 3 Ellen White writes to follow Jesus Jesus requires wholehearted conversion at the start and a repetition of this conversion every day every day you rise from sleep that's a resurrection recommit that life which is a gift from God to you to him if you will give me permission to go to God's throne for you those of you who came I want you to say at uh I raise your right hand you give me permission to pray for you I want every hand raised so I know we all together every hand raised heads bowed those of you who you know you're in God's kingdom you say father thank you for your love your salvation I recommit my life to you would you join us and stand you know you're in God's kingdom you want to recommit your life to God and that is necessary every day just stand with us I'm praying for those who came heads bowed eyes closed our loving father in Heaven Father in Heaven meaning de God you are in charge of the entire universe we thank you Father for this message you've sent we thank you de God that there's room in your kingdom for all of those who came we thank you that the power to break us from the kingdom of Satan is available even as this prayer is uttered and that all the resources of Heaven if necessary have been Marshall and ready to be put at our disposal to break us free from Satan's grasp and plant us in your kingdom as your word says in Colossians 1:13 who ha delivered us from the power of darkness and has translated us into the kingdom of his dear son we're asking you to do that tonight Father in Heaven we've sinned against you and every sin is a support for the kingdom of Satan and we publicly say we're sorry we apologize to you for taking your name in vain by calling ourselves Christians and living a different kind of life we are sorry and we ask you father to give us deep repentance a repentance that leads us to pray and cry as we pray a contrite and a broken heart so father forgive us we pray the sacrifice of Jesus Christ is the basis on which you can forgive any sin and we've come to say by our lifestyles we have branded ourselves as citizens of the kingdom of Satan we want a transfer now and so in the name of Jesus Christ who is not willing that any should perish in the name of Jesus Christ who gave his life for us in the name of Jesus Christ who took our human condition in the name of Jesus Christ who intercedes for us now in his sinless powerful Divine death conquering name we ask you God receive us all of us break us out of Satan's grasp we offer this prayer in the name of Jesus believing you have heard us and it is done and father let us not wait to feel delivered let us trust your word We Stand now as children of the kingdom of God and we say hallelujah to our Savior thank you God now father by your spirit touch our hearts day by day that we may renew this surrender even as Satan tries constantly to bring us back let us daily recommit Our Lives into your hands that you may care for us take care of us grant us your spirit de God give us a desire for your word because it is the word that has power as Jesus Christ demonstrated in the wilderness when he repeatedly said it is written let us find joy in spending time on our knees father change our habits change our tastes make them spiritual God break the habits we have and give us Godly habits and for those resisting the call for whatever reason father I ask you to trouble them trouble them to the point of divine irritation until they surrender to you trouble them for their own sake and For Your Glory hear this humble prayer dear loving God bring us back tomorrow night to hear message I believe you've placed in my heart for your people bring us back tomorrow night day God in the meanwhile take us home safely protect us from harm and danger post Angels around our houses that we may sleep in safety if it pleases you to give us life tomorrow let us commit that life to your glory watch over us father we love you we thank you for your salvation we offer this prayer in jesus' name and for his sake let all God's people say amen and amen God bless you God God bless you return to your seats with confidence come back tomorrow do not allow anyone to question the fact that you are a citizen of God's kingdom and I invite you from my heart come tomorrow the Lord has a message for you that you must not miss and bring someone with you may God bless you until he comes to take you [Music] home [Applause] [Music]
Channel: 2CBN TV
Views: 18,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaither Vocal Band - Hear My Song, Lord Gaither Vocal Band - Jesus Messiah, Gaither Vocal Band – Reaching, No One But You (Live) - Hillsong Worship, King of Kings (Live) - Hillsong Worship, Hallelujah – Pentatonix, God Only Knows - Pentatonix, Mary, Did You Know? – Pentatonix, Can You Feel the Love Tonight? – Pentatonix, LLUC | Heritage Singers, Katy Perry - Harleys In Hawaii, Taylor Swift - ME!, Katy Perry - Small Talk, God Only Knows – Pentatonix, Wintley Phipps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 32sec (3272 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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