In search of LARGE GEMMY Garnets!

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[Music] well hello everyone Dan with Dan prospecting here welcome back to my channel and if you're new welcome I hope to earn your subscription today we are back here above Harrison Lake one of my favorite spots this is my zen area of the province even when everything else is frozen out we've got great weather here and there are some amazing Minerals today we're after Garnet so wish us luck and I hope you [Music] enjoy now where we're hunting today is not down here at the lake we're way up in the mountains up in the snow line I don't think we're going toit hit snow today it's a beautiful fall day what is it November 18th it is 18th today so we're not froze out yet from winter but any day now luckily down here it's still gorgeous we made it to the site now this is a little bit different than my Garnet site which is way over there somewhere this seems to be all in float which means it's loose gravel loose rocks in the dirt rather than my site where we're breaking it off of Bedrock so what we're doing now is we're just looking through all the float and seeing if we can find any rocks showing us nice garnets this site is different than mine in that there are really big fully faceted beautiful garnets here we just have to get lucky and find the right Rock we are seeing lots and lots of evidence of garnets lots of garnets all over the place we still looking for those big fully formed ones but I'm sure it will happen big Chun chunk of shist just loaded in garnets M A shist is mostly what the garnets are formed in here shist you have to be careful how you say that word gits garnets everywhere gits gits everywhere so my new friend here Celeste just found our first one with big big garnets now unfortunately most of our equipment is still back at the truck which is a bit of walk away so I can't give you a close-up of this yet but I'm sure I will be in a moment nice work and a nice big rock of shist with a bunch of mediumsized ones in it not the large like you had other Rock but nice medium ones let's find one of those big big perfectly formed crystals it'll be here somewhere that's a pretty big one that's not bad here's my first one with some medium siiz garnets in it we're looking for the big ones though well there's a big plate of Micah woohoo most of the Micah shift here is microscopic chunks of M little tiny plates all squished together there's a couple of big big plates very cool or or just formed because water was in the mix this is looking nice and promising got good Garnet right there good Garnet right there another one over there yeah those are nice sizes I like what I found here should I let everyone else know I like what I found here let's try this wooo no not that good but still I got a good one I got a good her so Ricky had the foresight to actually bring some tools with us on our little walk so he's got a hammer see if I can knock off a corner yeah nice garnets that's what I'm looking for right there is specimen garnets little piece of uh host with beautiful garnets poking out and that is it why didn't I bring my close-up with me well that'll be my first medium good one and don't worry I don't have the closeup with me but I will be taking close-up shots of all of this when I get back to the truck well I've been hiking through the forest looking at rocks and I've come across this great big wash if I'm going to find big garnets it's going to be in this wash wish me luck so I found my rock with the first big Garnet that looks like a doozy but someone tell me what I found here what is that right against the garnet some sort of yellow gemstone interesting never mind that wasn't even a garnet that was just pitch on the rock that yellow was Pitch I am definitely now in the right spot there are so many rocks with garnets in it everywhere here just a matter of time before I find the big one oh look at this guy every dot you see is a garet and some of them are big it's a great little cluster right there cluster oh Garnet loving it oh well that rock the garnets and to give you a bit of scale for they're all 1/8 garnets through this whole Rock maybe even up quarter lot of them I see something that looks really promising underneath that big rock let go over have a look another big one here but that looks really promising not quite someone reminding me again what are the black crystals here I know I asked last time I was up here okay here we are the first woohoo Rock of the day although I woohoo over there the second woohoo Rock of the day this one has gits up to the size of quarters I see in it okay this is what I saw we're in a creek so everything down here gets water worn but this is what I saw is two gnets one two that have been worn off flat that is easily the size of a quarter what else is in here there's one there nice big one oh there's another one let's break it open and see if we have good formed ones in inside luckily the GoPro is waterproof it just fell in the creek it just cracked have a look I see one I see the socket of another there is a garnet oh it's free I can move it oh yes okay I'll get it out in a second but I see a a socket of another she's down there I'll see what I can do with her in a second I'm not sure why Garnet or female uh anyhow there's another guy right there now he's a guy I don't know what I'm talking about GN it and there it is the first big one of the day I will clean that up and show you what she looks like all cleaned up I've decided to put the full rock into the backpack and extract these bigger ones in a more controlled environment don't worry you'll see them where there's one there's bound to be more and those still had a lot of host rock stuck to the garnet the ones I've seen come from here pop out almost perfectly clean so we got to find some of those and this will be the second woohoo nice big garnets throughout this rock nice big rock I'm going to be able to be bashing at this for hours to get all the garet out woohoo nice the big ones in this rock seem to be about 38 across which is a really nice size well in the end that wasn't nearly as good as I thought it was so find a new woohoo rock well filled my shoe with water but also found really nice garnet and it's in a big rock I found a really big rock of really big garnets I've been going half an hour trying to dig it out it's been very very difficult and it's starting to move now but everything above it starting to go with it so I'm putting the camera on myself just in case I bury myself didn't bury myself but that's too big for me to lift so of course we have with us today Ricky I don't think I've introduce him yet on camera and I called him down here to uh help me with this Beast as we flipped it over oh my goodness what we found big garnets all through it those are nice it's too heavy for us to lift so what we're going to do here is we're going to try to break this open a bit a good fracture there yeah break it open we give us an idea of what's inside and it also get pieces that we can move easier and I don't think I've uh introduced Evan either hey guys this is Evan thank you for inviting us out today no worries any this is awesome careful that one's loose w we got you we got you yeah that's uh at these monkers that's literally solid yeah like good fine all through it yeah you almost went for a ride there I almost went with him so this is pretty typical for me I'm putting so much my backpack I can hardly lift it there a good one right there we'll see if we can get one more chunk off this and then move on to another well that rock was lucrative and I'm leaving half of it at the river I can only carry so much weight my backpack up that hill and knowing me I'll find something else I want along the way I can do it I can do it way up there I made it to the top quite the climb up that wash I start about where that big boulder is right in the water down there but there's a lot more to be had on that way up a lot more to be had check out Ricky's find woo that is nice nice Nuggie just broke an end off that rock that we're working on that git there perfectly formed still in the rock that will make a great specimen managing to pull out a nice garet I think I can pop this off by hand yep that will be a specimen for my website once I clean it up so boys will be boys right Ricky yep yep and we found a nice big rock and we found a really deep slope what do you think we should do with the big rock and the big slope I don't know it looks like Evan might have one too there go here comes Ricky big one it's heavy too full of iron this is um petrified Sasquatch turd petrified Sasquatch turd petrified Squatch yeah yeah yeah oh she broke okay I'll take that got another one oh you're getting more I'm a very bad thk I'm a very bad that was a big oh right on the first oh boys we'll be boys the little guy they keep going watch the whole hill and we're not talking the rocks oh I went a little further than everyone can I do it too can I do it too it yay goes further than all of them won't stop can't stop that's a big one Ricky that is a big NE it's the right stuff too got baby Garn baby garnets hey Rick hit that rock let's break these garnets out oh no it's Moss stop runs after it hey Rick right here buddy yes there he goes That's cool want me to buy yes oh you see that big one move yeah open I put more in the backpack no I can do this so I'm back here in the Rock Shop cutting all sorts of Rock to sell on our website but it's time to get some of those garnets out of the Rock and see what they look like way too loud in here to film got to turn the saws off peace and quiet now let's see what I actually got it's been a month since we were up there collecting I have been busy busy busy let's go in here and see what kind of garnets I've got well quite the collection of rock iy pulled out of there got a couple loose guys that will be able to be cleaned up nicely but let's see if we can pull one or two nice ones out of the rock on camera get them all cleaned up and show you the potential of what these could look like look a chair there's one it popped out there it is that is is beautiful and that one popped out fairly clean some of the others I have are coming out really dirty and will take a lot of cleaning up to get those looking nice but that is beautifully clean coming out of the rock I think that one goes up as a specimen just like that with the host attached and all that will be on my website just like that beauty now let's go for another this is fun and this one was broken on the surface but when it popped out I can see three faceted edges those will take a little bit of grind not grinding but chipping to clean up properly oh maybe there we go just like that and again be a beautiful specimen this one here will take a bit of cleanup to make it nice looking ready for sale but it will be a perfect little specimen and another popping out how about this guy I might need a more delicate chisel how many comments I going to get about these sandals these slippers yes these are the slippers I wear into the shop to keep the oily garbage off of my socks cuz I tend to walk out here and just socked feet otherwise make all the comments you want right now yes I should have safety boots on out here I love it they just kind of Bounce out of nowhere I didn't even see that one it just popped out oh no I broke the garet there's still going to be a good little specimen right there I broke the backside off okay that one didn't come out all that clean on to the next one not bad on that one beautiful little specimen should probably get one of these out come completely I like it when they have the host attached still so you can see what it was formed in but I should get one out completely oh I think I have one out I'll clean up the one that I have out already now there's the best one so far to lick yummy the taste of Garnet in the morning that is good love it and we're going to leave that one as is on top of that chunk came out into the daylight just to see if daylight gives me better lighting for showing these garnets looks like one more good one in this rock sitting right there see what we can do now one of the tricks when dealing with a shist here is it has a definite grain to it and if you work with the grain it breaks apart if you try to work against the grain it is a tough tough Rock so what I'm going to try to do is I'm going to try to tap it over here again with the grein and see if I can split it down to where the garnet is not tap happen anywhere close to that git let's see if I can get the git there's the garet right there keep my thumb on to keep it protected split off the surface but not down onto the garnet might get a smaller Hammer here here we go I just fill up the garnet move see what we got okay it's nice big Garnet nice flat surfaces but may have to get some more delicate tools to try to break off the shist around it now there's all sorts of tricks I could be using here on a soft bed all sorts of things I could be doing and I will go to those if I think I need to in the future if you work on a piece of leather protects it oh this is coming out perfect though you just got to get that off the surface and we're good I think I'm going to leave that as a specimen just like that after I clean up that surface and the twofer 211 the terrible light in my garage here does not do this Justice of the color of these red garnets they look kind of black in here but they are definitely red I wonder if I get a light to pass through them to show you and another beautiful specimen well that's the first rock completely dealt with and we've got all those specimens from it let's move on to the next one there's a big one just popped out they're dirty hopefully they clean up nicely and another Beast I'll be very intrigued to see what these things clean up like and a cute little one well it just kind of exploded in my hand here let's see what it looks like is that one there's one right there really nice facet on that one but the one that I'm intrigued with with is right there look at that Beast two nice garnets I have a lot of cleanup to do I think I'm going to leave it at that I'm going to take that pan of garnets to the shop and clean them up and see what they look like now my thought was to take these into the shop the lapidary shop and do some manual polishing of each of the Garns make them shine them up clean them up but I'm thinking of trying my vibratory tumbler this is a rock Tumbl for polishing rocks it's not really a tumbler it doesn't tumble it just shakes and vibrates and I'm thinking of trying that on one or two pieces we'll just throw in one or two little guys run that for a couple hours and see what it looks like if it looks like that will clean them up without the manual hard work of actually going and manually cleaning them that would be awesome now as a media in here I have these little green pyramids let's clean off some of those little green pyramids that are a braid abive now I don't know the hardness of this abrasiveness it will definitely take the shist off I'm just hoping it doesn't Mark up the garnets themselves and I have been told when doing something like this with garnets and shist and you don't want to mark up the garnets to put lots of buffer in there and what I'm going to use for buffer is some tumbled chips of penol light I sent a whole bunch of material overseas to get processed into spheres Towers Palm stones that kind of stuff and I asked them to make the chips the leftover pieces into polished chips now I didn't expect them to do the penal light cuz penal light doesn't look like much it's nothing unlike the ocean picture Stone and Jade and stuff this stuff really isn't good for much but because it's a soft Stone about the same as a marble it won't mark up the garnets at all if I use that as a buffer in there it will help cushion the garnets from rubbing against each other and marking each other up plus it will help erode away some of the shist from around the garnets so I'm hoping with the little triangles and that buffer material that these will come out looking great so let's give this a shot we'll throw a couple in I might even throw this big one in see what happens and H which other one throw those two in okay there's four in oh I need one of the big guys let's put that guy in there's five in there we'll let that vibrate for an hour too much water I need more buffer material okay let's put the lid on that see what it looks like maybe maybe for the one on that try that there we go probably shouldn't be trying this well off there we go oops we went out it's been running for 4 hours let's check out what it looks like well there's the first one and it's looking good the big gu is getting there cleaning up actually quite nicely but looks like it would need a lot more time before it's right clean I'm going to leave that in for a bit yes this is working again this one needs more time but this is working nicely to clean these oops left one of my GS and shist from my last run in here I thought I'd clear cleaned all those out my last run in the tumbler I was cleaning up these garnets and shist these are small garnets in a Micah shist let's get a good close-up shot of those these are the typical ones I see from my claim my claim that I've uh worked at a lot in the past these garnets and shist I've got lots of them before now I'm playing with the big stuff if you want any of these I've got these on my website too anyhow there should be a couple more of those bigger ones in the Tumblr let's go find them there we be this is the way to clean them up well that looks to be it for the test pieces in here I don't see anymore but I sure like the look of what I got I actually found a bunch more of my micro specimens of garnets and schist that I didn't grab out the last time plus all the pieces I put in there I like the way this is working I think it needs a bit more time I left it for 4 hours I'm thinking 12 hours are probably going to be perfect I am going to throw the rest in and clean them up this way because I sure like that now we're going to have to leave it there for today if you want to see the results of what those look like after tumbling for 12 hours you'll have to check back to my Facebook Instagram and Tik Tok accounts and see the results I will be posting lots of pictures there and remember I do Post lots of content to those other accounts that don't necessarily make it onto YouTube so make sure you're following me on my social media hope you enjoyed the video if you did please that thumbs up if I haven't earn your subscription yet I hope I earned it today and a big thanks to everyone for watching especially my patrons hope you're all having a great day and until the next one bye [Music]
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 111,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gold panning, prospecting, panning for gold, mining, gold, rock hunting, rock hound, rock collecting, british columbia, bc, video, canada, finding gold, gemstones, gem stone, gems, treasure hunting, metal detecting, diamond mining, metal detector, gold detector, gold river, metal detecting gold, gemstone hunting, gold panning for beginners, finding gold with a metal detector, metal detecting for gold, sluice box, how to gold pan, gold mining process, gupta dham, Real diamond
Id: -PsP-nqVzQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 35sec (1475 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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