"IN REPHIDIM" Exodus 17:8-13 by Ptr. Tin Corpus - Sept. 17, 2017 AM

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I mean behind in touring that'd be all about doing what you're going to do it our mitts have your way have your way Jesus amen amen so relationship HIV epidemic Griffin immunes mainly no place where it all happened so a session of supposed to determine and release the Lord the enemy cannot stop me from sharing the world today the hill with a rod of God in my end they decide so Joshua did as Moses said to him and fought with the mallet and Moses Aaron and Hur went up to the top of the hill and so it was when Moses held up his hat that Israel prevailed and when he let down his hand a mallet prevailed but Moses his hands became heavy so they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it in Aaron in her support in his hands one on one side and the other of the other side and his hands were steady until be going of the dawn of the Sun so Joshua defeated the Mallee and his people with the edge of the sword bless the Word of God alright so I'm going to start off but then you buy some aha without like that message coming on I look at it now has the road gotten it easy not really but it's amazing how God never leaves us I must watch out but gonna be increased and of you know on you've been a tennis and you've been a piranhas as a dependency and I give you one now about what I'm excuse excuse detour Donna well Maya Mancha and Alicia Machado data test I'm an eruption behind elusive an initial shangela the best indicator if you get a finger well of favoritism so Camino on Miami Munira get Naomi I bought it it Paramakudi above another penis oven Arden now there's such a thing as physical weariness making is not a little mix-up here on is he garden not ah yes traffic graphic a cool aficionado and little traffic me back and now the topic comes up we see that mean it's a wheelhouse obese man as I'm sure you people a and Avila super oh my god I'm gonna mental clarity gonna back up again people Debus Cabana right really know physically die in Canada Mondragon an octupole the lab ok oh oh and I don't know you a ministry mama may have Papa you will embarrass again in the dilemma you know we get tired Plus what our responsibilities at home we wear many different hats yes Baba he's got a couple premise behind asana Itachi Kisame Lana Misawa Salah neva neva no pero para la piscina sometimes all right now there is also such a thing though as that's physical weariness mineral spirits one weariness agree spirit one spirit when tobacco demand imbalances or grants a mystery novel and services pero de mohamed history not in our army knowledge the voting and Magnum up we do have a full-time and are become outraged account each book and intelligence official is a networking company and Alana no matter inaudible sculpt way they were that was mrs. am convinced it's a implies it's a one Center Dhamma Joyce dire bad pero cuz I'm gonna be a bishop but then I allow my bit mad outreach and for us the moon nodding my judge I did not know boom again whenever I suppose and hardening Sabina it's a vehement opposition party now they didn't bother is eleven but but sometimes the Lord works the other way he wants to send vessels or people the same deciding upon the woman indeed I you desire for you not to be lone Ranger's something most effective at long ranges Abba merrily democracy professing Christians whether subliminal valid about research it's a phenomena it's a relationship it's between me and the Lord so unique Oak Island much search dominate my name if you read acts to mention who you you and Apollo the design and furniture chosen to test the men and they devoted themselves to the breaking of the bread the bar every day that mean it's alive my good friend of Lucilla they love anyone for the cruise I have to tell you Magoo design pneumonia ID like you casa fellowship you Madoka that was a Navajo bridge as a ministry somehow Savannah worldly friends Co world difference the helical birdie friends let's go up the opposite develop both and an unnamed the global hospital as Canada in salawats SMS a Luca non fellowship all the in the economy and the Borneo and young lad bring their big that something added intervene they took because as humans we are relational in nature by nature without relation that we have a relational God imagine he was annoyed on Cristina I for us to get into a relationship with him yes the relational in the marijuana introvert yes the introvert or a personality thing you a lot but even introverted really choice left and better could discharge of an Indian way value no spiritual family Dhamma ba- Indian manatee token a good grow sad spiritual family more one of the major things because we need to be established go pick out a Ghana Ghana kinda Cohiba be permanently allow me but Galago by on Neil I love you so you need to be here in this fellowship shaman and embody the one all right so God find their battles in verse eight I wanna jump now a Malik came and fought with Israel in reckoning Shyamala for a gravid savvy saucy so my company Jacob combat saliva at all numerology descendants the I saw the hidden attention of legendary - Azam again and I didn't gain I curse you cannot lineage so indeed indeed up in the lap of a known as in fact you see Tekamah is Lolita the kabocha people in July and I'm trying to put it simply when you bullied Allah you mama ugoita in veneto young Indian enough an arm is Aleta subhanAllah rejoice Dumont original ikkaku Paris is a promised land not so - ah - AHA - and I own your ass no provocation from the part of the Israel will improvisation in Adana voila voila vena cava betrayal excellent given Bayard in Hawaii in attack in Omaha Omaha Amalekites so in our lives there really will be conflict okay there is conflict there will be attack away there will be attack from all sides northeast Southwest inside-outside awkward - bah bah son gusto because we're Christians that's the truth imagine I'm Nicole this is X to the 17th no Diana cannabis kapha deliver Jamila from the Red Sea that's chapter 14 look at the livers - a red sea of course I'm gonna get it and from the other side we listened and they were fed by mana by the man I met you the 16 yes and then a few verses before this the beginning of chapter 17 Union the universe a heated I'll subpoena Moses and Moses did you need us out of Egypt for us - dying of thirst EJ namitha me get you some juice - Daniel mbaku handsome horse is a voice Attila Priscilla / no harm and you know I am Kamina on suppose yes Deepa God give instructions to Moses to strike the rock and when Moses stop the rock can get water team then water came up my water came out and it was enough for all the Israelites divisive a we are all right so you know beginning verse about the Titans I'm [Music] making my position if it is in the same place right in the you know you knew scenario at that time I'm trying to establish a scenario to you and imagine in more Kimiko Easter Anita thank you wow we're not behind by your manna from heaven manna from heaven that was made too big Wow so fear not feel knowing your profession employed field of people your protection the Lord of peace and security in God hallelujah and then and then the Amalekites came and attacked it in Cebu Bible means and you're a spiritual high yes you're a spiritual I can't just answer your prayers you know supernatural blessings just came in I'm gonna go so I'm dead the number me I gotta become you're going to be trying and telega it will be all around you it's going to be at word it's in you know amongst your family members Luka my relatives mama Tito Americana it's there it's in your school it's in your university it in church sometimes yes the content is there that attack is the it's gonna catch up to you it's normal some analytics is diverted in John 16:33 in this world you will have trouble but take heart jesus said take heart for I have overcome the world see Jesus is a gardener in this world you will have trouble so Vakhtang mah boooy in son not our lives our bed of roses I'm not being negative this is reality Christian real life mmm alright so in verse 9 it says and Moses said to Joshua choose Nascimento go out fight with a male tomorrow I will stand at the top of the hill with the rod of God in my hand autistic people are not of God so this is the first time Joshua was mentioned in the scripture as we know Joshua is the visitor each other value of Moses he was second in command as in fact anomalously Moses and supernote I see [Music] see now Billy Moses that I you should looks at Hilltop with a staff if the post a snake though it's just a simple shepherd staff just like in our legs we have many simple things that God gives us but when God works through it but when God uses these things they become supernatural very powerful what do you have what does God given you in your life you have gifts your talents I am a magnify the Lord multiply in order to and I wanna be given a saddle that staff divided against me fired and altered it back to turned it back to the staff as something normal but God can work miracles through something that makes something out of nothing amen so the weapons with these are not Carlotta they are not mundane ordinary their spiritual you will want to be giving up immunity thankfully some veil about and God has given us every spiritual blessing he has equipped us to be able to live a godly life Yama's sabe na anyone and einem banana in this depraved world gate open window I believe na na na na hoona my own now anyone I might know because we are able to come to him through the Holy Spirit because of what Jesus did we can intercede there is the power of prayer amoeba world spiritual a warfare amen team up okay Lisa being alone t what about he thought it'd be wonderful saving no you do it by his given authority to shop on one Street so Joshua Joshua in verse ten judgment did as Moses said to him and for the automatic in Moses and Aaron in her and went up to the top of the hill tiara Nina Moini moses somali really moses shannon high priests israel see her according to some scholars for a mr. Joseph on leaders Israelite Sukhoi asawa dong-yi Miriam immediacy London young in person Ellen and so it was when Moses hell doctor said that Israel prevailed and when he let down his hand Emily Prentiss reckoning storia I've been he said macaques and hilltop in Tabasco and Iman is a fantasy see her hoc arrow so alright so in this verse we give Xena canopy of omnipotence company no he is all-powerful and we can see from from this verse that the battle is in fact in God's hands [Music] just like your battle now just like your struggle down just like Steve I mean the no bullets money in Centauri atomically what I'm gonna just judea and see mighty thousand hour just like those struggles just like those battles with your with your unbelieving whatever spouse unbelieving relatives you masturbated in Omaha Anna hominids abide you must mourn our dear many more you know what I mean whatever your struggle is it's in God's hands he is all-powerful imagine ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba theta zero and up in a pocket underneath oh he's in control his sovereign he's omnipotent amen I think he now has a number on so whatever whatever that me Moses you but that's just the physical thing a physical thing but in the spiritual what happens is she died no no no a child I'm go on a monkey I read it or maybe the to rule about say no now we got to have our say must be in his power must be in the power of God not in ourselves that's the thing that's why we get scared that's why we panic because Egypt at the time you know ha hey I am crazily severe is he feeling very much if the guy an anointing oh yeah another point there is that God can cause you to win but God can also cause you to lose you got a tenth of their closet to lose anything and even God causes us to lose sometimes he can't win them all otherwise you'll be too puffed up and remove I love all right if you're gonna win every battle and yeah but nothing ah the synthetic of a brain you see you like your presents a church is me I love holiday you might not a minute [Music] say about that the lights about your pride that's why God causes our surgeries some bona fide an animal coming on topic our Machado Messiah no we're not no I will an item to impress upon me no animal on Saturday morning but when it's all do comfortable when it you know you get to buy the bags that you like you get to travel and understoo moon behind me you saw a number I said about was he got on you know in Cebu hi so you're a man being sign he will cause us to lose but in this verse 10 attire but Moses hands became heavy so they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on him and iron and her supported his hands were on one side the other side and his hands were at steady until the going down of the Sun survey on the nominee Elena I mean are given comedic make the venomous it Nikita Okinawa the am they got muna your anastomosis inside wanna know what I opened an eSATA my 30 second I cut aspirin and eternity and as average as I heard you tell everybody that human aspect no oh you you really dad sir in the physical of what action he was taking place sometimes the Spirit is willing but the body is weak and the flesh is still experimental again and search the mental or political you know how can you not go any luck Danny laughs but God allowed his exposes the goddess Moses this man one of the greatest men in the Bible who spoke to God face to face with allocation of hospice I died like a diva appreciation face to face learn about you know Tirupati shadow cool God allowed it to happen Massa Moses in Nenana 11 to noon in even the best of us even better saguru been a model as Mohammad Asif will be dada parag with reunion album in Telugu phenomena [Music] pour something you have everything yes I follow the example of Christ I will point out samosas to avoid how many of us now I know that the times are changing and we have entered that season we really have entered that season I don't know how much money they owe my challenges yes and it was prophesied that the battle will be fierce yes did you all hear that the battle will be here today so what every much to behold and the converse of point B and they say Sai Baba it will be little early for my ministry more but I never compromise the relationship methods alone because of the things that you want to do and that mcconaughey atomic already the Christian life in that we color it in a Christian life this is always that there's always that tendency now you to perform there's always the tendency to perform for the Lord you feel like if you don't get to do this thing it makes me less of a Christian there are times that we encounter that the enemy will of Allah it kind of above another idea for the load capacity Maya its new I am the offense car whatever that may or they can get it going - good if I wanna go I find you but I won't abortion see ya hot I think it's okay to see to admit the little Dennis it's okay about my weakness I don't see anything wrong with that because of the in Italian or you know behind closed doors Jamuna Paulo hiya spiritually sensible are you Tom on Dellavedova comparison happily networking on that's not the way that's why we have decided you know these two men Aaron occurred within a styler a combine the catheter the right at the opportunites [Music] who are the errors in the herders shall we do but I mean Sabula you know people come to our church who are a little are good somewheres and I'll elaborate some wine but you know all glory to God people are refreshed in stretch because of the presence because of the presence of God but that's not our own doing that's not that I'm doing that's God that's God working through us to get it now we become vessels to those people la la pagina Han Vennela a government who are seeking refuge excuse me who are seeking refuge does he lost Yellin Kodagu it's a boy and it ended up in a diamond Johanna Pina Colada No No maybe some have suffered losses marital problems maybe lost millions I don't know lost a lot of money negocio Emilia and the hot a diamond that defied because of anger hate rage I don't know what you know it's a maybe saw her mirror makes its Apogee vinegar namaha platinum all the non vegan and don't aha whatever the case may be Gutenberg governs ago I used on an open good yeah I didn't either I believe the Lord God of heaven could have given Moses the energy minimization of Kakinada ba ba given again a para un agua la casa que vocês Casino - Lucia palapa given that even a banana song the warrior is a child sorry Gary evenin paladin China Burma Halawa nobody here under Papa good but it'll read me Tecna and the governance 'you need encouragement and you need encouragement you need to feel whole you need to see hope again in what you do ensue I believe Aaron and her will put their sovereignty by God animal Mahabharata you deliver waiting a Mahalo God put them there i to build em up to build Moses ah ha ha ha ha ha da da da Erica Mena village Elsa yo we're a design firm Oh pastor MO and one young man until it's al see you don't trust em Bob Mollica Neela this identity key allows more gusta la Marie to meet gamma lab pahala peptides Apogee the one so to support Moses to see you know pakka akka wakka indicted here a body of Christ we laughed our marrow specific function ayodhya window and we move as one I agree Easter Vera admitted to predict or do topically to to Veneto be to move along miscible support here and again Gahanna decide question when the chemo I love behind giggle and given a la vita no give a paternity intercept in a parasite sometimes he is church because we flow in the prophetic in which we pray we see visions visions Enoch does have a need or in Nikita they were that's the beauty of being in a spiritual time that's the beauty of being here being such as a on amen ministry is never a one-man show on ministry people of ministry is never a one-man show it requires effort [Applause] [Music] [Applause] da-da-da-da-da-da-da even samosas yo give me the varsity no giv the man Jesus Erica see her Duke support so in this this is a beautiful picture of English Donna plural such as the mañana Old Testament but how are you using New Testament as an axiom you better not a gentleman into a pardon that died in a Muslim going on magma my latitia above all else the first and greatest commandment is to love God above organs and the second is like it to love others as you love yourselves bear each other's burdens have any Pablo amen so I would like to in a bit [Music] after Nina Margaret joss whedon the bunting code that these are both the water in first verse well as the first verse of iñigo young Walker's Trinity University Barack happened in relatively and this one also interested in so I researched the name of the derivative it means balusters or supports some basic Easton's Bible dictionary it is the plural of directed are singular young rectina which means a support made of gold what is a balusters element Bannister Yuma ha ha - aah - together that was you bother me me like am I here in the night market rather than taking Bannister Bannister young imp Aleister yoga no I'm from a large Normandy idiot in a banister so in Easton's Bible dictionary it's me it means supports and by another in Smith's Bible dictionary it's wrists and resting places blue Raja at the bar so in red medium tactical bomber don't serve water from the rock you show that Aspen we rest in you that if we rest in God he will provide if we rest in God he will heal if we rest in God he will restore if we rest in God he will he will he will bless you overflowing it when you rest in God the supernatural things everything will be provided free and interact with them the other meaning the supports be not even an English song support in your leader supporting one another amen a blend but God shine it's so amazing how these things come to we are in the last days if you read Matthew 24 Department Barbossa at CNN it's happening we are on the verge of a war of au revoir earthquakes marami earthquake Nagas Ghana around the world floods there are what I know MA allow me that devastation what I'm dominant mini I can't I nominate the fulfillment of the prophecies na even in the Old Testament reach old tune it's all happening anything here in that we are in that season we have entered that season and the battle will be fierce Eddie is fierce but now it's time to stand together Yama Yamaha Yamaha Yuma feeling attendance underpinning that iron this is no time to criticize other people anymore this is no time to tell other people now I am NOT a computer hacker and this is no time for that anymore and I say this I am also rebuked by the girl I am you know my judgment I open up now and other people but God is saying this is the time to come together this is the time to come together this is the time it's time to seriously envy our intersection and our bodies in a second power that takes know the economic alleluia alleluia Angie just cheats us if you can't reach them to spray for them what you think I say is you know your name Emma ha but this is the time to jump just like and in her shop into the need you see the need you jump and seize that moment seize that opportunity because you are all to do that you and me were all come to do that we're not called to judge other people to condemn them for what they're doing we are going to bring them closer to God the Ministry of reconciliation in Colaba poky Raghavan attend are you buying it in a TT sod if you can't win them with the gospel you showed up the love of Jesus well of non vedo it's our booty and what are you up to invisible Fatiha a contagion gasps so what so what you're doing God sees what you are doing and God will honor that amen our enemies 50 it's so hard no living the Christian life sedan minimum said I'm in a box with them about Madhu good car and you're gonna want to just give up and just compromise because it's easier to compromise the world say that would make the world seem so or your Christian life seems so unbearable getting them de manyu it twists are amazing unbearable the EE so cool I became when Allah said God Jesus Jesus holy is a of living of the mannequin Ellen sadati mahogany a hospital a hospital a Cohiba dial Cotulla given divided but what you have experience is real but your experience with Jesus is real team demo Highland Manmatha allegory men I've seen people who've left for a while and now they're back because normally it's like my brother before he offered on a pond in order in no one can snatch them from my hands in the Word of God says that kappa i doubt they do in life and with the world the encounter with Jesus you cannot go on sinning you cannot say oh I got a vanilla mayor got melon did you know super producer in a family of beavers don't let the enemy throw you out of this fellowship because when you do when you allow the enemy to do that that's when kind of particular pattern but God sovereign our God is sovereign these words never fail amazing but we terrified the phagosome and then let's allow people to just let's give each other's burgers it's the last day let's come together let's time together as a family Achtung Achtung impalement allah azza die oh they understand a amen at us
Channel: River of God - Galleria
Views: 723
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: River of God, River of God Galleria, Exodus, Exodus 17, Exodus 17:8-13, Ptr. Tin Corpus
Id: oGMgP72L7FY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 13sec (2593 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2017
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