In-Person or Virtual Worship Experience | Pastor Carlton P. Byrd

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[Applause] [Music] we're passing thousands [Music] already done [Music] in the army of the lord i've been trained with his holy word [Music] his procedure is not new to me his fiery dogs have been hurt before we're casting his name be strong [Music] rejoicing down in your heart get your sword get your shield and gear [Music] [Music] i i am a soldier [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hello i'm on the campgrounds of lone star camp the campground of the southwest region conference but i'm not here alone we have individuals who have evacuated from the aftermath of hurricane ida we want you to know at the southwest region conference we're being proactive not reactive if you are seeking refuge if you are seeking shelter we invite you to join us at lone star camp one of our multiple shelters that we are providing for evacuees to hurricane item we have food here it's free [Music] we have shelter here it's free and we have the love of god here it's also free throughout this day our camp staff they have attended to the needs of all the evacuees and we want you to know if you're looking for a safe secure and spiritual space lone star camp is the place for you right now for more information on how you can be accommodated at our camp give us a call number is 214-943-4444 or feel free to email us at info there may be some viewing this video right now saying dr byrd i can't get to lone star camp i can't get to the shelters in houston but what can i do to help we want you to know that we are accepting financial gifts charitable donations that will directly go to aid victims of hurricane item how can you give you can mail your gift to the southwest region conference 2215 lanark avenue dallas texas 752 0 again 2215 lanark avenue dallas texas 75203 if you would like to give an electronic gift via cash app our cash handle is dollar sign s-w-r-g-c again dollar sign s-w-r-g-c [Music] may god continue to be with you and may god continue to bless you our thoughts our prayers and our actions are with those who have been negatively impacted by hurricane [Music] um [Music] oh [Music] [Music] come come on [Music] [Music] somebody else say he's worthy he's worthy amen to be praised this morning we're going to sing a song together we're going to sing blessed assurance jesus is mind over the foretaste of glory divine there is salvation purchase of god born of his spirit and washed indeed of his blood this sing together [Music] jesus is mine oh what a foretaste of glory divine salvation [Music] [Applause] this is my story this is my story this is my song praising my savior all the day long this is my story this is my song praising my savior all the new perfect submissions [Music] is [Applause] [Music] this is my story this is my story this is my song praising my savior all day long this is my story this is [Applause] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] good morning and happy sabbath we would like to welcome our online and on-site family members worshiping with us today please remember our safety and sanitation protocols are still in place to keep everyone safe especially with the onset of the cold and flu season continue to pray that the lord will heal our land as covet 19 positives continue to rise dallas city a collection point for the donation items for haitian disaster relief victims in louisiana families impacted by hurricane ida details of items needed are available on the dct website donations will be accepted until september 10th for more information please contact the dct community services leader elder eunice bailey on october 16th southwest region conference will host the 2021 fall convocation to celebrate the 75th anniversary of southwestern union mission the convocation will be held at the mansfield isd performing arts center stay tuned for further details southwest adventist junior academy is still accepting enrollments for the 2021-2022 school year suaja is offering in-person online and hybrid instruction options check out the website for more details at i have one thank you to share to dr calazar elder douglas and the members of the city temple church family thank you so very much for the lovely plant words of encouragement and prayers all are so appreciated and we definitely feel the prayers this is from philip and ingrid palmer [Music] one transfer request transferring from dallas city temple the request is made by taylor marie polight to the denver park hills seventh-day adventist church in denver colorado these are our morning announcements thank you for your attention and have a happy sabbath [Music] what am i gonna wear oh oh pick me pick me you look so cute in me ah remember what the bible says modest is hottest does the bible say that whatever the point is you need to dress tastefully you don't want the boys to stumble when they see your shoulders that is so sexist you should wear what makes you feel good no you should wear what is pleasing to god and god wants you covered well i cover her there's nothing wrong with a little shoulder action a little leg ew don't worry i will make sure no one sees your body just like god intended oh hurry up and choose who's it gonna be me or me [Music] so they could never be more beautiful [Music] [Music] hurt a few young men i'm not touching that topic i'm sure that somebody will be able to define what is and what should not be worn uh on their body but we are excited about our ay leader who always does always does awesome and a great job amen now i am hallelujah happy at this moment because we have some distinguished guests that are joining us on this wonderful sabbath day and we are honored and blessed to have the privilege of having our county dallas county commissioner mr john wilder price and also our district chairwoman sister carolyn arnold and i'm going to invite our ladies first if you don't mind sister carol arnold if you would please come and we are so grateful that district 4 is represented by this wonderful woman no problem amen thank you good morning so it's i'm honored the first to be here uh to meet this morning with the family i'm pretty much out of line right now because the county commissioner should go first we're doing the rank in terms of jurisdiction and i try to underscore that because it is a good lesson also for us to know and understand jurisdiction so i want to acknowledge the pastor uh and also dr byrd for being here and any other members in leadership this morning but it is indeed an honor to be here as i just stated uh mrs thea walker invited me she is part of our district 4 task force so in the next upcoming years months actually we have a number of plans that will be underway but i asked her to be a part of that conversation primarily because of her activism and her continued advocacy for this church so i appreciate so much her advocacy and her leadership and so she's a part of that team you need to give it up for her so we have some great plans for the cedar crest corridor we have an opportunity at this time with this administration at city hall and i continue to support our city manager mr t.c broadnax many people don't know about him i work with him on a day-to-day so he is working aggressively to get equity dollars in our community and you understand equity is different from equality and so he's putting money not only just in streets we've had a conversation wednesday night about alleys and trails and we are fighting behind the horseshoe for you because there are those who don't understand in district four we have a challenge in many in many situations now you lit you're right now in a beautiful neighborhood see the crest but as i continue to tell all homeowners at all instru interested people who are here you have to fight for this community this is a very beautiful community and just a few glasses away you have a billion dollar view of the city of dallas but we have to fight with the north and other areas who try to take from us from that pot and something as silly as alex alleys and alleyways i have almost 900 alleys in district 4 that need to be constructed cleaned up and so we have to fight for that very very very small word alleys but it has a tremendous impact on the quality of life so that's just one of the things that we're we're talking about around the city but i'm going to continue to ask but for your prayers your support i support you on any way that you can work with us to reach out to those who need us the most whether it's homeless even though we've addressed the homelessness issue we appreciate the fact that you're serving individuals who during this time particularly doing covet need us so much so in the next coming days when we're we're looking at those individuals who are losing their housing the shelters because of the ban of moratorium on evictions will be lifted they will need not only this us here as a church they're going to need us not just to be here in the church but to work outside of the church to take care of the mission of which we were called and i believe this is the right church at the right time so i appreciate everything you've done and thank you for inviting me today and remember if you have any questions any concerns number one if there's something about the neighborhood you know what you need to do call 3-1-1 and get a service request number now the lord will make a way but one thing he's asked me to tell you today is you need to do your part call 3-1-1 get a service request number and if that doesn't work for you call my office and you can easily get through that without me giving you the number call 311 and ask them for the district 4 councilwoman carolyn king arnold thank you [Music] thank you for those words councilwoman arnold and we will continue to work with you and partner with you as we try to continue to beautify and uh i guess honor the people who live in the cedar crest community the way that they deserve to be treated so we thank you for being here today we thank you for your service and your legacy and working in city council i've been to a few meetings and i've seen you take those other folks to task on behalf of our community and so we will continue to pray for you and uplift you as you continue the great work that you're doing and i'm sorry that i went over rank and jurisdiction but there's no way that i could let a man go before a beautiful woman if you if you know what i mean so at this time we'll welcome our county commissioner the man downtown himself mr john wiley price thank you pastor calazar dr byrd uh all the assembled clergy those of you who have been entrusted by city temple to be the trustees of not only this but of this this flock i appreciate the under shepherd and what this particular vineyard has meant to this community council carolyn king arnold and i share constituents less than a half a mile down the road we have just completed 4.7 miles of the longest trail in southern dallas about 3.9 million dollars you may not understand that that trail starts right here bonnie view and ends over on fordham and you know trails are an integral part i know you don't see it as that alternative and i'm not a big trails fan but i have to do it because of that's what you want but you know at the end of the day you know there's so many things i could talk about but let me just get right to the point first of all i appreciate this church when we first began to distribute the vaccine in this community i got a call from city temple senator temple said how can we be a distribution port and i really wanted to make that happen but at that time we were having trouble getting vaccine ourselves but it was just the outreach that let me know that city temple is on the wall as you always are but you've got so many members here that are intertwined in this community i chair the behavioral health leadership team which is basically talking about dealing with about four counties mental health we don't realize what's going on with mental health in this community anybody talks about covert the the the anxiety you know the deviant i'm gonna talk just a little about that but let me tell you something mental health is a real challenge i went to unfortunately i went to a home going yesterday a young man 20 years old took his life as you saw in the paper someone who is building in our community i will go to temple emanuel tomorrow after i go to the early service his son 20 years old took his life some things are happening ladies and gentlemen and we've got to be cognizant of what's going on with our children i thank ken medlock for southern behavior because ken is always there and we're always able to help funnel some of those dollars dallas county has now received 511 million dollars from the federal government as part of the american rescue plan we are we're taking a lot of that money and we're putting it into mental health because mental health you know and i know a lot of us don't want to admit it a lot of us don't want to admit it you know i know the devil's busy and i know you think if you know black folks used to say i woke up this morning clothed in my right mind yeah well you know i know a lot of y'all thank y'all but you know hey you know we'll see you know with a reasonable portion of health and strength and you know the reasonable activity of my life your young folks don't know what i'm talking about but oh black that's all black folks prayer but but you know clothed in our right mind see they had something they knew if god had given you your right mind as they used to say regulated it i ain't going to try to preach because you got documented but you know if they've regulated your mind don't don't take that for granted so there's enough stuff going around make me someday you know the kids used to say i think that some rapper said something makes you want to keep you from going out that's anger make you lose your mind and so the mind is a terrible thing away but you got to balance it and so i think southern behavioral and all they do we're going to put uh quite a few dollars in to mental health number number two in regards to that some of you have businesses and if if you're in the city of dallas city dallas that's on them they have their own pot of money but if you're in my district and you live in any other city other than the city of dallas we have some appropriations where we're we're moving in that venue and unfortunately we get all of the what we call uh eviction money okay that's not the city that's coming to the county now ladies and gentlemen there's millions of dollars out there we have now placed peer navigators in these justice of the peace corps and those individuals are there to help you navigate if you're behind if you're a landlord and you're behind we're riding 10 and 15 out people of people are behind people losing their homes we have money okay and when you get that eviction notice do not ignore if you're online do not ignore it when they serve you those papers to just fill out the paper you fill out the paper you stop everything for 90 days and that paperwork starts to get we have started catching up with the money so we don't want you to you know you to ignore that and and just finally or go to my it's just so many things but this church you know uh i see mr block or always uh he you know he he's my assistant uh chief public defender in dallas county a lot of people you know they can't visit now they were doing video visitation and all of that but we're getting ready to try to open these courts back up now i need y'all look this says covet ends with me i was eligible to take that shot when it first came out now you know young folks yeah first covert 19 taking out all us old folks [Music] notice how the circle back around as of this morning that i'm chairman of public health the hospital council this morning and i read out we do not have in the 19 county we do not have one pediatric day [Music] last saturday this time i was round the street up on illinois because the 38 year old officer was unvaccinated and lost a lot young folks the average age now average age is 36 years don't play with this this deviant ain't playing and they talking about the lambda's coming ringville will finish with this delta yet don't play you know we're open when i leave here about past scholarship i was telling uh brother reed you know we're opening back up full till everybody want to run get a test but you can get a test get your vaccination uh you know and then i'm gonna disclaim because i don't know what i don't know what nobody said get back there i i know you i don't know what's that you don't know what it is what you eating you don't know what's in nothing but you ain't had no problem but all of a sudden you got a problem but what's in it i'll tell you what's in it you won't be out of parkland trying to be on a ventilator or what we call a eco ammo machine you know and and i know that monoclonal everybody's i'm on a quarter month you can't get it tell me where you can get it i know you can't get it south tell me where you can get it go to my seat i had a young man i've been talking to him for 90 days happens to be angler friend of mine good friend i said get your shot man get your shot didn't get it your son gave it to him [Music] first call i got from him he said you know what i'd get some on the calling i said well last time i checked uh the nearest place is abilene and you need to get in line don't don't wait don't wait people are calling me now about the booster and hopefully i don't see you in court we're going to try to get that set down if you're immune compromised you're going to get yours now ellis davis is right there we had to fight for ellis davis to be in this community don't don't don't take it don't take it for granted that was the reason them folks is coming from halfway from oklahoma to get to pharaoh paul they didn't just discover the rides in fair park they was trying to get these shots thank you city temple you've always been involved and if if if we need you if we've ever needed you we need you now because this stuff's not getting any better and i you know the half ain't even been told so that's where you got miss arnold now down there we're gonna you know put our finger in hold it down about as long as we can but i need you to get involved take care of yourself and then pastor thank you [Music] thank you commissioner price and i want to vow to you that city temple will continue to be involved we will not give up the fight or the struggle that we will continue to fight for our people and fight for humanity as we see human rights violations just here in texas that it's amazing that they can say don't tell the government to put a mask on my body but you could tell women what they can do with their body what an interesting state that we live in that can challenge critical race theory because they're fearful of understanding and knowing what the truth is but we know and understand that we will continue to raise our voice and we know that we've been commissioned by god to stand up and to fight for the least of these so thank you for your announcements thank you for being here today and yes mental health is a serious problem within our community and i know sometimes we say it's taboo we just gonna pray about it but prayer don't cover everything sometimes you need to sit on the couch and you need to talk about some things just being black in america is traumatizing just turning on the news is traumatizing you can't be normal and walk around this state or this country not feel some sort of depression or anxiety just on what you see you turn drive a nice car turn the wheel you don't even know if you're gonna make it home live with that fear but even though god is with us and god is carrying us we know that god has put people on earth to help us bear the burden remember moses right and so understanding though that we are committed to fight for social justice and equality amen thank you thank you very much and this time i'm going to ask my associate pastor pastor douglas to join me up here on the stage and as he's joining me on the stage i don't want to fail to recognize that we have some wonderful people that are sitting behind me and we have their wonderful pastor who is with us on the sabbath morning pastor cox the bishop the man himself the sage the teacher he who can run circles around anybody if you put a mic in front of him and we thank you for your presence here pastor cox and we appreciate you worshiping with us and for lending us this beautiful and wonderful praise to you this wonderful morning [Music] today i want you to know that we appreciate we are blessed to have that word um [Applause] here with us in our promises so we just want to share this beautiful good of our appreciation for you and your family coming to service here at this one we have some special presentations you want to make here the first but the first kaylee and kristin we just want you to know that we appreciate you as family [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] now [Music] [Music] dr byrd it is an honor and a privilege to have you serve as our elected president for such a time as this dallas arkansas i'm trying to remember all the states off the top of my louisiana new mexico oklahoma antics glad he does not have a microphone so y'all didn't hear me hear him telling me that but you were called for such a time as this and there's no other person that is right for the job than you [Applause] throughout the years i've had the privilege of observing your ministry of observing your preaching prowess of observing how you take care of your wife and your children and it is an honor to be your employee and it's an honor to work for you into labor in this vineyard for you and so i thank you for being here now understand the great sacrifice that you had to make to come back home but nevertheless we want to as a church make sure that we do the best that we can by your side to support you in any way possible and so we have here not only with the woodhouse file but also a token of our appreciation towards you and i don't know if i should hand this to you or hand this to your wife because i know how it goes but we know that life can be stressful and this job can be stressful at times but we want you to be able to relax to enjoy yourselves and to know that god is with you through the highs and the lows through every valley and that if there is a shadow in the valley of death just know that there's a light that is shining with you and that god is with you so we thank you for being here we are honored to have you on behalf of myself and pastor douglas answers the douglas and sister colisar who isn't here right now you'll see her adventure not eventually you'll see her amen but we are so glad that you are here and thank you thank you and thank you [Applause] all right at this time we'll be favored with a special selection from our very own sister clark [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] god has not promised me sunshine [Music] that's not the way it's going to be [Music] [Music] makes me appreciate [Music] the good [Music] times be grateful for [Music] be grateful [Music] every [Music] just like [Music] so that you can appreciate the good times [Music] be great because there's someone else that's worth something new [Music] because there's someone else who loves to be in your shoes [Music] oh [Music] health and shrimp [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] it was [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] is [Music] we are grateful lord because we know that when you call upon your name that you are not going to leave us abandoned we are not orphaned we have a heavenly father today who loves us and who cares for us and so right now we come before your throne we just want to say thank you lord for all that you have done thank you for protecting us as we drive up and down busy highways you sent mighty angels to keep us safe thank you oh lord for putting food on our tables and for allowing us to have homes that in which we can reside we just want to say thank you for all of the blessings that flow from your hand thank you we are grateful lord today we want to ask for the forgiveness of sin because it is by the blood of jesus that we have been redeemed every last one of us in this house of worship today are unworthy to be in your presence but because of his sacrifice on calvary's cross salvation is always we confess our sin this morning lord and we ask for a moving and the infilling presence of your holy spirit that we may experience your transforming grace lord today you heard the names that i read these are individuals they need you to come by them right now some need healing right now somebody needs hope right now the thompson's family they continue to need your comfort and your grace and the message of hope right now somebody came into these doors today they were wearing a smile and somebody said happy sabbath how are you doing and they said i'm doing fine they are not fine but lord i pray today that as your anointed man's servant dr carlton prieburg stands up and he delivers your word as you speak through him today lord please speak to us we need a word today we need to experience your transforming grace today lord may none of us leave this place today the same way we came through these doors may we leave with a closer walk with you may your spirit please rest on the remainder of the service oh lord i mean we have a connection with you thank you for what you have done in the past thank you for what you are doing right now and thank you for what you're going to continue to do for your people we pray humbly in the worthy the powerful the almighty name of our living lord and soon come and save you jesus christ then every believer say amen and amen [Music] crazy you praise him praise him praise jesus [Music] [Applause] he's worthy [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the morning [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus hallelujah [Music] go ahead come on give him praise amen amen sometimes you just got to praise the lord sometimes you just got to put the program to the side and give god praise the holy spirit to god that i serve is not bound by letters on a paper but he moves in mysterious ways and wonders to perform so i think it's all right if we just praise god a little bit more up in this place come on now [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus jesus [Applause] [Music] until now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise him praise [Music] for jesus [Music] [Music] you can still praise him in the pandemic it is my honor to introduce the man who needs no introduction dr carlton p bird is the newly elected president of the southwest region conference of seven-day adventists with the headquarters in dallas texas the responsibility gives dr bird oversight of the churches and schools and workers of the seventh-day adventist church in the five state regional territory of arkansas louisiana new mexico oklahoma and texas additionally he is the current speaker slash director of breath of life television broadcast for the seventh-day adventist church in north america a responsibility he has held for the past e 11 years dr byrd is a graduate of oakwood university in huntsville alabama with dual degrees of bachelor of arts degree in theology a bachelor of science degree in business management he is also a graduate of tennessee state university in nashville tennessee where he earned a master's of business administration degree and a graduate of andrews university theological seminary in behringer springs michigan where he owned bert the master boat the master of divinity and doctor of ministry degrees in his 26 years of pastoral leadership in the states of mississippi alabama tennessee texas and in georgia dr byrd has baptized over 22 000 persons constructed and renovated churches and schools served on numerous denominational and community boards along with serving as a guest minister on several religious television networks he's a very active participant in the community dr byrd during his pastorate at the berean sda church in atlanta georgia founded the berean outreach ministry center in atlanta georgia which housed a food pantry clothes closet barbershop hair salon and fitness center additionally under dr byrd's leadership during his pastored at the berean church the united states department of housing and urban development hud awarded a 5.2 million dollar grant to the church and the church constructed a 50 apartment senior citizens housing facility for church and community senior adults alike somebody say amen most recently he completed a nine and a half year tenure as the senior pastor of the three thousand member oakwood university church on the campus of oakwood university in huntsville alabama during his pastored at the oakwood university church over 800 individuals were baptized the church was completely renovated and two new buildings were constructed namely the oakwood adventist academy kindergarten through grade 12 building and the 22 000 square foot oakwood university church family life center housing a vegetarian food market a barber shop health clinic gymnasium commercial kitchen classrooms and community service areas the recipient of numerous honors and achievements dr byrd received the coveted chosen pastor word award of the atlanta's gospel choice awards in 2007 and was selected the oakwood university alumnus of the year of 2008 was inducted into the martin luther king board of preachers at morehouse college in atlanta in 2008 was selected as the 2016 pastor of the year of the alabama naacp in huntsville madison county branch was named the south control central conference sda pastor of the year in 2012 2008 and 2008 was the recipient of the prestigious 2019 north american division lifetime achievement award for evangelism for the seminary adventist church and was listed as marquis who's in america in 2020 in 2021 i ain't done y'all dr byrd was invited and now serves as the member of the united negro college fund's national faith initiative advisory council he's a writer too in the midst of all of that he has authored three books contemporary evangelism for the 21st century free revisiting god's plan for oppressed people and gone a healing word for a hurting world and a regular comment columnist for message magazine dr byrd is happily married to his wife for 23 years the former daniel mounter and they are the proud parents of three daughters kristen kaley and carissa dr byrd it is an honor preach the word preach the word in season and out of season may heaven come down by the power of your words and may glory fill all our souls preach the word dr bird leave no stone unturned preach the word dr bird cry aloud and spare not the sinner preach the word dr bird like you have never preached it before at this time i'm gonna invite my elders to join me up here and i'm going to ask pastor cox to join us as well dr byrd if you would join us too we would love to have the honor of laying hands on you and praying for your ministry praying for your leadership praying for your family and praying that god will continue to hold you up i'd like for all elders of the faith temple church to please come up also i see dr hill in the audience would you come up also dr hill [Music] [Music] first elvis put your hands on [Music] father in heaven there comes a time in any organization [Music] where we hear the words speak lord for thy servant heareth what does dr bird hear [Music] he hears a word what kind of a word write the vision make it plain we will see that in your time [Music] it will come to pass now lord the vision [Music] is what the people must receive but the people must know that the visionary the shepherd though the leader has not only been called by god but he is listening to god [Music] that he's come to southwest region conferences such a time as this where new perspectives need to be seen [Music] where sheep will listen and follow and not murmur and complain we ask in the name of jesus lord that some night see will be by himself and he will be distraught but sent angels that will comfort him that will let him know that he is walking not by himself as he walks by faith and not by sight then lord i pray for his wife who sometimes she may hear some things and get her upset but in the name of jesus give her the peace that passeth all understand [Music] may he be able to say i have done all i can do [Music] and that he will turn to the sheep of this conference [Music] and say it is not by might not by power but it is by thy spirit said the lord and as he matures in age and as he matures in wisdom and knowledge may we all know [Music] that not only has he been touched by the master's hand [Music] but we as sheep will know that we're in a fold where shepherd cares now may the god of heaven may the god of abraham isaac and jacob be around you to protect you beneath you to uplift you and give you eyes spiritualized that no one can see but you the name of the father the son and of the holy ghost amen [Music] [Music] and after the praise team we will hear from none other than dr carlton byrd [Music] how many of you know that our god is greater how many of you know that he's stronger than any other and he's worth it yes that you just worship with us come on and praise the lord everybody i said come on and praise the lord everybody this handclap is not the face of a praise thing this hand happens for the lord that you serve our god correct we have [Applause] [Music] [Music] into the darkness you shine and out of the ashes we rise there's no one like you none like you come on help me say i got it is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] is [Music] [Music] a little [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] there's no god like jehovah there's no god jehovah there's no god like jehovah there's no god like joe sing with me there's no god like jehovah there's no god like there's no god like you hope there's oh [Music] like [Music] put your hands together if you know that you strive for god that's like no other god he's able to take over cover than anything else but about it thing with me how great [Music] [Applause] [Music] ray is [Music] [Music] sing with me [Music] [Applause] y'all know what makes him so great shadow with a name above [Music] me [Music] do you have a great time [Music] [Music] how great is our god now thinking more convincing just a little bit more convincing how great do you serve a great guy all over the buildings is our god i will see how great how great is our god we gonna do it one more time i want to be convinced you need to convince the people out there how great lifted up all over the building sing sing with me [Music] one more time how great [Music] hallelujah come on bless the lord today hallelujah hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] lord you are good you've been so good lord you are good you've been better than good i can't praise you enough i owe you my life can't praise you [Music] you have been so very good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is testimonies [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] if [Music] one more [Music] time oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] you've been so very good [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] nothing good for me [Music] oh [Music] think about [Music] [Music] you've still been good [Music] oh you have been you've been so good you have been so good to me [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you've been so good hallelujah lord i don't deserve it but you'll continue to be good i'll give you all the praise i'll give you all the glory forever foreign [Music] hallelujah hallelujah come on if i had ten thousand times it wouldn't be enough to praise him but somebody needs to say i praise him with the one tongue out god come on praise him from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same god is worthy i said he's worthy [Music] is he worthy to be praised is he worthy to be praised come on put those hands together praise god today this is the day the lord let us do what everybody come on let us do what everybody and be glad in it now i don't know about you i praise god for all this ministry and song but god's been good because i'm looking at three individuals who are going to be baptized today and somebody needs to say hallelujah can the church get excited about individuals being taken out of the clutches of satan and join the kingdom of god hallelujah we praise god for you and your testimony we praise god for you in your testimony today of being baptized i know we're doing all this other they give me acknowledgement and all that kind of stuff but the greatest thing today is to see you all go down in that watery grave of baptism today hallelujah you've been [Music] so good he's been so good so good so do you believe that so good [Music] so [Music] [Music] hallelujah what enjoy this for my wife and i come on there to read if it's ready come on it's all right i trust the grace of god covered being coveted when i used my friends mike there but my wife and i are privileged to be here today to worship with you the city temple church and not just the city temple church the faith temple church we are not competitors we are companions we are just one church in two different locations i wish i had a witness in this place and so dr callasar and pastor douglas pastor cox we appreciate your ministry to this city and to the churches that you have been assigned to carry the gospel of jesus christ uh let me begin with our host pastor dr khalasar thank you so much for your kind remarks you and pastor douglas dr kalazar you have been a champion not just in church but in community and we thank and we praise god for you and your family god bless you god bless you god bless you pastor douglas we were in the halls at oakwood college as it was called back then who would have thought who would have thought that god would bring us together in the same city same conference to minister praise be to god to you as well give him a round of applause and sister khalasar and sister douglas god bless you all ladies i'm looking oh there she's taking pictures amen god bless you god bless you god bless you what can i say about james w cox you know you have to give how much to those who laid the foundation so that you can stand on the shoulders of those who who toiled in the heat literal heat in texas come on saying man and after this week my wife and i looked at each other said we're not going to hell for anybody come on say amen this can be hot in texas but pastor and sister cox we thank you so much for your ministry over the years pastor cox and i are from the same place baton rouge louisiana i said it yesterday elder thompson and i we all from the same place but you know the cox of thompson i said all of us baton rouge and southern louisiana and so we thank you for your ministry sister cox your ministry god bless you can we give them a round of applause and praise god today for them as well thank you keep on playing you're fine i i thank you the city temple church and the faith temple church let me be clear about something before i preach the word of god i thank you for your affirmation many of you have called many of you texted some of you we went to school with and we praise god for each and every one of you but i want to be very clear about something 2215 lanark up on the hill does not make churches 2215 does not make a conference we're just the stewards that god has used and is using to facilitate ministry are you hearing what i'm saying but i want to be very clear that strong churches make a strong conference are you hearing what i'm saying everybody see unlike many of others i'm not coming out of an administrative capacity i mean i was with breath of life and all that oakwood church many times at oakwood because of the size it is larger than some conferences but i'm coming out of the pastorate and that's not disparage anyone else who has come to the path and journey of a conference president from another place i'm not doing that but what i am saying is having come from the pastorate i'm very clear and i very much understand that it's your local pastors and your local churches that make a great conference [Applause] there would be no conference without city temple there would be no conference without faith temple and i want to be very very clear about that because sometimes when we now sit behind a desk we get amnesia but i want to be very clear with you that i fully understand that my job now is to inspire leaders and inspire churches are you hearing what i'm saying so we can finish god's work is that all right everybody so from the conference office 2215 lanark up on the hill we celebrate the ministries of city temple and we celebrate the ministry of faith temple penuel moser valley grace temple forest hill castle to drive and all of our churches in between in the metroplex now you need to know i'ma push you you know and have you felt the lord call me to come here to do maintenance ministry that's not who i am are you hearing what i'm saying are you are you hearing what i'm saying all right we're gonna push you we're not here i tell the off the people the office we're not here just to get checks on the 15th and 30th i'm here to push you i also need the churches and everyone to understand that we serve a god of excellence god doesn't like junk and neither do i come on say amen and i'm the type of person we can't just talk about what needs to be done we got to do it are you hearing what i'm saying the seven of the church is not starving for ideas that's not our problem implementation is our problem are you hearing what i'm saying so everybody now pastor you know give me flowers to my wife and praise god for a little envelope do i have a witness in this place but when we start pushing you i'ma bring you back to this day are you hearing what i'm saying okay we're living in a new normal corona is not going anywhere just like the flu pandemic 100 years ago they had to deal with it we're going to have to deal with it so we have to figure out creative and innovative strategies so that we can see additional individuals like these three persons go into the watery grave of baptism are you hearing what i'm saying number one emphasis of our conference keep playing i'm warming up number one is evangelism that's why we're here that's why we're here number two adventist education [Applause] okay some folk but we we have a small school next door we got to fix that and not just talk about it i came to dallas give me some more on this mic came to dallas people said to me oh enroll your child here and roll each other there and every place they were talking about me and my wife enrolling our child it was not swazia i got concerned i said my child our child is going across well you know it's a small my child our child is going across the street we gotta fix it and salvation is free but ministry takes money [Music] it's church faith temple church was not built because we had funds city temple was built faith temple was built because we had faith are you hearing what i'm saying you know my history this conference goes way back the only reason why we're in this building cause the city came through the interstate and took the property we had by eminent domain and that's how we came here on this compound the church here the school did a conference office on the hill you know my uncle used to be presidents conference okay so you know some of you try to throw game at me i remember when the campground was at big sandy before lone star there was big sandy does somebody know what i'm talking about all right so i want to speak clear pascal sorry if i was eight minute old pastor bird when you were giving me gifts didn't quite get quiet now number three number one evangelism number two adventist wood education notice how to say christian education i say adventist education three media and digital engagement and ministry there are probably more people watching this service who are in this service are you hearing what i'm saying everybody and if we're gonna do media and digital ministry we can't do substandard ministry are you hearing what i'm saying everybody all right there will be some people who will never come in the building but we got to minister to them i was in austin last sabbath four people were baptized those four people were baptized because they had been watching breath of life heard that i was going to be in the city and made a decision we contacted the pastor they won't be seven dividends christians contacted the pastor and they are now members of the alpha seventh-day adventist church in austin texas come on say amen number four youth and young adult engagement involvement and retention all right so some of you not saying hey man let me let me bowl down your alley the median age of a seventh-day adventist in north america is 62. the median age of an of a regular person in north america is 35. we got a bridge that gap are we clear everybody so if someone asks you what we're gonna do dr burkham number one evangelism number two advocates education number three media and digital engagement and number four youth young adult ministry involvement and retention that's what we're gonna do is that all right everybody and in the name of jesus we gonna move god's work forward what do you say everybody i said in the name of jesus we gonna move god's work forward what do you say everybody come on one more time one for the father one for the son and one for the holy ghost in the name of jesus we're gonna move god's ministry forward are you hearing what i'm saying come on say amen amen so we solicit your prayers we solicit report today we preach we'll come back later for some conversations because lunacy is defined as thinking you could do the same things and getting a different result are you here with me everybody all right we're good let's stand now and read the word of god in your mask give me just a little bit more on this might give me a little bit more let me hear myself in these monitors amen we're going to the book of matthew matthew chapter 13 and as we're going to matthew it was announced thank you pastor khalasar making sure that was in our media in lieu of camp meeting this year we are having a convocation camosai amen we're having convocation october 16th at the newly constructed mansfield isd performing arts center seats 5 000 people state of the art i told you god doesn't like junk and i don't either and i don't do kool-aid come on say amen so we're gonna do it we're gonna do it right we're gonna have a southwest region mass choir pastor marvin sapp is coming he's gonna bless us in song come on say amen we will have special community guest honorees one of them will be congresswoman sheila jackson lee she will be with us another one will be anna patterson this is the first female president of southwestern adventist university and another honoree will be penny johnson she is the first female ceo of advent health and so we're excited about what god's going to do we're going to have a very special ordination service one of our pastors and then we'll close the day with some vision casting so everyone across the conference will know where we're going you have to understand vision is hindsight what have we done where have we been vision is also insight where are we right now and then vision is foresight where we're going hindsight insight foresight let's read the word of god matthew 13 if you haven't let me say amen come on if you haven't let me say amen matthew 13 verse number one i'm going to read the same day when jesus matthew 13 same day went jesus out of the house and set by the seaside and great multitudes were gathered together unto him so that he went into a ship and sat and the whole multitude stood on the shore verse three and he spake many things unto them in parables saying behold a sower went forward to do what everybody so went forth to do what everybody and verse number four and when he sowed when he sowed some seeds fell by the wayside thank you sir and the fowls came and devoured them up some fell upon stony places where they had not much earth and forthwith they sprung up because they had no deepness of earth and when the sun was up they were scorched and because they had no what everybody a couple talked to me they had no what everybody they withered away and some fell among thorns and the thorns sprung up and choked them but the other fell into good ground and brought forth fruit some in a hundred fold some sixty fold some thirty fold who have ears to hear let him hear skip down to verse 18 hear you therefore the parable of the sower when anyone here at the word of the kingdom understandeth it not then cometh the wicked one and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart this is he which had received seed by the wayside but he that received the seat of the stony place is the same as he that heareth the word and anand with joy receiveth it yet hath he not root in himself but dureth for a while for when tribulation of persecution arises because of the word by and by he is offended he also that receives seed among the thorns is he that heareth the word and the care of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choked the word and he becometh unfruitful but he that receives seed into good ground you see that heareth the word and understandeth it which also beareth forth fruit and bringeth forth some 100 fold some 60 some 30. today i want to challenge you on the subject get some roots father in the name of jesus through the intercession of the holy ghost you're already here but i ask right now that the power of your holy ghost come in a seven-fold portion in this sanctuary but don't stop at this sanctuary because you're omnipresent i need you to go to every home every place where someone is virtually watching this worship experience go now through the internet lines go through the television lines and god speak there as well as in this sanctuary and when we leave here we will be able to say it was good to have bent in this place so bathe me with your holy ghost forgive me and my sins hide me behind your cross and at the appeal time have your way it's in the name of jesus we pray let everyone say amen amen you may be seated in the presence of god get some roots thank you musicians thank you brothers great job today get some roots let's go to work in each of the synoptic gospels matthew chapter 13 mark chapter 4 in luke chapter eight we find the parable of the sower everybody say sower say it like you mean it say sore we find the parable of the soul and any time the same story is recorded three times in a row you know it has to be important because repetition deepens the impression now remember a parable is nothing more than a simple story whose primary purpose is to teach truth and when jesus teaches by parable we must remember it's not necessarily truth but a parable or a story or a mirror by which truth can be seen in the parable of the sower jesus teaches truth by dealing with the reception of god's word by four different types of hearers jesus says that there is a sower who goes out to sow or to plant seed he says as he plants seed he throws seed on the ground and the seed falls on four different types of soil in soil type number one you know the story the farmer throws seed on the soil but the birds just come by no pun intended and eat the seeds up in soil type number two the farmer throws seed over rocks the seeds spring up but soon the sun cuts them down in soil type number three the farmer throws seed on soil among thorns but the thorns spring up and choke the seeds out but then in seoul type number four the farmer throws seed on good soil and when the seed is thrown on good soil the seed falls and it grows it develops and it produces a great harvest now today i i can't preach all four soil types because if i did we'd be here all day and that's not the plan and my daughter says daddy and coronavirus keep it short come on say amen but today i just want to deal with soil type number two rocky soil because i believe that this soil type is applicable to us as we deal with this chaotic coronavirus horrific hurricanes and afghanistan aftermath are you with me everybody now as i said earlier in soil type number two the farmer throws seed over rocks the seeds spring up but the sun cuts the seeds down in this soil type it represents a person who has no deep roots they hear the word of god and when they hear the word of god they're full of excitement they're full of energy they're full of happiness and enthusiasm they say amen they say hallelujah they say thank you jesus they're excited they hear the word of god and respond with joy but because they have no roots as soon as trouble comes as soon as trial and tribulation come they're looking for a way out the seed of the gospel falls into the hearts of rocky soil hearers and there's enough soil to germinate but because the soil is shallow the seeds wither away the gospel appeals to their emotions and they're quick to respond but when the excitement wears off when the hype wears off so does the gospel they accept what seems to be good at the moment but they fail to count the cost of discipleship because i believe i've got a witness in this place who knows that whenever you decide to follow jesus it's going to cost you something it's not gonna always be peaches and cream it would not always be a bed of roses but i believe somebody understands that following jesus christ will cost you something it costs you your friends it might cost you your family it might cost somebody a relationship or a job but i believe that serving the lord is gonna pay off after a while are you hearing what i'm saying jesus is telling us in soil type number three number two that there are people who enthusiastically hear the word of god but they have no root they say amen they get excited but as soon as the doctor says you have a tumor in your stomach they're ready to give up whenever they break up with a boyfriend or girlfriend they're ready to die or whenever they hear about the coronavirus they're ready to scream but i need you to know today that the devil is alive that no weapon formed against us is gonna prosper if god be for us who can be against us the bible says we must go through great tribulation to enter the kingdom of god are you hearing what i'm saying now let me be clear as we give this introductory material let me be clear i'm not against saying amen i'm not against shouting hallelujah i was happy when i heard of some rings of a tambourine because somebody came to praise god i was happy when i walked in the church past and i saw a hammond organ in place because i knew at the right time we would be ready to do what has to be done that's their cue come on say man i love call and response particularly when the word gets good i don't want a dead church i said i don't want a dead church god's not dead but god is alive because when i think of the goodness of jesus and all he's done for me my soul cries out hallelujah thank god for saving me i want somebody to say amen but at the end of the day you've got to have some roots you got to have some substance you got to have some meat are you hearing what i'm saying you've got to get deep because at the end of the day you're going to be tested by tribulation tested by trial tested by trouble and the only way you're going to be able to make it is if you have some roots there are a lot of people in our world right now scared scared of coronavirus scared of these uh lambda delta these variants scared scared to be seen now don't misinterpret me today don't misunderstand me today i'm not saying don't be cautious i'm not saying don't be smart i'm not saying don't be responsible i'm not saying don't wash your hands please wash your hands i was in the airport the other day at love field and i used the restroom and went to wash my hands another gentleman was there didn't wash his hand i said don't touch me and don't speak to me come on say amen i'm not saying if you're sick don't stay home please stay home i'm not saying don't wear a mask please wear a mask i'm not saying shake everybody's hand no please apply appropriate social distancing but what i am saying in the name of jesus that god has not given us a spirit of fear but a spirit of love power sound mind and understanding let me tell you something as christians don't you know what we're dealing with matthew 24 told us what we were dealing with when the disciples asked jesus jesus what would be the signs of your coming jesus said you're going to hear wars and rumors of wars he said nation is going to rise up against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there should be famines and pestilences earthquakes in diverse places all of these are the beginning of sorrows friends of mine why is coronavirus here it's a pestilence jesus is soon to come why do we have all these hurricanes and floods jesus is soon to come why all of this mess and confusion in afghanistan jesus is soon to come and this is not a time for the people of god to get weak this is what we've been preaching for this is what we've been teaching for this is what we've been witnessing for this is why for years we've been having revivals for years why we've been having prophecy seminars this is why jesus is soon to come get some roots get deep in the word of god not a surface word but a deep word all right you don't like that let me try this way the days of pleasure preaching are over the days of preaching to make you feel good are over the days of cotton candy preaching that's big and sweet on the outside but hollow and empty on the inside they are over we need some roots let me tell you something i love the stories of daniel and goliath the three hebrew boys i love those stories i love the story of daniel in the lion's den i love the stories of jesus turning water into wedding punch of jesus feeding the 5 000 and raising lazarus from the dead i love the new testament stories of jesus but church in this last and evil day i also need to know daniel 7. i also know you need to know the prophecies of daniel 7 and 8. i need to know how to apply the prophecies of the 1260 days 42 months a time times and dividing of time of revelation 13. i need to know about lions leopards and bears of revelation 13. i need to know about the first beast of revelation 13. i need to know that the first piece of revelation 13 is the number of a man 666. i need to know that the second beast of revelation 13 arises out of the earth at the same time the first beast is losing its power i need to know that a beast represents a kingdom or a nation or a power and the second beast is a lamb like power in the world in the form of a nation that preaches like a peace but speaks like a dragon i need to know that the second beast will force the earth to worship the first piece of revelation 13. i need to know that a time is coming where we will neither be able to buy or sell that we are slowly moving to a cashless society i need to know that the day is coming when our civil and religious liberties will be taken from us and we will have to be so strong so we don't receive the mark of the beast people look at them like i'm crazy because we don't like to hear this anymore but look what's going on right here in the state of texas pastor luda to do it today talk about civil liberties being taken away i'm not here to say quote me if you go quote me quote me right i am not here to say that i agree with abortion are you hearing what i'm saying but we understand that abortion laws were passed that it is if you will wrong to get an abortion and it is not legal anymore in the state of texas but then again you are talking about life and you're taking people's choice to make a decision about their life but then in the same breath texas you don't want choices made for you about wearing a mask or not i need to know that the underlying principle in preaching prophecy is the fact that jesus ultimately is going to win that there's no other name under heaven by which we can be saved but by the name of jesus i need some roots i need a deep word do you realize the times in which we live do you realize the coronavirus has literally shut down this world and put into a panic do you realize that there are more people who have the coronavirus than is being reported but because there are some people who don't want to get a test we don't really know the true numbers of persons who have this virus do you realize the frequency and intensity of hurricanes are increasing every day i mean we've been living here for years southern louisiana for years but doesn't appear that in the past 20 years the frequency and intensity of storms in the gulf they are increasing do you realize friends of mine that there is constant fighting in the middle east and it will not end syria will always be at war afghanistan will always be at war iran iraq they will always be at war it will not end why because abraham the father of many nations because of his lapse of faith laid with his handmaid hagar who bore him a child ishmael and now there's been 4 000 years of bloodshed because there's been fighting between the son of promise isaac and the son of disobedience ishmael that's iran and iraq who fight each other in the name of the lord do you realize what's happening or do we just want to come to church at city tim when faith temple preach a concern hear a good song and go home do you realize what's happening one year ago we had closed schools closed churches closed cruises closed fights flights and sporting events closed cities across the world and things haven't gotten better and everything is about to start to close up again but we got folk out there who don't believe in ellen white but she told us in volume 9 of the testimonies page number 11 that we are living she says in the time of the end the fast fulfilling signs of the times declare that the coming of christ is at hand that the days in which we live are solemn and important she says the spirit of god is gradually but surely being withdrawn from the earth plagues and judgments are already falling upon the despisers of the grace of god she says the calamities by land and sea the unsettled state of society the alarms of war are pretentious they forecast approaching events of the greatest magnitude said the ages agencies of evil are combining their forces and consolidating they are strengthening for the last great crisis great changes are soon to take place in the world and she says the final movements will be rapid ones wake up city temple wake up faith temple get some roots don't be seed that sprouts up but then is cut down when trouble comes we need some deep roots roots that can't be cut down roots that can't be destroyed roots that can't be uprooted when we read the word of god it can't just be style but it also has to be substance that's to be revelation and inspiration it has to inspire my soul but also challenge my mind yes i don't want a dead church but i don't want a dumb church either i want a living church but i also want a learned church we need cognition and emotion information and inspiration integrity and intensity we need amen and hallelujah we need the holy scriptures and the holy ghost we need to get some roots got one more point to make i'ma sit down i'm seeing people get all hyped because we're faced with the coronavirus pandemic and now they're ready to come to jesus and live right because they're scared now let me be clear if this pandemic leads you to a greater spiritual thinking spiritual awareness spiritual behavior praise the lord if it's this pandemic that leads you to jesus christ praise the lord sometimes god can use something like this to get us where we need to be sometimes god can use something like this to shake us up sometimes god can use something like this to wake us up but don't let it be that as soon as the coronavirus hype wears off your spirituality wears off and you go back to doing just what you were doing before can we be real now i remember 20 years ago one week ago to next week's sabbath to the day 20 years ago 9 11 people started praying people started reading the bible people started going to church but as soon as all the hype as soon as all the hysteria and the energy wore off you didn't see people praying anymore you didn't see people studying the bible anymore you didn't see people going to church anymore it was business as usual seed sprouted up but soon it was cut off go get some roots a year before that you all remember y2k some people thought the world was coming to an end so they started worshiping god they started reading their bibles they started praying but as soon as their clocks were unaltered as soon as their computers were still working they went back to business as usual their seed sprouted up but soon it was cut off get some roots there are some people who are incarcerated they are in jail there are behind bars and when they're in prison when they're in jail they start reading their bibles they start praying they promise the lord that if he would just get them out of jail this one time that they'll serve the lord for the rest of their lives but as soon as they get out they stop reading their bibles they stop praying they start to go back to do the same thing they were doing before they were put in jail they have a jail house salvation their seed sprouted up but soon it was cut off but god is not a temporary god god is not a god for emergency use only get some roots because if you think coronavirus is something if you think hurricanes are something if you think trouble in afghanistan is something child you ain't seen nothing yet so don't just praise god when the sun is shining don't just praise god when the money is flowing don't just praise god when the marriage is good don't just praise god when your children are okay don't just praise god when everything is going well but i need you to praise god when the rain is falling i need you to praise god when the bottom is falling out i need you to praise god in spite of not because of you need to praise god through coronavirus you need to praise god through hurricanes you need to praise god through sickness you need to praise god through pain speaking of praising god uh when you're going through it the story is told of a woman who one day went to her pastor's study and the lady said to her pastor pastor i'm going through problems with my family the pastor said hallelujah the woman said well pastor there are two other things i'm going through problems on my job the pastor said praise the lord the lady then said i'm going through health problems the pastor then said thank you jesus the woman then said hold up brother pastor hold up and wait a minute you're mocking me i came in here today to tell you that i was going through problems with my family that i was going through problems with my job that i was going through problems with my health and you mean to tell me you're going to make mockery of my trials you're going to sit up in here and talk about hallelujah thank you jesus praise the lord and i'm going through all of this the pastor said woman you don't understand what i'm talking about he said the reason why i'm praising god for you is because you said you were going through you didn't say you were in it to stay but you said you were going through it all right i'm getting ready preaching now right and you need to learn that right now you need to learn that somebody right now you are going through some stuff but i'm here to let somebody know today that you're not in it to stay you're just going through trying to get to because god wouldn't take you to it if he weren't god enough to bring you through it so you better start praising god as you go through it praise god when things are rough praise god when things are tough in the good times praise his name if the bad times do the same our obedience and praise to god is not about our feelings you can't go by your feelings because some days you ain't gonna feel like it can i be real i'm the preacher i'm the president now but sometimes you don't feel like reading the word you don't feel like praying you don't feel like preaching you got to preach when they're talking about you you got to preach when they're doing your own but some days you just don't feel like preaching you don't feel like singing you don't feel like coming to church but i rebuke the devil in the name of jesus i will bless the lord at all times and his praise shall continually be in my mouth my soul shall make her boast in the lord the humble shall hear thereof and be glad oh come and magnify the lord with me and let us exalt his name together jesus didn't go to calvary because he felt like it jesus went to calvary because he loved you jesus went to calvary because he loved me jesus went to calvary to save you jesus went to gary to save me get some roots i said get some roots in the word of god sanctify them through thy truth thy word is truth thy word have i hid in my heart that i might not sin against thee thy word is a lamp unto my feet and i light unto my path i'm getting happy my souls can help you i know they need to stop but my soul's getting happy why did david say thy word is a lamp unto my feet and i light into my path i'm so glad you asked in david's day there was night traveling but most of the night traveling was done by walking back in davis day at night there were no street lights there were no neon lights if you traveled by night back in david's day you had to walk in the dark but they said and they had what they called ankle lights everybody say anko lights ankle lights were lanterns that were tied around somebody's ankles so as you walk you could not see you could see rather your next step you couldn't see 10 feet down the road you couldn't see 20 feet down the road you couldn't see 30 or 40 feet down the road all you could see was your next step somebody got it let me help everybody else when god is leading you and i'm talking about my own life leaving oakwood leaving breath coming here when god is leading you and to some people it doesn't make sense when god is leaving leaving you i'm talking about my wife's parents live in huntsville i'm talking about my parents live in huntsville when god is leading you you don't know what's going to happen next month you don't know what's going to happen next year you don't know what's gonna happen in two years but when god is leading you god will just show you how to take your next step god you don't have to show everything to me you don't have to show me where i'll be 20 years from now you don't have to explain why i had to go through what i went through you don't have to explain why i had to go through the trials and troubles that i had to go through but god just show me my next step because if you don't light it up i'll make the wrong move if you don't light it up i'll step in a hole and break my ankle if you don't light it up i'll step in water and get wet but god just show me my next step and that's why city temple that's why faith temple that's why i'm here today that's why i'm preaching today i didn't come to show off my shirt i didn't come to show off pastor kalazar a custom suit carlton bird's names in it come on say amen i didn't come to show off a bow tie i'd have come to show off shoes i didn't come in the midline just to simply say i'm the president but i'll come today because i want god to show me my next step trouble is here trial is here tribulation is here coronavirus is here hurricanes are here but god show me my next step jesus said carlton bird go he therefore teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father the son and the holy ghost god said get some roots and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for witness unto all nations and then shall the income get some roots no weapon formed against us is going to prosper get some roots for i am not ashamed of the gospel of jesus christ for the power of god unto salvation get some roots don't worry about your enemies fret not nice up because of evil jewish neither be thou envious to the workers of iniquity god will cut them down like the grass get some roots trust in the lord with all thine hearts lead not into thine own understanding and all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your past you better get some roots and i saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach it to them that dwell on the earth to every nation kindred tongue and people saying with a loud voice fear god not the conference not the church fear god and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment is come and worship him who made heaven and earth the season found his waters get some roots here is the patience of the saints here are they that keep the commandments of god and have the faith the testimony of jesus get some roots blessed are they the does commandments no greater love they hung him high they stretched him wide he hung his head for me died blessed are they that do his commandments that they may have a right to the tree of life and may enter into the gates into the city what's happened to us what has happened to us uh commandment keeping that's old what has happened to us jesus said if you love me keep my what commandments maybe you need to stop telling the lord you love him well i love the lord well if you love the lord you've got to love the lord the way the lord wants to be loved i learned i've been married 23 years daniel and i'll be married 24 years in december praise the lord hallelujah don't hate celebrate come on say amen you got a 20 year old we got a 18 year old got a seven-year-old father abraham i mean you know but i've learned in 23 years love your wife the way she wants to be loved so my wife is vegan she vegan so for her birthday i can't take her out to the restaurant that i like it's her birthday i have to love her the way she wants to be loved are you hearing what i'm saying i love the lord but you want to sow wild oats during the week and then pray for a crop failure on the sabbath [Music] you gotta love the lord the way he wants to be loved get some roots and when i talk about kissing roots i'm talking about message don't confuse message with method [Music] get some roots [Music] in the message because the method is well we have 10 efforts and now we don't have 10 efforts and well we can't do a church evangelist to me in the church because we're supposed to do it by attending effort note 10 effort is method the second coming of jesus and loving jesus and keep his commandments that's message are you with me everybody what has happened to us get some roots i mean i pray that people don't get me but if they write letters they have to come to me anyway right [Music] people are not going to join the church because pastor khalasar is a good preacher people are not going to join the adventist church because pastor cox is a good preacher people are not going to join the church because carlton byrd is a good preacher because there are other preachers out there that preach better than us people are not going to join the church because we got a good praise team people are not going to join the church because we got good musicians because there are other churches that have better praise teams there are other churches that have better musicians now let me be clear that doesn't mean we don't need to be good preachers that doesn't mean we need to have not have good praise teams or nice facilities but listen to me people are not joining the adventist church because of that people joined the adventist church because of our message and if a person can become a seven-day adventist christian you gotta preach the advent message now let me be clear let me be clear because we we get caught up in the majoring in minors and the paralysis of analysis get some root because friends it's coming we are closer to the coming of the lord than when we first believed our children don't even know why we keep the sabbath holy our children don't even know that our bodies are the temples of god it's what we put in our bodies what we let people do to our bodies i don't care what denomination you were in years ago if you lived in the same house in a said bedroom and didn't have the same last name 20 30 years ago it was sin i don't care what denomination you were in and now we cohabitate we do whatever we want because we want to drive the car before we buy the car [Music] that doesn't make it right get some roots don't let your roots sprout up and then it gets cut off don't get excited in jesus but then as soon as trouble comes your seed is cut off then on the flip side don't let trouble don't let the pandemic get you exciting jesus then when it wears off your seed wears off and is cut off as well get some roots and it's got to start at 22 15. [Music] it's gotta start at the mother church of our conference it's gotta start at the daughter church of our conference it's gonna start here go study history it started in jerusalem then it went out it starts here get some roots father in heaven in the name of jesus through the intercession of the holy ghost thank you for the sober and solomon message to god we gotta get some roots we we around here talking about the news is saying about coronavirus and hurricanes and afghanistan and abortion and all that conversation and talk but lord help us to remember and be reminded what's going on so god we trust you you died on calvary and all you ask is that we live for you and so god today there's a man there's a woman there's a boy there's a girl who's in this sanctuary there's a man there's a woman there's a boy there's a girl who's watching this service and they fall in one of two categories they either need to get some roots or today restore their roots i pray for the power of the holy ghost right now to move in this place oh god forgive us of our sins forgive me of my sins move right now in this place move on the internet right now because we need some roots either to get some or get something restored so i'm gonna pause in this prayer because i'm allow those individuals who want some roots to restore their roots today to come down this out even in this pandemic because god we believe you're gonna protect us but they gotta make a decision for you so your head's about your eyes closed we're pausing this prayer you're here today god has spoken to your heart and you need to get some roots cotton candy preached and living is over centered on it as far as past jesus loves you he died to save you he's coming back to get you but it really matters not to him what you did last night last week last month or last year but he's saying if you've been washed in the blood and you want to repent of your sin open up your heart let the holy ghost in today he's speaking to you right now you're saying pass the word i'ma come to the front and by my coming to the front today heavens angels are recording but i want some roots in my life baptism rebaptism whatever it is i need some roots in my life i'm not worried about anyone else i'm not worried about what people think or say about me but i've got to make sure my all is on the altar today today if that's you i want you to come that's appeal number one appeal number two you've been in this church you've been in this message you you're a christian but for whatever reason your seed sprouted up but for whatever reason it's been cut down so today you're saying dr bird i want to re-establish and restore my roots in the word of god so today that's you i want you to come that's that's appeal number two you're saying i want to begin a new chapter i need to rededicate my life to jesus christ i need to reevaluate my life i need to pivot again in my life i need my roots restored today if that's you i want you to come so i'm going to make it easier for you i want everybody to stand on their feet right now everybody on your feet right now jesus went to calvary to save a wretch like you and me they hung him high they stretched him wide he hung his head for me he died and that's not how the story ends in three days he rose again that's love greater love has no men in this would lay down his life or friends so the hours well spent you're up now the law of gravity you're up you're standing and you're saying i need to get baptized i need to be baptized for someone else i need rededication for somebody else i need to pivot i need to refill i need right now to re-establish my roots if you're here today i want you to come man woman girl i want you to come don't worry about people they don't have a heaven or hell for you they can't save you you need to get some roots today even those who are online watching right now you need to get some roots today for somebody you need baptism read baptism for somebody else you need to re-establish your roots and you need to right now pivoting you need right now redictate your life to the lord jesus christ god is calling you right now this is the greatest decision you ever make in your life don't walk out of these doors don't turn off that computer today without making sure you've got some roots somebody's saying pastor bird stop stop stop stop no i can't stop the holy ghost it's tugging at you the holy ghost is pulling at you whoever so ever will let him come say it i love you jesus i worship and adore you just want to tell you lord i love you more than anything say it again say it again i love you jesus right there i love you jesus do you love him i worship and adore you i just just want to tell you lord i love [Music] it's the roots today we're gonna see that one more time somebody you're coming today you're coming you're saying i gotta get some roots today come on [Music] i worship i worship and adore you i just want to praise you just want to tell you lord i love you [Music] we're going to close those online i need you to send some type of message to this church since some type of message to this church that i want my roots reestablished i need baptism i want my roots reestablished i want to rededicate my life to jesus christ somebody else you're saying i need roots established for the first time i want baptism i want to join this wonderful message and wonderful movement for jesus christ if you're online if you're in the chat and do whatever you got to do indicate it write it we have people prayer warriors praying right now people monitoring right now do it right now and even in this sanctuary right now it's the roots now i'm about to let this thing go but i really can't let go until you let god bless you so today man woman boy girl whoever wherever however just as you are invite you to come i invite you to come get some roots today there's a mother praying for a child today there's a husband praying for a wife today then there's somebody praying that god bless you most roots god bless you god bless you somebody else today this is the greatest decision you could ever make tomorrow is not promise today you've heard his voice heart not your heart he loves you all you he wants you to do is to love him back you're not perfect i'm not perfect but praise god we are forgiven get some roots i'll come get you i love you jesus [Music] lord i love you lord i love you singing one more time somebody else is coming somebody else is coming seeking one more time somebody else is watching going back and forth somebody's coming right now let go let god delaying obedience is the twin brother of disobedience i want you god loves you he just wants you to love your back are you here come on are you here are you here he just wants you come on bro he loves you he wants you he died to save you he's coming back to get you get some roots god bless you bro come on i love you jesus to calvary your savior is [Music] [Applause] [Music] to save [Music] i want to pray but i believe god is moving to somebody else he's moving online he's moving this sanctuary and somebody needs to get some roots today now the question we've got to ask ourselves if this were our last day on earth if this were it would there be nothing between our souls and the savior so i'm gonna pray but before i pray i'm gonna give you one more opportunity as you take a look in your life in the mirror in your life as you take a look lord am i where i need to be lord am i doing what you would have me to do lord am i loving you the way you want to be loved i felt like i get some roots today if that's you i want you to come this last appeals for you you got five seconds five we got four seconds god is extending his grace his mercy to you don't ask the lord to do for you what you're not willing to do for yourself you've got three seconds to move you got two seconds come on brother come on that's what the church is all about that's what it's all about it stretched him [Music] for me [Music] that's love he loves you somebody else i know i said five seconds but i'm just an old time evangelistic preacher and god is calling you right now he's extended this he allowed this measure to song to go one more time just for you are you going to stand there and not hear his voice are you going to stand here and not eat his call he's telling you today get some roots the world is going to be on fire but get some roots time is winding up but get some roots you can't be popular and prophetic at the same time it's roots so we're gonna close a young person adult senior adult god wants you god is calling you have my clothes and even as i close the spirit of god speaks to you i want you to move you want to come down here and say pass on against the roots because heaven is recording right now lord thank you thank you jesus thank you for these individuals who come down to give their lives to you some to get some roots some to restore roots but thank you for their willingness to come down and give their life to you and say god root them thank you for these individuals who will be baptized today and they go down in the water of grave may they come up new men new women for thee now god bless this church thank you for dr jamie callasar thank you for pastor tyrone douglas and thank you for their ministry thank you for their activism in the church and in the community praise you god for it and then thank you for the elder james cox and his ministry of fury faith temple i pray that you would be with him as well his ministry in the church his ministry and the community and cover faith temple cover our churches cover our ministries and god help us to pivot again coronavirus is here and we've got to do things differently we we have to register to come to church we have to make sure that temperature checks are offered we have to make sure masks are in the place but god the gospel message is still the same so blow our minds open our minds to new methods to ministry new ministry modalities because we're going to finish your work seal these decisions by the power of god i pray it's in jesus name we ask let everyone say amen put those hands together all over the building and praise him for those that came down i don't know what you came down for you maybe see the church but those that came out keep playing that keep playing that stay there i don't know what you came down for i don't know what you came down for bro i don't know what you came down for but we don't have a baptism today and in this moment in this season that god has spoken to you we'll wait for you and if you feel impressed today that god has called you because you believe in the tenants of this church and most important you believe jesus died to save you and he's coming back to get you if i have to wait in here by myself put a robe on myself we can go down in the water grave of baptism know that today are you hearing what i'm saying i was at the campground lone star camp athens yesterday and talking to the evacuees from new orleans one young lady who's not of our faith [Music] she was saying well thank you for providing this far i said no problem this is what it's about because the greatest sermon ever preached is the one that has lived and she was telling me a story about how someone in new orleans was just shot yesterday because people fighting arguing about gas [Music] that's a mean ugly world out there and before we go out there if you feel so led today to be sealed by god's power and his spirit in there today we'll do it we'll do it i know we have protocols but we'll do it because more than anything i want to depopulate hell and populate heaven so we'll do it are you hearing me we'll do it we'll do it because that's what this is all about everybody get some roots may god bless you as my prayer come on and give the lord some praise at this house we thank you dr byrne for such a timely message [Music] at this point just because he made a prayer doesn't mean that the appeal has ended we gather here in church for the celebration of salvation let me say that one more time we gather here in church because we celebrate the fact that jesus died jesus rose and he has given us the free gift of salvation and so that's why we get excited about baptism and so at this moment we are going to move right into our baptism i'm going to ask the elder medlock if he would come in transition as we celebrate as we thank god for these new birthdays that will be had on this wonderful sabbath day somebody say amen amen if you've been saved say amen if you've been baptized say amen then be happy for them too that they're getting baptized as well amen let the church say amen again [Music] hello i'm on the campgrounds of lone star camp the campground of the southwest region conference but i'm not here alone we have individuals who have evacuated from the aftermath of hurricane ida we want you to know at the southwest region conference we're being proactive not reactive if you are seeking refuge if you are seeking shelter we invite you to join us at lone star camp one of our multiple shelters that we are providing for evacuees to hurricane item we have food here it's free we have shelter here it's free and we have the love of god here it's also free throughout this day our camp staff they have attended to the needs of all the evacuees and we want you to know if you're looking for a safe secure and spiritual space lone star camp is the place for you right now for more information on how you can be accommodated at our camp give us a call number is 214-943 or feel free to email us at info [Music] there may be some viewing this video right now saying dr byrd i can't get to lone star camp i can't get to the shelters in houston but what can i do to help we want you to know that we are accepting financial gifts charitable donations that will directly go to eight victims of hurricane item how can you give you can mail your gift to the southwest region conference 2215 lanark avenue dallas texas 752-03 again 2215 lanark avenue dallas texas 75203 if you would like to give an electronic gift via cash app our cash handle is dollar sign s w r g c again dollar sign s w r g c god continue to be with you and may god continue to bless you our thoughts our prayers and our actions are with those who have been negatively impacted by hurricane uh second all in favor say aye it is carrie thank you [Applause] oh take me to the water [Music] number [Music] i just shall see god take me to the water take me to the water take me to the water to be baptized [Music] [Music] my dear brother joseph william hall will not baptize you in the name of the father and of the holy ghost [Music] you have been born again delivered by jesus and so we want to just invite you when you when you're born you you get into a family and you you have joined this wonderful adventist family a worldwide family the evidence that we're here with at city temple today with this congregation is a symbol that we are one family so jose you have done what the pastor preached about got some roots you will be added to a family at faith temple and you will have some association there and join a band there amen brother ron jones would you please raise your hand okay [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] good [Music] regardless of the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not cherish but have an everlasting life my dear sister kelly williams we now baptize you in the name of the father the son and of the holy ghost amen let the church say amen my dear little sister williams you too delivered by jesus in this second uh uh of being born again nicodemus had problems but you have done what nicodemus needed to do amen brother and sister crane would you please stand up this is your family right there they will talk to you after the service okay those things [Music] uh [Music] [Music] let not your heart be troubled you believe in godly votes on me in my father's house of many mansions my dear sister berea will not baptize you in the name of the father amen [Music] amen amen my little sister you too have been delivered by uh jesus smith and brother smith there she is right there who is her see right there sister smith she's gonna take care of you okay the one over there yeah the one lady over there let the church say amen again the lord delivered triplets today amen being born again is what the church is all about that's what dr bird preached about getting roots and now we see what getting roots is all about dr cox i want to thank pastor coleslaw for allowing us to have baptism here in the church we're all family thank you god bless you all right [Applause] somebody continue to praise the lord there's still water in that pool we always keep water in that pool so that at any time that you are ready to be baptized to make your call in an election show we thank god for the faith temple seventh-day adventist church for worshiping with us today we know that we are one church one community we believe in one god dr bird your daddy must be a gun because you are a son of a gun we thank you for how you lay down the word today it was amazing and i'm sure that we have all grown roots just by hearing you preach at this time we're going to collect our tithe and offering you know and understand that gospel the gospel is free but ministry costs money amen and so in order to continue to let the gospel go out into this world we continue on we continue to depend on your faithfulness and giving back to god what belongs to him and to our web worshipers our digital disciples you can give online you can drop your check off or you can come there here they think on wednesday and that you can leave it there but we do prefer and we do accept check money order cash we recep them all amen and so we thank god for this so as you exit the sanctuary you'll see the deacons that are standing there where you can leave your tithe and offering and then you can also go online to advent giving and look for dallas city temple sda church where you can continue to return that which belongs to the lord let's stand for our benediction the fake temple deacons are out there as well too we won church one god but we don't mix our money amen so make sure you know who is who all right let's buy our heads for fred thank you lord for this day thank you god that we can celebrate salvation and see it for one three wonderful young people give their hearts to god lord my soul is overwhelmed with joy we thank you god for all that you have done now please watch and protect us from danger seen and unseen and this we do pray in your name jesus christ amen and amen you may be seated please wait to be ushered out [Music] [Music] come on come on [Music] [Music]
Channel: Northwest Louisiana Adventist Ministries
Views: 1,659
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: Jr162AGhv7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 170min 35sec (10235 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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