In Normandy, Biden urges America and the world to stand up for democracy

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we do begin tonight with President Biden on the world stage with lessons today from those World War II Heroes the president speaking at top The Cliffs of Normandy honoring our veterans the place where Army Rangers scaled that cliff under gunfire enduring terrible losses saying today those Brave American Sons would expect us to stand up for democracy and to stand with our allies rather than going it alone drawing a direct line from World War II to Russia's war in Ukraine today the president making the case to Americans back home that democracy begins with each of us ABC's chief White House correspondent Mary Bruce traveling with the president leading us off from Paris tonight in Normandy today standing on the very Cliffs Army Rangers scaled to liberate Europe from the Nazis President Biden declaring the voices of those soldiers are once again calling Americans to action they are summoning us and they're summoning us now they ask us what will we do they're not asking us to scale these Cliffs but but they're asking us to stay true to what America stands for he didn't mention Donald Trump by name but clearly cast Trump's isolationist America first stance as an affront to the men who sacrificed on D-Day they stormed the beaches alongside their allies does anyone believe these Rangers want America to go alone today the president insisting the men who fought and died on these beaches 80 years ago would want America to defend Ukraine now in its war against Russia they stood against iter's aggression does anyone doubt does anyone doubt that they would want America to stand up against Putin's aggression here in Europe today earlier Biden meeting with Ukrainian president zinski apologizing for the delay in approving new military aid and blaming Republicans I apologize for the uh those weeks of not knowing what's going to in terms of funding some of our very conservative members who were holding it up but we got it done finally for Biden the war in Ukraine the path towards reestablishing the United States as the leader of the Free World my fellow Americans I refuse to believe I simply refuse to believe that America's greatness is the thing of the past the president today echoing the words of Ronald Reagan who 40 years ago at the same location declared the men who took those Cliffs helped a continent and end a war the president today making it clear not just to voters back home but also to the world the sharp contrast between him and Donald Trump as he tries to make clear what's on the line in this election David Mary Bruce leading us off tonight Mary is in Paris for us thank you
Channel: ABC News
Views: 9,705
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Keywords: abc, america, american, biden, d-day, democracy, du, europe, first, france, heroes, hoc, isolationist, joe, liberate, nazis, news, normandy, p_cmsid=2494279, p_vid=news-110945022, pointe, president, russia, ukraine, war, wn, wnt
Id: nsAB5vGC-7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 46sec (166 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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