In Less Than 30 Days...

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morning everyone we're going to talk about something that is going to affect the entire world's economy in less than 30 days but before we get into that and it has to do with another country I want to explain to you why it is going to affect you in this country and I'm going to explain something that for some reason so many millions and millions of people have never been able to understand yet delete and the wealthiest people on the in the world do understand that and first off it is the separate it is the separation of those that have patience and those that do not now the event that's coming in less than 30 days has to do with China and their debt markets but just because we don't live in China doesn't mean that China and whatever happens there does not affect us the last four years that covet doesn't ring a bell then you have to understand how big of a deal this is I don't know what to tell you if you don't understand it but I'm going to try and explain that to those that who who have ears to hear all right because there are so many people in the media and in social media all they do is tell you about what's happening today and they forecast the future based off of what is happening today real estate's not crashing because today my neighbor sold their house they do not understand the lack of transactions the the absolute collapse in transactions the the drop in velocity those that talk about car prices they say car prices aren't dropping even though we know that they're dropping at the uh auction houses they're not dropping the dealership so they're not dropping tomorrow they do not understand something that is so fundamentally important and something that is now it was gripping just the real estate market now it is gripping the auto market and it is right now starting to grip the construction market and that is a seizure a stopping of transactions it is happening right now that is collapse fools and I want to make this very clear Fools Rush In will fools also look at what's happening today and compare it to what happened yesterday they don't think about what happened the last cycle years and years and years prior being able to now forecast what happens tomorrow the farmer farmer's almanac is not there to be able to give you oh sweet it was hot yesterday it was hot today it'll be hot tomorrow it tells you seasonal changes throughout the last century the reason why the Farmer's Almanac is so important to ju to look at is because there is nothing new Under the Sun however there's always something new tomorrow or the day before or the day after tomorrow why because we have constant Cycles within bigger cycles and then ultimately there are only so many cycles until the entire cycle of Cycles repeats itself all right now again we're going to get to the story in China and how it is going to affect us in America I believe it's going to blow through Europe first and then it is going to come into the U.S the reason why the U.S will be last is because we still have the dollars as the world's Reserve currency I know it sounds crazy because it is collapsing as well but this is very important information to get through people need to if you want to be successful stop looking at your local area stop looking at your local economy if you want to be a successful investor you must pull back and look at the large pitcher thank you Andre for the Super Chat when you do when you look at the big picture you make big money so many people are focused on little transactions little bits of money little Investments because they're looking at little markets which is usually primarily their own Market they don't separate themselves and what's happening right now just in the car industry is blowing my mind well let me stop and explain I'm always ahead of time because I'm looking very far back into the future into economic and monetary history I know that I I joke around a lot that's just my personality but I do actually take this stuff very serious that's why I came out with the housing course I know from 100 experience how long that market took to drop from mid 2005 to 2008 I had all that time to prepare sell all my liquidate all my homes but by 2008 I couldn't sell my home why because interest rates are so high people are losing their jobs they didn't have the money okay you are right at that moment where a flood of inventory is starting to hit the market it's already happening in places like Austin Las Vegas Las Vegas inventories went up like 400 over the last year and a half right it's not moving like it should why because nobody has money there are other locations like um uh Austin Texas which you have to understand was the biggest part of this bubble in the country its inventory has exploded in uh a year and a half as well and look at all the price reductions go on to Zillow do yourself a favor and just go through the price reductions what's really even better is to go through the price reductions on new homes in developments in the city of Austin that shows you what's coming to your local town we have cities all around the country that are outlawing these airbnbs they are so those are having hit the market is either long-term rentals and since they were bought wrong they're hitting the market as uh sales for sales and you are going to see people get squeezed like you have never seen before there are so many homes in foreclosure but it's not being reported why because if it was then that would exacerbate the real estate problem on the flip side Auto Sales go into your local dealer and find out how many salesmen there are and what you're going to find is there's one or two usually the sales manager and possibly one other in a large dealership why because there's no transactions they're not going to pay or waste anybody's time working on commission when there's no sales we had go to your local real estate office right now and find out how many agents have become agents the last five years only to now try and find other means of of jobs look at your mortgage industry they're all imploding right now this is collapse and that's why I started that real estate course that's why I'm starting right now we're filming the how to make money and save money buying cars and save money buying a flipping car or make money flipping cars and the reason why is because you need to have that information before these prices drop out in the public where they're out in the I mean I just had a buddy pay 10 000 under MSRP for a Dodge Ram truck brand new they need your business and it's starting but you need that information so I'll put links to both of those the the car class is going to take me a full month because I'm going to probably be flying all over the country to be uh getting information for that course um but it'll take me a full month so I'll put links down below to both those 80 off but you need to have this information before because what I see and when I talk about fools rushing in when the market started to drop in 2008 early actually late 2007 early 2008 in real estate because people were panicking and some people were trying to get out the exit first they would drop their home by 50 000 bucks before everyone else because everyone else was in denial people would run in and grab that but what they didn't realize was a mere two years later that house had fallen by a hundred and fifty thousand dollars extra and you need to know these Cycles before you are now in the greatest seizure the greatest collapse in credit right now in history and what you're about to see in the next eight to 12 weeks you're going to see it all over the news all right the reason why those four three or four banks failed in uh the spring and now you've got two more that just failed uh last week or a week and a half ago is because of liquidity if they had liquidity they would have been open still they're gone and if you take all of that loss right there and you add it up it's greater than all of 2008 combined this is not a joke you're seeing something that happens so much bigger than bear Stearns in the spring of 2008 then or this just this year right now you're here I don't care I don't care think about this right now the greatest wealth that's built up in someone's mind is the housing wealth effect it is the greatest scientifically proven wealth effect there is on Earth it's greater than a stock bubble uh than a gold bubble it's the real estate why because it's all there but in 2007 people lost their ability to go and borrow against it well guess what they've already lost their ability to bar against it nobody can go let's say you got 300 000 built up in equity in your home right now you can't access it sure you can go get a loan but at what cost can you make that payment can you borrow that 300 Grand additionally on top of your first at with an interest rate of seven or eight percent no you can't why because you're being squeezed on every other thing in your life food utilities School everything and guess what it's about to get worse so you're about to witness the breaking point and for anybody that out there that would put a comment that sit there and goes well you don't get it in my area I'm like man you just don't get it period because I'm showing you the future by using the past as the indicator as the truth now I thank everybody that hits the Thumbs Up Button because we've got to get this information out because quite frankly it's one thing for you to make a million bucks but if if we don't keep the money in the middle class and share this truth and knowledge we're going to lose our country because the elite will become richer literally like they did in 2008 the too big to fail banks will get even bigger and then it's over we're done you don't want your small Bank going out of business but right now it is secretly the Federal Reserve already told you 723 Banks last September told us that they're insolvent the Federal Reserve just told you we're liquidating our balance sheet rapidly they said that in their last meeting like Jerome Powell said that in front of the nation but he said it so fast people just gloss over it the Auto industry is hemorrhaging because the largest lenders in the market and just you know nobody can afford a car cash most people cannot afford a car cash so the Auto industry is collapsing because all the lending is pulling out this is absolutely mind-blowing to me that people aren't prepared for this or seeing the writing on the wall but hey good news the FDA just came out and said that Ivermectin is a great thing for uh covet after it's all done huh truth always comes out here we go this is a story out of Zero Hedge and I want you to understand why the next 30 days is crucial you're going to see this bubble pop in 30 days now I've been talking about evergrand and all of these companies in China and remember I was the first one on the internet to talk about commercial mortgage-backed Securities crisis and it was actually before ever Grand I actually talked about it for the first time on YouTube and did a whole story on it and I said look I didn't do a story there was no such thing as a story I said this is the next coming crisis it was four months before uh the ever Grand Story in China came out and that's when Google shot that video up and ranked it really high there's nobody on the internet that was talking about this this is the greatest bubble in the history of securities literally in the last hundred years I'm not joking this is going to be amazing the sheer Fallout from this it says China is facing the a bigger debt crisis than ever Grand in under 30 days the Undisputed credit event of 2021 a year when rates around the globe were near all-time lows and bankruptcies were virtually unheard of was the default and collapse of Chinese property Giant evergreen now also I want you to understand evergren had Ripple effects through Europe and into the United States ever Grand had their claws in real estate in both of those countries our countries had um uh money invested in evergrant and immediately whenever Grand collapsed there was a shock wave that hit because the fed and the ECB and other agencies came out and said where where is the liability who's got money in this company it wasn't just ever Grant evergrand was the first one it led to a stair-stepping collapse and then it just sort of went away but what didn't go away was the crisis the reason why it went away the sound you know the the news cycle was because money was printed things were covered up you have to understand how big of a deal this is back in 2005 we actually had a mortgage-backed Securities crisis Ben Bernanke at the time the chair of the Federal Reserve addressed the nation and said he fixed it it's done right now you have Jerome Powell saying we fixed the banking crisis it's done we're gonna have a soft landing at the same time in the exact same speech he said and I quote we are looking to aggressively lower our balance sheet what do you think that means type one if you think that this is uh gonna get worse type two if you think the Drone power has got this under the control watch everybody's reactions it said here um it was the default of Chinese property giant evergrand which many feared would drag down the entire Chinese Financial system due to its hundreds of billions in real estate linked liabilities if the state didn't step in fast forward two years in China is again emerging as emerging as the venue of what may be the year's biggest default one which according to Bloomberg could spark a debt crisis that Rivals China's ever Grande group default on Monday Country Garden Holdings just you know Country Garden already fell apart about a year in a year and eight months ago all right and that's what that's when the whole story got quelled so you're gonna this is gonna be awesome um on Monday Country Garden Holdings formerly China's largest private sector developer and headed by China's formerly richest woman Yang yuhan officially entered a technical default grace period now they did this back in pass and everything got fixed it got papered over all right so now you have what's known as a grace period which means we you have a certain amount of days when you aren't making your payments to cough up the payments before we go into technical defaults and we start serving papers and start seizing assets which really quickly in the Chinese government already knows there's no assets there it's all debt okay all right oh and by the way remember China there's just a story that came out China is working diligently to stop reporters from an economists from using the word uh deflation okay they're trying to hide this on the cusp of and I'm going to tell you right now you're going to see a lot of news coming out from the Western countries right now about China ripping them apart making it worse prior to this brics event that happens in a couple of weeks they're going to try and discredit them you're going to see this in the next couple of weeks in the news cycle all right look at them look at them don't look at us don't look at us see because China is working on a new currency to rival and destroy the dollar so they're going to do everything they can to try and hurt them and their actions right now all while your country either Canada us or Europe is collapsing all right I want you to understand that you will see that um it says here uh they've officially entered a technical default grace period failing to pay interest on two bonds and leaving investors in the dark after bondholders said they've yet to receive coupon payments that puts the firm which had 1.4 trillion Yuan or 199 billion US dollars of total liabilities at the end of the last year on course for its first public default if it doesn't make payments within the 30-day grace period until recently the largest private sector developer Buy sales in a country whose property Market was estimated by Goldman as the largest single asset in the world the Builder of more than 3 000 housing projects in smaller cities has long been a household name and employed about 70 000 soon to be unemployed people at the end of last year while the company's giant footprint and massive balance sheet has given it dry powder to withstand the industry cash crunch that started in 2021 and has continued to date leading to record defaults since evergrand's First missing missed Bond payments tumbling home sales and soaring refinancing costs are not only threatening that streak but have exhausted the company's reserves and now the company has less than a month to avoid defaults let me explain where I believe this is going you are going to see when this defaults and I don't know if it will default in the next 30 days I am pretty sure they will come up with a late payment but if you work in the industry the credit industry the debt industry you will know this when someone starts late pay it is the beginning of the end that is it so I do believe that they will come up with payments they will get an emergency loan from another bank that they are forced to get a loan from by the Chinese government because remember if the Chinese government directly injects money into them then it's a sign of weakness that the Chinese government can coerce another Financial firm to loan them the money watch how this works this is very important to understand the background of of financial collapse they force another firm and then they they Herald it as the company wanted to bail them out because they see such value in their other assets thus giving financial support and stability to that sector and that company and investors go oh well I'm just an investor but if that big bank or that big company invested in them to bail them out they must see something I don't and they they're they're perfect words Miss but I'm telling you right now that was coerced because nobody it's like the bank's bailing each other out like I don't want to deal with you I don't want to deal with you we got our own uh problems we got our own balance sheet issues but the FED comes in and negotiates these deals this is exactly what happened in 2008. the FED forced Banks the big Banks to bail out other ones and look what's happening right now in our banking sector the FED is straight up forcing the big Banks to pay the insurance for the small Banks the FDIC is now insolvent think about this this is how bad the market is and if you think this is Doom and Gloom you're an idiot and I only say idiot to Straight Up Smack you upside the face verbally and maybe hopefully wake you up I I mean I I can't I can't think of any other I mean this is like it's not time for panic it's time for doing something or thinking differently and going you know what the next 30 60 90 days should I go on the vacation should I go and uh eat out should I how can I change my balance sheet a little bit because and let's just say the ninja is wrong 100 wrong and things don't get worse over the next year um oh I still got money I just saved money right isn't that crazy the Fed the FDIC didn't go in solvent during 2008. it didn't make an announcement that we don't have any money you need to replace the money and then the FED back then didn't have to force the big Banks to pay it all up because they literally said the FED said through the media came out yeah the big the little Banks can't do this they're so insolvent we got a phone call from 723 of them last September it's bad uh we didn't have leaked video footage of FDIC meetings where they're literally saying uh if the if the public finds out this was last November the public finds out that the banks are collapsing they're going to be Panic people will be pulling money and it'll exacerbate the problem this didn't happen in 2008. so I don't care how much your neighbor sold his house for if you can't understand that nobody else is selling their homes they're now locked into their homes they can't go anywhere oh and just you know fed's going to keep raising raids then I don't know what to tell you if you don't understand why you need it's your right and your duty to make as much money from this crash as possible because if not the banks are going to do it and they're going to take your wealth and your neighbor's wealth I don't I don't know what to tell you we are losing the battle it's the middle class loses the money we're screwed and people need to wake up to this fact right now I could joke around and laugh and that's why I've been able to get so many people to to follow and watch the channel trying to interject truth every single day but bringing a positive spin to it because I'm like this is not a joke this is way worse than 2008. and you got to really check who you're listening to because man I'm telling you what what's going to happen in the next 30 days they're gonna get a bailout from another company all right that that's it but just you know they're sick they're they're in serious trouble and those shock waves are going to reverberate through and there are going to be bondholders in this company in America that are going to take losses just just throw this out there matter of fact if any of you know of any bondholders in this country uh put in the comment section email me because I'm pretty sure it's gonna be pretty easy to hunt this down this is gonna be exciting so whether it happens in 30 days which I don't believe it's gonna I believe it's gonna get billed out they're going to be late paying now and they're going to be uh they're going to fail again and they're going to fail again and this is exactly what happened not only to Industry in 2007 2006 around that time definitely in 2008 but it happened to the average person and right now credit card balances crossed a trillion dollars that's never happened either think about all the things you start adding up all the things that have never happened and you are literally getting yourself set up for the biggest collapse in history this is exciting this should get you pumped and I'm trying to figure out any which way I can and wake people up because if you're not a part of it and and making money you're going to be a part of the side that's losing and literally losing your shirt I'm gonna put discount links to both of those courses the car course is going to take me some time we've got 12 videos out for editing right now um I just for everybody that uh bought the real estate side hustle course I just put up uh the real estate crash course I just put up two more videos I got two more in the hopper I'm never gonna stop putting courses I think we're up to 31 lessons now on the real estate course I'm never gonna stop with these courses putting added videos because as the industry changes all I want to hear when I meet you and I got to be honest with you from the amount of pre-sales that went from all of my current students they're shutting the lights off on me now it was amazing I'll put links to that thank you so much for supporting me and uh enjoying the content all right with that being said the economic Ninja slides out
Channel: The Economic Ninja
Views: 281,432
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Keywords: the economic ninja, economic ninja, the economic ninja channel, economic ninja channel, the economic ninja youtube, economic ninja youtube, economic ninja today, In Less Than 30 Days, economic ninja real estate, yahoo finance, yahoo finance premium
Id: ZeIuIYyGubQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 35sec (1415 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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