How To Start Your Speech (3 excellent openings)

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Oh hi my name is Jeff I am a member of post Buster's and welcome to my video on public speaking today I will show you three excellent ways to begin your speech and hook your audience in less than 30 seconds what's the ultimate purpose of your introduction essentially to answer the big question your audience is asking why should I listen to this speaker according to Andrew seniya in the first seven seconds people decide whether they like you or not and in the first 30 seconds they decide whether they listen to you or not afterwards it's almost impossible to change their mind so it's crucial to start with something original unexpected and powerful and here are three guaranteed methods to start with a bang you can either tell a personal story ask a thought-provoking question or make a powerful statement to illustrate each method I will present the beginning of three tenth speeches in fact these examples are given by Jeremy diamond on his website starting with a personal story is the best way to prove you're an interesting speaker because everyone likes stories you're almost certain to catch your audience's attention for more on storytelling check out my video on the topic now here's the author Richard st. John starting his speech very efficiently by telling how he became interested in the idea of personal success this is really a two hour presentation I give to high school students cut down to three minutes and it all started one day on a plane on my way to Ted seven years ago and in the seat next to me was a high school student a teenager and she came from a really poor family and she wanted to make something of her life and she asked me a simple little question she said what leads to success and I felt really badly because I couldn't give her a good answer so I get off the plane and I come to Ted and I think geez I'm in the middle of a room with successful people so why don't I ask them what helped them succeed and pass it on two kids another way to get a audience hooks is to ask a thought-provoking question your goal here is to push your audience to participate actively in their mind in your speech to be really effective it should be a why or how question obviously nothing prevents you from combining this approach with the first one you ask a question and then you tell a story now let's hear simon Sinek starting his speech by asking some interesting questions how do you explain when things don't go as we assumed or better how do you explain when others are able to achieve things that seem to defy all of the assumptions for example why is Apple so innovative year after year after year after year they're more innovative than all their competition and yet they're just a computer company they're just like everyone else they have the same access to the same talent the same agency is the same consultants the same media then why is it that they seem to have something different the third way to capture audiences interest is to drop in with some surprising information like a statistics or an original opinion your goal here is to trigger a particular emotion in your audience here's Jamie Oliver's speech opening sadly in the next 18 minutes we're not to out chat for Americans Vera live will be dead through the food that they eat so instead of starting with the morning ladies and gentlemen today I will bla bla bla bla bla open by grabbing your audience's attention tell a personal story ask a thought-provoking question or make a startling statement thank you for watching this presentation and see you
Channel: Jeff Roy
Views: 2,161,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Toastmasters International (Organization), Speech (Activity), Communication (Field Of Study), Speaker (Job Title), Public Speaking (Exhibition Subject)
Id: tCBZQ8Jvg9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 24sec (264 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 12 2013
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