In-Depth Macros // DaVinci Resolve 17 Tutorial

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i've recently been asked on what is the smartest  and simplest way to save up a fusion title or a   fusion composition inside of davinci resolve and  the short and simple answer to that is using the   macro tool inside of fusion and even though i've  already made a video covering the macro tool i   missed out on a very important point in this video  and that is keeping your macro organized because   let's say you have 10 nodes and you want to create  a macro of those 10 nodes and you didn't assign   custom drop down menus using the label control  feature well all the parameters that you selected   from every node will just be on  top of each other in the inspector   and you don't know what parameter is connected  to which node so today we're organizing our macro   but first what actually is a macro and the short  answer to that is think about your whole fusion   note 3 whether it be two nodes to 500 nodes those  nodes stored into one node that you can then use   to reload that fusion node tree whenever you want  to use this animation or whatever you have built   but the question of this video is how to organize  our macro so that when we use it in the edit page   in the inspector we then have a bunch of drop down  menus for each individual node and then unfold the   parameters that we want to change on that specific  node this is the title that we want to create the   macro for and the first thing that we want to do  is we want to assign different label controls for   background one the main text and the secondary  text and we do that by going to a i usually   do this on a merge node um so i'm gonna right  click on this merge one and go to edit controls   click on that and then the first name i'm always  gonna call controls then the type numbers find   page user page is fine because if you watch um on  the merge one you see the merge page to channels   and settings but you don't see a user's page and  if you select user's page to ensure resolve we'll   create a new page called users for you in the  merge one by input control we want to select   the label control and view control is fine  so first of all we want to select show arrow   hide next and then let's just type in 1  and this is fine so if we click ok then   we see the users page and we see a big controls  now we can create custom label controls for   our background main text and secondary text and  we do this the exact same way but we have to   think ahead on how many of the parameters  in the background node we want to change   so for me it's just a color and in text one there  are probably font font style color size tracking   and whatever but i'm gonna do this in a second so  first of all let's go to merge one right click go   to edit controls and then under name we wanna call  this back round and new control ids find type user   um all good now we want to select the  label control once again we want to select   show arrow and then hide next and this is  where we have to think ahead on how many   of the parameters we want to hide in this  specific drop down so for the background as i said   it's probably around five because it's just the  color um so let's type in five and this is good   and then hit okay and right now as you can see we  have our background controls in there and click   on merge one again go to edit controls and now  we do this for the main text once again this is   everything on this side is fine all we got to do  is select the label control and then show arrow   and on the main text we probably want to  have around let's go with 30 parameters   and hit ok and now we want to go to go to edit  controls and now do this for our secondary text and we want to go with labor control and hide  next 30 as well right now we have um those two   and we really have to be careful on what we  named them um so if you don't remember just   take notes and it's also um very important that  right now we have it set to background main text   and then secondary text hold the ctrl key and  we have to select them in the exact same order   hold ctrl and then select background then  select the text one and then select the text to   and then select the merges once we've done that  we can right click on any of those nodes and   go to macro and then create macro and this  um is probably what i'm gonna call this um   cinematic title one all right so and  right now we have our background note here   um and we don't need the image we don't need we  just need to color and we need color red green   blue and alpha and that's probably it um for the  background so we can close the background and   then the next thing that we selected is the text  one so let's go to text and under text i want my   style font um the default the style um the color  glee green blue alpha size tracking and spacing   but i don't need any of those close the text one  and then we can go to text number two select this   one and select the parameters that we want to have  in our macro i'm not going to go through each and   every one of those because you can still with the  macro tool open you can still select the node that   you're currently working on and then as you can  see when we select wait select text note 2 you can   see this here and you can see we have selected  the text to node and you can see the image   is probably this window right here we don't need  that because we don't need any parameters that   are in this specific window or page so then on the  text page we want to have our style text which is   basically this window up here we definitely want  to have that we definitely want to have the font   we definitely want to have the font family we want to have the color which is  here right below there green blue alpha   we want to have the size and the tracking right we  don't need any of those other parameters again but   if you want to have any of those just scroll  through and under h anchor you can see that there   are one t3 and yeah this is right here horizontal  justification left this is this icon right here   central is here and right is here horizontal left  center right this is this slider here so keep in   mind when you want to use any of those just feel  free to navigate in between the different nodes   that you have whilst your macro tool is open um  so that you can see what kind of parameters that   you want to have but that's it for now all  we want to do is right now select the close   save changes to macro to one and we want to select  yes and now it will ask us where to store this and   i would highly recommend to store this on your  desktop and then hit save because if i'm going   to tab out this is the next step i know that  creating macros and templates isn't for everyone   and this is where motion vfx comes in handy  and if you haven't heard about motion vfx   they are basically a company providing video  editing assets for davinci resolve and final cut   pro and i have been using their service for well  over a year now and i have several product plugins   and i have several plugins from them installed  right now and i'm super happy with using them   and they recently brought out the music video dv  which is a great plugin if you're editing music   videos if you like music video effects if you  like music video i don't know what that's called   you know subtitles or whatever um this plugin  overall is just crazy it is very cool but there's   more motion vfx is currently running a contest  where you can win prices well worth over 32 000   and the prices range from a sony a6500 to a  macbook pro to a dji r2s combo and to several   thousand plugins from their website so make sure  to check out the link in the description where   you can read the rules and enter your submission  good luck is as you can see we have this cinematic   title um one setting and right now what i want  you to do is right click open with text edit   and i don't know if you know this basically okay  what i'm gonna do um first of all i'm gonna copy   all of those this stuff in here to showcase this  i'm going to hit ctrl c then i'm going to x out   of this go back to davinci resolve and then in  here in the free space i'm going to hit ctrl v   and boom there's my cinematic title setting right  this is pretty cool is it i don't know but again   we have to assign the custom drop down menus  because we have the custom drop down menus but   we haven't told davinci resolve that it should use  those label controls and store those parameters   below the different label controls so what i'm  gonna do first of all we don't need that this was   just to showcase you um you can also do something  like this highlight all the nodes hit ctrl c then   tap out of davinci resolve and then open up the  text edit new document and then hit ctrl v and it   will look pretty much the same if you didn't know  that this is probably a good feature if you're   experienced with text edits so open with text edit  if you have any other text coding software you can   feel free to use that i for me personally it  is yeah it just feels very good to use the   regular text editor right now we have  different inputs don't know what that is but   this is pretty important oh and by the way if you  don't want to have the macro as one single node   um and you mess that up but you want to have every  individual nodes just go to the top where it says   macro operator and change the macro just delete  that and call this group because right now watch   what happens if i'm gonna copy all of this once  again ctrl copy as you might have seen we had if   i hit control v now we had one single node but if  i'm hitting ctrl v right now we have a group and   if we click double click on that it looks exactly  the same as this right here so even though you   might have messed up something with your macro  tool and you haven't stored the original note 3   you can just go back and change this in  here from a macro to a group operator   and well this will load up the nodes in a group  but right now we have input 1 and this is an   instance input source operators background one  source is top left red name color one yada yada   alright so you can see that this is background one  and right here it starts with text one so first of   all i'm gonna go to this right here and i'm going  to copy all of this with the bracket and then hit   ctrl c go down here hit enter and then hit ctrl v  and this is basically because i don't want to mess   up anything so in in this input here i want to  call this well this is why i said note that down   what you have labeled because  i'm going to call that background   so background and the is an instance input source  operator is merge one merge one um because we have   stored the background drop down menu if you  can remember we have stored that in merge one and the source is background this right here so i'm pretty sure this looks intimidating to a lot  of you it did um for me once i started using this   but again stick with me it will you know once we  get that to text 1 and text 2 you will notice that   it's just always the same step that i'm gonna do  um because we have set the background um labor   control so this basically is the drop-down menu  and we have told davinci resolve via the source   operator that the drop-down menu is stored in  merge one and the source is background which   basically is again the drop-down menu and then we  have if you can remember we have said that we want   to have um hide the next five and basically this  was a little bit much because as you can count   here one two three and four and this is background  one so hide next and type in four um would have   been enough but now once i'm gonna do what i'm  gonna do next is i'm gonna go to input number five   and tell davinci resolve first of all i'm gonna  copy this go down here ctrl v to paste it once   again and right now we have two input files um but  i'm gonna change this input five to my main text   so this is going to be main text then instance  input is fine source operator is not text 1   again remember this is stored in merge 1 merge 1  and the source is not style text it is main text so once we've done this we have the main text  and then once we scroll down i believe i have   set um the height the next 20 so let's count one  two three four five six and if you didn't know um   what nodes are counting to text 1 basically  until you see here in source operator sending   text 2 and this probably starts input 15 so well  as i said 10 would be enough and let's go to   input number 15 once again it control copy  enter control v and change the input 15 to   if you cannot remember you can always scroll down  until you see where it is here and we have main   text and then yeah we have secondary text and  then 30 okay so we have assigned label we can   put a four in here and we can put a  10 in here and probably another 10 in   here and then copy the secondary text  control copy go up to input number 15   make sure it is the first one because if you use  the second one this um styled font or style text   will appear um in text one so let's go in here  ctrl v secondary text is instance input source   operator again is not text to it is merge one and  the source is not style text it is whoops ctrl v   it is secondary text and right now we have one  two three four five six seven eight nine right   yeah this should be fine again make sure if you  scroll down and you see this um that you have   everything set up correctly so that you've spelt  it um the names correctly main text background   secondary text i'll make sure the label numerical  inputs are correct and once we've done this we can   close this and it will ask you if you want to save  this and then just click save open with text edit   let's just quickly select everything ctrl c go  back to davinci resolve control v see if this um   perfect now you can see um that it worked  so we have the background in here we can   oh why we can't collapse that pretty  sure that this is a bug so we have um controls and then we have um background but  i'm not sure what you can't collapse that   but anyways this is how you would use  the macro tool with the text editor   to keep your macros very nice and organized  and if you want to save them then into   a custom file path all you want  to do is create a new folder   and call this folder edit because we're recreating  the folder structure for davinci resolve now and   then in the edit folder create another folder  called as titles um and then in the titles folder   you can either create a folder for your name like  i'm doing right now or you can um delete that and   just give this um the name of the titles um let's  go with cinematic titles version one boom and   then you want to control copy ctrl v all right so  we've copied this in and right now what i'm gonna   do is um zip this folder so you that you have this  then i'm gonna rename it and then call this cine   titles and then behind the dot it says sip and you  wanna change that to drfx hit enter and then it   will ask you if you want to change the suffix from  dot zip to drfx and all you want to do is select   choose drfx and this will create a dot drfx file  for you then click and drag and drop this onto   davinci resolve doing to resolve will open up and  it will ask you to install cine titles this will   add the selected template bundle to the effects  library and of course we want to select install   then under titles um cinematic titles  center title 1 drag this over just like so   and there we have it pretty easy and under title  you can then see we have the background we have   the main text which is secondary text and i'm  not quite sure why this doesn't unfold um but   yeah you get the point this is how you want to do  that so that's wrap i hope that this was helpful   to you and that you've learned something new if so  please consider leaving a like and a comment that   would mean a ton to me but anyways hope you're  having a great day see you on the next one bye
Channel: Sebastian Friedrich
Views: 8,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DaVinci Resolve, DaVinci Resolve 17, DaVinci Resolve tutorial, DaVinci Resolve 17 tutorial, DaVinci Resolve fusion, DaVinci Resolve fusion presets, DaVinci Resolve macro, DaVinci Resolve macros, DaVinci Resolve 17 macro, DaVinci Resolve 17 macros, DaVinci Resolve 17 macro tutorial, DaVinci Resolve 17 in depth macro guide, DaVinci Resolve macro guide, DaVinci Resolve 17 macros tutorial, DaVinci Resolve 17 macro guide, in depth macro guide DaVinci Resolve 17, s. friedrich
Id: 4xu2HoeU3mQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 15 2022
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