IN DEPTH: Koenigsegg Factory Tour with Christian von Koenigsegg
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Channel: Shmee150
Views: 1,378,152
Rating: 4.9063416 out of 5
Keywords: Shmee150, Shmee, Koenigsegg, Factory, Regera, Agera RS, Christian von Koenigsegg, Tour, Look, Walkaround, Explore, Detail, Process, Production, Line, Inside, Exclusive, Special, Rare, Discovery, Processes, Carbon fibre, Wheels, Aircore, Crash test, USA, Homologation, Development
Id: 71wvtEZ-jcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 5sec (2225 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
This makes me almost want to become a millionaire... Such a cool company.
Koenigsegg is one of my favorite hypercar makers for two big reasons. First they are the actual pursuit of excellence not whatever other company has that logo (I forget, Lexus?). Second they are one of the few that I feel are actually innovating on automotive technology. Several car manufactures have R & D projects, but with Koenigsegg, it seems like the entire company is an R & D project. The just also happen to make several copies of their 'experiments' and sell them.
Those two reasons are so evident in everything they make. Carbon fiber wheels as an example, they had to design and make them, and I believe they were either the first or they were one of the first to do so. R & D, but also fits the pursuit, as they do lower unsprung weight which has several driving advantages.
Just about everything they covered in the vid fits both categories.
That's incredibly inspiring!
There's so much drool on my floor now...OP, bring me a towel.
at 5:12 when the engine starts, ohhh my!