UPsetting a Ferrari! How to Drive the Nurburgring Nordschleife

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[Music] hi guys I'm Shmi and today you join me where this man Misha from apex and we are in the sub 7up now the other day we film with this cup with the seatbelts hiding you need to go at ruder seating so custom buckle it's a race car ok there we got it this is the sub 7up now if you didn't watch the video the other day when we showed you all around this car you probably should but it's a bit of fun it's a 90 horsepower standard up it with 125 horsepower on the wheels now ok remap so quite a cool little thing it weighs next to nothing there's everything stripped out behind us and today we're gonna go do a lap of the nΓΌrburgring Nordschleife er to show you the circuit to show you what it's like and Misha is a pretty experienced instructor that you spend a lot of time here a few years is years learning and understanding the ropes based out of apex of course where you can come and have a go yourself too but it's a very dangerous place there is an awful lot to learn and to know to be safe on this track and we noticed during the video in my McLaren the other day a lot of people really enjoyed the instructional seeing the points you can watch a video like that or like this one in fall over and over and over and over and over again until you know the nerve oh great now before you throw me around too much I'm actually just gonna throw it but earlier today I've been a spark which is about an hour and 20 minutes away from the Nurburgring and I'd be being paddled around in a McLaren p1 and GTR now I'm not gonna lie it made me feel a little tipsy bit squeamish and nausea sand all over the place I'm hoping that's not going to happen and how these excuse me in advance if it does I've also been driving around 570s gt4 which has been amazing too but I mean David on a personal level as a private event not filming today we're going to do let's go down this way it's worse than far as an entrance I mean she's gonna show us the ropes yeah I'm just thinking I don't have any puking banks and that's a problem so I will warn you if that's gonna get there then you are up then I am actually allowed to pull over on the safe side of the road of the track on the Nurburgring and then you could get out and do your thing but that's hope it won't not happen it's gonna rear yep cause of all sorts m135i in front of us from britain lots of bricks come here to the north i this is the tourists and Farzin engines devil's diner the main way you'll likely come in if you're coming to drive on the Nurburgring now as regulars here we go straight through and go into the car park buy your tickets that sign of things but otherwise if you come forwards for your lap of the 20 and a half kilometre circuit you come up to the barriers you're ready to put your I've taken or the app I have the app area of QR code on the app yeah that's very cool the berry is open on an out so shall we yeah yeah we'll proceed here so I can start talking here basically I'm fine I'm not running usually I hate that time has been accustomed a lot of people gonna ask like what did I do a lot of people gonna ask what was the lap time Oh someone bumped ecoan those are actually 20 year apiece male okay let's start talking so we proceeded on Main Street the ID line is actually aiming towards the left curbstone but i usually also advise people to stay on the right walk past their cars I'm going back to the right side letting the Scuderia pass which mean a hedgehog later in the depression you just steer towards the left herbs that wasn't in the straight line right curve still and paying for the left side break down shift and rank more and like I said we already caught up with Scuderia is now in a way if we stay in the left sides and usually it's Apple to break and at the traffic scientists theorem writes with a fortune typical a bit of traffic in therapist so we go straight and then we came for the porridge barrier on the rides that's also breaking points but then again there is a lot of cars so interstate rightfully cars behind us we're actually fast then we aim for the two kilometer sign years of the able to watch it again we are being overtaken by a faster car and another car and as I can see there is the furnace very dangerous because people are going really for lifetimes and don't care about whatever even traffic near the breaking points you break release and what was important to release because a lot of people understeer into the barrier because they forget to release the brake then you need for the left curve storage barrier of France thanks to the right curves that you have Lorraine's the air in left car pried open up from here we can also even take the whole person if you want to at the evening session you can use the shadow as a reference point for the breaking points and then more thing is good area a bit upsetting for that man I looked out probably not we entering in a small straight so this particular overtake us probably again maybe not that's where unfortunately 2015 as a GTR to golf and kill spectator so after that they flattened out the track advance so now you can go flat out right now we enter the track with 170 kilometres an hour of the we're approaching the most dangerous part of the track which is the straight Detroit's or the Swiss for a Swedish press no sorry the train cars don't break here at all and there is speaks of the buff have a cage I'm gonna break either which I just just out the break I just go and as you can see the car slides down the one that happened to you if you're an experienced driver you have a decent suspension set up slightly with almost upon the Columbus powers the one who glass facing witness see unfortunately this car they cannot switch off the traction control so in the corners I always go flat out that the car doesn't let me do and there is no switch have you decoded five so you knowit's dog lift and again it would have a rotation that will help you in the car I wouldn't even break uphill and then everything those like we're taking and the eros where the crash happened last time which then caused us to go on the track and also the crash with a real exact one-to-one when they were going for the lap record attempt so as you can see going flat out there and going over curves them can make a go crash if you don't have a recent suspension setup she has a very technical bits of a track you approach the right person and I prefer a wish to go straight to the left side and here you can just that breaks towards the right side I go on the gas again past the last person to the right side end of the right carousel go on the brake now shifted the burden beginning of the last pair of stone you start steering and ready and aiming to the Yokohama sign at the motorcycle side you go on the Rings and you stay for a long time on the left side actually when it's wet you stay completely on the level up until the barrier traction control interfering aiming for the vents on the right and the fancy just gently tap operate for that attractions love wheels go past after right there son entering the missive miss they break down a bit for the second curbstone miss the first one able to second one missed the first one and there by the name is it miss there's an invisible barrier break and again like at Hudson Internet no steering and brake again pay for the rough curbstone on the gas but the partisan law right there self I decide going straight before the line goes to the left you start going to the right Chaplin on the break and then towards the person at the end of the white wall here's a multi-bit and the end of the left tackle breakthrough the traction that front wheels and go flat out a lot of people decide not to break and then they end up spinning or hitting all being over thinking about a faster car which is the miscibility end today the links in front of us were niki lauda crashed in 97 for sex which marks the end of the formula 1 integration with a Porsche 918 you can take a flat out break up to the beginning of the left curve stone and steering end and then we're approaching the most upsetting part of the track for the lower layers because the track is going uphill from you will see now we are inferred here we gonna be hitting the rev limiter sooner than once I switch to for the other graphs gonna be dropping anyway you can see completely on the left counter of 71 - and the first one without high powered car you just go straight to the right sides and then this left-hander you can take also flare odds scrutiny is approaching us because it has a lot more power than we have but gonna catch up with it to linger as well thank you on the time-bar behind us as well the new time are the fastest front wheel drive car with a little bit drain here metal curbstone to start steering in but there's a car to cars and I knew circumstances with hunger after the crests if you go very fast you should calibrate mythologies and pay for the lifestyle of girls that you go won't break you can everyone has its own line here some people stay longer on the left some people go right but there is only one way to enter the carousels they stayed on the left and evil is worldwide sign in front of you the 143 and if you go straight towards it perfect entry of the carousel the most importantly the stable of the black tour my father left because of the rain is different see Kemosabe differential or gearbox hiki no they're over once twice they can upset the transmission anyway 145 white sign before let's ride nerve stone always reach out here on the right is a fake grass if he being pushed over because some other day on that five laughter right Europe and up on the left side there's more interior on the right where you can temper break just to get traction and this country doesn't know where it has to go again so aiming to the Moorish barrier on the left and then just what were things better here and if you have a very good suspension that you have a lot of faith in you you take a left here when you go over the right girl everything the next left hands that will rank and of course Assyrian rights mentionin players here before the Oklahoma sign that break and stay close to the left herbs so staying close before the end of the curve go on the brake steer in and go on the gas to the left side that you can take before the end of the carp rig stable under left steer in and again he can take it fairly wide during meal and races here at the bottom of ray stay until the graffiti and go on the gas you can also take the right person there's a car in front of us so we don't do that we just we take it nice and easy David for the fence in front of us 1069 then left left girl really going very fast we break before the job but we just gonna break after the job just tiny build a lava right-hander keep the steering angle on same pace and same in good and the fried curbstone left giving a very fast you need to here tell me that's the right move sunlight and water so prepared as left side now that's a tricky bit why the straight line to the middle track what's your next to the pants you gonna bring back continue going straight and then you turn end and here one breaking point without shift staring and left there's the right side of the track the evening session you can use the shadow as an indication for the breaking point staring and staying longer to the mini carousel which is by the locals renamed as we check ourselves because it's the only polar I have never crashed in my whole life then which is all over YouTube secondly feeding can you be your breaking point where a lot of trash in relation with as far so we just keep on going maybe for the 100 and it's tearing him right that often a key card here if you just stay close to the 186 he'll be in the Scuderia there that would have been the sub line lab times but I know six I think it's okay another important input point once you pass the gantry a lot of people who cannot drive in the corners they compensate they just go flat out and do the drag racing but your car would be very grateful if you would just let go accelerator a lot the car cooldown itself cool down the brakes and stuff that you can go for the second lap well would you like holy moly that was a lot well done serious congratulations from me and hopefully everyone watching for a the ability to drive like that in a car like this but be also to be able to inform what you're doing all the way through it that was fantastic to see and learn the reference points and now is what I would recommend rewinding back to the stars of that to watch it again well yeah Thank You Raja unfortunately we have some traffic including a red Fiat I mean King the Ferrari so that yeah so not all of the lines are perfect again some people have other ways of entering the line because there's difference between the front-wheel drive car it will drive all wheel drive car so there's difference in that but overall those reference points can be used by the beginners that's what I use always when I am in the car on the passenger and instructing people where to go because they're fairly easy to remember there or barriers the science and such and such so you wanna hang out in car park they want to go back to apex well I think we should head back but the city where you come off the track for exactly a gt3 RS is you've got lots of mpowered BMWs new and old is the tie bar well there's different cars passing me around they hang out but I must say one more thing just to give the Scuderia benefit of thought I had to reach the possibility to drive one on the track and after half alive no sorry three-quarters of a lap they weren't a warning saying your TV is overheated so those parts might be not be really built for the notion life and on second lap the car was that much overheated that decided to break us down actually so let's get the driver the benefit of the doubt well I think you know you would've overtaking the most likely to because experience and driver is so much more than the car when it comes to the non-id there are so many corners you can't see until you're at some that you can't even see it and it takes learning it takes experience and the most important thing in any car is to come on and take a cautiously you'll first go over what you're doing to find an instructor or somebody who can help you and if you can't then take it easy build up build up build up build up but as the ARP has demonstrated there's a lot more to this absolutely but then again that wouldn't have been possible with a stock car because for example a couple of curb stones like the foxhole that we use to overtake are in the mid month you cannot do it with a stock suspension because the car would just go crazy also straight across where we have like a sideways movement and you wanna come listen now or it was fun that was fun but that also is something you don't want a risk where the stock car it's really that's the also guys really go first lap like half a speed it's okay to just go hundred kilometers an hour and stay on the right turn your indicator on the right and there is no shame to that because again I mentioned also in the previous video you cannot impress anyone we can like everyone laugh there is just one more thing to him since we're making this kind of instruction video I just want to say three important things that apply to the TF if he come to the driving Nurburgring thurston foreign most important bit first of all always check him mirrors because there are going to be a lot of fast cars like we were with up there's fast cars but also slow cars both has drivers like in this case always checking mirrors when you do anything if you're being overtaken if you're being overtaken stay on the right side and you indicator on the right the second important thing unfortunately accidents happen and also yellow flags happen when you see yellow flashing lights just reduce speed when you see a yellow flag speed reduced up until 50 kilometers an hour but there could be people walking on the track that means you should even go slower and I think there was a third thing but for now that's that's the most important bit so there it is in a nutshell back where we started yeah epic I hope you do it I die I don't feel a little these features are very smooth very careful yeah very quick as well oh the final thing I remember the number three the traffic room supply that means you're only allowed to overtake on the left side no overtaking on the right if you do that and someone sees you you will be banned for the day so that means waiting the rules children Nurburgring in a nutshell thank you very much Misha thank you that's it and I hope you guys enjoyed that as well so we'll wrap it up there you're about to beginning watch it again listen to the man doing his thing don't come by here if you want to have more personal private instructions tonight check his channel for more outgoing videos thank you we got we're good see you later guys cheers Cheers you
Channel: Shmee150
Views: 3,555,110
Rating: 4.709538 out of 5
Keywords: Ferrari, Upset, VW, Up, 430, Scuderia, Nurburgring, Ring, Green Hell, Racing, Touristenfahren, Race, Nordschleife, Ferrari Upset, Beaten, Lost, Win, Winning, Sub 7UP, Up!, Guide, Tuition, Learn, Training, Instructor, Instruction, How To, Shmee, Shmee150
Id: WXJzt4bRWR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2017
Reddit Comments

Misha has done some awesome mods to his Up! JRZ suspension, custom made Guerilla exhaust, an ECU map, Nankang AR1s on some cool green wheels. Combine that with his knowledge of the track and that's one fast little Up!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 102 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 17 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

So glad Misha dropped that annoying persona. I always thought he was a good dude, but I just couldn't stand him. Dude is super talented.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheKittenConspiracy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 17 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 59 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TacticalFudd πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 17 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is a great video and really interesting. There's so much to know about just one lap, and it's so extremely technical. I'd definitely not want to go there without practice

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/planktonshmankton πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 17 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies It's a lovely car, but I've got the lowest end version which is detuned to 59HP. I'm amazed to see one going that fast around a track.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BraveDude8_1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 17 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Wow. This is master class driving, I was completely transfixed watching.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bahgelovich πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 17 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Some great tips in here for those who want to get their braking points right. I've never driven on the Ring but I will use this in Assetto Corsa.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 17 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

My lust for an Up! GTI grows...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Gurumanlives πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 17 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love the Up exclamation mark!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Rib-I πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 17 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
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