In Defense of Bishop Robert Barron W/ Fr. Mike Schmitz

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I have a story about Bishop Robert Barron yeah at all cuz he's getting a lot of flack right now what for what Oh Taylor Marshall and Timothy Gordon going after him for his dare we hope that all should be saved and it's a little unclear as to what he means it and I haven't pursued this much I know people get pretty excited to have it on the Internet yeah I'm not saying they're wrong - I'm just yeah pointing out a fact but I was at the Flannery O'Connor's childhood home yesterday very loud that's great it's not vodka ladies and gentlemen that is sparkling water so yes this is where I'm wearing Flannery shirt right now love Flannery Organa and anyway so I was there yesterday and the lady was giving me a tour and she was nice enough you know but you got the sense that she most certainly was not a Catholic okay yeah and I had to talk about Catholicism because it played a large role in finery O'Connor's life yeah and I got the sense that sometimes she would mention it it was little disparaging you know and so whatever we went through the entire tour and then at the end I looked up on the wall and they have these Flannery O'Connor fans that you wave yourself with and it's a face it's a cardboard cutout of Flannery O'Connor's face and on the board it says a good fan is hard to find they say it's not her story a good man is hard to find and I said oh that's funny she said yes she said have you heard a bishop Robert Barron like yes so I had a segue yes and she said that was his pun he came up with that oh oh wow and I'm like well I you know I I'm I know Bishop Robert Barron he's been on the show and sort of thing and so I am on pints with the Kiwanis and so I said oh that's good I'll tell him yeah don't have his number but I told Brandon who knows him I'll tell him to think think bisher over there but I got to talking to her and she had no reason to sing the praises of Bishop Robert Barron one she's not clearly a faithful Catholic she's clearly not a faithful Catholic and - she doesn't care to impress me she doesn't know my story she doesn't know I'm a faithful Catholic right but she said that he came in because they were doing this documentary for Flannery O'Connor and he stood up there and you know he was getting ready and he was his monologue and she was waiting for this to be some highfalutin thing yeah and then he starts talking at Flannery O'Connor and as he's talking about her work is talking about the Coen Brothers and Fargo and she just said she was mesmerised and she said something to the effect of she saw a sign of Catholicism or a richness to it that she doesn't often see and you could tell that the woman was captivated and I thought this is what Bishop Robert Barron does really know so if we want to criticize him well can we also admit that he's really good it's kind of doing certain yeah oh I think they've said there's a because it's a good question I mean the dare we hope what's his name that bum both of them yes that's a bummer this aria they ask the question that's called doing theology I really like Ralph Martin because he has a kids a really great book about like no you know no no we may not we may yeah yeah reason teaching for that yeah exactly and you can you can no just one but there's a sense of like okay in the mystery of God now that there's unresolved mystery capital a mystery yes there's things that we don't ultimately know and I think that one of the pieces that we lose when we say dare we hope all men be saved is the evangelistic initiative I think that sense of like no there's a there's a need yeah I mean I think of one of my favorite office of readings is from st. Francis Xavier he was my patron saint my confirmation saying he's writing back from India and we're used to writes about all the people in India who are coming to faith he's like the he would lose his voice because he baptized so many people in the course of a day that he would lose his voice she was saying in the name of the Father Son Holy Spirit like a baptism and and he's writing back and saying I wish I could run through the hallways of the universities in Europe running up and down like a madman saying do you have any idea how many souls are going to hell just because of you because you're not yet more learning than love that the that you are staying here in Europe rather than coming to India there are so many people who would they would love to become Catholic but they're not because you're not willing to give your life and you're like okay that evangelistic not just kind of like excitement but desperation in that sense of he doesn't say how many people are being lost kind of this you know how many people are not knowing who Jesus is because of you he says how many people are going to hell because of you and of course in divine judgment like the Lord will never unjust Li judge any of us who didn't have whatever but that seems to be a pretty solid endorsement for there is a desperate need to proclaim the gospel because the met it's a matter of eternity that's right and yet we don't believe in hell in order to put a bright fire under our Evangelization if it was but thank you till a tear alike yet like heavens the carrot and hell's the stick that kind of gives it a move not just that but that okay we need to evangelize how do we get serious about it well what if we really believed yeah oh well I guess I would get a six on it go act like that even though he'll probably doesn't exist right I think the reason we believe in Hell is because Jesus spoke more about it than anybody else yeah yeah that sense of like a balance and so I think Ralph Martin in his book a camera within title of the book I only won't think it was the fulfillment of all desires it's so good yeah you're thinking of the one where he talks with the main premise is the few the way is hard and arrow yeah to Perdition and we've flipped that around yes said the way to life is wider is wide but the yeah so in that going back to people who are commentators can you can we acknowledge the the gift that people are bringing to the church without saying I don't know I don't think that Bishop Baron is a slouch in any way shape or form and I don't think he's a lackey in any way shape or form I don't think that he is like you and I would never describe him as Catholic light I'd say that he's Catholic he's a Catholic was a Catholic priest is other ways who's now a Catholic bishop who uses his platform to be banjo eyes will many be saved he's always called yeah is that the one that's the one yeah woman have you said for those at home but yes to your point sorry but no I just think that there is a UH I don't know there's this um people I did I use I feel like find another enemy yeah that's a good way there's a lot out there yeah you know no but okay but that what they're saying though is it would be worse to have a bishop teaching heresy than to have someone outside the church yeah so then so in that sense I see the urgency to and I also see maybe they perceive him or someone could we see this as being the way in the which the body is helping itself what I mean by that is if I have someone criticized me who's like in the church and says well father Mike actually you said this incorrectly or here's where you're wrong they're not my enemy they're helping me so if there's an element where someone's criticizing or critiquing this person they're not their enemy they're helping that person yeah so if I am wrong then that's why I'm wrong and if you will refuse to saying Bishop Behrens doing this but if you will refuse to engage with your critic right and yet you are engaging in this speech in a public platform it seems to me they have a right to correct your public yeah or at least ask for clarification yo thanks for watching you can watch the entire episode on youtube if you want you can listen to it at the Matt Fred show by subscribing on iTunes or wherever you listen to your podcasts and feel free to support me slash Matt Fred
Channel: Pints With Aquinas
Views: 369,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fr. Mike, Bishop Barron, Barron, Fradd, Drama, All will be saved, dare to hope, Catholic, Christian, O'Connor, Francis Xavier, Ralph Martin, Church, Salvation, Taylor Marshall, Gordon, universalism, universalist
Id: TfsfnDujI1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 18sec (498 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 16 2019
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