Catholic Reacts to Shia Labeouf's Conversion

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well i have some material that i've uh amassed from the month of august that you may have missed okay um let me pull this up i want to be honest with people too like if i know about this i'm not going to pretend i don't um i saw that dave rubin did a back online and i believe him when he says he hasn't known any of this but i'm not going to pretend i don't know about it just for a fact i'll be honest do you know about shia labeouf's uh conversion yes what i know about shia labeouf is that he was on bishop baron's show because i had my next-door neighbor tell me i gotta get him on my show he thinks i have way more influence than i do i think so i haven't watched the video though and i hear that bishop baron interviewed him yep that's all i know that's right okay well i'll give you a little bit of context before we play the clip so um he uh last i think it was 2021 and 2022 there were like allegations that kind of just completely destroyed his career so he had had a sort of revival kind of of his of what he was doing by show them your beautiful face yeah sure he made a couple movies like peanut butter falcon and i love that movie by the way and uh i haven't seen it it's really terrific it's so charming the other one was honey child or something like that but that was kind of autobiographical about his father um but then there came out some allegations against him i think he's married too so that's another layer on all these but like people who he wasn't married with allegations of like sexual abuse physical abuse lots of specific things you can look up if you want to that just not you know there's a reason why these things like destroyed his career they're pretty valid you know disturbing things for someone to do especially in like a public sphere but just in general um but then he's uh listening to the the baron interview which is really good i recommend people go listen to all of it for full context um but he was at a like super low point in his life he basically was thinking that his career was over wasn't even talking to his mother like had nobody in his life essentially um and then a director reached out to him and started talking to him about padre pio and he's like i think i want to do a movie about padre pio are you interested and he was like well i respect this director in the interview he talks about like at first it was just his ego he's like okay well i can get back on the horse here i can be padre pio this is what he said in the interview in the interview and he's like oh well william defoe is going to be involved it's an even bigger movie not only am i getting back on the horse is going to be great um but then the director said okay well i want you to study for this i want you to go to he went to san lorenz lorenzo um to monastery and he said at first he was just living out of the back of his truck he just parked out there and just lived out the back of his truck um to prepare for the role and he was sending videos and stuff but uh as he goes along he talks about how his um study becomes more and more like personal he talks about i don't think i've in this clip specifically but uh one of the monks had him read the gospel and he was like i never actually read the gospel uh but he talks here about a little bit where he was in his life at that point so we'll play that one all right and at the time of my life like i didn't want to swim anymore i had a gun on the table i was out of here uh i didn't want to be alive anymore when all of this happened okay uh shame like i had never experienced before kind of shame you forget how to breathe you don't know where to go you can't go outside and get like a taco like you don't want to go in that's where you are when you're up there reading the gospel and and thinking about the playing type repeal yes but i'm also in this like this deep desire to like hold on and so i read the gospel with this man jude and i keep hearing like in many different variations of it i'm not gonna explain the whole gospel here nor do i need to it's you but i keep hearing let go and to a person who's been gripping so tight for so long it feels like ah it just feels like it's just um it just feels like the right move to let go like complete surrender for real and um and it stops being this like prep of a movie and it starts being something that feels beyond all that and i stopped sending videos like at a certain point with jude i just like really fall in and then i meet these these women the sister lucia of the uh um the uh sacred heart sisters who starts really like catechizing me in a very real way in a very like let's go through it let's talk about it paragraph by paragraph falling into this group and i'm living there so i'm taking showers in in there and i'm eating with them and we're hanging out and they're drawing you into the the christian the catholic thing they're drawing him into the gospel into a certain way more than that it's not even like they're trying to they're drawing me into like laughter they're like sharing jokes with me it's like we're just like hanging out i'm eating their ice cream and i'm eating them out of house at home and i'm filling the tacos back up but like i'm really like i'm they're not asking nothing of me they're not asking me to sign nothing they're not asking me to do nothing or take pictures i'm just like sitting around and i'm petting their cats and i'm hanging out you know that's beautiful yeah wow that's amazing so i think it just seems like a really because at first of course i'm like super skeptical you know yeah following there's a lot of stuff that happened in like during covid uh and during the after trump got elected that there's just a lot of things that's like just seems like pure like craziness from uh from shia oh really uh and then seeing this after i'm very skeptical of like you know yeah and like the kanye conversion thing it just seems like a lot of instability uh sometimes but then watching this interview i think there is and just hearing stuff like that i think that it's super unique for him and i can imagine for a celebrity uh to just have that experience of being in a monastery and having been in a monastery it's like they don't want anything from you this is like that's probably really refreshing to be around people who don't care that he's famous yeah like that yeah i got a few thoughts because i haven't seen this before the first is how important it is for us catholics to have charity to our brothers and sisters when they sin and i'm sorry for the times that i haven't done that on this podcast you know where maybe i've called out people's stuff and in an uncharitable way like i think if something's public if something's in the public domain other people have a right to comment on it in the public domain as well like if i record a video and i say something that someone finds objectionable i don't think they necessarily need to contact me first before responding to it publicly if i say it privately then i think they ought to do that um so okay but i just yeah we have to have so much charity like i don't know anything about this fella but you you could imagine what would it be like for him if when he was getting dumped on after having done apparently i don't know certain things that were shameful and evil you know if all these christians started like piling on him instead of extending a hand of mercy you know that would have just sort of prevented him perhaps um or pushed him further away and i got a actually a story about this has happened to me i was just in mankato minnesota for my sister's wedding uh reception here in america the crazy thing happened so we are right on camp right by this big public university campus i forget what it's called um but i went to um that coffee shop caribou coffee all right so i'm exhausted and i walk down there and i'm sitting in this couch and i'm just looking around and you know there's this this young woman there you know and i got to be honest like i feel that when i'm not good with our lord and i don't trust in his love and affection to me when i don't trust in his providential care that all will be well i start to get nervous i start to get scared and when i get scared i become more and more judgmental it's like i have to order the world around me because i don't trust as anybody around me to do it and so i take it upon myself to sort of say who's in and who's out in my own head so like a lot of judgment when i see people who are dying their hair purple and blue to look like anime characters and ripped jeans that are so ripped it feels like you know there's so little fabric on them and i just i get angry like um not angry but just like i don't know like cynical or just like ah this is freaking ridiculous like and i'll just my head just starts talking like that all the time instead of looking at someone and seeing them as a beloved daughter or a beloved son of god now obviously we should make judgments about things and i think it might be objectively sad if somebody is dressing in a particular way that might be a modest but how come i don't look at these people or look at somebody um and say like he's a beloved child of god who may not know her dignity or he may not know his dignity like look upon them with love right so anyway so i'm sitting in this coffee shop and i'm i'm looking at this girl and i look down at what she's reading and guess what she's reading the porn myth my book isn't that white it's wild she's got my book in front of her and there's a little yellow uh sticker on it which signaled to me that this was a university book that she was reading this for university and that was in fact the case so i went up to her i'm like hi i wrote that book and that's so funny because i would never just go up to a random stranger but i was so like what is happening right now so i walked over i'm like hey that that i wrote that book and then trying not to be creepy i was like hey see my photos on the back like i'm not just pretending to write porn books in minnesota coffee shops like i actually did write that book and it was cool because she opened it up and she showed me how much she had highlighted and said that she was enjoying it um and that was just beautiful like first of all how cool is that there's a public university in minnesota that's mandating that people read my book the porn myth and i spoke to somebody else in minnesota who they said yeah they were they were assigned this book in class and that it was interesting to see people's reaction from the beginning to the end because at the beginning they were rather kind of critical of my work but then many of them came around and saw the points that i was making so i was like thank you lord what a blessing but then secondly how about not being so judgmental how about looking at people with with sympathy and kindness and anyway that's the first thing that i thought of when we see this fellow is just to love on on folks and take a break from criticizing him second thing is how fantastic bishop robert baron is i mean uh jordan peterson's wife said well jordan peterson said of his wife that she has begun praying the rosary daily uh thanks to bishop robert baron yeah and it seems like baron has that approach like he tends to be kind of just kind of compassionate and with people i don't i don't see him online slamming folks or calling out people and um so that's beautiful uh third thing i would say is i'm always like reluctant to celebrate anybody's conversion when they're in the limelight not because i'm not not because i don't want to like celebrate their conversion that's something to celebrate but because i've put you know i think catholics tend to put too much emphasis on celebrity catholics who then just disappoint them so like jim gaffigan makes a big deal about being a catholic but then he'll he'll say things that are or appear to say things are openly in contradiction with the catholic faith so i think it's we should look to the saints not to hollywood celebrities but we should still i think rejoice that this has taken place yeah yeah i think it's that's my thoughts is it's people are like oh i hope it's uh a sincere conversion and my thought is that's a good thing to hope for for his sake as a human like but i think that if you're expecting it to be like a like i don't know even when people talk about like peterson and his conversion it's like has he wanted to be no okay that didn't happen i didn't know if something happened in august my thoughts when people talk about that is do you want that for for his sake or for like or your team's yeah your team's sake it's not like a team game yeah i think as love for the person and watching this interview i think he really does have a sincere beautiful conversion but i wouldn't like expect any glory for you personally from that you know what i mean or from like the team yeah i just say that's good this is a good thing and it's a good reminder to be less kind of judgmental of people yeah in the public sphere i feel like hey thanks so much for watching please be sure to like and subscribe and leave a comment below letting us know what you thought about the video
Channel: Pints With Aquinas
Views: 112,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aquinas, catholicism, catholic, pints with aquinas, matt fradd, theology, debate, religion, st. thomas aquinas, thomas aquinas, philosophy
Id: EQfmBP1BV6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 08 2022
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