Improve your writing with rhetoric | Canguro English

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hello and welcome to kangaroo English I'm Christian Aymara and today we are going to be learning all about rhetoric today I'm going to show you that that using rhetoric can improve your writing but also can improve your ability to speak to give presentations to be convincing so how are you well fine like always I stopped in to to growing vegetable with my family with my boyfriend in a small shield in the Binger a vegetable patch Oh vegetable garden so what are you going well potatoes tomatoes peppers onions everything yes I am fruits strawberries oh and raspberry let's let's go to the bold and I study some Richard okay well today we are going to study the figures of rhetoric so in English rhetoric is the art of persuasion okay so I'm trying to convince you of my argument or maybe trying to get you to buy something or yeah and rhetoric is is all of the types of persuasion like for example the way I speak if I speak loudly and clearly the vocabulary I use everything all parts but today we're going to focus on the specific techniques of rhetoric called the figures of rhetoric okay now some some rhetoric are things like abstract concepts like personification yes you know where we talk about an object like a person or alliteration when things rhyme but today we're not going to talk about those things okay we're going to talk specifically about grammatical structures that you can use to make your English writing really really powerful and strong did you study this at school yes I we started this at high school but they always related with poetry and I know we have to define this one out in a poem in in England in the past in Elizabethan times children used to learn this at school but then it became unpopular and now I think now people think that you can only use them for poetry or for what I think I've never used one of them in my English size because I I didn't know how to use it okay well today we're going to learn and you're going to your writing is going to be amazing so let's start okay okay so the first one we're going to look at this Zoomer okay yes so you can see that the that this was studied all of the figures of rhetoric were studied and and named by the Greeks the Greek philosophers and so they have Greek names are very strange okay this is this is when a word or words control two parts of a sentence okay in a single clause so for example if we think about a verb like open okay this is the easiest way to start to use uma is if you think about a word or a verb and you think about the to two meanings like one one literal and one abstract mm-hmm so you can open something literally like you can open up a door a door okay but what's what's something abstract that you could open your heart your heart good okay great so we could make a sentence we could say um he he when when he saw the when he saw the little boy okay you open the door Oh beautiful no yes and I think this is the the most effective type of of Zeugma when you have um when you have this this literal abstract combination over the door and yes so um because because in this class we are we are helping people with their writing exams mm-hmm we we're going to create some sentences based on section from the IELTS writing exam okay so let's let's have a look at the at the exam the first car appeared on British roads in 1888 by the year 2000 there maybe as many as twenty nine million baked vehicles on British roads alternative forms of transport be encouraged and international laws introduced to control car ownership and use to what extent do you agree or disagree okay so so you know the text is about like pollution about car or us about the environment so can you think of something like similar to what we did before with pollute maybe pollute yeah the environment okay good this is literally yes exactly this is literally and then maybe an abstract sense what can we pollute in an abstract way our mind our minds yes yes and we can also we can also pollute we could pollute the future you know the future generations yes so so what what could be a sentence you could use with with two of these are too many cars Baker's can we use not only or we can absolutely pollutes the air and the environment okay but also our minds in our future Wow Wow but also is great alone but no but it's quite no no Wow that's really beautiful really beautiful so yes so here we're using this this verb here pollutes to to control literally these two things and then more abstract sense ones in the future let's pray Allah tonight oh no this is this is when we use two forms of the same word for emphasis because the repetition creates like gives us extra emphasis to the words so we could use for example we could use the verb and the noun when we could use the adjective in the adverb together and the repetition so one very famous thing would be Lord Byron said absolute power corrupts absolutely yes okay so here you can see we're using the the adjectives and men here the adverb which is which is really nice because then you have that the rhythm and the emphasis so we need to think of something related to to our theme in the text of the environment cars pollution car ownership something like cells subscribing cars driving safe okay so easy okay yea-ah reducing reducing dangerous drivers okay with youth wow that's great that's great so here you can see we have this we have this design ejected here self-driving and then we have the we have the verb they're driving safer and then here we have a noun the noun form of that's really great so you know mentally we're focused on this idea of driving and it's a very subtle technique but okay so now we're going to learn about two together there's an anaphora an afro so this they're similar because in with anaphora we repeat the words at the beginning of the sentence of clauses multiple sentences and epistrophe we repeat the words at the end for effect so for example if we were talking about I don't know pick a word any word we're talking about for example apples okay and I want to use this at the end I could say I love apples Oh eating apples looking at apples growing apples oh really helps to just it's all about emphasis and technique so why don't you try something with with this one anaphora so we're going to try and repeat some words at the beginning of each clause something related to our theme of the text the text talks about the the ownership of cars yes but sometimes I think that having a car is is important especially here in the country because we need a car to go to everywhere yes so I think is the problem is that the government controls the ownership the government will control us our freedom our freedom okay so freedom okay so we can use this at the beginning of multiple sentences so we can say freedom it's being able to go to you everywhere okay okay and then another sense of food freedom freedom is wrote there brother in your mind Wow okay and then one more and freedom is having a car oh wow wow that's really that's really beautiful it's like I'm not the boat oh my god that freedom is being able to go everywhere freedom is forming any mind freedom is having yeah it's beautiful so that the repetition just really creates that rhythm and the emphasis the next the next one we're going to study is and a diagnosis it sounds a bit like a dinosaur and the dip Lissa's I don't know I don't know the pronunciation very and this is when we start each sentence mm-hmm with the last word of the previous sentence like playing yeah I think there's a I have a quote from Frank Zappa the musician Oh for example you know he's a bit crazy you know the names of his children okay one of his children is called moon unit sorry Frank he said information is not knowledge knowledge is not wisdom wisdom is not truth truth is not beauty beauty is not love love is not music and music is the best oh yeah very poetic yeah very poetic I think I think this technique what it does because we were using the the word for the previous sentence mm-hmm we were creating a chain yeah and you connect different ideas I think oh you make change between the yeah exactly exactly so we can start we can start here with one thing and then we can move we can move along until we arrive at our destination yes so you could you could use it with the sentence or with the clause okay okay okay so what do you think something related to two cars and and ownership the environment pollution is that a factory okay I can't spell today we shall start factories okay and then we have to start with factories yeah okay factories are not worried about the environment okay okay and then we start the next on with environments okay viral minutes makes us and feel okay good so we can it's okay if you if you need to put an article like this no problem okay environment makes us healthy okay healthy can see I don't know to be alive fantastic great so now we've sort of we've started with this idea of pollution and we've moved along yeah so the through the environment through health and now yeah connect we connected pollution with with our life yeah exactly yeah and it creates a really really nice sense of something evolving the next one is polysyndeton and asyndeton okay okay so now normally when when when you're writing okay it's very difficult to control the speed at which someone reads your text they they read the text as fast or as slow as they want but using using these techniques what you can do is you can force the person to read faster or force them to slow down so to technique to to create rhythm so in that sense it's really really interesting so with polysomes and we have short clauses okay and we join them with with and over with a conjunction and and here we join the causes short clauses as well but with a comma and and this one creates a sense of like moving very fast everything's very fast and this one is more like you stop and when you slow down and sometimes it can be a little bit sad can you can you think of a sentence that we can use related to the topic that we can try polysyndeton Mason maybe every day I I get into my car okay go to work okay yes unfortunately see the same people okay yes do a lot of paperwork and go back home okay good and so you can see I didn't put any any any conjunctions or coppers nothing so every day I get in my car so here we'll put one go to work okay okay okay so if we use polysyndeton if we put end mm-hmm we say every day I get in my car and go to work and see the same people and do a lot of paperwork and go back home it's great first it's quite fast exactly it's really fast and it has this sense of like movement and everything is passing very quickly it's like if you are deciding to go back home this is not important exactly exactly but if we if we if we change the the end for a comma then suddenly it's very different slow and maybe maybe a little bit sad like every day I get into my car to work see the same people do a lot of paperwork go back home the person every father oh yes and if you prefer is when we we ask a question okay and then we answer it okay okay so this is this is a really good way to to start a piece of text or to end a piece of text because you know when you ask a question like you're you're engaging the reader and maybe you're making them think and then you answer it so then you give your opinion so can you think of something related to this text that maybe we can maybe we can use yeah what what should we do with so many vehicles what should we do yes in my opinion the government should improve public means of transport perfect you know make it cheaper and better so people can you know see it more okay yeah yeah perfect exactly so so here we're asking is what should we do and then you you're able to give your opinion you know in a more sort of engaging way the final figure of rhetoric is upon juries Congress I'm not sure this is when we when we use a single word right okay but synonyms of a single word oh okay but repetition so for example imagine if we're talking about something that's very clean so we could say his house was clean sparkling spotless immaculate so we're just repeating synonyms of exactly the same word just to to give extra emphasis to really buff so can you can you think of something related to our to our topic for today with with pollution the world will be destroyed the world will be destroyed right yeah so now we just need some some synonyms for destroy devastate it desert right so yes so we're repeating synonyms and and also you you you have used um alliteration here everything starts with D well that was I think everything that you need to know about the most important figures of rhetoric do you feel like maybe now you you feel more comfortable with yes I I found that class really useful yes because I think that with this example say I I can make better my my or even my my speeches in the oral exam yes I mean it's not something for example in in a piece of writing you wouldn't want to use all of the terms because it's very young it's too much but yeah if you 2 or 3 you can attract the attention of the reader yes exactly yeah if you would like to see any more classes about exam preparation grammar vocabulary or if you would like to see any more of the fabulous Alva then don't forget to subscribe thank you very much / yeah welcome thank you and I'll see you the class
Channel: Canguro English
Views: 14,323
Rating: 4.9200001 out of 5
Keywords: canguro, learning english, learn english, english grammar, grammar, IELTS, IELTS Academic, IELTS writing, IETLS Academic writing
Id: sp02NcEEMV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Sat May 21 2016
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