Improve Your iRating In the Formula Vee With This Guide To Race Craft

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[Music] hello and welcome to another week of iRacing as it's week 13 and there are no official races in the v so there's no need for me to do a track guide I have done what people have asked me to do and I'm looking at trying to do a little race video on uh racecraft and how to overtake how to defend how to avoid hazards and best sort of practice from that point of view so I'm going to break this up into starts overtaking defending avoiding haard and then showing you that even if you do the best of those sometimes you die so hopefully you'll find this um entertaining um hopefully you always find them entertaining but hopefully this will be informative and show that as well as just doing sort of fast laps and stuff like that this is how to actually move up through the pack how to get your eye rating up and how you can sort of Hit the 5Ks cuz a year ago I was 1,250 now I'm at 5.2 okay let's go and I'll see you in the cockpit and we shall go through Stars okay so this section is going to be relatively brief because three months ago I did a full video you'll see at the top right of your screen now on uh the starting procedure in the v and I tested various different ways to get away uh without using dual clutches or anything like that or bite points um that are already input so I do the same thing every time I find a uh rev point between 4 and a half and 5,000 revs and then I slowly although relatively fast but I gradually released the throttle as you'll see from the input Telemetry here so I've got it set on 4,800 revs I wait till the green light holding it absolutely steady and as you can see by the input Telemetry bottom left there I then Pace it up and never drop back down but I don't release it fully and that will always get me if I'm starting from the back a couple of um positions here I'll show you on two other starts two different ones they're both uh Lime Rock as well however you'll see that I'm doing the same thing time and time again see you in a sec okay so here we have the same thing again lights about to go green I'm sat on 4,765 revs so about 4,800 once again I'm waiting for the lights to go green this is a different one I promise as you can see slowly get up to Full Throttle get myself two places right at the very start and I'm immediately on the attack on the outside to go around the outside of T1 and see see if I can pick up any more places always giving them plenty of room cuz you never trust anybody and then I'm back on the inside for T3 cuz Big Bend is turns one and two and as you can see so from the start picked up three places and I've done nothing nothing that anyone can't do so very very straightforward I'll show you it a third time um but it's what I do if ever I've had a bad qualifying or like here I'm running from the back so that I can get a bit of content it's always the same start procedure that I do so exactly the same here as I say I'm not using dual clutch or anything like that I'm just using a single clutch I'm sad at 4,700 revs there are thereabouts again I ease up to Full Throttle I make one pass immediately make the second one with relative ease and the third I go around the outside of T1 here always the way at Lime Rock I always give plenty of room on the inside but then by going around the outside of one and two gives you the inside for turn three cuz you're on the throttle a lot earlier than the guy that was on the inside and there you go so by the time we get to turn 34 I've moved up four places and this is something absolutely everybody can do now we're going to go on to overtaking and the easiest way to do that in the v and why you should do it and why you shouldn't do it right so we're going to go through some examples of overtakes that I've made uh during the last season and it's just to show the thinking behind uh them and where I do it tends to be in the safer places so I could definitely dive bomb and make passes in um all sorts of tricky Corners mid mid race and mid mid track I tend not to do that because I always go by the sort of ethos is expect the person in front of you to have zero racecraft zero knowledge of where to check their mirrors and I don't want to put myself in a position where I'm having to trust somebody not to uh to ruin my race for me so here we are at Lime Rock Park um again I've started from the back to to see what's going on and one thing that this season has taught me starting from the back quite a lot um is that the quality of racing even in the top split is absolutely terrible um so always always be wary so as you can see here I'm coming up on the yellow car I'm on the outside I've got the pace to overtake he's blocking that off so what I do is I actually come off the thr if you see here so I come off the throttle really early and um really a lot lower than I normally would cuz what I'm wanting to do is just see what transpires in my head I'm thinking well there's a good chance they're going to take each other out so I hug it as close to the inside as possible now the white car is running quite wide so what that means is that the yellow cars also had to run wide now normally I would quite like to be where the yellow car is now because I would get on the throttle nice and early and I'd have the inside of turn as you could see from the start procedure um but I trust that he is going to go so wide he's going to panic and he's going to get on the throttle really really late so I just hold it as close to the inside as possible and then I've made a nice Easy Pass going into turn three simply from running the inside so doing the opposite of what I was doing during the starts so there was Zero risk during any of that time of me actually sort of crashing out and it enabled me to get a nice easy place and and get myself now looking at the white car and obviously wanting to move up to the leading pack very very simple very straightforward okay so now we're at lagona we're going into turn one I think this is the first lap obviously I feel like I've got the pace on those in front of me and I'm wanting to have a look and see what happens you can usually bet that when three people are this close in front of you one of them is probably going to end up being run wide if they do get run wide then it gives you an opportunity to capitalize on that mistake so as we look here I'm sat and I'm waiting and I'm looking now there's just been a tiny bit of contact in front of me between the two white cars there so I know that people are going to be late getting on the throttle so I go nice and tight I get on it now what I'm thinking and I'm using the mirrors is the person that's on the inside of me are they going to try and go round the inside here uh at what is turn three on the the right hander coming up um I don't want to take the the risk that as I'm going round that left front Clips my right rear and that turns me around so I get on the throttle a lot lot later as you see I actually I'm completely off the throttle I have been for quite a while and I'm doing that so that I can give at least a car and a half maybe two cars width to the inside normally I would just be clipping the edge of that sausage curb but what I do is I make sure that I I give yeah you can almost fit two cars in there between my myself and the Apex is I get back on the throttle I know that if they're on the inside there they will have also had to come off the throttle really early they can't get back on the throttle till really late so by giving the room it allows us both to make the corner and I make a relatively straightforward pass I remain in the draft of the two guys ahead and now I can start thinking about okay moving away from the guy behind and moving on up to overtake those people that are in front of me again not doing anything that's particularly tricky it's just making sure that you are giving room you need to trust the people um that are in front of you and that you are passing you need to trust them as if they were a very very untrustworthy person um not saying anything about their racecraft but um usually if you are on the side of caution it's going to sort of reward you going forward and that's how we get our ey rating to go up on a consistent basis rather than winning one and then falling back and finishing last and then winning one and you know you end up in that sort of stasis where you remain at 1500 or 1,00 or 2,000 or or wherever where I am at 52 if I have one loss I lose about 120 if I get a win I get about 40 so it would take me three or four races to get back to where I was if someone collects me and sends me off in the wrong direction okay we'll continue with a few of these um and we'll see if we can find any that are slightly more interesting okay so here I am at Summit Point uh we'll use the cockpit on this and then I'll show you it via farte Chase so I'm trying to chase these two people ideally I would quite like to go down the outside but purple is blocking I know I've got the pace Advantage because I've got a double draft situation going on here but seen as there's no room on the outside I try and take a look and see well is there any room down the inside now there would be but he just started the black car in front of me starts moving towards the inside I had uh I'm actually in VR when I'm racing so I had a quick look to see where the purple was I saw that he'd given me enough room so I switch back make sure that I can thread the needle between the two of them because I've kept my throttle in the whole way I've got the double draft I get the call from the uh engineer that I'm clear which is why you see me make that move to the left and then I just need to break later than the car on the inside make sure that I give plenty of room so that I'm not clipping the Apex and not hitting him and then there managed to get two passes done around the outside and now show you that in uh in in the uh chase view okay so we're in the chase view now so as I say ideally I'd like to pass on the left on the purple car here but there's no room so I'll start making my way to the inside definitely got the PST differential with the draft there's no room there so I managed to thread the needle get the caller V clear from the engineer so move back over to the left and then it's just breaking later and taking a wider path so you're not going to hit the guy on your inside so again always making sure that giving room it doesn't matter I know the FIA say that if your front axles ahead etc etc that you can close it off but there's no point in Us closing this off because we just end up losing ey rating when we get hit okay let's go for the next one okay we're back at Summit here and this is a double overtake that I'm going to show you here and again this is just all about Road positioning and making the best of the situation around you so again I feel like I've got the pace on these two I would never normally make a pass right here before the final turn however the black car went early and got himself stuck behind the red car didn't make the pass I had given room but when I saw that he wasn't actually making it then I used my Pace Advantage because I'm able to stay on the throttle and now we've boxed him in so there's nowhere for the black car to go right now to actually make the pass so again I'm fully prepared to get out of the throttle um if black does stay in there on the inside but I see that he feels better or makes a better choice and he now wants to do a double draft so he wants to do the same thing that I did in the previous clip so red is now a a Sitting Duck here so I make my pass on him but what I don't want to do is I don't want to go fully out on the left hand side and leave that gaping hole down the middle that the two cars allowed me in the last one so I make the pass and then I just position my car in a way so that there's no gap between us there is a gap on my outside if he wants to go down there there's no gap between us I know that I'm going to have the better breaking point for turn one here I can hold the black car off cuz now we're coming into the braking Zone it's just the one movement I break later than the red car again I hold a nice outside path so that I'm not impinging on him I'm not trying to get to the Apex at all and I can get on the throttle before him and two passes made inside sort of 30 seconds and again without any risk to myself and that's the important thing it's not making the pass and thinking that you're Fernando Alonzo it's making the pass and knowing that you're actually going to continue the race and you're going to improve your points position carry on okay so here we are at Lime Rock for the lime rock chicane version now the reason why I'm showing this one it's not particularly exciting clip or anything like that but what you find is an awful lot of people and you get this on Reddit as well will applaud people for dive bombing in um at the first Apex coming here although it's a false Apex you don't actually want to be going anywhere near it so people and I've seen it posted on Reddit and everyone goes oh that's a great pass it's not it's a pass if you're passing into this first Apex CU all you're going to do is surrender your exit for the second Apex which is the most important one so what you're far better doing is following the car in front in making sure that you go nice and wide so that as you can see I'm fully on the throttle here and before hitting the second Apex and then you can follow them and if you time it nicely you can just slowly slowly catchy monkey get right up onto their gearbox make full use of the draft move out the way and then look by the time you reach the line you're going up in ahead you've got the inside now for turn one keep it nice and tight if you keep both wheels on this curving it doesn't actually send you off and I've got the pass made nice and easily I can now focus on the guy in front and I've not put my car or the other car at risk by dive bombing into T1 if you're one of the guys on Reddit that watches those things and says yeah that's a great pass you're probably one of the guys that's sat in in a Lower Split most of the time so this is the way that you can make passes increased eye rating and you're not having to put yourself at risk okay now we have a a slightly different one this is from Booker so these two guys in front of me were uh showing decent pace they having a nice little battle and I wanted to to obviously get past them so I've just come around the final Bend um there's not really anywhere for me to go so what I'm going to try and do is force the red car into making a mistake that I can capitalize on so that I can pass him or her and then start getting after the black car so as we've come around it I Tred and ft that I'm going on the inside so that causes the red car to take a defensive line and then I try and get myself as close to the black car as possible I give myself the widest entry so obviously if you're giving yourself a wider entry it means you're going to be able to get back on the throttle um sooner because the red car as you can see here on the right of my screen has taken a really um a really shallow entry it means he's going to have to break harder and he's not going to be able to get onto the throttle anywhere near as soon as I can so I'm now fully on the throttle he will still be just about um coming off the break so he's taken the int um the the inside line uh around turn one now he's probably thinking oh yay my relative tells me that I've just overtaken the car in front of me and he's feeling pretty good about life right now so what I'm going to do is I'm going to elongate the black car um so I'm going to elongate the black car by going over to the left hand side side as late as possible and making it so that we are just one car as you can see here so now the red is starting to think ah this tight left-handed hairpin that we're coming up to where's he going to go so I always make sure that I'm giving plenty of room just in case he the red car was going to do a big dive left he didn't so I get nice and close to the black car in front H follow him through the red car stranded out on the outside and now can forget about him and start chasing after the black car so just to run through that at full speed I faint to go down the inside red card defends there I then take a really wide entry into turn one get on the gas nice and early try and get myself as close to the black car as possible to stop red moving back into that second position red is now stranded on the outside for The Hairpin there's nothing he can do really he just has to sit and wait and I'm now in his screen he then he can turn in and it's a nice simple pass again I did not put myself on my car at risk during any part of that um even though it was a you know a nice move on a car that was shown decent enough Pace okay we'll do one more of the overtakes and then we'll move on to some defending then avoiding hazards okay so this is starting to move closer towards the avoiding hazards um but when you're in the cockpit you should always be looking at what the car in front of you is doing and try and imagine to see what the car in front of you can also see so a bit like you know if you've been through your driving lessons and stuff like that it's what my instructor all those years ago used to say try and try and picture what the guy in front of you is seeing and be ready for any hazards that come the way so as we can see coming up to the all important turn five here at lagona I think this is a first lap which is why everyone's close together I'm going to my normal place I see that the car on the inside is starting to to is he going to make a move on the guy in front of him but if you see there he's just uh had a little lock up and his car's just wiggled so I know his entry and therefore his exit uh are going to be suboptimal so what I want to do is make sure that I'm getting on the gas nice and early because if you're missing the the throttle Point here at turn five it's going to really penalize you going all the way up the hill so I keep in the throttle now at this stage I'm starting to run out of places to go I'm fully on throttle I don't want to sacrifice that in any way shape or form there's no room on the uh racetrack so what I do is uh as I get to this point here I make a decision that well I'm already on the throttle if I take a 1x I'll take a 1x but I'm not sacrificing and I make a nice clean pass on the inside and I'll show you that from the chase view okay so we're in the chase view here so I'll play it through at full speed and if you watch the car in front of me as he goes towards the Apex here has a little wobble has a little moment I think this is great I can capitalize the car on the outside screwed from where that is I can make a nice clean pass again without threatening my own car and I can start thinking about chasing down the leaders rather than having to worry about those two squabbling anymore right they are some of the passes um obviously I did record more but they're all exactly the same I've just watched them through it's just passing on the straights giving plenty of room on the inside um if you are overtaking on the inside making sure that you're not under steering back out into the racing line um because that's something people do you don't need to be at and Center you don't need to make passes you don't need to be the last of the late Breakers or anything like that to improve um your standings and eye roting you just need to make good clean pass is and make sure that your car is still going around and facing the right direction when you cross the start finish line for the following lap okay very very simple very very straightforward when I first started I thought well the guys that are winning are they making passes left right and Center are they making passes where I would't even think to make passes no they're not the reason why they've got the high eye rating is because they're playing the percentage games so it might appear boring um but it's a bit like you know the best golfers aren't the ones that are shaping all the shots they're the ones that are making the least mistake and it's exactly the same in iosing anyway we shall now go on to doing a couple of defends and then we'll look at avoiding hazards okay so here we are at Lime Rock Park I'm the lead car um iRacing sporting code states that you are not allowed um whil you're allowed to make a defensive move you're not allowed to run your race staring in the wing mirrors and making adjustments BAS based on the what the car behind is doing so often you'll find that people will zig and zag and try and block you that's completely protest um as you can see on the screen right now I've got up the exact wording so just give that a read and know that okay you can defend but you can't continuously adjust your line based on using your mirrors so here I'm on the outside that's where I want to be that's the faster line I let the guy on the inside comp passed he's now thinking brilliant I've got this guy at T1 and that's absolutely fine he can beat me to the Apex all he wants but what I'm going to do is I'm going to come off the so if you see that I just touched the brake to make sure that I'm going round okay I then hold it and I can just hold on the outside here all I like I can get back on the throttle earlier and as you see it's a successful defense the guy had the Speed going into the Apex but I can sit there and defend the outside line all day long now you do have to trust the guy on the inside to not over steer too much but as long as you give them plenty of room as I did there you should be absolutely fine so that's the the first sort of defense is just taking your line allowing them to sacrifice uh their entry and just holding it around the outside making sure you get on the throttle nice and early okay this next recording is from again Lime Rock Park this is actually one of the big Championship races so the two guys ahead of me are Matt Z's on the right in the martini car and the guy on the left is our CJ Barry um two good good Racers and well known to me um they're both very good so I trust them an awful lot more now what's happened here is CJ around went round the outside of turn one this is the final lap um and he therefore had the inside for turn three and that has put Matt zerz on the outside side so he has now uh got himself in a position where for turn four he's going to have to take it incredibly shallow and rather than taking it flat he's going to have to come out the throttle slightly so I start to sense blood here so what I want to do ideally is get as close to CJ on the left as possible and force Matt to sort of sit in behind me but the important thing here is uh we're talking about defending and this is where we're going to see Matt zes defend incredibly well but he's had to trust me so I get myself just into second here now we've got the the first chicane coming up CJ is taking a nice defensive line as you can see so you can use that so I'm trying to get as close to CJ as possible without obviously punting him so I got on the um break slightly early but I'm giving Matt Zer plenty of room so that if he can drive it well enough he can get around this chicane without any of us hitting each each other so to play that at full speed I see Z is out of position I think maybe I can capitalize on this and finish with a second place rather than a third place in this race as I say it's the last lap I get myself in a nice good position I get as close to CJ as possible but Matt manages to keep the defense he holds the line and he gets through there now unfortunately for him I probably stopped him being able to attack zer uh going into the final corner but the place was there and up for grabs but the thing you must remember to do is if the overtake isn't on you just have to give room and accept it and then all three of you can continue on your Merry way and you don't have any arguments that's the thing you really need to be doing and that was great defense from CJ and from zerz and showing from myself to give room and to accept when it's not on okay now we're going to go through some uh um Clips on how to avoid hazards now sometimes as in this first clip the hazard will be your own driving so again I started from the back here um trying to get some content and what happens is I miss my breaking Zone and I come into this first chicane and the first Apex of it far too hot so oh my so as I'm coming through um I'm too hot there and around now I realized that if I continue to steer right I'm just going to turn the car around so I come off the throttle and I decide well it's far better discretion being the better part of valor uh what I'm going to do is I don't want to go over this sausage curb because that will damage my car so I will cut the corner I will be very careful cutting the corner so I don't spin I will accept the one second penalty slow down penalty and get right out of uh the way and let those cards behind me past me I'm now going to keep as far over to the left as possible I actually go onto the microphone and Shout I've got a Slowdown so that people know why I'm slowing down I get right out the racing line I allow them to pass me and I just accept that I made a mistake and to continue the race it was better to allow myself that one second penalty lose a couple of places and just accept that if I'm fast enough I will catch them in the rest of the race and actually get on with it now I'm going to show you this again from behind um before as I showed you making a move in that second um apex of the second chicane isn't worth it because you can always just draft someone and pass them now aard did try and overtake me and instead what he did was he suffered himself and rather than being in a position to overtake me he was very late on the throttle through that second chicane and he didn't actually get to overtake me on the straight so I'll now show you this from the the far Chase and you can see what I did wrong and how I sort of remedied it and just took my medicine and let those two cars pass me okay so this is from the chase cam I've got the guy on the inside of me I get two hot I'm going to spin so I decide to take my punishment get right out the way I do actually take some grass here because I'm wanting to make sure that no one hits me as they come past they're going a lot faster than me now this white car would be far better rather than trying to follow yellow and blue through he would be far better tucking up behind me and then just passing me with the draft but he tries to do the inside here I am now still well ahead into the breaking zone so I'm going to take my line he realizes that he's going to hit me he has to hit the uh the break and he suffers there goes over the grass probably gets his own slow down I just clip and I can continue Contin you straight on down there and actually hold that place if number 11 had just tued up behind me he' have just passed me with e on the straight okay now let's avoid some hazards that aren't of my own doing so here we are coming up to the second class turn at lagona again I'm running from the back so I'm trying to chase down the leading pack and what I'm doing as I'm coming through is I'm always as well as trying to hit my own breaking zone I'm always trying to have a look at the Apex and the cars going through it to see if there's going to be any potential danger any hazards any landmines that they're placing on the track so I come off the throttle and then get back onto it as normal but I noticed that there is a car that is spinning I don't know which way that car is going to go I don't know whether he's just going to continue his Spin and end up over on the right hand side so whil I'm fully back on the throttle now so that if they he gets out of the way I can sort of continue at PACE he isn't getting getting off exactly where I need to be so where he is I would hit him under normal circumstances so I'm coming back off the throttle I'm not touching the break uh but always be prepared to actually take the off track and take the 1X it's far better than hitting a car getting your your own C damage and taking a 4X as well so I just decided to keep in the throttle as best as possible go on the outside of the track didn't lose much time at all but it it enabled me to avoid him as best as possible so always be prepared to get off the track don't always think well I don't want to take the 1X a 1x is always better than hitting the car that's right in your racing line okay so we're back at Lime Rock chanes again we're on our first lap and we always expect as we go through any of the chicanes here at lime rock that people are going to spin they're going to hit each other so we always must be wary so on this one as we're going along everyone appears to be going fine there's obviously all the smoke as people drop down uh gears so I'm taking everything as normal I'm wanting to get back on the throttle as early as possible clipping the grass uh on both of these now at this point I can see that cars are doing things that they probably shouldn't be doing so I'm just having a good look I see that the uh Pride car number five here has started to turn around so at present I'm still fully back on the throttle as I process this information as he starts fully turning around I come off the throttle a dab of break just to WR myself and then once I know that I'm going to be pointing in roughly the right direction I'm back fully on the throttle now I've got an awful lot of U rotation on in the car because if you look I'm fully on the throttle um I'm doing 83 km an hour and if you look my steering wheels at sort of 45° um but the thing to do is to then just keep it floored just accept the slide and go through if I play that at full speed coming up here everything's normal but always looking ahead so I'm always looking off to the right here trying to spot a new danger see danger coming up and just trying to avoid it continue my Merry way and just say okay well that's great I've just made up three spaces so often when I watch races back and see crashes in the Midfield people are hitting other people just because they're they're so focus on the breaking Zone and their own Apex that they're not looking ahead to see what's going on in front of them again if you can just keep your nose clean a lot of the time in these races even if you're starting in P10 P1 p12 you can usually end up in top five just by avoiding the people crashing in front of you okay so once again back at Lime Rock and quite a lot happens during this little sequence so again this is a first lap we're coming up to the first chicane this time um and always be aware of everything in your surroundings ahead and be prepared to bail out out of anything take the grass take the um um the the 1X take the slow down penalty if you have to but keep all your four wheeels attached keep people from hitting your gearbox hitting you you know making you have to pit or even slow down with the new damage model so I'm going to play this one at full speed so the car in front knocks out the purple car it's a bit off ning then he starts to crash so I decid it's better to just take the inside take the slow down and avoid actually being collected by everyone else's crashes there so I'll show that again slightly slower motion so as I noticed in the breaking Zone the idiot in front of me in the light blue and white car decides to try and make a late pass on the purple but what he does is collects his gearbox and pushes him around that's slightly unnerving for me in this position so I hit the brakes and move onto the inside I then move back out so that I can make their turn now the blue car having killed one person already Clips the sausage curb and gets collected by this purple car now there is nowhere for me to go to meet the second Apex so rather than get involved in that I decide right far better get back on the brakes again do my usual cross country here over the grass being very careful not to spin it and accept the Slowdown but I've still made up three or four places um and everyone behind me has now crashed and they're in you know a big Heap on the floor so I'm not actually going to lose too much so always be prepared for that eventuality and to just get yourself off the track and avoid anything that's sort of taking place on your inside or your outside but generally in front of you okay we're at okama here and again I'm running from the back um so I can grab content for this video so again I'm looking at the Apex and I'm trying to see what's going on so as we're slowly coming into it I'm on the break I'm looking for the Apex and I noticed that there is smoke um somewhere just past the Apex on the road upwards so always be prepared to not only slow down but be prepared to stop if you so have to because it's far better to do that than to plow into somebody um you can gain five or 10 seconds in a race on a a pack of cars that are fighting in front of you no problem at all what you can't do is gain 50 seconds because you've had to drive around the track um with only three wheels working or you've had to take a toe and then um stop in the pits so I got on the break a lot harder now orange cars got involved the martini cars got involved so now at this stage we've got three potential landmines on the track plus I've got the black car in front of me where I don't know what's happening with him and we've got this um blue and yellow and black car that sat on the side of the track and I don't know if he's going to play back onto it so I actually slow right down I try and move to the left to avoid the black car because I don't know what he's doing this blue and white car now moves back into my way so I think about going around the outside of him but I noticed the martini car's still there so I just decided it's better just to slowly pull away again and if I play that through in full speed so as I'm in the braking Zone I notice that everyone's hitting each other I think about the outside that's not going to happen so again I slow down almost to a stop and then just continue my way again it's boring it's not exciting I'm not going through on two wheels and power sliding it around the corner I'm just wanting to avoid all the idiots up ahead so here we are at sabuka and sometimes as well as wanting to avoid mistakes sometimes we were actually wanting to create the mistakes in front of us so on this the red car had been weaving in and out and basically being a bit of a pain for a lap and a half so what I want to do is I want to create a situation where the car in front is feeling pressured so I put some pressure in and faint to pass around the inside here so he starts thinking that oh maybe this guy is going to want to pass around the inside so I get as close to him as possible got a decent enough exit and what I want to do as well now is I want to faint that I'm going to go around the outside in reality I'm not going to go around the outside because it's very very difficult to pass but by fainting to show that I'm going around the outside I wanting to try and push him to the inside as best as possible so I take this um nice um Outi line so he can see in his wing mirrors that I'm over on the right hand side that's going to push him to the inside and what I really want them to do is I want them to touch their in inner tires to this uh inner curbing here because it's very very slippy now I start moving back to what is the racing line and I notice that he's got his wheels on there so I'm getting prepared if you see I'm not actually on the throttle at all during that part and just as I get back on the throttle he starts to slide but I'm waiting for that the minute I've got full 90° lock on and it's just a case of just avoiding it a very brief lift and I make it through so to show that through at full I wanting to show that I'm prepared to go on the inside to go on the outside I'm keeping him thinking as to what I'm going to be doing I want to faint an outside line here in reality I'm going to return to the inside he takes an inside line gets slippy spins the car and I can just continue on with a big smile on my face having done that pass um I've avoided the hazard I've not done anything nefarious um but it's made it a lot easier for me than if I'm going to have to try and pass on what is a very tricky circuit to pass there's really only T1 way you can do it safely okay so this next one is to show that with the best will in the world sometimes there are occasions where a car loses it in front of you and there's not a lot you can do because of where you are on the track and that sometimes you just have to accept that to avoid the hazard you're going to spin myself and what to do when that happen so I I know I used to get very flustered and if I did a spin I'd just try and write myself as quickly as possible and get straight back onto the racing line um I'm now in VR so I can look left and right in a far more natural way of doing things but we should always be using our mirrors or our left and right buttons so that we don't ruin someone else's race just because we've had The Misfortune of a spin so as you can see here I feel like I've got the Pace on on this guy in front I'm catching him up but now he starts to spin I'm at the slippiest point of the track at the Apex I'm coming back onto the throttle I notice that he's gone I start putting The Brak on but where I am as soon as I put the brake on I lose the back end I try and correct it but it's not enough so my car is spun there is another car coming behind me and a car that's just passed and what you'll see is that I think about starting to go and then I realize cuz I'm having a look to my right that there is another car there so once he's passed I then set off I'm in first gear I get a bit of wheel spin I then seen my mirrors that two people are coming up on me on uh my right hand side so I keep well to the left so that I don't impinge on their racing line and that's what everybody should be doing if more people drove like that a little bit more considerably um then it would be a lot better for every everyone and I'll show this from the far Chase so so as you can see I've actually just passed that blue car I'm coming up on here the car in front spins by the time that I can react to it I'm lose my back there's nothing I can do about that he gets away scotf free with it I spin round I start to set off I noticed that the car's coming so you just sit and wait I get out the way try and get off the racing line so that uh green and orange can pass here and then you just get on with your race and I've lost like six or seven seconds there again if you're fast enough you'll catch them up if they're making spins like that they'll self spin themselves anyway so just try and be considerate um and always check that the the coast is clear before rejoining following a spin so this is the section of the video that is entitled sometimes you die um so again with the best will in the world you can be as careful as you want unfortunately um there are other people on the road and sometimes they will kill you and the thing to do is just smile sit back and be glad that you just on you know a Sim that costs you $10 a month or whatever it is rather than thinking well that's just cost me three grand in repairs and my insurance is going to double for the next year so I'm going to leave you with a compilation of people killing me so on this one I get a pass done nice and early I hold it fair give him plenty of room on the outside managed to clip the Apex keep it on the track he drafts me and then just pushes me and I go wayy this is great I'll keep the uh radio off because I was asking what the heck he was doing at the time he did Apologize so I didn't bother protesting it um I don't think he meant to do it at all now let's go to the next one okay so here we are back at the death trap that is lagona I've got two people fighting in front of me I take turn five nice so now I've got a a good speed advantage on them of maybe about 5 km an hour I've also got a double draft going on I see that they go too wide in turn six which is never a smart move or a smart play both of them don't manage to get her through it particularly well so it allows me to thread the needle and pass them both now unfortunately for me the person behind doesn't like the fact that I've just passed him so whilst I uh go into the breaking Zone in the correct part he decides that he probably has enough skill to uh pass me into the first part of the cork screw and as we'll see he misses his breaking Zone and just smash it straight to the back of me despite the fact that no part of him was level as we started turning towards the AP P so sometimes you do get sausages like that um okay so the key points to remember running back through the list is few starts check out my guide but the easiest way to do it is 4 and a half th000 to 5,000 revs when the lights go green gradually build up the the pressure on the throttle um and you'll make a couple of positions early on overtaking always try and pass in a nice easy area on a straight or something like that and give plenty of room expect the guy in front to try and fight back but always give them plenty of room when you're defending again um it's better to go around the outside and get on the throttle earlier than try and fight somebody um for for an apex that's not worth it also don't make sudden late moves and change your line because that's not allowed avoiding hazards you should be looking ahead and trying to view what the car in front of you is viewing and always be prepared to stop or slow down every time I go into a turn when I'm following other people I'm expecting for there to be an incident and that way you can capitalize keep your nose clean and you'll make nice easy passes and always remember that even if you get everything right sometimes you will be murdered but that's absolutely fine because it happens to the best of us and it doesn't cost us a great deal other than a little bit of ey rating which you know even if you've got a really high ey rating will only cost you three or four races to get back to so I hope you found this useful I think if more people sort of took notice of the the key points from this I think everyone could quite easily um get up to um at least 3K in irating if you're doing your your laps within a second of me um and my track guides you 100% would be able to get up there so just enjoy your racing try and keep it clean and your ey rating will increase rapidly thanks for watching and I'll see you back for normal track guide next week
Channel: Sambo iRacing
Views: 11,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IRacing beginner guide 2023, IRacing beginner guide 2024, Intro to iRacing, Formula vee beginner guide, how to sim race, how to sim racing, formula vee, vee beginners guide, how to get out of rookies, formula vee circuit de ledenon, iracing guide vee, track guide formula vee, how to get fast formula vee, iracing formula vee tips, how to start iracing, sim racing tips, formula vee tips, how to drive formula vee, vee beginners guide 2024, iracing beginners guide 2024
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 56sec (2696 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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