Improve your Blender skills | beginner exercises

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hello in this episode we're doing exercises to help us with our modeling skills so this is to practice the techniques that we've learnt already in the course this is all part of a bigger course on gaba co uk for learning blender right from beginners to advanced levels so how this will work there's three stages I'll show you the model first then I'll give you a small tip and then I'll show how I would go about making the model and you might want to pause of course in between each of those so make sure you have a go at modeling these things it really helps to practice and have a go at the techniques and it helps you to learn by doing so let's start with the first one which is this weird box shape so you can pause the video here the tip is e to extrude and s to scale so pause the video and have a go at making that okay so how do we make this well we start with the basic cube so I'll click over here and I'll make a new one shift a to add mesh cube remember the add menu down here as well and then into edit mode with tab and I'm going to face mode so control tab will give me this menu face mode you can also get that menu down here click on the top face right click of course to select e to extrude and instead of pulling it outwards I right click to set the extrusion s to scale and then e to extrude again left click this time because I've pulled it out if I extrude and right click it will set it back where it starts okay so I'd grab in the Zed and pull that one up e to extrude s to scale e to extrude and I'm pulling it down with my mouse okay so e to extrude s to scale and you end up with this sort of shape the inset tool does a very similar thing so I is the same as e to extrude an ester scale so you can use that but it's just another thing to learn so whilst you're a beginner I suggest just e to extrude and s to scale it's a bit easier to remember because they're tools you're going to be using all the time ok so that's the first one so here's the next one similar principles so pause the video have a go with that there's no tip for this one because it follows similar principles so see how you get on ok so how do we make this one well I'll make it over here shift a add a cube and into edit mode bring the whole thing in with scale bring that top one down with grab this time in the z-axis so I pressed G to grab Zed to constrain it to the z axis this time e to extrude and I've right clicked so it's back in the same place pull it up scale it in e to extrude right click s to scale e to extrude I'll go all the way up and I'll worry about this bit in a second e to extrude right-click s to scale e to extrude e to extrude slightly different this time s to scale there's a couple of ways you can do these things and E to extrude and to make that inset we can press I if we want to or eat to extrude s to scale now I does a better job because this deforms it slightly whereas I to inset keeps the same distance around the outside so that's a bit easier so the inset tool is good there but if you don't want to use the inset tool then e to extrude scale and then you just scale this by the Zed and then e to extrude again so you can see the use behind the insects all there there we've got something very similar although it's a completely different size because of the perspective okay so the next one okay looks a little bit tougher doesn't it so hopefully these are all things you've learned before in the previous courses and this should just be developing your skills so pause the video if you don't want to hear the tip the tip is subdivision surface modifier and control our for loop cuts so pause the video and have a go okay so the starting point this time for me was a cylinder so shift a mesh cylinder and 20 vertices is fine because we're going to add a subdivision surface modifier to this in a minute you can even go lower than this maybe I will actually I'll go 16 because remember the subdivision surface modifier adds faces okay I'll just bring it down slightly so they're the same size and into edit mode let's grab this top face extrude and then scale extrude said that the same principles and you can see I've made a mistake here I've made this one way too fat and this one's a lot thinner so what I can do rather than just undoing and making that face smaller with scale I can select a face loop so you can select edge loops and face loops to select a face loop we need to select an edge down the side of the loop we want so if I alt right click on one of these edges it selects that face loop now I can scale it in I'll be doing that again in a second so don't worry if you miss that so here extrude scale extrude we use the inset tool here and then we'll extrude that in so it's got a opening okay so let's say we wanted the top of this sort of bottle or VARs or whatever it is and we wanted to scale it in to select the face loop we select that edge there alt right click so you Mouse's over the edge all right click and then you can scale just that one in but remember if you're scaling shift said to constrain it in the x and y - to not scale it in the z axis and it will keep that size if i alt right click on this edge I can select this edge loop you see so it depends on the edge for your selecting when in face mode okay there's got a bit more of curves so ctrl R here click once and then you can drag that's left click and then left-click to select where you want it and then scale it in okay that looks alright at the moment so we'll add our subdivision surface modifier go to the spanner add modifiers subdivision surface modifier down here okay and it looks all weird and we get that problem at the bottom that's because we've got an N gone at the bottom and we've got no supporting loot cuts you can obviously go in and do the mean crease I prefer to add loop nuts so let's add one down the bottom here and it's already looking better let's go to face mode ctrl tab to get this menu right click to face mode extrude and scale it in I could have used inset there as well but now it's looking a bit more sensible we need to support this loop here so it has that sort of structure so ctrl R left click drag it up and left click again ctrl R here so we'll give it a bit more support and I think one in here and I'm just gonna scare that in a bit so it looks similar and now the top needs support so we go ctrl R pull one down ctrl R pull one up and perhaps around the bottleneck there and lastly we need one in here don't we and one at the top here maybe a tiny bit more support there as well remember one either side of your edge that you want to define and the closer they are so if I out right click and I want to move these out right click selects loop cuts and I can GG will edge slide if I press G it all distort it so GG for edge slide very handy so lastly it's not looking quite like the bottle over there that's because we have to add smooth shading over here you have to do that in object mode so smooth shading and I'll just up the view and there we go looking very similar ok so the last one for this session let's have a look okay so pause the video if you don't want to hear the tip the tip is think about your starting point so your mesh that you choose to start with okay so have a go at that alright so let's have a go at creating this one now there's several ways of doing this you can start with something like a cylinder or a cube and subdivide it a lot the easiest way that I can see is to add with shift a a UV sphere I just bring that back over here now into edit mode and I can select the top faces let's go to top view with seven on our numpad orthographic with five and then let's select some faces a to deselect the faces and then seed a circle select and I'll select these ones and then I'll extrude those upwards then I'll scale those in the z-axis 0 and that will flatten them all out this time I'm going to get this face loop here by pressing alt right click and then extruding it upwards I'll indent this a bit more later this face loop here by alt right click and extrude that outwards scale but shifts said remember and I need to create some curves in here I'm gonna do this very slightly differently so we learned something new control art and just do one loop cut and scale that in to roughly where I want it and I'm gonna use the bevel tool just to learn something new so control B and I can pull that out and use my wheel to create some bevels that's quite handy so control B is the bevel tool and left-click to select I'll do that once more so you select your edge loop control B pull it out to the distance you want and then middle mouse button to wheel I'll just do two because were subdivided in a second that's great I feel like this edge loop here with control R may need scaling in a bit there we go now let's sort at the top so I'm gone gone back to face mode and I'm selecting this face loop here I'm gonna scale that out a bit remember to press shift said and lastly remember to press full stop on your numpad so you can zoom into that area much easier to move around a to deselect C to circle select and I'll just select this lot here let's just scale it and really slightly and put it down I'll do one more edge loop to give it some support when I do the subdivision surface modifier I'll go up the top here subdivision surface modifier push the views up and let's get object mode and smooth okay it's not quite the same and you can edit the shape quite easily by going into edit mode and selecting faces and pulling them in slowly and sorting it out but I'll let you do that okay so that's the first episode of the exercises if you haven't already then check out gaba co dot uk' for more the same thanks for watching
Channel: Grant Abbitt
Views: 168,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn, blender, tutorials, 3d, art, graphics, texture, paint, exercise, help, develop
Id: nQwn-GzmdeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 08 2018
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