I Found The Secret Overpowered Weapon!

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all right here we go and do remember this game does have an epilepsy warning so if you have epilepsy don't watch this video and you probably don't buy this game either but but yeah i do have the settings turned down so it won't be as bad but don't take the risk xp gain yes please oh that's quick xp holy crap let's go for a little bit of piercing let's go over there let's real quick let's go for the piercing synergies actually we need to get five piercing and five uh stun that will give us energy bolts which replace normal bolts with chaining energy bolts so that's the build we're going to go for at the start of this run and then we'll see if we can get more builds later on top that now obviously we'll get you know if we need like damage we'll get that too um piercing yes piercing and stun are going to be like big prices man this guy's aoe attack is so good these guys um shriekins torpedoes brawl i don't want uh torpedoes or shriekens up piercing yes all the piercing is actually doing good oh really it hits me while i'm loading the screen here xp gains we always take xp gains huh excuse me um yeah i want to focus on these big groups of guys here like past bikes it's great xp xp gain yes these guys are fantastic xp here we want all of them destroyed more piercing away from you i want these guys ready to get off my screen listen you guys need to stop all you're doing um more piercing fantastic xp game though piercing um apparently you get more you get like double the xp if you pick up the orbs yourself which i didn't realize so i'm i was missing a lot of xp and that's the point of the double xp pickup range thing more xp gain yes so i'm getting great xp from these guys and apparently the green crystals might heal you that's why i might health bar shows like that why don't you guys get off me so i can farm these guys for sweet sweet sweet xp uh more xp gain yes might as well max that out early while we're drowning xp excuse me slowly boy this and i'll get these yeah man this is actually great for xp um no no maybe all right um xp range i guess that way we're more likely to pick them up and get that extra value don't you get off the screen away from me over there you we are leveling up so fast holy crap um uh projectile crits impact explosive tempting but not yet we'll get to overclock to improve our fire rate and this is us this is a strong voice ship here and we're learning how to play the game better uh you don't normally level up this fast this is kind of ridiculous but a new thing going here uh multi-shot yeah more shots going through on these guys don't you run away from me i need your sweet sweet xp this ship is great for lily up early it's so good safeguard uh stun yes yes yes we'll go for stun stun length also people did tell me that the sound effects were perhaps a bit too loud so i'll reduce them down to like point one cl if that's good let's be a bit too quiet we'll do point two there we'll try that there we go and i'll i'll probably shoot for 30 minutes in this video unless we're having like a a great braun or i lose track of time or something like that um and we'll shoot for 30 minute videos but i'm not opposed to hour long videos either uh explosives are nice but they slow down your fire rate which is bad i'm already busting every up no problem okay overclocked shoot faster that's fine oh yeah we're just gonna destroy these guys we got we do need to try and pick up their xp too if you can but we still get half of it if we don't pick up ourselves but yeah you are it's good to get yourself um scythe uh no uh regen no full spread no i guess we'll go for uh infliction for damage i guess not that we're really needing that yet but whatever i want to avoid things that reduce my fire if i can because this guy already has damage so strong it's not really an issue for him destroying things it a brawler explosive slows you down like way too much um teleport no overclock speeds up your gun fire right it's fine because we're switching in between songs here i'll just let him go i need to let's take our check our synergies i need uh four more stunts we're good i'm pierce and got max piercing and we'll just uh trying those energy bolts going really curious to check those things out this guy is just annihilating the early round here i'm barely even put into damage it's piercing's pretty good neon scythe not yet i could work on the inside actually um it's done yes need a few more stun stun above all else give myself energy bullets so that blue one gave me xp upon like i saw we got a huge xp burst after we beat that uh blue uh crystal there uh the inside split shot torpedoes overclock yes all the overclock for your boy i do want these sweet sweet energy bullets in my life just to see what they're all about although i feel like my guy is so strong will i even be able to see them bounce from any enemy when i'm already like one shot in them i don't know we'll find out i accidentally clicked ah gosh dang it i accidentally like clicked instantly my i didn't mean to do that all but i pick up brawler i think i picked a brawler or something like that something red hopefully it's infliction or whatever luckily level up so fast we'll you know real quick here regen no crit chance no teleport no i guess um scythe because if you look up here we can get us with um max multi shot and max side with the dual reaper could be cool as well uh ooh xp healing if i get five xp orbs we're getting a small sliver for health i'll get max regen and get something that too that's kind of neat i wish i could i wish i could press escape right here if i have to click back to menu there unfortunately i can press escape there unfortunately it's forcing me to uh i can't just like quick tab press escape twice not tap you know quick exit here we go we're doing great here though he's getting so much xp off these guys it's pretty great and i've barely put anything into damage also the ship has built in regeneration um we need a multi-shot stun needs we're looking for stun multi-shot neon side primarily for our synergies here we're still doing fantastic things here the stun isn't really super relevant because we uh well we used to killing everybody right but hey imagine if he gets tougher boys maybe we'll be now the guy just gets away huh they're doing so we're so we're so strong we're so strong but it gets tougher brawler infliction um crit chance split shots i should have kept when i actually wanted no um i don't reduce my fire rate i'll just take the health i'll keep my fire rate nice and healthy i don't feel like split shot is gonna be that beneficial to us here i feel like i've been over valuing split shots in my runs perhaps yes i'm here sweet sweet xp those guys like slide backwards this might be the knockback that we're talking about maybe one split shot would not be terrible i still want to lose my it's it's a big fire rate hit for split shot yes i think my scythe is knocking them back stun yes please need more stun in my life we're almost there for the energy bullets which would be great to have these guys just trying to like escape past me without dying unacceptable scythe does very little damage takes multiple hits for to kill one enemy because we haven't leveled up at all but yeah it's maybe it's good honestly even leveled up it's not that great it's all about this synergy with the thought it's getting kind of dicey though i feel like more damage could be good um bullet spread no explosives maybe pulse no projectile size no brawler i guess uh maybe explosives yeah i feel like it's getting a little bit i mean we've lost some fiery though i don't like losing that fire right actually else yeah i regret i immediately regret that is doing a slightly better job destroying them maybe i'm not even sure it's doing a better job destroying them except like it takes twice as long to take a shot now i need more overclock or just to get more stuns or something here now we're going to the point we're getting a little bit overwhelmed on units here it's fine we'll figure out but note to self don't get explosives on this guy the fire rate hits too strong stun the problem putting a lot of points to the stun to get this energy bullet synergy going and it's just not giving me any immediate payoff stun is just not very it's not very good um like you know when you're already like insta killing everything you hit right um the knock back from the side is doing decently for us here i need the xp from that thing there we go more please more shoot the big groups of guys away from me side protect me uh torpedoes no brawler no projectiles nice nice size now infliction damage i guess might be helping a little bit of damage might help here oh i feel like i mean the homing like buzz saws are pretty uh they're a little bit tankier than the other things that feel like right now we're still one shot in those maybe we weren't before i don't know i need to take out more of these guys they are kind of like stunning in an area though it's getting dicey i need to get my last stun to get my energy bullets and i need them to be good oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy boy give me my stun uh multi shots okay dude pulse brawler torpedoes fine multi shot how far away are we um we wait we have it done oh i need to break a red crystal to finalize it oh okay oh my god that was a really dicey time to pause there i need to break a red crystal to finalize it good to know which i know that earlier but well i'm like killing them off screen with my side okay so i need to focus on oh my god i needed red crystal i didn't realize you had to do that that makes it even harder to get your synergy going maybe rushing energy bullets not the right call i feel like it's not the right call i feel like it's the second time i've tried to do it a run pushing for energy bullets uh remember you can press shift to like move a little quicker away oh my goodness this is getting pretty rough the inside and overclocked i need it oh my god oh this it gets so crazy it gets so crazy i just gotta go away one the buzz i need to get past this buzzsaw wave it's brutally difficult really difficult excuse me my buzz saw friends you are numerous and problematic and you're gonna end my run i'm not careful here you are not playing around per se uh i've got like i got like a scratch in my face i gotta like blow my face i don't know if you can hear me doing that listen uh listen listen liz nothing right nothing mine's really bad the minds do tons of damage oh no why is my face issued why is my face itchy where's my red crystal give me a red crystal all right um the inside's not gonna help much teleport shurikens um crit chance bullet spread uh that's not gonna help much uh neon scythe i don't know uh oh we're gonna die picking our levels up with these points okay note to self don't rush energy bullets because then you lack on dps to actually deal with guys because the stun itself is basically useless don't you push my crystal off the map give me more levels excuse me oh we're gonna die we're gonna die we're gonna die we're gonna die we're gonna die we're gonna die we're gonna die we're going to die we're going to die we're going to die any more generations excuse me sirs you're in my way eating my shots get away get away get away scythe i need you to be better need to be better these buzz saws are what gets you that and running to the mines and we're dead all right note itself we'll keep we'll keep it going note to self don't push for the energy early because have to like invest five piercings and five stuns is too many levels because then you then have to wait for a red crystal so also note to self save the crystals for when it's time to don't break those crystals right away you might need them later right ooh power shots our next thing okay what can you spend here though um i say i don't feel like is that useful um xp range could maybe be useful i think that i feel like xp gain is more valuable i don't have enough christmas for it though um i think i've already selected apparently siphon's supposed to be halfway decent um people mapped out for me in the comments we should start working on that um yeah maybe start working siphons apparently saying it's better than regeneration point based on how many enemies kill i don't know [Music] sorry i had to clear my throat there um keep going back in we'll do the same level and this time we will maybe we'll go for the reaper synergy first and not the energy bullets yeah um i'm pretty cool with the mod as we have right now though all right let's do it again this time we're gonna go for the um the dual reaper first and let's not instantly destroy the crystals hey look stats there um so five knee insides five multi shots so we got knee insides and multi shots so we're gonna go for here okay and i will do my synergies um uh xp gain we'll just get xp gain to start because well that's just free that just like pays dividends later um explosives absolutely not that hurt us last time stunned no way brawler no xp gain i'll take it i will take it we'll get xp gain value xp range maybe burst mines possibly but multi shot uh i think it's a good choice that's fine yeah multi shot will help perform these guys a little bit faster for us here you guys gotta go xb gain absolutely absolutely xp gain early and often early and often multi-shot crits stun xp gain we're taking the xp gain all day all day we xp gain um projectile safeguard infliction xp gain get it done early get down nice and early i feel like doubling that pickup range of a good two teleport there's a side we do let's work on the side torpedoes xp range let's get that we're going for the side let's get that ready right now huh don't you get off my screen i need your xp the side again seems good we're looking for psy the multishot at this point i think got all the xp range xp gains or enough of them on fliction split shot scythe i'll take it all the side action on the multi shots maybe like the upgraded side that is actually worth having yes more side although overclock is also pretty tempting but you can get that later obviously i need to actually get this thing ready that when the crystal comes i'll know which crystal to save for it right so we need red for the energy bullets crystallizing uh knee inside yes please well the range is tempting but just go and walk into and pick it up right and also that way um no no no all right with of these i'll get for the xp range double my xp gains by being close i need you guys to have some more distance any more damage soon multi shot will do to increase my damage because the side itself is kind of junky hopefully the side is good once you have the synergy going because without the synergy it's just kind of like mid at best multi-shot yes please synergy available dual reaper that quick huh all right break a red crystal okay so we're looking for a red crystal and in the meantime i want to try to work towards blast streakings because street can suck by default and i want to like fall off and die i can start working towards xp healing actually and get regenerate so work on regeneration maybe or work on or just work on like generic damage maybe do a bit of both like region here and there and then damage to kind of keep up with how tough the waves are my reach my damage does seem lacking yeah infliction yeah let's get infliction i think i guess like maybe focus on infliction and regeneration for the moment if you like a wise life choice maybe some more um maybe a little bit of pierce might be okay um impact no crit's not terrible but he already one shots most things overclock actually or clocks can help quite a bit you might fire rate up i want to avoid things that lower my fire rate because this guy fires so slow as it is i don't wanna i'm shooting any slower causes problems healthy fire rates can be very useful here for us here yeah see the split shot that's that's like uh is that point that's a substantial cooldown i'm going to pass on that uh no no yes yes please yeah it takes two overclocks to compensate for one split shot grab and i'm not sure the split shot does enough value to justify trading it out per se low big tough boils no maybe inflation yes focus on the damage first i think although i feel like we're already one shotting i mean there are some guys are like do i want maybe the damage isn't necessary the infliction because i do one shot most these guys as long as i'm one-shotting the big boys in the buzzsaws yeah i don't think we need to um they were good on damage um no overclock absolutely absolutely overclocked get that fire rate zooming a little pierce would be good i'm not saying it's taking me longer to beat these guys and go farther in the run like in the first minute i was killing these guys faster with my previous build because i think the piercing on the groups is actually pretty solid so piercing at the start might be a pretty good choice four o'clock obviously i'm just gonna keep taking that because it has a similar effect of destroying them faster right but slap in a little bit of piercing two might be worth it you know don't go crazy but like you know maybe like one or two options like cards of piercing would be good we're doing pretty good here but the difficulty scales once the once they start homing in on you in this tight area with the slow guy gets a lot tougher with buzz saws i need to get a red crystal it's not getting any overclock i'll take it i need a red crystal to get my synergy that's the that's the hardest power part of the synergies is waiting for that uh it's kind of like vampire survivors you gotta wait for that chest you know this game you gotta wait for the uh sweet sweet red crystal it just comes down to like do you get uh lucky you get somebody actually drop one do they drop the right one some days somewhere somehow some will give me wreck also this map is bad for crystal drops i'm noticing torpedoes no split shot no teleport nil i don't want any of these um both sides by 25 projectile knock pack uh fine both sides just because my aim is bad sometimes so more likely to hit perhaps sweet sweet xp scythe does so little maybe synergies just aren't worth doing considering it's like or maybe on this map synergies aren't worth doing because crystals are just like kind of exceedingly rare here at least early on i don't feel like i need more damage torpedoes pull spread pulse piercing yes yes has piers i have two piers by default because of my mod actually my the piercing module is actually pretty solid module to have yeah that piercing is already making a big difference maybe one or two more these are regeneration might be nice too more synergies i wish i had something like you know wish the side like did a better job defending myself against guys getting closer behind me but it's mostly useless um safeguard pulse i don't feel like i need more damage shriek instrumentals um oh i mean i i guess i guess fine whatever it's fine maybe i can like max out and stop having it be with my cards that pops up perhaps perhaps hello i need all your xp please i need all of it i still need to grind quickly as long as i can keep focusing on the big groups of guys and get tons of xp that's great for us when the saws get out control it becomes problematic um the projectile size no split shot no pulse spread no regeneration actually yes because that's one thing we can work to point where the xp orbs will heal us a little bit which would be useful because sometimes i do take damage here and there and be able to heal that quickly will be useful that's also going to require i mean if i think honestly like my next run for this i might just ignore synergy achieving lock dual reaper oh we got it we got it wait okay what just happened there with one after the other uh dual reaper summons two deadly high damaging sides so i must have broken a red crystal just now two deadly high damaging size okay let's get it oh let's go let's see how strong are they oh they're amazing oh they're actually i'm not even firing just to like test them out and they're incredible they are incredible impact no bullet spread no um maybe on the regeneration no all right kind of stand still can i just stand still i basically can it's oh it's it's doing a screen shake thing um i don't know that i love it i'm gonna turn off that screen shake effect uh but if you guys like that screen shake effect screen shake effect i can turn it back on but personally not a fan i can literally just stand still and not use my weapon oh they're incredible they're it's actually amazing i like i gotta be careful walking too much into them who needs who needs to shoot who needs to hold left click uh i can get rid of these brawler split shot teleport impact doesn't even matter at this point piercing i guess i guess i can start working on other syringes and try them out but like i don't even need to shoot anymore i guess i can to like try and clear these things out from a distance right it's only shoot so far but less mines on the board but yeah we're okay it's getting okay maybe we do need to shoot because it's a little bit dicey oh just to test it now we're like this is like it's this impenetrable circle of death and doom i guess i could get more xp if i picked up the stuff myself right but it's fine uh torpedoes infliction brawler piercing i guess i can start working for other synergies but like for the moment we're just we're just an untouchable god honestly let's chill here are these like i feel like they're like i feel like these things oh maybe the way these like guys run around when they spawn into the board they target where you're at i thought they just kind of like went through the board of random you know they're trying to hold them where you're at when they appear in the board if you're moving around they'll like appear to not go towards you uh no no yes might as well get more like the healing going so the synergy is actually really really strong like actually overpowered strong okay so it was worth it even on this level where it's kind of hard to get your crystals it's absolutely worth it just don't mind me just chilling here being an unstoppable god undefeatable more generation yes i guess brawler so brawler would work would probably work really well with uh the neon sides here surely at some point i should probably shoot a little bit here because uh there's um if i need to move and there's like well if at some point i need to move and there's uh mines everywhere right no yes so we kind of clear them out all right let's keep working on all this stuff here also gotta be careful uh powershot synergy synergy between impact and projectile size so it's a new synergy combination we unlock their atomic daggers are coming up next i'm starting a little bit worried this is very anxiety inducing all this going on here uh pull split stun uh go for piercing i guess you could start going for like the energy bolts and get stunned maybe now this would be now this would be the time to go for like the energy bolts when you're like you can afford to burn smalls i mean it should move a little bit to like actually get the xp before it builds up but i'm missing so many i'm missing so many when i do that yeah i'd spare just to stand until otherwise i've missed so many um no no no uh piercing yeah yeah i get half xp but i kill every single unit this way if i move around then i miss a bunch because they all aim where you're standing you easily miss a bunch yeah let's chill here a little bit oh i'm just an unstoppable king i do like shooting the uh mines though um split crit safe no no infliction okay more damage although my size is doing the same damage i think it feels like and safeguard might be not a terrible life choice she even locked xp healing wait we got it it combined them oh i see that so we unlocked it like i must broken a crystal head unlocked xp healing xp orbs regain a small sliver of health incredible let's take a look here um currently active so it doesn't i'm not sure what crystal had to break to get it but it's already active and beautiful well i can't really see it somebody at full health within senior generation but it's gonna be pretty hard to beat me huh maybe get some brawler stuff what else can i work towards um we uh power shots increases ship damage by double infliction and impact pretty decent ways long or stunned okay so infliction impact and stun for things really like kind of working towards um get that impact rights knock back more sure it's getting kind of dicey i'm just going to keep shooting because i'm getting a little bit scared that some of these guys might squeeze through and hit me i feel like i'm probably doing fine right especially these big tougher boys although i feel like we're kind of probably over worrying it i don't know i feel like we're we're pretty great here maybe in this level this is like a really strong build because a lot not all these guys have like tons of hit points bullet spread no torpedoes no split shot no uh let's get the impact again back to the infliction later perhaps i don't know we'll figure it out we'll unlock more synergies and check them all out all synergies are locked i mean i guess i can't see that in the title video because um well we're not uh we haven't unlocked everything eventually but eventually we play this game enough they'll be revealed most likely titled every synergy unlocked unstoppable god it's something like that to get some flicks right uh torpedoes shriekins atomic daggers we unlocked a new weapon fires daggers in the direction your ship is moving well we have to check it out oh okay so the last direction i pressed was to the right so it's not where you're aiming just for the last place you ate or moving that's really cool if i press the left wait why is it still i'm like it just goes to the right even if i move the left oh no it does oh it oh i see if you're if you're not moving at all it just goes to the right if you hold to the left it starts going to the left okay oh i don't need you then uh impact i don't need to worry about that so let's if you're actively holding a direction it goes where you're pointing if you're not holding the direction at all then it goes to the um right gotcha it's getting i feel like it's getting dicey at least i'm protected from the right pretty well oh my god oh my god i need like brawler and uh stuff although we're still doing fine this is insane i don't see how you could possibly do this without synergies this is bonkers maybe that's the whole point torpedoes fritz uh teleport infliction nice synergy available power shots which means i need a power shots red crystal it's just a red crystal every time it might be maybe that's what it is green crystals you break them you give you help blue crystals you break them or like i guess that's like a cyan crystal according colors with cg cyan color gives you like the uh xp and red crystals are what you need to like perform your synergy so don't break breakfast until you're ready for surgery we've got our power questions unlocked from this thing over here listen you guys need to chill there's a lot of you all right so i think the whole thing about this um level relative to the timing mark by the way about to unlock uh the 10 minute mark thing uh torpedoes pulse or some music safeguard um i i'll just get the burst mines i can like just ignore him whatever it's fine and oh there's a blue crystal there nice yeah we're actually yeah like i feel like this synergy is just like a guarantee once you get it it's a guaranteed win you can stand still i'm gonna keep shooting for now if i'm scared but once i get the 10 minute mark i can test not shooting but i want like i want to keep going and a lot more synergies right achieving a lot of bomber blitz because we've hit the ten minute mark on this arena job done there not sure that locks anything for us in the main area but we did it all right um no no no all right um [Music] i guess brawler to take less damage i'm not going to shoot i'm just going to chill here and see sounds better to notch it's actually better to not shoot because they get more xp by like making sure they die close to me so eve so once you have the reaper sides the bomber like you get the reaper size in the bomber arena you can literally afk until the 10 minute mark and you will be fine so i don't feel like this green arrow dagger things making that big difference for us emp minecart some enemies on impact but doesn't deal damage hmm not sure what emp mine's a little raking up so much xp this is great oh that range already in no time how many levels there are there can't be that many right like a hundred they'll run up unlocks eventually i can just chill here and get xp um pulls split i don't even want to ever get this card i like having gold spread bullets spread good we can start working on the shriek in um unlock yeah what do we need here oops one button it needs to be a faster way to check your synergies than like lots of menuing um i need to break a red crystal get my power shots and all that it'll be easy tell what does just doubles your damage of uh is it everything in general just your shots then the only other ones we have left are uh shriekins explosives and stun okay shrieking's explosive stun so we need crystals but we're not gonna get crystals because these guys don't drop crystals so i think this arena is actually really really terrible for grinding crystals like that so if you want to like grind crystals for your modules this is the worst of reading to do it because it's had like it's got a worse drop for your crystals than even the first arena oh okay we died because i i guess i guess they sent too many at us but hey um we got pretty far let's do another run here actually you know what it's been 30 minutes that's a great spot to end the video so we'll we'll actually we'll go here and uh before we end it we'll we'll spend some of our stuff here give ourselves more xp gains that's extremely useful i feel like not enough for that i think 25 for either these i can actually get the siphon level up in case we want to use that 15 is not enough for any of these and that'll be it and i think 30 minutes is a great spot to end the video there so smash that like button if you like neon sundown and you want to see more of it on this channel let's go [Music]
Channel: CG Plays
Views: 6,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cg plays
Id: yazjZHahQRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 13sec (1813 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 21 2022
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