Impossible Try Not To Panic Challenge

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six challenges are designed to make your heart race but if you can keep yours the lowest you'll win and to make sure nobody cheats we're all wearing heart rate monitors that'll be displayed right here the first event's a nice path and Eric's up first let's chill the person with the lowest heart rate after two minutes in the ice bath wins let's go Eric let's go let's just stepped in toe Frozen but with all them staring at me I stay calm cool collected but on the inside it's not it let's do this you nervous no no I think should bow me is probably gonna do the worst of this it's gonna go away it's gonna become a frozen blueberry I'm gonna use them for my smoothie after I already know he's done he's done however cold you think it is it's way colder [Laughter] no way I'm losing I exercised they don't exercise in honor of my favorite superhero the cold never bothered me anyway who says that who do you think your heart rate is I know it's 72 right now 72 you're pretty close actually oh man this is nothing man I'm on vacation Dustin you're paying for my vacation today I am yeah [Applause] [Music] this is transconfidence it's gone a little too far he's eating the ice hands down best strategy okay I'm inner peace I'm not even here right now I'm in a warm place what's going on in your mind my body is not very well insulated honestly it was so cold but I had to be the bigger dog in this couldn't let them show weakness you ever notice this is blue I'm Blue the ladder's blue I was built for this and your face is about to be blue there's a thick layer of ice there she told me there's a big layer of ice everywhere Dustin here's the thing is that he is in a tub that both me Trent you want to make Dustin's heart rate jump it's gonna go hit his wall in the back all right doesn't phase me oh his heart rate's going up I won this easily watch this oh he win [Music] so we have a two two species here today one is a baby bird eating tarantula both of these on the Venom scale are fairly low as far as tarantulas go but they're venomous and it is like fire going through your face you said bird eating tarantula when they're full grown they're about the size of a dinner plate and they'll take down Birds bruh suck all the blood out of them yeah okay yeah why did you start it facing me oh he likes your boat hopefully they're not gonna try to meet with anybody here that could be bad too this is I saw webbing come out of its butt fight is uh hemotoxic makes you bleed inside you will swell up like the Michelin Man so it's making a decision right now what's the decision whether you're a threat or not Trent oh I feel I feel I feel it I feel it I feel it foreign never shaved so that's the first sign that she's mad that's a very angry tarantula right now [Music] oh you're getting way closer to me than everyone else right after you go [Music] I made eye contact it's looking at me with all the eyes [Music] you're actually kind of cute whoa whoa oh no no Tom Tom Tom it's too bad that's time that's time that's time Tom Tom you lose I'm hoping I wake up tomorrow and just try and keep your heart rate the lowest while consuming some of the hottest sauces on the planet and if you tap out you'll be eliminated I would enjoy this in another sauce you know this is my challenge I think we need to step it up a little bit [Music] I need a list of all these sauce tastes so good [Music] playing it cool feel good now but wait until tomorrow morning I'm just getting a little emotional look at his eyes I'll tell it all I made the mistake of licking my lips it was a bad idea all right let's get serious level three it's time for the bomb there we go three two one [Music] oh man that one does have a little kick time look at your eyes look at your eyes you can tell which two can't handle spice [Music] are you guys gonna do the next one for sure yeah okay I'm tapping one more one more who's winning Eric's teachable me five times hotter than the last one and on top of that they're gonna bring the spiders back three two one Bottoms Up good luck oh a minute after that's when it really hits what are you guys thinking that this isn't that bad are you guys actually not feeling anything no well you guys try it here no I'm good are you gonna do the spoon actually let's combine both cheers I'm so scared I'm impressed honestly I'm proud yeah Round of Applause for these guys both of you guys passed the challenge but whose heart rate was the lowest keep your heart rate the lowest while remembering not to flinch okay I'm not scared it's okay I'm gonna show your insecurity [Music] flinch you know the more times this glass gets hit more it's likely to break I think we need to look at the table I [Music] let's get that glass nice and clean so we can see your Flinch I only have one question for you yes where'd you get that cool shirt it's a secret [Music] it's definitely a blink I don't think [Music] all right Dustin you've won a couple uh don't Flinch challenges but you've also lost a bunch you're either born with it or you're not we go yo you launched it at me I literally was just worried about it breaking is a Flinch did he flinch you'll have 60 seconds to swim to the end of the water chamber and back lowest heart rate wins oh you got this Eric let's go Eric you gotta go back remember breathe heavily heartbreak nice and high you got this you got it how'd I do here's the thing I felt like I had no space in there shabomi's a big guy Trent's a big guy if I felt claustrophobic in there they're definitely gonna feel claustrophobic in there all right I'm just gonna go time starts now oh me it was so close man yo he's focused on me let's go over me I'm trying to get his heart rate up [Applause] good job homie I haven't washed my face today I thought I would use some of this dirty water I got a date after this so how do I look guys I feel bad for Trent's date right after this let's go try it easy you're halfway there [Applause] it may look easy but it's actually terrifying I was moving pretty fast but the long ways to crawl in your arms a lot tougher than I thought oh there's no way [Applause] if there's one thing I know it's to not make waves my technique is the slow and steady approach you don't want to make waves okay 60 seconds I got all the time in the world you know you only have that heart rate up time no fear looks like shabomi and Eric will be facing off in the final the game is simple first person to hit the golden gong wins get hit or if your heart rate Rises too high you'll be eliminated for the round that's right I'm coming for you see they're only worried about me but they don't know Trent's a sniper he's over on the side token for Dustin I'm creating space and I'm picking them off new heart rate limit is 140. blow me foreign Two Is Better Than One [Music] if Erica shubomi hits one of us we'll be eliminated for 30 seconds new heart rate limit is 150. oh [Music] Eric's home first one to hit me but hit him a lot more their stride is improving every time [Music] I I I trickled it [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] limit is 160. [Music] I think their strategy to get one of us out get a clear shot yeah whichever one of us goes down the other one hits them [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] I haven't been able to hit this skunk but I think one of us are gonna hit it right now what do you think about me I think I'm definitely gonna hit it but the better man's gonna win I think I'm gonna hit it too I think we can both hit it you should at least to get both of them well we all know I'm gonna win because shabomi can't ever win a challenge to save his life so you know I'm gonna win this uh my Strat is gonna be the 5Ds Dodge duck dip dive and Dodge I don't really have a strap man I'm just gonna stay mobile and stay accurate Eric you're getting pinpointed heart rate limits rising to 170 thank you ah would somebody tell me what it feels like to lose because I keep winning all right that's how we do it this is my town you know what that means make sure you like And subscribe and uh here we go you boys ready that's one that's two [Music]
Channel: JustDustin
Views: 1,226,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0wpNaPicFA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2023
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