Minecraft’s Most Insane Seeds!

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minecraft seeds generate structures completely randomly this can cause them to generate in absolutely insane places these are the craziest minecraft seeds alright so we know that seeds generate structures like strongholds and villages but how about we look at seeds that generate structures that completely push the boundaries of what we thought was possible in minecraft since he generated a village that is very very different from what you've seen before the houses of these villages were generated completely in separate places part of the village was generated at the top of a cliff while the rest of the house was generated at the bottom you probably won't believe me when i say this but the houses and the farms of this village generated pillars that are over 108 blocks tall away from society similar things have happened to other seas where villages would generate with natural 100 block tall skyscrapers this isn't the only seat that had this rare phenomenon happen this kind of formation has happened to other seats too the village of this scene almost has all of their houses elevated into the sky part of this village is generated in the water right below a cliff but one of the houses generated near the build limits creating a humongous wall down to the ground the farmer of this village sliced in between a cliff right beside a house i can just imagine the villagers finishing collecting their crops just to fall to their inevitable death the reason this happens is actually very interesting because a village house decided to spawn on top of a floating block a big chunk of the house is left suspended so instead of building the house elsewhere like a normal person minecraft goes wait we can't have all that empty space there and build all the way down to the ground creating a pillar like no other so this next seat is one of the weirdest things i've ever seen a desert temple naturally generated fully underground just imagine how weird of a sight this is the entrance of the temple just drops directly down into the water think these generations can't get any more insane well then check out this rare formation this mansion generated in the middle of a 100 000 block ocean woodland mansions only generated in dark forest biomes so how did it get here there was originally a tiny island that was technically classified as a dark forest so minecraft went yolo and said yeah let's put a mansion here we can see here that other scenes also have waters emerging mansion on the topic of woodland mansions just take a look at this the floors of this mansion spawn hundreds of blocks up creating an unbelievably tall pillar minecraft chose the highest block for the mansion to spawn on and compensated the rest with an absurd amount of cobblestone staying on the topic of rare generations some seeds generate exposed strongholds which as we can see this seed is one of them but this seed is much more special two of the libraries as well as the staircase entrance of this stronghold is completely exposed giving the player an easy way in now those are some unique scenes but once we search for an end portal things get weird in the 1.18 snapshot some series like this features bizarre cut off end portals but things only get weirder from here this seed has a naturally lit end portal all 12 portal frames generated filled with an eye of ender but what if only part of it was filled you might not believe me when i say this but this portal got tricked into activating with only two eyes of enders and it actually works similar these have had this rare phenomenon happen only having one third and two thirds of the portal activated so this next seat has a ruined portal inside a woodland mansion the lava in the ruined portal lit up the surroundings of the mansion which frankly isn't made of the most fireproof blocks after a while the fire lights up a complete nether portal and it actually works just make sure not to light up the tnt on the fake strong we know our nether portal no not the ender worlds speaking of structures generating inside one another take a look at this seed a jungle temple spawn on top of a woodland mansion i mean after you loot the temple you can go give bob the pillager a visit that would have been a one of a kind seed but this seed not only spawned a jungle temple on a mansion but a witch has decided to join the party as well wait why is my character frozen the crazy thing is that all three structures generate exclusively in different biomes this exact spot is actually an intersection of a jungle swamp and a dark force biome allowing these structures to generate together so structures like the pillager outposts and villages can be quite boring but when under the right conditions things can get interesting this pillager outpost is cut off by minecraft's build limit and drops all the way down into a ravine by jumping off from the outpost you can actually reach bedrock this is actually a 256 block tall drop making this minecraft's tallest freefall so we know that villagers aren't the most adventurous of mobs but not today a desert temple a ruined portal and a village generated in the exact same spot the ruined portal generated inside the temple similar things have happened to this seed where an entire blacksmith generated inside of a desert temple the houses and desert temples generate perfectly together villagers have populated the insides and one of them even decided to loot the temple you're doing great josh just make sure not to press the pressure plate wait oh no you're entering you've just zoomed us all quick question what's the rarest way to die you might think it's through an elder guardian or maybe the void but not the end void rather the overworld void for the first time ever in minecraft history overall bedrock was naturally broken this happened because a ruined portal generated at the lowest possible elevation by breaking this block you can now die in the overworld void in survival minecraft speaking of breaking bedrock this mine shaft generated at y level 2 overriding the bedrock generation in version 1.16 only mine traps were able to generate through bedrock and if you make it to the end there's a spawner while we're under the mines check out this cave seed with a shipwreck fully intact underground i mean it's like that one driver that never knows where to park this he generated a heart you can send this to your crush now this next seat has an igloo that spawned mid-air right above a ravine by going down into this igloo you soon find out that you get to fall 80 blocks down into what you thought was their basement but actually is a drop going back to some siege with one in a trillion structure generations a desert temple and a jungle temple generated together overlapping each other the corners of the jungle temple and the desert temple generated perfectly aligning each other similarly in this sea the two temples generated perfectly inside each other it's like that one lazy builder that never bothered going to a different location to build their second house so we checked out some one-of-a-kind village and manchester's but why don't we check out some absolutely insane terrain generations and i'm talking about the n-dimension terrains you might not even know that end terrains can generate extremely according to their seed the main island of this anti-mansion was glitched and generated with the middle empty the coolest part is that if you beat the ender dragon you can't even progress because the portals are chopped off but once we make it to the end islands things get very interesting three end cities as well as two bedrock portals spawn within the same proximity by standing here you can actually see all three cities this piece of land looks cool that's all on this seat an entire forest was enclosed by stone pillars creating truly a one-of-a-kind site if you thought that this forest generation was insane then check out this cliff formation by walking a few blocks away from spawn you're greeted with a grand canyon an entire circle of ocean is encapsulated by the rarest biome the badlands creating a big cliff there's even a lush cave inside the cliff and i don't know about you guys but this spot looks like the prime location for a survival world what's the rarest naturally generating loot if you were to loot these two entities you would end up with the best loot ever generated in all of minecraft history after i looted them i ended up with 57 diamonds and tons of enchanted diamond armor and weapons amongst others if you are lucky enough to load up this seed you spawn next to a desert temple that has a mending book as well as an enchanted apple which would make the seed the best but there is a single temple that has 10 enchanted golden apples i don't want to get into how rare something like this is but you know me and the boys are about to have a feast this seat has four berry treasure chests generated on this village island i actually collected all their berry chest loot and it's not bad before we get into some more crazy seeds here are some seed facts i bet you didn't excuse me dan i think i got it from here but if you type in the seed suck dee's nuts you will spawn in front of a typical world no big deal but not too far you'll come across this weird shipwreck and these two shipwrecks are made of different wood types on that note if you type in the seed fart you spawn in a desert opening to a huge lush cave almost too perfect thank you fart on a similar note if you typed in the seed zero in type slash seed it returns 48. and another fact is over the dozens of different minecraft updates so from alpha to beta many seeds keep the exact same terrain generation but as time goes on they get the different biomes and structures added now imagine you decide to hop a new minecraft world to do some grinding but you spawn in the middle of the ocean no big deal you can always make a new world so you do that and you spawn in the exact same seed well the chances to get the same seed when generating the world is one in 18 quintillion another fact you definitely didn't know about is that every minecraft seed has a shadow seed which means all the biomes on that seed are the same but everything else like structures are different on the other hand each minecraft seed also adds 65 536 sister seeds which generate the same exact structures but different biomes do you recognize these paintings well the team of minecraft at home found the world seeds for these worlds painting world this was done by tracking specific blocks and even their lighting and filtering through trillions of seeds they did all of this to find other notable seeds like the world of the title screen panoramas as well as the infamous herobrine scene alright i asked the same two expert seed finders from the minecraft at home team to find me the most insane ocean seeds and what they found shocked me to the core two villages spawned on separate islands in the middle of a 10 million block ocean and it only gets more insane from here this seat has an ocean monument unlike any other you've seen before not one but four ocean monuments generated next to each other all within viewing distance all four of the monuments generate close to the surface and all within boating distance i don't know if any sane player would choose to explore here on a similar note of impossible generations the social monument spawned in the middle of a ravine causing the pillars to penetrate through the mine shaft making it one-of-a-kind sight remember the adventurous villagers earlier well they went an extra step further and built their village in the middle of a woodland mansion next to an ocean monument no the pillagers weren't enough for the villagers now they wish to be neighbors with the elder guardian if you thought that's where the villagers draw their line then take a gander at this one this village spawned on the top of a cliff nearly touching the build limit if you take a peek down the cliff not too far you can see a villager outpost which if you ask me this just looks like the villagers ultimate escape plan from the pillagers and even better yet three iron golems are kidnapped in this outpost which to me just sounds like free iron so let's review villagers have blew up desert temples built houses on littoral cliffs and inside woodland mansions and yet all of that is still not enough for them the village of this seat was built so low that all of the farms and the houses are built fully underground this happens because in versions 1.18 cave generations are much more open and on the rare occurrence that a fully open cave overlaps a generating village this phenomenon happens other similar seas have had their villages and villagers spawn fully underground it just looks so weird who decided to build an arctic village inside of a volcano so we explored insane cliffs and monuments but what if we combine every rare element from all the previous seeds into one ultimate seed well at the spawn of this seed you are greeted with a village house not anything out of the ordinary but as you look out you realize that this is anything but ordinary not only have you spawned on an island but surrounding the village is three separate biomes including the mushroom biome but the most spectacular part happens underground under the village is an infinitely repeating cave system under some code glitches minecraft's terrain generation decided to loop itself and generated this lava ravine infinitely repeating itself 30 million blocks to the world border the chance of coming across this in a random minecraft world is 1 in 140 trillion so that's that minecraft's most insane seeds special thanks to these people for helping you out and we will hold the phone i'm getting weird that we just missed the coolest seed all right let's load it up i can't wait to see one [Music]
Channel: Dan
Views: 225,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dan, minecraft seeds, coolest minecraft seeds, 1.18, exposed stronghold, pillar village seed, tall villlage, sipover seeds, unbelievable seeds in minecraft, java, bedrock, woodland mansion seeds, pillar mansion, dan most insane minecraft seeds, dan most mind-blowing seeds
Id: 3F3hI5eNWiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 12 2022
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