Impossible Landing | United Airlines Flight 232
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Channel: Allec Joshua Ibay
Views: 2,742,157
Rating: 4.5167313 out of 5
Keywords: FS2004, FS9, FSX, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004, United Airlines, United Airlines Flight 232, McDonnell Douglas, DC-10, Crash, Engine Failure, Tail Engine, Differential Thrust, Captail Alfred Haynes, First Officer William Records, Flight Engineer Dudley J. Dvorak, Captain Dennis E. Fitch, Stapleton International Airport, DEN, KDEN, Chicago O'Hare International Airport, ORD, KORD, Philadelphia International Airport, PHL, KPHL, Sioux Gateway Airport, SUX, KSUX
Id: SqDlEgZYgww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 16 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I remember reading about this one and how they fed the flight data in a simulator and had people run it to see what they could have done better.
No one who tried it made it even to the runway.
I can't comprehend how 185 people survived that crash. That's insane.
Both of my parents were first responders near sioux city when this happened. They still keep in touch with a family that survived the crash and received first aid from my mom. Theyve seen a lot of bad stuff as first responders, but this was one of the things that made my mom quit doing it. It really fucked her up i think.
I remember talking about this accident in both my aviation safety and aircraft crash investigation classes in college, the most heartbreaking thing is that after the crash the pilot said that if only he had left the throttles at their differential positions instead of bringing them both to idle he could have prevented the plane from rolling at the last minute and could have potentially saved many more lives. Imagine having that weight on your shoulders
I thought this was a happy story :(
... fuck.
Website devoted to the last words of pilots before a crash
I remember back when this happened, the first responders on the scene said something to the effect that they arrived at the plane and saw these people walking out of the corn field towards the runway/crash and were thinking "What the hell is wrong with these people?"...and then they realized they were passengers that had been thrown out into the corn field on impact and were in shock/dazed.
Documentary by Errol Morris on Denny Fitch's amazing landing