Importing Excel/CSV files into QGIS # Lesson 6 of 29 # QGIS Tutorial

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[Music] [Music] [Music] hi welcome to today's qgis tutorial lesson 6. this video will learn how to import excel data into qgis 3.14 if you haven't subscribed to my channel is to please do so so that you can get a notification when i upload the next lesson if you are new to my channel you can follow all my previous lessons the link in the description below let's get started so today we are going to learn about importing cell data to gif so what do we need what we need is an excel that has xy coordinates and these xy coordinates will be in two formats that is decimal degrees or in utm you have data that has increase minutes and seconds we'll need to convert it to decimal degrees fast before you can load it into qgis i'm going to show you see how to convert these degrees minutes seconds into decimal degrees another video so we go to qgis and we'll start a new project once you start a new project you'll get a new blank project now we want to load our excel so we need to look at the kind of data that is in the exam so i'm going to go to my gis folder creator i'm going to go to data then i have the excel file already downloaded you have if you don't know where to get these kinds of data refer to lesson two you learn how to get this kind of data and this is pretty is about any excel that you might be having in your office that has coordinates so i'm going to open my excel and make sure that it has the xy coordinates first before you can load it into qgis as you can see it's a microsoft excel achieved it has loaded and you can see it has there long so which i'm assuming is the longitude latch which is the latitude there is some other information amenity address street and search building hours and street address another is the name the name of the facility so we want to know how to map these you have these in excel format how do you bring it to kgs to make any sense out of it so the first thing you do is go to your exam go to file and you're going to save it as a csv so i'm going to save it as a csv file i'm going to save it as and still save it in the same folder where my gel data is and instead of excel workbook i will save it as a esv you can see comma delimited comma delimited csv stands for comma separated values so make sure that you save your data to csv click on save just save it in the same folder i just say yes then i can just close it and bring my yes you can see in my folder i now have ah maybe i have facility health site and there is one in folder here new new file here called the microsoft excel comma separated the values and if i open it i still just have the same kind of information that i had in my previous exam but now this is a csv format so i'll go to my qgis then and load it as a layer so i'm going to go to layers then i'm going to add a layer and right now we're not adding a vector layer or a raster layer we are adding a delimited text layer so i'm going to select add delimited text layer to bring up the pop-up box here then now i'm going to select under the file name i'm going to select the file that i'm going to use is exercise which is the namibia health points so i'm going to look for it it's under desktop and gis folder data excel files now you can see it only just uh displays the csv files and does not display their excel files so i'll select them i move your headsets because i want to know which where these sites are located in namibia and i'm going to click on open it will load my excel and you can see below here on the sample data you can see it has already arranged how my data will look like so let's do some little bit of modification here the layer will be called and there may be a health site i'll leave it at that it's a csv commerce separated values and you can actually use regular expression delimiter or custom delimiter depending on the kind of data that you have so i'll come to record field options and not delete anything here you can actually discard them two fields if you have an empty field that you want to discard in your exam you can just discard it there and not do anything there then here there is the geometry the geometry definition it's a point layer i'm going to select point now under the x field i'm going to select what what is the x field x field is the longitude so i'm going to select the longitude so make sure you select the longitude and the y field is there attitude so i'm going to select the latitude in others in other some instances you'll find that when you just put the excel it automatically picks up the field and y field especially when your column is written x and y just picks up immediately don't have the elevations here so no they're not going to they're not going to put anything there that's pretty much it then we can we'll come to geometry here is that this is the projection we leave it at 43 26 that because it is a geographic uh coordinate system then right now you can just have a preview of how your form will look like the long is the x coordinate and the latitude is always the y coordinate then i'm going to we're just going to click on add give it a few seconds and i click on close you'll see it has actually added our point data into qgis now how do we know that the point data that we've added is actually in namibia very simple you come down here and see where there is a coordinate we want to add an a layer of the world don't have any layers loaded so i'll just type world and then hit enter and you can see it actually now plays the information correctly to the media this is namibia in india south africa so this layer is actually a temporary layer what you can do is you can just right click on it first then we're going to save it as a share file so that you have a provided layout you can actually do a lot of communication with it and i'm going to now look for a place where i'm going to save it i'm just going to save it into the gis data folder and i'm going to call it we'll create a folder here and say namibia data and i'm going to call it help sites i'm going to save it as an sd share file and then i click on ok and make sure that i check this add saved file to map and you will see it will add now the help sites here when you open the attribute table now you can make meaningful sense out of this that is one way you can actually uh bring the csv files into gis now before we do anything else to these layers let's look at another way of bringing their csv into qgis so the second way you can actually download these uh to bring this excel data into qgis is by first saving the layer as a csv then we're going to install a plugin that is going to guide us on how to bring this csv into qgis i'm just going to remove i'm going to remove these layers because you want to do to do the task of fresh again i'm just going to leave the world map here so the first thing you do is you need to install a plugin what plugin are you going to do so we're going to click on manage and install plugins then we're going to search for mm ugis plugin and select the mmkgs plugin i have already installed but if you haven't installed you can just click on the install button it takes quite just a few seconds to install and it says mmts plugin is a set python plugin for manipulating vector map layers and qgis psv input output joins your coding geometry conversion buffering hubs analysis simplification column modification and simple animations so this plugin is also going to be very very helpful so you will install that plugin then after installing the plugin since i've already installed the plugin click on close it will appear on the taskbar on your on your menu bar here so now the next thing i'm going to do is i already have my csv file remember the file that you generated is the csv file the microsoft csv file and i want to load it into qgis and i want to also extract the mxy coordinates i'm just going to go to the now to the mmq js plugin that has so many functionalities from and animate combine create your code but now i'm just yeah i'm just interested in importing slash export i'm going to select import and then i just go down it is a attribute export easy but i'm interested in the geometry import csv file i'm going to select the geometry import for cs from csv file because i already have a csv file then the input csv file is what i'm going to search for i'm going to search for the media have sites which is there comma separated values let's select that and open then the geometry type a point then i'll leave this is i come here to there latitude field the latitude field is latch uh or the x rifle and the longitude is filled the elongated field is along or the x field then the output file i'm just going to go to my data folder again go to namibian data and i have already have the first health site so i'll say there and right maybe two because you already have another site here so we cannot override that then i'm going to say apply and it will tell me i want to join shapes and one 121 nodes have been loaded and then i click on close you can see i have the heads here which is already already a game file so that's another way of loading csv to qgis now that you have our layer loaded in qgis let's do some little bit of styling so i'm going to go to properties because i don't want to just see the points like that then i'm going to go to symbology then i'm going to select categorize symbol but before i do that i have to make sure that i check which how do i want to categorize this here this pharmacies let's let me just there's clinics pharmacies dentists doctors and all that so at hospital i want to now have these as my category so i'm just going to properties then symbology then instead of symbol symbol i select categorized and under categorized will come and select when it is and before i change this symbol i want to actually try and now put better symbol like an svg marker so i'm going to click on to that the same it's a single marker i'm going to select single marker here and the symbol layer type i want to change it instead of a single marker i want to say maybe an svg marker i'm going to select svg marker i'm going to leave the width as that and the height of that then what svg marker am i selecting because so just scroll down here and there's so many svg markers from accommodation if you have accommodation icons amenities there are arrows here there is the background components process emergency for hospitals and fire entertainment where there is a pizza place or maybe they can get a drink food i'm going to just select gps because there are so many more and you can even add more i'll show you how to download in another lesson so we're going to just look at the gps icons i like using these dps icons very much and we have i'm just looking at these [Music] service providers i'm just going to select that then i click on ok so we have selected that as our symbol then i'm going to classify that according to amenities and you can see the clinics have been given the red and the hospitals light blue and all that so you can click on apply and now a bit small just going to change the size a bit or maybe say i want the hospital's icon to be bigger i'm going to do that you can see now they are much more if you found this video useful and you want to learn more on qgis subscribe to this channel don't forget to give this video a thumbs up and hit the bell icon so that you can be notified when i upload my next video see you in the next lesson [Music]
Channel: WiseGIS
Views: 1,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movavi, movavi video editor plus, svg, mmqgis, gpsicons, delimited text layer, qgis, qgis 3.14, opendata, opensourcesoftware, csv, adding csv file in qgis, qgis3, qgis tutorial, excel, excel data, spread sheets, mapping, data visualization, education, data science, remote sensing, gis application, learning, ai, diy
Id: 7Nzo3X-Pv04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2020
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