Important things to know BEFORE buying a Scatpack... Don't buy without knowing this..

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guys welcome back it is Racer X and today I want to talk about the scat pack obviously behind me I have the 2019 shaker scat pack mrs. X's car and we've owned the car now for about a year and a half or so and I've actually learned quite a bit about this thing through ownership and just kind of dealing with with some friends and just sort of you learn about these things so I want to share my knowledge with you kind of give you the good and the bad about this car things you should know about the scat pack before you buy one so it should be a fun one also guys if you are new to the channel make sure you slap these subscribe button down here in the corner hit the like and we are off we got the [Music] now I realize that I have a lot of scat pack owners out there that actually follow my channel already but also there are a lot of folks out there that just want to know more about this maybe our tea owners or even v6 owners possibly even some Hellcat guys that want to step down and there's also a lot of people out there that own other brands whether they be import or American it could be a Mustang or come here whatever it may be you know what the the scat pack in both the charger and the Challenger are fantastic packages so I just want to spread a little bit of knowledge about some of the things that I've learned on this car because it is it's a pretty unique machine so the first thing I want to talk about when it comes to the scat pack is the fact that you can actually pick one of these up if you don't go crazy with the options on it for about the same price as a well optioned r/t so if you're really really performance-based you're in a performance enthusiast that's all you care about you don't care about all the bells and whistles but you do want that bigger 6.4 liter naturally aspirated motor I think these things can be had for like in the high 30s if you go and get a deal at your local dealership or you find somebody selling with low miles that's even better but essentially like I said for the same amount you can buy a well option dartie you can buy a a somewhat optioned out scat pack and get the additional performance and we're talking a pretty big performance bump from the r/t when you jump over to this and a lot of it is in the way it drives so I want to tell you about that so when we're talking about this scat pack you know a lot of what this car is is it's about the driving experience so one of the big knocks obviously on dodge as a whole and the scat pack is certainly no different is that they are heavy cars and you know what there's truth to that this car is legitimately 600 pounds heavier than the other cars it competes against really in the Mustang and in the Camaro and then really just about everything else yes the car is heavier it's bigger it doesn't matter whether you're talking about the charger or the Challenger we're kind of talk both platforms there you know the car is big and you can feel a little bit in the way that the car drives but I will say this the scat pack has that 6.4 liter Hemi and the thing puts out a lot of power its 485 horsepower 475 pound-feet of torque and when you are rolling around in this thing and I Drive it in track mode all the time this thing is really enjoyable to drive I've just laying into it a little bit and just the way that this thing pushes the car around I continue to be impressed with it and mind you it doesn't drive the same as obviously as a v6 the SXT it doesn't drive the same as an r/t even though they're both naturally aspirated v8 the the punch the low-end punch of the 6-4 is significantly more than it is in the r/t and you can feel it by the seat of your pants so when you're driving the car on the street it is really really fun to drive and I'm somebody that a lot of you guys know I have a Hellcat that makes a thousand horsepower but on initial tip in I'm not saying just go all out but on initial tip in this car is a lot of fun to drive because it really gets after it off you know in it the car does not feel heavy from a gas pedal perspective at all in terms of just the way it moves this car out and it is more substantial and I've driven all the cars guys the Mustangs the Camaros and pretty much everything European sedans all that kind of stuff when you talk about something that's fun to drive on the street in terms of that initial low to mid range tip in this thing has a lot of punch and I love that so there are some limitations and some issues that come with all of that sort of low-end punch in that torque obviously this particular model this is a 2019 shaker it came with 245 r SI toos on the back of it which to me and I've said this many times guys just seems like a really stupid thing to do because this thing will absolutely fry the tires at speed I mean the thing just fries the tires and they this thing should have come with the 305 s that you should typically see on the wide bodies I mean this car knee 305's on the back the RT I think you can get by with the with the two 45s but 305 should be standard on all stat packs and Hellcats and it's just the way it should be dodge should not have put two 45s on this car because it's almost borderline dangerous if you don't know how to handle the vehicle how about a quick demonstration yep obviously another thing to consider if you're like a Mustang or a Camaro guy a lot of those cars come with a 10 speed automatic in them now obviously this particular one eight speed similar like what you get in a Hellcat not quite as beefed up but the 8-speed transmission in this is still really really good and it makes for a really enjoyable driving experience and unlike the Hellcat obviously this one you can get the 309 standard I do believe that is an option on the Hellcat now but it didn't used to be but the 309 gears in this car really really worked well I do I'm a big fan of the 309 s in the scat pack certainly another item a note on the scat pack and it pretty much goes with a lot of the DAAD stuff is that you know for a pony car muscle car or however you want to categorize it these are because they're bigger they are really comfortable cars to ride in I have to admit that the whether it's the scat pack the r/t the sxd even a Hellcat you know if you're coming from another brand you will find and you know not that there's anything wrong with a Mustang or a Camaro or an Audi or whatever it might be but these cars are comfortable or ride in they've got big plush seats and they're just they're just a really nice car to sit and enjoy a cruise in and that's the great thing about these cars they make so much power but you can really enjoy long trips and these without an issue pretty pretty cool place to sit so a couple other things I want to talk to you about like I said not everything is hunky-dory or positive I will say that if you like a really soft supple ride certainly the scat pack may not necessarily be for you this particular one did not come with the dynamic or the adjustable suspension in it so it's just one suspension setting and it is a little bit stiff it's not terrible I certainly think it's okay but you might be able to even see my camera shaking around just a little bit I'm going pretty slow when I drove the SXT trim that was a really soft and supple ride compared to this thing but then again we're talking about a car with a lot more power couple other items a note if you are looking for something with absolutely fantastic gas mileage I wouldn't recommend the scat pack two reasons why I mean it will it get good gas mileage if you really really try yeah I think you can get a pretty decent amount of gas mileage out of this car I really do I mean if you are on the highway you're just barely tipping into the throttle you can actually get decent mild you could actually get decent mileage out of a Hellcat if you do that too but I will say I Drive this thing in track mode because I enjoy it I like that low-end punch I like the responsiveness of this big 6.4 liter naturally aspirated Hemi and at the end of the day I didn't buy this thing for gas mileage I bought it because of the punchiness and the fun and it's something great for mrs. ex to drive and race and it's just a great all-around package and you know if you're looking for something it's just so hard to keep your foot out of it guys and that's the realistic thing there if you're you know if you're looking to baby the car while I get a scat pack in the first place that's kind of how I look at it guys I mean you don't have to run around like your hair's on fire all over the place but at the end of the day guys if you're going to enjoy the car the way it's probably designed to be enjoyed you're probably not going to get the best gas mileage so definitely something to consider there also I will say that from an insurance perspective scat packs are really not the cheapest thing on insurance it's just about as much as the Hellcat it really is when you compare them even though the Hellcat makes way more horsepower do you see a pretty good jump from like the r/t to the scat pack I don't really see a huge jump at least for me from the hellcat down to the scat pack so something - something to consider there when it comes to insurance cost you might pay a little bit more if you're jumping up from a six-cylinder or an RT keep that in mind another quick item a note when you talk about the exhaust note on the scat pack even though when you compare it to the RT even though obviously they're both naturally aspirated v8 cars it is a little bit more of a robust sound that comes out of the back of this car than it does on the RT not to say the RT doesn't sound good it is still a really nice healthy v8 sound but the scat pack has just a little bit more snap to it and it really does sound good even in stock form not that we're gonna leave it that way it's just cuz that's pretty much what I do but at the end of the day this thing has a little bit more of a robust sound than some of the other trim levels obviously excluding you know the Hellcat the demon that kind of stuff alright so the next thing guys oil changes I do want to just bring it up pretty quick obviously these things require a fair amount of oil it requires Oh W forty at least that's what it calls for from Dodge and if you go to your local dealership or a local place to get a fully synthetic oil change done on one of these cars you have to fully expect to spend somewhere in the ninety to a hundred dollar range unless you've got some sort of a crazy deal worked out with somebody that's about what it cost I actually just recently had the oil for this car changed over at my local dealership actually where I did a video not too long ago and that's what they charge like ninety nine eighty five or something like that so the oil changes on this car guys they're not cheap something else to consider guys when it comes to these six four and you guys have probably heard me say this many times before but they do come pretty optimized from the factory yes they're very very punchy 485 horsepower out of a naturally aspirated factory car is pretty stout now when you talk about modifying these you will pick up some horsepower depending on what you've done I've done lots of videos on modding this car but the gains are incremental and relatively small compared to some of the competitors like a Mustang or a Camaro and they're not cheap to do so guys if you're looking to go crazy with mods perhaps the scat pack is not the right package for you not to say you can't supercharge one or turbo at put a cam in it but keep in mind even a cam guys on these Hemis you have to open up the motor it's not like an LS car where you can just slide the cam in the heads have to come off it's a pretty invasive situation when you go to cam one of these and it is not inexpensive so something to consider guys if you're gonna mod just know what you're getting into when it comes to the 392 as I mentioned just a moment ago yes you can boost a 6.4 liter natural aspirated Hemi guys turn it into a boost car but at the end of the day if you want to keep it reliable I would highly recommend that you keep your boost low on this you got to be a little bit conservative when it comes to boost these motors they do not have force internals like you'll see on obviously like the Hellcat the demon and stuff like that that are beefed up internals this guy here it means yes it'll take some boost more than about seven pounds it probably will not do it reliably for any length of time that's at least at my personal opinion on it guys something to consider there as well so a couple other things to talk about guys when you go to actually tune your car so yes if you do any sort of modifications long tubes or whatever you want to do like I said you can put a supercharger or whatever you need to do if you need to tune the car Mopar PCMs do not come unlocks like some of the other manufacturers out there which means that you're gonna have to send off your PCM to be unlock you can either unlock your stock PCM and I think from HP tuners it's about two hundred and fifty dollars to just unlock the thing so it can be tuned a lot of people do not realize that that aren't Mopar people but it's definitely something to consider there then of course you've got the cost of tuning as well so it's not an inexpensive proposition to to tune one of these cars this is obviously my PCM out of my Hellcat I actually bought a separate PCM for my car and that was over $800 so you are getting into some cost when it comes to tuning on one of these things that's another thing that you have to be aware of also if you're coming from an RT or an S XT and you're used to putting either 87 89 whatever even 91 octane fuel that's not gonna work on your scat pack guys you need to get good octane fuel typically they recommend 93 I'd realize some places don't even have 93 but they recommend the highest octane that you can get so if you're looking at putting inexpensive fuel in a car the scat pack it's not gonna work out also guys if you don't daily the car I would recommend getting yourself a nice set of drag radials for the back of this the car will feel more planted it will feel like it just puts the puts the power down much much better and it'll be a little bit more enjoyable driving experience obviously you know we all like slipping around a little bit sometimes in terms of just just Fanning the power but at the end of the day if you really want the car to be pretty fast on the street and reliably quick to where it's not spinning all the time and you don't daily it where you're gonna just tear the crap out of some drag radials get a set of drag radials for the back of your scat pack you will actually be impressed with what a difference that tire change makes well guys so that's about it on my tips on the scat pack I just wanted to give you a little bit of information in terms of the things I've learned about this car at the end of the day this is a very very fun car to drive I love driving this car it is a blast it makes a fantastic daily driver plenty of power that mid-range torque is substantial if if you're looking for something that it's got crazy top-end maybe you're better off with a Mustang or maybe even a Camaro something with a ten-speed in it but if you're looking for something to tool around on the street something that will just put a huge grin on your face for just running around town and have that low-end push that just really puts a huge smile on your face I mean the scat pack is a really really fun car it is not the most inexpensive car in the world to own or operate obviously as we talked about with the gas mileage and all the different things that kind of go into the scat pack there's a lot of different trims on these cars in terms of wide-body they've got a 13 20 out there they've got a TA I mean Dodge does a ton when it comes to trims on scat so guys I mean you can trim these up pretty much any way you want base all the way up to fully fully decked out into the mid 50s but at the end of the day the scat pack is a really really fun car to drive and own so we're really regarded that we have it so hopefully you guys enjoyed the content I really appreciate it and until next time Racer X you
Channel: RacerX
Views: 230,925
Rating: 4.9135561 out of 5
Keywords: Scatpack, Challenger Scatpack, Charger scatpack, scatpack charger, scatpack challenger, Scatpack vs, RT, R/T Scatpack, Challenger rt, Dodge Challenger, challenger, Charger, Dodge charger, mopar, charger rt, dodge challenger scatpack, 6.4, hemi, srt, 392 hemi, scatpack mods, scatpack review, scat pack, charger scat pack, 2020 challenger, 2020 charger, widebody scatpack, dodge, FCA, charger vs challenger, v8, challenger 392, Charger 392, charger mods, Charger review
Id: WTl3La9CDpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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