Important Sermon on Christ as King

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hey everybody I'm pastor Jeff Durbin with apologia Church I want to thank you all so much for watching the content right here on apologia Studios channel what you're about to watch is a sermon a message from apologia church's worship service and again I want to thank you all so much for watching for liking for commenting for sharing the sermon itself we truly believe that it's important for the Christian Church to have an engagement in the public square with the Word of God so we thank you so much for partnering with us to send this out across the world I just wanted to say something before you actually watch this and that is that I'm not your pastor though I'd love to be I am NOT your pastor and it's very important as you're watching this you know that it's God's design for individual Christians to be part of a local Christian Church under the care of qualified faithful biblical elders and so as much as we love all of you watching these sermons and we're thankful to God that God uses them to bless you to encourage you I do want to encourage you as a minister of the gospel to get plugged into a local body of believers particularly I think important a reformed church would be it would be best but we want to encourage you to get plugged into a solid biblical church where you can fellowship where you can worship where you can serve where you can be connected that is vitally important and actually a biblical command and so as much as again as we love for your participation your partnership and we are so thankful to God that he's using these in your lives we want to encourage you to get plugged into a local church you can though and actually partner with apologia church as we proclaim the gospel and provide a defense of the biblical gospel all around the world you can do that by going to apologia you can partner with us by becoming all access when you do you help to make all this possible and you get all of our TV shows our after shows and apologia academy all of that and you're a part of all that God is doing with us in the world to proclaim Herald the gospel of the kingdom you can partner with us and I want to say one last word about that do make sure that none of your giving and partnership towards apology a chirp in church interferes with your giving your worship your tithes your offerings to a local body of believers in your area so thank you again so much for watching these and sharing them god bless you Gospel according to Matthew chapter 20 again I know I keep repeating myself but I want you to also get excited about what's coming so just as you're opening your Bibles encourage you all to anchor yourselves for the next couple of weeks months in the Gospel according to Matthew specifically I mean I I know I mentioned to you one of the strategies of reading scripture that dr. MacArthur taught my friend and shared with me a long long time ago and that sort of my been my strategy ever since because it has been so helpful and as to take a book of the Bible and read that book through every day say for thirty days or even a week read that same book over and over every day first say just even a week at a time and you'll begin to see things and have a meditation upon the text that is new it's lovely it's powerful you get a lot of really important insight you begin to actually understand that book better than you really ever have before but in particular when I encourage you all to read from Matthew chapter 20 through chapter 25 to get into this section that we're going to be unpacking to see how Matthew is bringing this work to a climax familliar is familiarize yourself with the language with the hopes with the background so we're at Matthew chapter 20 now just finishing the last portion of the chapter kingdom of God series Matthew chapter 20 verse 29 Matthew 20 29 here not the words of the living in the true God and as they went out of Jericho a great crowd followed him and behold there were two blind men sitting by the roadside when they heard that Jesus was passing by they cried out lord have mercy on us son of David the crowd rebuked them telling them to be signed but they cried out all the more lord have mercy on us son of David and stomping Jesus called them and said what do you want me to do for you they said to him Lord but our eyes be opened and Jesus and pitty touched their eyes and immediately they recovered their sight and followed him as far as the reading of God's Holy Word let's pray as a church father we come before you lord thankful for your love for us or the love that we stand in that we do not deserve more but you love us God we see even in the story before us son of David Jesus son of David David David was known as a man after our own heart he was loved by you in such a very special way and Lord we do ask Lord to be loved by you like you love David or be snow in his life there was victory and there was failure Lord but you were the everlasting God who kept covenant and keeps your covenant your promises and God as we open this text we need you God to teach us by your spirit God we pray that you would Lord of course get the pastor out of the way we pray that you teach us instruct us Lord get us excited about your word in a way that we have and before we pray God that you'd help us to have a passion for understanding this incredible love letter that you've written to us the story of your faithfulness and of your work in your world we pray God that you would by your spirit and luminate this word before us help us to remember what you've taught us Lord convict us and challenge us empower us and I pray that you put this word boldly on our lips god I do pray lord help me today as the pastor as a teacher of your people I pray thee help me to communicate the essential truth Lord that we have to know Lord I pray thee correct error in us as we approach this text reshape our thinking in our view of the world and your Kingdom through today's message cause me to decrease Christ to increase and we pray that in Jesus name Amen so this is exciting because there's so much connected to this statement son of David now it may not mean a lot to people who are new to the Bible if you just open your Bible and you started Matthew all this might not really hold any attachment for you you may not have any understanding what's so special about David why call Jesus the son of David and why anticipate in calling him the son of David because that's not his name his name is not David or anything like that and so what were they anticipating and shouting to him son of David they repeated again son of David why are they emphasizing son of David so much and again if you're new to the Bible you're just opening the Bible up and you start in Matthew you don't really get the groundwork the necessary foundation understand why this moment is so significant and let me ask this question as a startling just you don't have their answer out loud but just you know think about this question how many of you guys saw it how many of you saw it when those you hit this little section from Matthew who's writing a gospel that has clearly slanted towards a Jewish understanding Matthew's quoting copiously from the Old Testament he's giving you imagery and symbolism some of the stuff is overt and obvious and some of the stuff is kind of in the background some of the stuff is direct quotation but how many of you caught it in this little section from Matthew a Jewish oriented Gospel where there's so much emphasis on the Old Testament did so much imagery and symbolism that a Jew would have immediately caught on to how many of you caught it in this little section what Matthew was trying to show you now this is a real event make no mistake about it Matthew is giving you the historical narrative he's telling you what Jesus said he's telling you who Jesus was where Jesus came from where Jesus walked he's letting you touch the dirt smell the air he's giving you the characters is telling you who's around you can connect Matthew's Gospel with historical events happening round about them at the time so Matthews of course giving you a real story this actually happened Jesus son of David healed the blind but how many of you caught it what Matthew was doing two sections I'll just give you hints now and see if you did I quote this passage often it's one of my favorite passages to quote because I like to use it to emphasize what we so often miss today in 21st century evangelicalism in terms of the scope of the kingdom of God the rule of Jesus in the world everybody here knows have you been attached to us for any length of time that we are big believers in the victory of the kingdom of Jesus in the world that Jesus is going to rule and reign in the world on his throne now putting every enemy under his feet and the very last enemy to be defeated 1st Corinthians 15 is death so all enemies under the son of David's feet and then the very last enemy is death that's a totally victorious working of the kingdom of God I quote the passage often two hints one son of David and to blindness healing the blind it's from the Old Testament and Matthew is very much doing this on purpose but again this is real history this actually happened let's open the text here and again go through it and as they went out of Jericho a great crowd followed him great crowds following Jesus this time and behold there were two blind men sitting by the roadside and when they heard that Jesus was passing by they cried out lord have mercy on us son of David the crowd rebuked them telling them to be silent but they cried out all the more lord have mercy on us son of David and stopping Jesus called them and said what do you want me to do for you they said to him Lord let our eyes be opened in Jesus and pitty touched their eyes and immediately they recovered their sight and followed him it's powerful but again if we're just stepping into the new test with no understanding of the Old Testament this doesn't hold a lot of deep deep like onion layer meaning it's powerful make no mistake about it here's Jesus some would describe as a Wonder worker he's not simply a Wonder worker but here's Jesus raising the dead healing the blind given them sight and they're hearing again causing the lame to walk again Jesus speaks into the life of a little dead girl says little girl arise and she rises from the dead he says give her something to eat she's probably hungry Jesus calls into the tomb of a dead man Lazarus Lazarus come forth and he comes forth now of course the reaction oftentimes in the first century is not what she'd maybe anticipate even at the tomb of Lazarus it says that some believed in some didn't some doubted so even with wonder-working and all these a miracles and the healing of the sick and the blind and all of this amazing stuff Jesus himself rising from the dead people still doubting after they see him alive from the dead is it just the wonder-working is it just the powerful miracles I'd say it's a lot more than that in the sign of Jesus healing the blind is pointing to an even greater reality but again if you're just opening the Bible with no context it's like walking into a movie half-way no understanding of really the story the background why is this character so bad why is everyone so opposed to this character imagine walking into Titanic at the very last few scenes the ship is going down and you see Jack in the water and you wonder why with all that space and that piece of wood how come she doesn't just pull him up onto the wood but beyond all that you understand you wonder like how'd this get to this place like who screwed up what happened how did this amazing thing fall into the sea I mean this thing's supposed to be unshaken it's unsinkable ship and we know a little bit of the history where somebody said not even God can sink this ship well what if you walked into Forrest Gump halfway through probably very very confusing who is this weird guy what what are these full parts and pieces of the story he seems to be doing a lot as a really strange guy interesting guy lovely guy but how come he is so loved by people how come he's involving himself with all these things or how about walking into Star Wars I mean the real Star Wars we're not talking about episodes 1 2 & 3 here we're talking about 4 5 & 6 what have you walked into the last Jedi you walking into Episode six the last Jedi on you seeing Darth Vader and the Emperor and you're seeing Luke and Han and Leia you're seeing all this stuff and but really there's no understanding like why is Darth Vader the way that he is and why are they trying to do this then and whose team are they on and why is this so important it's like walking into a movie halfway you have to understand who's the character why is this important to this character what's the goal the story what's the climax of the story where'd they all come from why are these things important to them who's the good guy who's the bad guy we have to have context and story and the reason I highlight this is to say this these men these blind men by the roadside they know the story they're not walking into the story midway they're blind and they have heard about Jesus they know about the Messiah but more importantly they know the start of the story they know where all this is coming from they now are sensing the fulfillment all around them of all their hopes and dreams everything that they had been taught when they're in synagogue as little children and they're singing the Psalms and they're hearing these stories and they're memorizing and they're reciting they're telling the victory tales of King David but more than that than just the victory tales of King David in a slingshot and a rock and a Goliath and a Philistine falling down they know that there were promises made to King David their hero King David they're raised in the whole entire story they know it and now this is the time and the Messiah they know what the Bible teaches about the timing of the Messiah they're all anticipating the kingdom of God breaking into history and David's son coming to assume is thrown and now they sense now here comes Jesus the Son of David the Messiah they know the background they know the story and that's why they know they have hope as they cry out to Jesus the Messiah the son of David that he would heal them of their blindness because they had heard those stories in synagogue they heard him around the dinner table mom and dad telling them David's son can heal you from blindness they knew about the one who is going to assume the throne they now have already seen the start of the movie they've mastered it they understand it and now they find themselves sitting by the side of the road and here comes the most important character of all time right before them and so they cry out son of David have mercy on us and even with everyone trying to shush them and quiet them down they can't contain themselves son of David have mercy on us they know who he is they know what they can ask for and after jesus heals them they actually follow him but we have to understand the men on the road why call him son of David and why is that significant at all why would that have mattered at all that he's a son of David why not call him Jesus why not call him Messiah but son of David twice and then the healing of blindness well to understand that we've got to go back and understand the beginning of the movie we've got to hear the start of the story and ask the question who was David and why are they calling Jesus the son of David and why is there hope for them that this is the son of David so we got to get a little bit of a background and there's so much to do you know I'd love to take weeks on this but I'm not going to do that I just want to give you the overview today particularly for those of us that may be new to the Bible and understanding who's David and why is this significant and I got to tell you I'm so excited about today's message because it's powerful what God did here so a couple things in the background of King David this is some quick Bible facts about King David some of you may I already know some of these so bear with me as a young man David was a shepherd he was anointed by Samuel to be king of Israel Saul was king at the time but the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul and came upon David 1st Samuel chapter 16 one of Kings Saul's servants described David as quote a son of Jesse the Bethlem i'ts who is skillful and playing the harp a mighty war man of Valor a man of war prudent in speech and check it out a handsome person and the Lord is with him so David was this spectacular leader and hero of course he first is introduced to us as a lowly little shepherd boy but God loves David and he exalts him - that's very top - lead the people of God and the armies of God against their enemies in God just pours out abundant blessing upon David he loves David but David did you know in your Bible and the Psalms many of your songs the songs that we sing to God those were written by David he was a poet he was an artist he was also great at speaking he was apparently a beautiful man he was not hard to look at so he was a handsome guy a great leader a poets he was a warrior he has no problem taking down this gigantic Philistine the enemy of God and of Israel everybody was afraid of this Philistine and of course as my friend Douglas Wilson says while the rest of people are looking at Goliath saying he's too big to fight David is looking at Goliath saying he's too big to miss right so we know the stories of David we can go all day and just the really the amazing life of David but of course we also know about David's failures David was overcome by the power and the authority that he had he sees Bathsheba bathing on a rooftop and he sends his men go and get her and he engages in adultery with a married woman as the king not only as David sort of hedging his bets with the enemies of God around Israel by marrying foreign wives something God commands the Kings not to engage in in Deuteronomy 1717 God condemns polygamy and all of that syncretism of marrying off these foreign wives and bringing them in God's it are David's sins against God he engages in that but beyond even that sin that corruption David is so blinded by his position and his power and authority with all of his gifts that God has given to him his looks his speech his artistry his being a mighty man of war and valor David is blinded by his lust he sleeps with Bathsheba he gets her pregnant and he tries to find a way to sneak his way out of this he does engage in righteous deception by the way at one point in his life David does when he finds himself in an enemy camp he actually starts slobbering and drooling over himself trying to look like a crazy person to hide himself from the enemy and they end up not discovering who he is but in this case with Bathsheba it wasn't righteous deception he brings that Sheba's husband in he tries to get him drunk hoping that he'll sleep with his wife and then hey we're fine he'll just think that it was his child well it doesn't work out for David and so David ends up you know the story having Uriah Bathsheba's husband killed so David is guilty of adultery and what murder adultery and murder a man after God's own heart so loved by God guilty of adultery and murder it is possible for God to restore and redeem anybody when you see the story of one of the greatest heroes in the entire Bible can you imagine this verse second think about this for a second here is Jesus the sinless spotless Lamb of God God in the flesh God in the flesh holy God righteous blameless knows sin and it wasn't an insult for them to say to him son of David have mercy on us that's called Redemption that is the god of redemption I don't care what you have in your life I don't care what your sins we serve a God who loves sinners and he redeems people he restores them he puts their feet on a rock the fact that you can have a man that was involved in such great deception and wickedness years later now exalted as to the man after God's own heart and seen as one of our biblical heroes and the fact that Jesus is called son of David and it's not an insult that is testimony to God's love his power and his ability to take anybody and to restore them son of David son of David so a little bit more on David background Samuel so are among V among the best known events and David's youth is his slaying of the giant Goliath with a slingshot and a single stone first Samuel 17 Samuel described David as follows the Lord has sought for himself a man after his own heart and the Lord has commanded him to be commander over his people first Samuel 13 13 through 14 David was made King in place of Saul second samuel 5 David was thirty years old when he began to reign thirty he reigned for forty years firstly in Hebron he reigned over Judah for seven years and six months that in Jerusalem he reigned 33 years over all Israel and Judah second Samuel five three through five thus David United the Kingdom of course we know again about David's grievous sin of adultery deceit and murder God said regarding David Psalm 89 3 through 4 I've made a covenant with my chosen I have sworn to David my servant I have sworn to David my servant I will establish your seed forever and build up your throne to all generations note that one the cedar descent David is none other than the seed of Abraham to whom God referred when he said to Abraham quote here it is in your seed all nations of the earth shall be blessed Genesis 22:18 this seed of Abraham would also be the seed of David and would sit upon David's throne forever David's throne was the earthly equivalent of God's throne in heaven thus Jesus is said to have sat on David's throne when he sat down on God's throne acts 2:29 through 36 revelation 3:21 Jesus Christ has introduced in the New Testament as quote the son of David Matthew 1:1 finally David was a highly accomplished musician and songwriter the Bible contains many Psalms written about him written by him several of which contained prophecies about Jesus Christ example Psalm 16 acts 2 25 through 28 so there's the quick facts on David now a little bit of archaeology that I think is a powerful thing for those of you guys that love the history this is from Bible history daily written on 910 2018 so fairly recent here's the from the Biblical Archaeology staff the talons inscription the first historical evidence of King David from the Bible few modern Biblical Archaeology discoveries have caused as much excitement as the Tel Dan inscription writing on a ninth century BC stone slab that furnished the first historical evidence of King David from the Bible according to this the Tel Dan inscription or quote house of David inscription was discovered in 1993 at the site of Tel Dan in northern Israel and an excavation directed by an Israeli archaeologist the broken and fragmentary inscription commemorates the victory of an Armenian Armenian king over his two southern neighbors the king of Israel and the king of the house of David in the carefully and sighs tax written in neat aramaic characters they are meaning king boast the key under the divine guidance of the god haddad vanquished several thousand Israelite in Jude ight Horseman and charioteers before personally dispatching both of his royal opponents unfortunately the recovered fragments at the house of David inscription do not preserve the names of the specific Kings involved in this brutal encounter but most scholars believe the stella recounts a campaign of has IO of Damascus in which he defeated both ahora m-- of Israel and Ahaziah of Judah what made the tailed end inscription one of the most exciting Biblical Archaeology discoveries for scholars and the broader public was it's unprecedented reference to quotes the house of David the Stella's fragment fragmented inscription first read and translated by the renowned Joseph Navi proved that King David from the Bible was a genuine historical figure and not simply the fantastic literary creation of later biblical writers and editors perhaps more important the Stella's set up by one of ancient Israel's fiercest enemies more than a century after David's death still recognized David as the founder of the kingdom of Judah so there's some historical background there some archaeological evidence in terms of King David there's more to be discovered in terms of Old Testament archaeology and history there some more steps surrounding but I think it's a powerful testimony to the corroborate of evidence that we have outside the Bible that corroborates the evidence of what we have inside the Bible and note that they refer specifically to King David now next let's talk about prophecy now they say son of David have mercy on us and they refer to him again son of David why is this significant why did they see any significance to referring to him as son of David and for that we must go to our Old Testaments and look at the long-anticipated promise so let's start around attacks that we love to talk about an apology at church so I'll give you the reference point real fast Ezekiel 36 what's that talk about Ezekiel 36 say it out loud so I we're working together as a church here what's that that someone said new covenant so there's a new covenant promise in Ezekiel 36 long before Jesus comes Ezekiel 36 a promise of the new covenant blessings what sort of things are promised in God's new covenant God says not for your sake not for your sake you've profaned my name among all the nations and God says for his own name's sake he's gonna act and what's he gonna do with his people he says he's gonna sprinkle clean water on them so that they'll be clean he says about their hearts he's gonna remove a heart of what stone and give a heart of flesh so we go from hard hearts to God to soft malleable hearts before God and what's God what's what's the center of all this it's not our work it's not what we do it's God who says he's gonna act for his own namesake not for us he says to his people you've profaned my name you've brought shame to my name and he says for my own name's sake I'm gonna act and he doesn't watch this is what's powerful to me he says you've profaned my name and he doesn't say and so I'm gonna destroy you what she has every right to do he doesn't say that you've profaned my name and now I'm gonna give you justice that's not what he's like he doesn't just have justice he also has mercy and loving-kindness and he says what he says sprinkle clean water and I'll cleanse you from all your idols you'll be clean I'll remove a heart of stone and give a heart of flesh and this is the powerful part he says I'll put my spirit within you and cause you to obey Statutes to listen to listen to references to the New Covenant speak about the internal power that God gives us in their New Covenant by his spirit Jeremiah 31 God says he takes his law which is written on stone tablets which by the way David recovered from the enemies of God they stole the Ark of the Covenant with the Ten Commandments in them David King David our warrior king and hero get some back of course we know that story but God says that a new covenant he's in take that law that was on stone tablets outside of the people of God exerting pressure on top of them and in the New Covenant he's gonna put that law on our inward parts inside of us and then he says in Ezekiel 36 I'm gonna put my spirit within you and cause you to obey my statutes so I wanted you to anchor that real fast because you know Ezekiel 36 we talked about it so often but between Ezekiel 36 is two prophecies concerning David the Shepherd of Israel specifically pointing to Jesus so in your Bible Ezekiel go to Ezekiel chapter 34 Ezekiel chapter 34 this is the promise of the Shepherd of Israel and I'm going to sort of move through a few points here so you start with me here at Ezekiel 34 verse 1 just for context we can't possibly do all of this but I do want you to get enough context to see how powerful this is and why when they say son of David it's so meaningful 3401 the word of the Lord the word of Yahweh came to me son of man prophesy against the shepherds of Israel prophesy and say to them even to the shepherds thus says the Lord God o shepherds of Israel who have been feeding yourselves should not Shepherds feed the Sheep you eat the fat and clothe yourselves with the wool you slaughter the fat ones but you do not feed the Sheep the weak you've not strengthened the sick you've not healed the injured you've not bound up the strage you've not brought back you the lost you've not sought and with force and harshness you've ruled them so they were scattered because there was no Shepherd and they became food for all the wild beasts my sheep were scattered they wandered all over all the mountains on every high hill my sheep were scattered over all the face of the earth with none to search or seek for them and what's his talking about real sheep I said we're talking we're talking my real sheep know this is secret 34 God's talking to the Shepherd's of Israel and he's indicted the Shepherd's of Israel for not caring for his people his flock he's saying you're supposed to Shepherd my sheep my people you're making yourselves fat you're not even going to chase down the lost sheep you're bad shepherds this is a condemnation and indictment from God upon the shepherds of Israel a condemnation passage that would have cut them do you realize how dangerous it would have been for this to be spoken in this time to the Shepherd's of Israel this is not an easy task for these words to come from God to these false Shepherds notice what God says verse 7 therefore you Shepherds hear the word of the Lord as I live declares the Lord God surely because my sheep have become a prey and my sheep a book I'm food for all the wild beasts since there was no Shepherd and because my Shepherds have not searched for the Sheep but the Shepherds have fed themselves and have not fed my sheep therefore you Shepherds hear the word of the Lord thus says Lord God behold I'm against the shepherds and I will require my sheep at their hand and put a stop to their feeding the Sheep no longer shall the Shepherd's feed themselves I'll rescue my sheep from their mouths that they may not be food for them so the context here is God's indictment upon the false shepherds the poor shepherds are the people of God and I want you to see here in execu of 34:23 as you move down is equal three 4:23 well start in verse 22 God says I'll rescue my flock they shall no longer be a prey and I will judge between sheep and sheep and I will set up over them one shepherd listen listen listen and I will set up over them one Shepherd my servant David and he shall feed them he shall feed them and be their Shepherd and I the Lord will be their gone and my servant David shall be Prince among them I am the Lord I have spoken now if you were to look at a timeline in history here in terms of when Ezekiel is written when this is coming to the people of God David is long gone David is long gone he is dead why is God talking about David David's dead how's David gonna Shepherd God's people how's he gonna care for the flock of God when he's dead and the truth is is there beautiful symbolism here of God's promises to King David to his seed to raise up a seed from David that would sit on the messianic throne that would rule the world draw all the nations back to God and to care for God's sheep but notice the word there I will set over them one Shepherd my servant David and he shall feed them he shall feed them and be their Shepherd and I the Lord will be their God and my servant David shall be Prince among them on the Lord I have spoken another tax just move over now skip 36 which you know and moved it 37 of course this is the famous portion of the dry bones but I want you to see the passage make note of this why are they yelling son of David son of David have mercy on us why was that significant because they know the promises we're waiting for David's son David to sit on his throne the Messiah himself to Shepherd the people of God and here's another promise Ezekiel 37 note again I think it was Jim over here that said the new covenant know that this is really important watch timing prophetic significance 34 shepherd king David David son on the throne the new covenant promise and blessing this is all surrounding God's new covenant blessings is equal 3 6 15 well no yes sorry 15 the word the Lord came to me son of man take a stick and write on it for Judah and the people of Israel associated with him they take another stick and write on it for Joseph the stick of Ephraim and all the house of Israel associated with him and join them one to another into one stick that they may become one in your hands and when your people say to you will you not tell us what you mean by these say to them here's the answer thus says the Lord God behold I'm about to take the stick of Joseph that's in the hand of Ephraim and the tribes of Israel associated with him and I will join them with the stick of Judah and make them one stick that they may be one in my hand when the sticks on which you ride her in your hand before their eyes then say to them thus says the Lord God behold I will take the people of Israel from the nations among which they have gone I will gather them from all around and bring them to their own land and I will make them one nation in the land on the mountains of Israel and one King shall be king over them catch that and one king shall be king over them all and they shall be no longer two nations and no longer divided into two kingdoms they should not have filed themselves any more with their idols and their detestable things or with any of their transgressions but I will save them from all their backslidings in which they've sinned and I will cleanse them and they shall be my people and I'll be their God here it is verse 24 my servant who David my servant David shall be king over them and they shall all have one what Shepherd David Shepherd King they shall walk in my rules and they be careful to obey my statutes first 26 no let's keep going 25 they sold well in the land that I gave to my servant Jacob where your fathers lived they and their children and their children's children shall dwell there forever and David my servant shall be their Prince forever I will make a covenant of peace with them it should be an everlasting covenant with them and I will set them in their land and multiply them and I will set my sanctuary in their midst forevermore so what's the anticipation the New Covenant is coming God's everlasting covenant God's promise to save new hearts law of God inside and a shepherd a king a messiah the son of David on his throne there's the promise but there's more promise the promises and prophecies about the son of David go quickly to 2nd chronicles 21 7 second chronicles 21 7 here's another promise in terms of knowing the backstory the anticipation why was a significant son of David have mercy on us 2nd chronicles 21 7 here's what God says yet the Lord was not willing to destroy the house of David because of the Covenant that he had made with David and since he had promised listen closely to give a lamp to him and to his sons forever so we're seeing now the back story again like I said if you walk into a movie halfway through you don't know the background of the characters you don't know why the climax is significant in the story you don't know why it's so important you don't know why they're going the direction that they're going you don't know what the anticipation is you don't know the unanswered questions but these men at the roadside understands if this is the son of David this is the promised Shepherd this is the king of Israel this is the one who can give sight to the blind this one can care for my needs now as you move into their new town estimates I want you to see it with your own eyes and not just be told so notice how the New Testament authors are picking up on this theme of David of David son of David the story is connected to David so if you look in Matthew chapter one - everybody's favorite part to read in the Bible and what's that the genealogies it's all of our favorite right oh I'm a daily Bible reading plan today I'm in Matthew chapter one oh boy this will be fun or we try to read we try to get our kids to read the Bible with us every day let's get the read the Bible to guys read the Bible okay let's start at Matthew chapter one you see your kids sort of drifting off after maybe the third verse right you're trying to tell them no you don't understand the Bible is actually really amazing they're like really is the whole thing like that right the genealogies but you have to understand something when you know that this story is connected to God's promises and to history you see why these genealogies are the most significant and important aspects of the Gospels because if Jesus isn't connected to David he's not our Shepherd he's not our king he's not the Messiah so to have the genealogy of Jesus going back to David is the most essential part so two things we did this at the beginning of Matthew let's see if you guys remember this briefly Matthew is the genealogy of which parents Joseph so this is the this is a G his what we call this His Royal listen closely His Royal line Matthew it's concerned with Jesus having the right to the throne of David that line goes very specifically through particular people but what's interesting and I'm not gonna do the whole sermon right now I promise though I'd love to what's interesting here is there's actually a curse put on this line in matthew's genealogy there is a curse put on the line in the Old Testament which nobody would have been able to figure out God cursed the line of David and said that no one from this person's line will sit on thrown physically descended how do you have a royal person on the throne if the line is cursed answer virgin birth one is the royal line the right to the throne and in Luke three is Jesus physical line through Mary where he misses the curse so Jesus gets both ways to the throne physically through Mary not inheriting the curves through Mary and legally through his adopted father Joseph without inheriting the curse but notice how it starts Matthew chapter 1 the book of the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah the what son of David the son of Abraham that's in Matthew chapter 1 as you move over to Luke chapter 3 Luke runs it backwards Luke runs the genealogy backwards and in Luke chapter 3 it starts in verse 23 it says Jesus when he began his ministry was about thirty years of age quick question how old was David when he started ruling on his throne anyone thirty so he's got thirty years old being the son as was supposed of Joseph the son of he'll I the son of Andy move down the line and I want to show you the verse verse 31 the son of melea the son of mina the son of Matata the son of nathan the son of who the son of jesse and it moves all the way back to Adam the son of God notice how all of this story is very particularly woven to get David King David into the story why because all of the prophecy all the covenant is wrapped up in David in Abraham moving its way to Jesus but I also want you to see how the Apostle Paul talked in his day about Jesus notice this watch when the Apostles wanted to buttress their points that Jesus is fact the promised Messiah the savior of the world they weave David into that story they must do so because there's where God's promises rest to see how the Apostle Paul did it move and your Bible to Acts chapter 13 Acts chapter 13 the Apostle Paul in acts 13 verse 13 so it says this now Paul and his companions set sail from paphos and came to purga in Pamphylia and John left him and returned to Jerusalem and but they went on from purga and came to Antioch in Pisidia and on the Sabbath day they went into the synagogue and sat down after the reading from the law and the prophets the rulers of the synagogue sent a message to them saying brothers if you have any word or encouragement for the people say it so Paul stood up and motioning with his hand said men of Israel and you who fear God listen the god of this people Israel chose our fathers and made the people great during their stay in the land of Egypt and with uplifted arm he led them out of it and for about forty years he put up with them in the wilderness now after destroying seven nations in the land of Canaan he gave them their land as an inheritance all this took about 450 years and after that he gave them judges until Samuel the Prophet then they asked for a king and God gave them solve a son of Kish a man of the tribe of Benjamin for 40 years when he removed him he raised up David to be their king of whom he testified and said I have found in David the son of Jesse a man after my heart who will do all my will of this man's offspring God has brought to Israel a savior Jesus here it is as he promised as he promised so you note as the Apostle Paul why sabores his story about Jesus as the Messiah he fills in the story of David the promises through David to Jesus and just quickly I'll point you to it the Apostle Peter did exactly the same thing as he preached if you look at Peters story it's in Acts chapter 2 so just move backwards reference it for later if you like in Acts chapter 2 verse 14 Peter begins lifting up his voice he tells them what they're seeing it's a prophecy of what God was gonna do in the last days quick notes not the last days at the end of the world but the last days of the Old Covenant age very important Peter here is not talking about the end of the world he's talking about the last days of the Old Covenant the New Covenant had broken into history and what they were seeing now with these signs and wonders was that God had predicted in Joel proof because he says here that what they're seeing right now is what was uttered through the Prophet Joel verse 16 of chapter 2 in the last days should be God declares that are pouring my spirit on all flesh your sons and your daughters shall prophesy your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams now here's all those promises there but he says this verse 22 he says men of Israel hear these words Jesus of Nazareth a man attested to you by God with mighty works and wonders and signs that God did through him in your midst as you yourselves know this Jesus delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God you crucified and killed by the hands of lawless men God raised him up loosing the pangs of death because it was not possible for him to be held by it verse 25 for David says concerning him I saw the Lord always before me for he is at my right hand that I may not be shaken therefore my heart was glad and my tongue rejoice waste my flesh also will dwell in hope for you will not abandon my soul to Hades or let your Holy One see corruption you've made known to me the paths of life you will make me full of gladness with your presence brothers I may say to you with confidence about the patriarch David that he's both died and was buried in his tomb is with us to this day being therefore a prophet and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him watch that he would set one of his descendants on his throne he foresaw and spoke about the resurrection of the Messiah that he was not abandoned to Hades nor did his flesh see corruption this Jesus God raised up and of that we are all witnesses being therefore exalted at the right hand of God and having received from the father the promise of the holy spirits he has poured out this that you yourselves are seeing and hearing for David did not ascend into the heavens but he himself says and here's what the most popular verse in the New Testament from the Old Testament written by King David and here it is the Lord said to my lord sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool so watch David is saying this about Jesus note how the entire Bible moves through this story of David and David's sons and God's covenant New Covenant blessings landing on Jesus Peter and Paul saying the promises were to David David's throne that's the throne Jesus occupies it's a powerful story but I want to point you to what they say now watch now you've got it right now get a little backgrounds now let's sit here for a second come come back now I want you to hear this because this is really really I think moving David son of David son of David have mercy on us they are helpless they are hurting they cannot see we cannot even begin to imagine what that's like we cannot even begin to imagine what's that like think about it for a second we live in a time today where people who are blind or suffering of course vici we still cannot grasp fully fathom what that must be like to be blind to not see to only hear smell or taste or touch but not see but even today in today's time people who are afflicted with blindness they have all these amazing resources and tools today all the technology we have to help them in their homes they can live even on their own I saw an amazing story about all the technology in a person's house whose blinds the bells and the sounds and all the ways that they can get help all the different technological resources we have to get somebody to be able to move across the street to be able to take transportation we have means now but in this day a person who was stricken with blindness didn't have the access to the technology and the tools that we have today or watch this they didn't even have a culture in society that has been built up to the place where they saw people who are blind as a need of our love and affection and protection they were even dismissive towards people who are blind and even not caring into the degree that people who have been affected by the Gospel message are today here they are now sitting at the road Jesus son of David have mercy on us have mercy on us what they know about him think about this what they know about him they're sitting in synagogue long before Jesus and here in Ezekiel 34 God is angry with the Shepherd's of Israel he's angry with the Shepherd's who feed themselves but not his sheep he's angry with his shepherds who don't even go chasing after the lost sheep they don't even go after him he's angry with these Shepherds over his flock and God says this I'm gonna give you a shepherd I'm gonna give you a shepherd who will truly care for the people of God I'm gonna give you a son from David he'll be the shepherd he will sit on the throne and he will truly care for my people they know in their heart and they're longing for it God I want that Shepherd God I wants your king I want him on the throne and god I need him and isn't it amazing the one of the primary ways that we know Jesus from the Gospels is through the symbolism of the shepherd what's Jesus famous story about the shape of the sheep that goes wandering off away from the flock and what does Jesus say about himself what are we to learn from Jesus from that story about that wandering off sheep what we learn is that we have a shepherd who goes and leaves the 99 to go and chase down that one lost sheep and I want you just to hear the words here in terms of the Good Shepherd this is Jesus that promised Shepherd the son of David everything they had hoped for from Ezekiel 34 to 37 now watch can you imagine knowing all that in synagogue as a child being in Jewish and Juanes and hearing all the stories about Ezekiel and the Shepherd and the sheep and all of God's anger and hostility towards the bad shepherds if you imagine now in this moment being in John 10 and sitting at the feet of Jesus Jesus the son of David is right before you now everything you had ever been told about this Messiah and now you get to see his face you get to touch him and this is what he says John 10:1 truly truly I say to you he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door but climbs in by another way that man is a thief and a robber but he who enters by the door is the Shepherd of the sheep to him the gatekeeper opens the sheep hear his voice and when he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out when he has brought out all his own he goes before them and the Sheep follow him for the Noah's voice a stranger they will not follow but they will flee from him for they do not know the voice of a stranger of strangers this figure of speech Jesus used with them but they did not understand what he was saying to them so Jesus again said to them truly truly I say to you I'm the door of the Sheep all will come before me are thieves and robbers but the Sheep did not listen to them I'm the door if anyone enters by me he'll be saved and he will go in and out and find pasture the thief comes only there steal and to kill and destroy I came that they may have life and have it abundantly I am The Good Shepherd do you see it see this wasn't just all along as a Christian you just came to this tax I came to the text and we thought well it's just a beautiful story and symbol of Jesus as the Good Shepherd but you never knew you never thought that this is the continuation of the story this is the third act and the play this is the part of the play that now you're getting to that climax oh my goodness this is everything we were asking God for it's all the stories I heard when I was a little boy and a little girl I remember being in synagogue and the promise was that God was going to destroy these bad Shepherds and he was going to install that Shepherd that we need who goes and chases that lost sheep that one who can you hear his voice and they all follow him the Good Shepherd lays his life down for the Sheep that's the meaning of John 10 this isn't a random hodgepodge thing this is a continuation of God's love letter his story to us this is the shepherd we wanted I'm the Good Shepherd the Good Shepherd lays down his life for the Sheep he was a hired hand or not a shepherd who does not own the sheep sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees and the wolf snatches them and scatters them he flees because he's a hired hand and cares nothing about the sheep it's going back to that story Ezekiel 34 of these terrible Shepherds I'm The Good Shepherd I know my own and my own know me just as the father knows me and I know the father and I lay down my life the sheep and I have other sheep that are not of this fold I must bring them also and they will listen to my voice so they'll be one flock one Shepherd for this reason the Father loves me because I lay down my life that I may take it up again no one takes it from me but I lay it down of my own accord I have authority to lay it down and I have authority to take it up again this charge I've received from My Father there was again a division among them the Jews because of these words many of them said he has a demon and he's insane why listen to him others said these are not the words of one who was oppressed by a demon gonna demon open the eyes of the blind and of course this is I've got to read it I know reading a lot of text say I got to read this because if you can hang on to Ezekiel 34 and understand everything God said he was going to do in David's son King David the Shepherd of Israel the true Shepherd this will be beautiful 10:22 at that time the feast of dedication took place at Jerusalem's winter and Jesus was walking in the temple and in the colonnade of Solomon so the Jews gathered around him and said to him how long will you keep us in suspense if you're the Messiah tell us plainly jesus answered them I told you and you do not believe the works that I do my father's name bear witness about me but you do not believe because you are not among my sheep my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me I give them eternal life and they will never perish and no one will snatch them out of my hand my father who has given them to me is greater than all and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand I and the father are one it's a double-fisted grip father-son together Jesus says my sheep hear my voice they're like tell us plainly if you're the Messiah the son of David the Messiah say it plainly Jesus says I told you he did tell them and he says the reason you can't hear me is because you are not of my sheep my sheep hear my voice and they come I lay my life down for the Sheep they know me I know them there in my hand and nothing can snatch them from my hands they're in my father's hand and nothing has to add from my father's hand listen it makes sense that many of us would be fearful that we'll lose our salvation it makes sense that many of us be fearful that God will abandon us why because we've all experienced that people who love us abandon us people who love us betray us maybe you've even had bad shepherds in your life it makes sense that you'd be worried about a bad shepherd if you know Ezekiel 34 you know the fearfulness of bad shepherds God identifies it but the glory of the gospel is that we have in Jesus the Good Shepherd who lays his life down for the Sheep and he never loses us ever that's the glory of this moment in the New Testament we're walking into a story that was already underway so what's the focus of the story Jesus son of David have mercy on us Jesus son of David have mercy on us go back to Matthew 20 and I want to just highlight this last point if you open your Bible from the very beginning to the very end you see constant promises of the coming kingdom the Messiah the son of David the Good Shepherd of Israel you see all these promises that the one who's gonna rule on David's throne who's gonna inherit all those promises and blessings and continued covenant with God Abraham's descendants as numerous as the Stars and you open Matthew chapter one you see son of David you open Matthew chapter three you see John the Baptist first words out of his mouth are repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand that's the expected kingdom of God Jesus in Matthew chapter 4 when he leaves the wilderness first words out of Jesus mouth repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand and what does it say that Jesus is going round about preaching the gospel of the what's the gospel of the kingdom the story is the kingdom of God that's the central aspect Jesus son of David on his throne bringing the nation's to God bringing salvation bringing God's law bringing justice of course you see in Matthew chapter 12 all of like you have to see it keep your finger in Matthew 20 you have to see it we've already been here so I'm just gonna point you to it Matthew chapter 12 I want you to see this and notice the depth and connection Matthew chapter 12 verse 15 Jesus aware of this withdrew from there and many followed him and He healed them all and ordered them not to make him known this was to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah behold my servant whom I have chosen my beloved with whom my soul is well pleased I'll put my spirit upon him and he'll proclaim justice to the Gentiles he will not quarrel or cry aloud nor will anyone hear his voice in the streets it bruised Reed he will not break and a smoldering wick he will not quench until he brings justice to victory and in his name the Gentiles will hope what's that from anyone know anyone know that reference I quoted often Isaiah chapter 42 notice the connection Isaiah 42 keeping in mind verse 22 then a demon oppressed man who was blind and mute was brought to him and He healed him so that the man spoken saw and all the people were amazed look what they said and said can this be the what can this be the son of David notice the association of the kingdom of God casting out evil healing the sick in the blinds as that's the son of David and of course you know the blasphemy here of the Pharisees who said well yeah he's casting out Devils because he's in bed with the devil he's bedfellows with them that's how he's doing in Jesus watch watch watch watch Jesus says if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God then the kingdom of God what has she notice it son of David healing the blind son of David healing the blind kingdom of God and Jesus says can this be the son of David if I cast out Devils by the Spirit of God then the kingdom of God has come upon you critical to see that Matthew is wrapping the entire story up together showing you this is the son of David this is the promised deliverer this is the one we're waiting for but I want you to see this I said at the very beginning I said when you read Matthew 20 we're finished here I'm gonna bring you back to the beginning of the message at the beginning what did I say I said when you read Matthew 20 did you see it we got to start reading our Bibles in this way we talked about all the time as Protestants right we say Sola scriptura the Scriptures alone are only infallible rule of faith and practice amen die for that die for that that's how important that truth is but the Reformation didn't just say Sola scriptura it also said tota scriptura and that's all of scripture interpret scripture amen we meet as Christians to be able to understand our Bibles to the degree that we start noticing details symbols metaphors things that are part of God's overarching story so that we can see the depth of the glory of the word of God for example Matthew 20 they say son of David son of David have mercy on us he says what do you want me to do for you they say let us see again and Jesus gives them what they want they can see now and they start following Jesus I mentioned did you catch it I said you hear it I quoted to you all the time did you see it when you saw that instance did you know what Matthew was trying to do and I want you to see it for yourself because Matthew already quoted it in Matthew 12 from Isiah go to isaiah 42:1 let's finish there Isaiah chapter 42 it's one of my favorite prophecies of Jesus because of the hope it gives us for the future here it is oh I hope you guys are excited about as excited about this as me truly because it is seriously awesome Isaiah 42 here here's the verse start with verse 1 I'm reading from the ESV behold my servant whom I uphold my chosen in whom I sold the lights I put my spirit upon him he'll bring forth justice to the nation's he when I'll cry aloud or lift up his voice or make it heard in the street a bruised Reed he will not break in a faintly burning wick he will not quench he will faithfully bring forth justice he will not grow faint or be discouraged Tilly's established justice and the earth and the coastlands wait for his law thus says the lord god that says god the lord who stretched who created the heavens and stretched them out who spread out the earth and what comes from it who gives breath to the people on in spirit to those who walk in it i am the lord i have called you in righteousness i'll take you by the hand and keep you i will give you as a covenant for the people a light for the nations to open the what eyes that are blind to bring out the prisoners from the dungeon from the prison those who sit in darkness I am the Lord that is my name my glory I give to no other nor my praise to carved idols behold the former things have come to pass and new things I now declare before they spring forth I tell you of them do you catch it the promise was that the Messiah was going to come into the world sit on David's throne he was going to bring forth justice on the earth the coastlands were going to wait for his law they anticipated messiahs coming means that God is coming to bring of course salvation but justice in the earth and with Jesus is coming the site given back to the blind was a sign to the people of God in Israel that this truly is David's son because they knew David's son on that throne would bring forth justice to the nation's through his kingdom through his reigning on the throne he would take people out of darkness and he would remove blindness did you see it they said son of David son of David have mercy what do you want me to do I know from Isaiah 42 that David's son can give sight to blind people let me see again Jesus and Jesus gives them what they want do you see it it wasn't just some miracle popping up or propping up the pastor or the preacher this is not some healing service where the preachers walking around and knocking people down people are shaking and convulsing losing their minds this isn't a fall Shepherd lining his pockets through false healings and buds in his ears hearing his wife tell him stories about the person he's talking to with all these charlatans and con artists this isn't just a simple healing to WoW people this was a sign pointing to the truth of who was standing right in front of them everything they ask God for every promise he ever made about the son of David on the throne to bring salvation and redemption to the world was wrapped up in this little moment son of David have mercy on me what do you want me to do let me see because I know that the son of David can give sight to the blind do you see where their hope was son of David why does that matter because David's son if it's truly David's son he can let the blind see again and do you see something else if it is David's son and if he does give recovery to the blind he gives them their eyes again then there's another part of that story isn't there in Isaiah forty-two and what's that it's not just the sight to the blind it's not just taking people out of darkness what else do we expect from the son of David on his throne because he's on his throne now he's gonna bring forth justice to the nation's people want ours ask Pastor Jeff how can you be so optimistic about the future don't you see the world don't you see all the difficulty we have around us you see all the decay you see all the depravity see all the sin and my answer is this I may see the brokenness all around me but I know what this story says I know what this tells me I know what it says about the son of David I know what it says about the Good Shepherd I know what God's promises are for the one who is on his throne and the way that David summarized it is the way the New Testament authors constantly summarized it the Lord said unto my lord sit at my right hand till I make all your enemies a footstool for your feet where is history going history is going the direction God says it's going under the feet of Jesus people say how victorious do you think the world's gonna be before Jesus returns well the Bible says every enemy under Jesus feet and then finally death what do you think that means I think it means every enemy and then finally death is destroyed what do you think it means that God says he's gonna bring forth justice on the earth of the Messiah I think the Messiah is not going to grow faint or weary until he's established justice on the earth that's what I think if people say well what's my part in that what do I get to do well here's the answer Jesus is the son of David he's the king of Israel he's the Good Shepherd he's everything we ever asked God for and hoped for he's on his throne now and we are his bride we're his church we are his help meet you and I as the people of God we work as Christ's help meet as the son of David's on his throne winning the world through his gospel we act as his church as his help meet to work alongside this Savior to bring forth the kingdom of God on the earth what's the prayer you're told to pray as the church your kingdom come your will be done where on earth how as it is in heaven that's the prayer that's the hope if Jesus give sight to blind people on roadsides and that means that every promise made about the Son of David is true and you cannot you and I can hope in the one that God says is gonna rescue and restore and redeem the world there's our hope and it's all shown to and thus shown to us in this little moment where you've got two unnamed dudes on a roadside crying out son of David have mercy on us it was a sign with the greater reality pointing behind it this is Jesus the ruler of the world you
Channel: Apologia Studios
Views: 11,498
Rating: 4.8156028 out of 5
Keywords: jeff durbin, apologia church, apologia studios, best sermon, best sermon ever, shocking youth sermon, paul washer sermon, powerful sermon, shocking sermon, Christ as King, important sermon, jeff durbin sermon, son of David, why is jesus called the son of david, sermons on forgiveness, steven furtick
Id: 8QUnbxufMVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 35sec (4595 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 28 2018
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