Import And Organize Media Files Filmora Tutorial

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in this lesson we're going to learn how to import footage and how to organize those footage so right here I mean the filmora workspace I went ahead and created a project just like we learned in the previous lesson in the film or workspace your media the stuff that you import from your computer is going to show up in the my media Tab and once you click on it we have a bunch of other folders that we briefly went over in the previous lessons but generally whatever you import is going to show up in here now we're going to see how we can organize them in a minute but let's go ahead and learn how we can import footage into our filmora project so there are different ways that you can do this the first way is to go up in file and then come down to import media once you go there you have different options import media files media folder import from external device import with instant cutter tool let's just click on import media files and you will get your browser and you get to just go over the place that you want to import things in I'm just going to go ahead and import this gif file you can see the extension is dot if open and there's my file so this went directly into my project media so that was one way that you can import another way is to go over here it says import right here click that once and you're once again brought to this browser I'm going to get a video this time there we go this was a gif file this was a video file another way to import is to just open your browser uh your finder or file explorer and just click and drag your footage onto your project media now we have three let's look at another way which is to just go over here hit import and it's the same as going up here and this time we're just going to get another video there we go another way is to right click on your project media hit import and once again we're brought to this tab hit okay and now I have successfully imported five things into my project I will also go ahead and import another thing we got two pictures I'm going to import them so as you can see we imported three different formats for our project we had a gif file we had two video files four video files actually and two images so apart from this you can also import folders meaning that you have a folder in your computer labeled something and you get to import all of those in at the same time without having to do it one by one like we did here so I'm just going to delete all of these select them all right click delete and if you want to import folders you cannot do it like this if I click here I cannot get a folder let me go to videos you can see I don't have the option I have to get them one by one which is okay for a number of footage like this because I can simply just click and drag and get them all but let's say you have like 50 items in one folder it would be kind of difficult to just click and drag them all so to import a folder just go to file import import media folder this time you will be able to get a whole folder opened up a great thing about this is that it keeps that as a folder so it's more organized let's say I want my videos in here going to import something else let's say this image there we go so this image was already in that folder if I double click on my folder this image is here but this way I get to keep things more organized and just make my editing process easier that's how you can import folders you can also import from external devices if you have a USB or a hard drive you can just click on this and it will open it up right now we have nothing plugged in so if I do that no device detected but if you did have something it would show up here and you get to save it to your local device first so that once you unplug that external device your project nothing happens to it so first you would save it to something and then you can just import it like that you can check it all and filter through the pictures live photos or videos okay so let's hit cancel we also have something called the instant cutter which you probably saw right here right here instant cutter tool this also shows up when you first launch filmora so I'm just going to close this and over here you can see tools instant cutter let's go back into project this is a great tool because you get to quickly create videos without having to come to the workspace and we're just going to take a look at it so import media import with instant cutter tool this is what the window looks like you're going to first import your footage into this tool open file I'm going to go into videos and get let's say this footage there we go so I have this little timeline where I can just comb through and find a part where I want uh in my finalized project so I can just trim whatever I don't need let's say this is the only part I want and you could just hit export you can choose where you want it to be saved and then you can either just export the file as it is or upload it to filmora so that means that once I hit OK I will get that segment alone for my project you can see that we only got a small bit of this video and this is how long the original video is let's go back in the instant cutter tool gonna get that video again let's go for something else this time so if I'm just trying to cut and trim a part of my video I can do that like we saw let's say I have a really long video that I need to cut into parts and then upload them let's say this is part one of my really long video once I have defined it I'm going to hit add segment shows up right here I can rename this call it part one click away and then I have the rest of this which I can add as a whole or I can just go ahead and make this into two parts add segment again let's call it part two okay and we have this little bit left just call it part three once I am finished I have all these parts we can hit export if you accidentally made extra segments you can go ahead and delete them there's a trash icon right here we have part one part two part three and I accidentally ended up making this one so I'm just going to hit this and now we have three parts let's go ahead and Export this again you get to choose the location and whether you want to continue editing in filmora or you just want these as they are to desktop do nothing hit okay and there it is in three separate parts but let's say I want to continue editing in filmora then I would have to hit export down here choose this hit okay and now these three parts are in my project media which I can just drag on here and I have them in separate parts so as you can see it saves you a lot of time now let's look at the merge option right now we were working with the trim option and SIM cutter tool now we're going to go to the merge tab we were in here all this time merge and you need to choose two videos or more that you want to stitch together so I'll grab this video Ctrl or command get my second video and I'm just going to hit open there we are so I have two clips right here you can add or remove as you want add here remove here once you're done hit export give it a name let's call it plants save it to your desired location and over here you get to choose whether you want this as your finalized product or you want to upload it to filmora the workspace here to continue working with it so let's first uh put it there to my desktop and there it is I'm gonna open it up we can see that we have the first video here we have the second video so that was pretty easy now let's go ahead and Export it to filmora export upload the filmora call it plants again plans two hit okay and here's my plants too put it right here we have the first clip and the second clip going to go ahead and delete all of those there we go I'm just going to delete all of these so those were ways that you can import different types of files like you saw it doesn't really matter what format you imported whether it's a music a sticker a picture importing footage into your filmora project is done the same way now let's go ahead and just delete these there we go I'm going to import my footage separately so not as a folder and now I have different types of footage in my project media and if I have way too much this can be a bit hard for me to look at maybe I just want to work with the stuff that are related to Sprouts and later I want to work with things that are related to cards so to organize your footage in your project you can make folders so I'm just going to click on my project media and hit this guy so now underneath my project media I have folder number one I'm going to call this cars hit enter and if I want to make something uh underneath cars like in the cars folder I can go ahead and do that I'm just going to do something like cars 2. and now Cars 2 is inside cars you can see but if I want to make another folder in the project media I would have to click that first and then hit this so it's not going inside the cars folder called this sprouts so you can see these are separate I'm going to click this again and make another one for shopping and there we go so you can make folders inside folders like we did here or you can just make General folders underneath your project media you can hide them or show them by hitting this little triangle so now I can either re-import my footage into these folders by just clicking on this and getting this stuff that are related to Sprouts I'm gonna get one of them there we go or I can just open this up and get my other Sprout video click and drag it into sprouts so now I have an organized folder dedicated to my Sprout videos and I can just do the same thing you can see they show up here as well I can do the same thing with my car video so car number one gonna hold down command or control if you're on Windows click and drag it first open this up click and drag it into cars if you want to import something into Cars 2 you can and I'm just going to rename this right click rename let's call this uh gif so I can just get my GIF video let's open it here if we do and put it straight in here like so you can't move things here these are the folders so if you want to move them from your general folder into these named ones you would have to click and drag it on this side not on here so we got shopping put them in here and now I have an organized workspace so now if I want to edit with uh whichever category I could just go on each one let's double click on sprouts I'm going to get my Sprout video uh let's keep the project settings there we go and then we get I'm going to go back here let's get something from the shopping tab this image I'm gonna put it right next to it go to my cars and I want to work with the GIF so I would have to click more and get my GIF so now I have uh three videos from three separate folders put into my project now while we're here you saw the message earlier where it asked me to let's delete this let's go to Sprouts so this message you saw that I just directly dragged a video from my project uh files into my timeline and I'm getting this message the resolution or frame rate of this media does not match the setting of this project do you want to change the project setting to match this media so basically what it's asking us to do is to change whether we want to change the dimensions and the frame rate of our project to match this medium so the media is quite large as I mentioned you can see the width and the height compared to what we have now which is 1920 by 1080 and it's also asking us whether we want to change the FPS which stands for frames per second which as you can see is higher than the one we have right now so this really depends on uh what kind of project you're doing if quality matters to you then you would want to change it and uh changing that does make the exported file larger than if you were to keep it low so I'm going to keep it at this right now and now my project is just bigger let me put this here another way that you can change your project settings is by going up into file project settings or hitting F12 so when you first make a project with filmora you don't get the option for frame rate and you get to change it here normally you would just stick with the uh the basic which is 1920x1080 if you chose the widescreen option up here which we went over if you chose this one this would be 1920 by 1080 and the rest have their own Dimensions but for the FPS we get to change it to the media's FPS which in our case was 30 and we changed it or we can just go to file project settings to change it up if you have a special specific number and dimension in line you could do it like so and frame rate is basically how many frames how many still images are in a single second of video but when you're importing high quality content I would recommend changing the fps to whatever this uh video has which in our case is 30 we're going to learn all about FPS and speed in further lessons we also have the option for photos Library this is on Mac but basically you can open up your photos Library which is connected to your iCloud and just directly import things let me just drag one in and there we go so this was on my iCloud and I was able to just drag it onto my project and that was how you can import and organize files in Fillmore
Channel: Filmora for Creators
Views: 3,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: filmora, wondershare filmora, filmora 12, video editor
Id: FE9iRqlIbyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2023
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