Remove ANY Video Background (Smart Cutout) - FILMORA 13

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what is up guys welcome back to another video my name is Nash and in this video I'm going to be showing you how to remove video background from any video without using green screen in fmir so let's go ahead and get started all right so as you can see here I have F open and I do have a couple videos here that I'm going to be using to remove uh the background I'm going to go ahead and select this first video what guys welcome to the course my name is Nash pause that I'm going to add this to my timeline this is a pretty short video let me go ahead and make it a little shorter so that when we start applying this uh tool it doesn't take too long I'm going to cut the video uh make it a little shorter here okay all right let's go ahead and expand that so it can uh fit the entire timeline all right so this is my video here so if you look in the background there's a lot of things happening this is why uh we're going to be using this tool because you know you can have any type of background and uh this is really going to work right you don't need a green screen to do this all right so I have my video here so what I'm going to do here make sure that the video is selected I'm going to go over to tools I'm going to go ahead and select video and you're going to see that we have a tool called smart cutout okay go ahead and select smart cutout click on that this is going to take you to this window here so one of the things I like to do on this window is you want to navigate to a frame where you kind of like capture your entire body really so let's go ahead and I'm going to use uh this framing I think it captures you know my head uh my body or part of my body at least in my hands as well cuz those are things that are within the video right so you can kind of like see if we can find a better shot here okay maybe this right here this is probably a better shot all right so once you find a frame where you have a good shot that shows your entire body that's going to be in the uh the video itself uh we're going to go ahead and look at some of these tools that we have here right so we have obviously the undo and redo uh Tool uh you also have the brush here that's right here this is what's selected right now you have an eraser you also have a hand tool to move things around and you kind of like have how you want this video to fit at the screen here so I always use fit because I want this to fit the entire screen uh and over here you have um preview mode where you can kind of like preview how things look I'll show you how that works in a little bit and you also have the color here so this is the color once you start brushing over your subject here this is the color that's going to appear so if you don't like this blue you can change it into any other color here so I'm going to go and stick with the default here now over on the right side there's two options here we have a simple mode which is going to work for everyone really but if you want to take it take it up and Notch uh you have uh the uh um Advance mode here so for now we're going to stick to the simple mode because we want to keep this very simple and this is what's going to work for 99.9% of people that are trying to use this fiture going go and hit simple mode and all right so first thing you want to do here is obviously change uh the thickness of your brush let me go ahead and make this screen a little bigger okay I'm going to go ahead and change the size to be let's say you can see that on the screen here um it adjusting right so you want this you want to make this as easy as possible for yourself right so you don't want to use a brush that's this size for you know a subject that's like this big here so I'm going to go ahead and increase the brush size to maybe uh 156 and I'm going to go ahead and start painting over the subject that I want to remain in the video so anything that's not painted is going to be removed so I'm going to go ahead and paint to start with my head here so like that so once you let go it is going to show you that highlight so this blue color here or purple is going to show up on where uh where you painted so this is what's going to remain in the video so you can go ahead and uh paint the rest of your body here you don't have to do the whole thing all at once you can uh paint and then just take a little break here I'm going to let go so you can see that now my body is selected now I want to go ahead and do my arms right so I might want to make the brush a little smaller here so let's go ahead and make it this small go ahead and paint my arms go ahead and that like that cool now I want to do the same thing over here right the same thing over here now this is not going to be perfect right because I'm just trying to get this done okay this is not going to be perfect 100% perfect but essentially I have my body painted here now one of the cool things you can do here is going to be the edge thickness right so this is what you can quickly use to kind of like um uh fix this here so if I increase this it's going to go ahead and kind of like fill out the edges a little bit here but before I do this I want to use the Eraser in order to kind of like fix some of the things that I'm seeing here right so if I hold control and I scroll in it's going to allow me to zoom in here here now we can use the hand tool up here to move around uh the screen right so let's say I want to erase uh this here cuz the chair is kind of like highlighted here how do I do this I'm going to go ahead and pick uh the Eraser tool right I'm going to go ahead and make it small change the brush size to the small and I'll go ahead and erase um the chair right here okay so kind of like that look like it's eating into my face but we can fix that a little later so I'm going to make this a little small so you can go in as much as you want in detail in between my uh let's go right here like that right there we go let's make it a little bigger here cuz here is we have obviously a visibly large uh Distortion here so let me go ahead and just get rid of this over here get rid of that there it goes you can see gets of that uh you want to make sure that you get every little detail here right that and finish that up finish up arm over here like that all right cool all right so this is obviously not perfect right definitely not perfect but do take some time to really perfect at this here now the goal here is to have your entire body within the screen so that you know it's recognized so if you only had your face in the screen and you go ahead and highlight that and then all of a sudden you move your body into the screen it's not it's not it's not been identified on here so it might not be captured within um you know it might be included in it might be removed from the background actually so once you have this here let's zoom in a little bit so we have we can see a little more of this all right you can change the edge thickness so as you can see here I kind of like ate into my face Sometimes some of these eat uh into um the body itself so you can increase the edge thickness kind of like fill it up a little bit here now if we had a little bit too a little bit of too much on everything can lower the thickness it would just it would just decrease uh the size here in proportion to what you painted right so I'm going to go ahead and make sure that this fits the body here let's go this was good at zero actually but this increase a little bit here 1.87 that's pretty good you also have the edge feather right this is kind of smoothing out the end here let me increases a little bit actually let's go to like maybe two right uh two it's not too bad now the edge feather is going to kind of like smoothing out the edges of this um uh highlight here so or the painting I guess so if I smoothen this see that it kind of like blurs out at 100% but you don't want to do it 100% so just make it smoth on a little bit so you don't really have so it's not like rough edges right do just a tiny bit here okay now once you have your settings good to go go ahead and select click to start smart cut out so click on that now we're going to give this a second you can kind of like see this track on the screen here so this is why you needed your entire body in the screen when you're doing this highlight because you can kind of like see um it's tracking it it's still blue on here as I move around it's tracking that's a really good job surprisingly of tracking this now if you're moving a little too much in the video and a little too quick in the video you know it might not be able to capture every single frame because you're moving a little too much so I'll try to use it on videos where you're not moving too much now once it's completed you can see that we have kind of like a blue line here that shows us exactly where um you know this has been applied which is the entire clip you know uh there's some points in here let's go ahead and that so you can move this around you kind of like see uh what's happening here so you can see like kind of like here where my hands are moving pretty fast all right and you can see that it kind of like captures the background too it's not just following my fingers right it's kind of like capturing some of the background on there so once you have uh this ready to go go ahead and actually there's also uh an invert mask so if you selected this and they say for some reason you want to invert this to where you delete the person and keep the background you can use this button to invert the mask as you can see now the background is selected but this person right so if it's kind of like hard for you to kind of like uh select the person you can select the background you know paint over the background that you want to remove and then invert the mask and it's going to invert it on the subject that's not painted uh within the video so I'm going to go ahead and hit save right here this is going to export uh this to my timeline so I want to play this let me go ahead and mute it because I don't want to hear it uh and I'll go ahead and play this now look at that right so obviously it's not going to be perfect because I'm moving a little too much within the video but you can see that this does a really really good job of removing that background so what can you do with this you can actually let's go ahead and add a cool background here go to start stock media and we're going to go ahead and look for um uh let's say uh maybe this background here of cars moving around I'm going to put this in the background down here right kind of like that now you can see that if I play this video you can see that this is now my new background you can obviously put images videos whatever you want to put in the background this is how it's going to work pretty cool stuff here let me go ahead and just I make this the same size as my uh video here so I'll go ahead and fit the timeline and you can scale this down a little bit here um all right so let's see this play that you can see we have removed our background and replaced it without using a green screen which I think is really awesome all right so that is pretty much it when it comes to how you can remove video background in feora thank you so much for watching make sure to go and hit that subscribe button below if you haven't already I'll see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Filmora Edit School
Views: 8,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yw3g876q8kI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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