IMPORT and MODIFY this GANTT CHART powered by DENEB into your Power BI Reports

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in this video I'm going to show you how you can implement this super looking gun charts by David that I found on Reddit to your parb a reports I'm going to show you how you can set it up using denb and how you can easily modify and customize this to use your own data all of that and more so without further Ado let's get started hi my name is fernan and welcome to the solutions abroad YouTube channel where we cover tips tricks and best practices when working with powerbi I upload new videos every week so make sure you hit that subscribe button and the bell icon to get notified when a new one is out so before we start I just wanted to give a quick credit to David for posting this really cool solution in Reddit for a Gant charge solution for powerbi and the reason is that parbi doesn't really provide a kind of builtin gun chart visual in parbi and the ones that I found in the app Source either you know you have to pay for or not as robust as the one that he's created here so really kudos to you David for making this available for us to you know kind of use and Implement ourselves if you guys want to check out this solution as well as the other solutions that David has using denb I leave a link to his GitHub uh page which has all of you know his other projects so first I'm going to show you how you can download and kind of start playing around with it yourself in powerbi desktop so from here or from the link in the description I I will give you a link to the GitHub page which will take you to as I mentioned his other works here but we're just going to look for the Gant chart one and we want to download the Gant PBX file there are a bunch of other files here as well that you can download but just to see how this works in powerbi desktop we're just going to download this one g. PBX so we're going to click on it and then click download raw file which will let us save it in our desktop here and uh we're also going to download the sample data here because we want to use and kind of update this later just to show you how we can modify it so a download raw file here and uh hit save so now that we have both of these files in our local machine we can open up the Gant file first of all and here we go so here is basically the Gant charts in parbi desktop for us to see and use so as you can see in this page if I select on it it's basically just one visual with all of these values from this just one table so the table itself is not too complicated I just want to show you what uh drives the Gan chart itself as you can see there are a bunch of things here like ID phase task and a lot of these things Drive the Gan chart itself so Gan charts are typically used for project management and it gives sort of project managers some insights on the progress of your project based on different tasks in the schedule so here we have a bunch of different tasks organized by phases I believe you have a start date and end date for each of these tasks how long that is in days and the progress of these individual tasks in the gun chart itself as you can see there are a bunch of things here that it's it's showing each column here is a day in the month everything that is colored in dark gray is uh weekends and then we have a bunch of different things here so I'm just going to zoom in a little bit just so that we can see a little bit easier first thing that you will notice is this line here or rather this uh this rectangle area here which basically encompasses every single task in that phase so this is for example the initiation phase and it gives you the kind of the range of that phase from start to finish and within that phase there are multiple tasks for each of these so requirements Gathering stakeholder Workshop so those are should be within this range of that phase within each of them there is a sort of progress bar that shows you kind of what is the progress of that phase or that individual task which is really handy to see if you want to sort of measure how far you are from completion if that is something measurable to you you also find these diamonds in this which is essentially just mil Stone so they they are just a point in time tasks or you know activities that needs to be hit at a certain date you also notice that there are some lines here so these are dependencies so these are arrows that point from one Tas to another so dependencies are basically things that are tied to each other so you can't for example complete the initiation phase without finishing the storyboarding and the storyboarding can't be finished without finishing the requirements Gathering so that's how you would read this and obviously there are a bunch of other faces here um just differently color coded and uh all of these are defined find using this table data that we have right here so now that is pretty much a rundown of what the gun chart is and how to read this sort of Gan chart visual that we have now in this uh powerbi file let's have a look at the visual itself so when we click it uh you will notice that it's uh powered by denb so denb is essentially a custom visual that lets developers kind of write their own codes um using the Json syntax of Vega and Vega light Lang languages now denb is something that I covered in a previous video so if you wanted to check it out just to give you a quick overview of denb you can check it out I'll leave a link somewhere in the video here and what you'll notice is that if I hit edit here it will show us a bunch of things here so this is how the sort of the denb custom visual looks like so denb is is not just for gchart it basically just lets you write your own visuals if you know how to write it which will be here on the left hand side so it's using the Json kind of syntax so if you're familiar with Json this will be kind of you know something that you probably will understand and uh you'll see a preview of your data here at the bottom and then a preview of your visual here in the middle so typically where you would need to format or change your field mapping is here um editing specification for field mapping so for each of these original Fields you kind of basic map it to the data in your data model or whatever you have in these values so and then you would just hit apply mapping here and close however to be completely transparent with you it didn't really work for me when I gave it a shot and I'm also not too well versed on kind of modifying denb so I'm not going to try to you know to explain to you something that I don't understand but if you're interested in learning let me know and I will try to understand it myself and explain to you how you can customize it so let me know in the comment SE section box below so what I'm going to show you is I'm going to show you the easiest way that you can basically modify and uh link this custom visual to the data that you have so um if you go back to the report here what we're going to do is uh we're going to hit transform data and then from here we're going to go to file options and settings data source settings and there should only be just one source here so we're going to change this source to where the sample data is the one that we downloaded from the GitHub project so change Source hit browse and basically it's just this one so if you hit open here and hit okay and hit close this table one where it gets his data is now linked to that Excel sheet so what that means is that if we hit close and load in the report itself nothing will change because it's the same file that David used to kind of visualize his demo but the difference is now we can actually update the file itself so that means if we go to the sample data file here is the table that he's created so maybe we want to change the phase name or you can completely change everything here actually so maybe we want to change the the phase to scoping just as an example or maybe you want to change the completions to all be 100% so any changes that you make to this table now you might want to add new phases or even kind of new groupings you can simply do that from this file so if you hit close here and hit refresh from here so there you go so you can as you can see we have updated some of those elements in this gun chart without really having to modify denb itself and that's really it for this video so as I mentioned before I'm not really a denb expert so I didn't I know that you might have some questions and especially on the Reddit post around you know modifying a few things like for example grouping the days on the horizontal bar into months or maybe just being able to change a few different uh bits and pieces but those unfortunately are beyond my skills however if you are interested in that kind of content let me know and uh I will try my best to understand it myself and teach you guys how to modify yourself I just thought to cover this visual just because it's probably the most sophisticated visual for Gant charts that I have seen in parbi before so I thought I'd just cover it and show you guys that you know this kind of visualization for gun charts is possible using Den thanks for watching as usual give this video a like if you found it useful give it a dislike if you didn't and do better for next time ask your questions in the comment section box below so I can help you and you can help others if you like this video we have a patreon page where you can support the channel and get exclusive perks like Early Access demo files and credits at any videos thanks again for watching and see you in the next one bye-bye
Channel: Solutions Abroad
Views: 5,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solutions abroad, power bi, powerbi, power bi tutorials, power bi for beginners, beginners guide to power bi, data analytics, dax, data modelling, data visualisation, business intelligence, how to power bi, power bi how to, power bi best practices, power bi tips and tricks, power bi standards, power bi patterns, power bi help, power bi tips, power bi 2023, deneb, gantt chart, power bi gantt chart, power bi deneb, power bi gantt, power bi project management, project
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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